Participants: James Marcum & Charles Mills
Series Code: UP
Program Code: UP00043A
00:16 Before Solomon concluded that "all is vanity,"
00:19 he made an astonishing statement... 00:22 "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he".. Proverbs 23:7 00:27 Today, science agrees, stay tuned... 00:33 I'm Dr. James Marcum 00:35 Are you interested in discovering the reason why? 00:38 Do you want solutions to your healthcare problems? 00:41 Are you tired of taking medications? 00:44 Well, you're about to be given the "Ultimate Prescription" 00:52 Mind - body interaction has long been the focus of attention 00:56 in both the spiritual and physical world. 00:57 We know there's a connection there. 01:00 When we're afraid, we can't eat... 01:02 When we're happy, we eat too much! 01:05 Running from a tiger in the jungle creates a very 01:07 different body response than running from a grandchild 01:10 on the lawn during a game of tag. 01:12 The ONLY thing that has changed is our attitude. 01:15 Dr. Marcum, something tells me that we're just 01:17 hitting the tip of the iceberg here. 01:19 Yeah, I think we are just hitting the tip of the iceberg, 01:22 and this is very exciting to talk about this today. 01:25 A lot of people understand the place for modern medicine, 01:28 you know, the medications, the treatments, the operations 01:31 and there's a place for that. 01:33 We're really understanding better nutrition now, 01:36 more so than ever. 01:37 But also now, we're going to start understanding 01:40 the brain more as time goes on. 01:43 And what's been very exciting is these are scriptures 01:47 that have been given us years ago that tells us 01:50 where we're going to be heading in the treatment of disease. 01:53 Remember Solomon, "As a man thinketh, so he is" 01:58 Remember in Daniel's day, after a short period of time, 02:03 Daniel's friends were 10 times smarter. 02:06 You know, so those IQs of the fellows that work for the king 02:09 were 120, Daniel's were up to 1,200. 02:12 Part of it was about food, but it was also 02:15 about the way they thought and the way they worshipped. 02:18 So we are now learning more and more that the mind, the brain, 02:22 how it affects our genes, our genetics; 02:25 how it affects the medicines; 02:26 how it affects healing; 02:28 how it affects our whole process is very important. 02:31 In fact, I wrote in my blog on heartwiseministries. org 02:38 about this article that came out "The Journal of Science" 02:42 and in these, we had doctors from Harvard, from Princeton, 02:45 and they reported this... 02:47 That people worrying about money to pay bills 02:51 lose the equivalent of 13 IQ points. 02:55 So if you worry about paying your bills, 02:57 you've lost 13 IQ points. 03:01 To stress, causes all sorts of problems. 03:03 But they also, beyond that, looked at real life 03:07 farmers in India. 03:09 And these farmers in India, they only get paid once a year, 03:13 and, you know, they had to take loans out before 03:17 they paid for their goods and they found that, 03:19 after payday, after the worries stopped, 03:22 their intellect improved 25%. 03:25 Their intellect - their ability to think and reason. YES! 03:27 Their IQ improved 25%. Okay 03:30 So here are 2 studies that show that stress, 03:34 at least financial stress, changes the brain. 03:39 Changes the chemistry of the brain. 03:40 Now if you think about the rudimentary parts of the brain, 03:44 the thinking part is up front, the prefrontal cortex. 03:48 So if you're not thinking as good, 03:50 that part of the brain is not working as good. 03:53 So stress causes that part of the brain to make it simple 03:56 to work poorly. 03:57 The STRESS part of the brain, the parts that we have 04:00 in common with animals, the reptilian brain, so to speak, 04:04 we have a lot of stimulation of things called the "amygdala," 04:08 the stress part of the brain that turns on all the adrenalin, 04:11 all this inflammation that activates the immune system - 04:14 that keeps us under chronic stress all the time. 04:18 That is not good, Charles, and now we're learning, 04:22 just learning that health is much more than a bunch of pills. 04:26 It's about the way the brain reacts with the body, 04:28 about how the brain reacts with our genetics. 04:32 There are many different things and this is another 04:35 evidence that the mind and body, 04:38 in stress, affects the brain. 04:40 Now if you think about it, stress, Charles, 04:42 there are so many stressors going on nowadays. 04:45 You know, what is a definition of stress? 04:47 You know, you would think that stress, 04:49 and a lot of people believe that stress is something 04:51 that's happening in your life that is causing you to 04:55 have worry or concern, or sadness, but you're saying, 04:59 I think I hear you saying here that there's more kinds of 05:01 stressors than we actually realize and we may not even KNOW 05:05 that we have some stresses that are happening to us. 05:07 And all of them have some type of response. Yes 05:11 These are inputs that change our chemistry. 05:14 We don't know what the stress is, 05:15 but we know we're changing because of it. 05:16 In this article, we have evidence that it lowered 05:19 the IQ points, so the stress can hurt us. 05:23 Now if we think about stress is, you know, everyone asks, 05:26 "Well, what is your definition of stress?" 05:28 Well, when we went back to the way God made us perfectly, 05:32 I don't think there was much stress. 05:34 So anything that sort of deviated from that perfect plan, 05:38 I say, could put stress on the system. 05:41 When stress is placed on the system, 05:43 it turns on this chemical cascade including the brain, 05:47 including the prefrontal cortex, the way we think, 05:50 including the adrenal glands, 05:52 including our entire body and entire health 05:55 based on the way we're stressed. 05:57 So we talked about the mental stress from 05:59 worrying about money, but what about stresses like 06:01 not getting enough rest? 06:03 What about not drinking enough water? 06:05 What about the stress from eating the wrong foods? 06:09 What about the stress from not having a relationship? 06:12 Remember, we weren't ever designed to be alone. 06:14 We were designed to be with others, the stress of loneliness 06:18 What about the stress of not being outside? 06:21 You know, we were designed to be outside and not inside. 06:24 What about all the stress from all this multimedia 06:27 that affects our brains - that disrupts the creative 06:30 part of the brain versus the entertainment part of the brain. 06:33 THAT can create stress - not to mention all the toxins 06:37 in our world - all that can create stress. 06:41 So if you add it up, there are lots of things 06:43 that are going on that are creating stress in our system. 06:47 That stress causes some type of chemical pathway 06:50 and it also affects our entire body. 06:52 So not only do I want people to think of health involving 06:55 the food we eat, the treatments we get, but it also involves 06:59 the thoughts and the stresses that come into our body. 07:02 When our thoughts then are stressed, 07:05 when we have concerns or worries or sadness, or loneliness, 07:09 you're saying then that these stressors are just as toxic 07:14 to the body as a chemical, as a medicine, as a drug... 07:19 These things can be just as damaging to us as 07:21 the physical things that happen to us? 07:23 Yes, and let's look at the evidence... 07:26 One of the evidences here in this study, 07:29 these fellows had study people that just worried about finances 07:34 and their brain function went down quite a bit. 07:35 They didn't see a tiger. 07:36 They didn't see a snake coming at them. 07:38 They were worried about finances but the same thing happened! 07:40 Right and if they would have studied them doing other 07:42 stressors, I'm sure we would have seen the same phenomenon 07:47 and it's a chemical change. 07:49 There are different neurotransmitters that are made, 07:51 different ones that are turned down. 07:53 There are different neurons... 07:54 Neurotransmitters being those in the brain where we 07:56 process information. 07:57 Yes, that helps us think better. 07:59 There are different actual brain structures that conform. 08:03 They can actually get smaller if they're being stressed. 08:07 All these things are going on within the brain. 08:09 That's why that text, "As a man thinketh, so he is" 08:13 God knew what He was saying when He thought, 08:16 this mind thing matters a great deal. 08:19 Now, if it doesn't stop there, 08:20 there has also been some exciting research about 08:23 how we can improve our brain. 08:25 It only makes sense if we're going to stress our brain out 08:28 by all the things that goes against 08:29 the way we were made to be. 08:30 If we started moving back to the way God made us to be, 08:34 we could actually improve our brains, 08:36 improve our chemistry, turn down some of the stress. 08:39 Our thoughts have side effects, is what you're saying. 08:42 Exactly... both good and bad, 08:44 but for instance, if we could do things the way God made us... 08:48 When we rest more, that lowers stress, helps our brain, 08:52 helps our chemistry. 08:53 When we get outside, that helps our chemistry. 08:57 When we serve other people, when we love and not judge, 09:01 THAT helps our chemistry. 09:02 Oh, I wish I had studies on every 09:04 single one of these, Charles. 09:06 But Dr. Newberg at the University of Pennsylvania 09:09 has done some great research recently. 09:11 He takes PET scans and he looks at scans of people, 09:15 and he has them do different things. 09:17 One of the things he had was to worship. 09:19 These were PET scans of the brain? 09:20 PET scans of the brain - that's to see the 09:22 metabolism of the brain, how the brain is working. 09:25 We haven't been able to do this for years and years. 09:28 And this would have worked for this study too, 09:30 the one that they did. 09:32 He takes pictures of CAT scans, 09:34 and he showed that people that worship... 09:36 worship for prolonged periods of time, 09:39 they actually GROW the parts in the prefrontal cortex, 09:42 called the "anterior cingulate cortex" - the god-part brain. 09:46 So we actually can make new neurons by worship. 09:49 But does that surprise you... because we were designed 09:52 to worship God. Absolutely! 09:54 And when we worship other things 09:56 guess what that does to our brains? 09:58 We weren't designed to worship other things. 10:00 That could actually hurt our brains, could hurt our chemistry 10:03 It could actually put stress on us by worshiping other things. 10:06 Now here's a big one that is out there in the world, Charles 10:09 This word called "FEAR" 10:11 What do you think fear does to a body's chemistry? 10:14 I know fear does so many things to people; 10:17 stomachaches, headaches, trembling, high blood pressure, 10:21 all kinds of things happen when you're simply afraid. 10:23 ANYAHA! That kind of fear? 10:24 No, and I get you every time. You do EVERY time you do this 10:28 It's not that type of fear, it's the day-in, day-out. 10:31 The fear that I need to do this. 10:33 The fear that I'm not going to have enough money. 10:35 The fear that I'm not living my life good enough. 10:38 The fear that I'm going to get sick. 10:40 The fear that's all around us. 10:43 Now, there's a treatment in the Bible 10:46 that has to do with fear. 10:48 There's a treatment in the Bible. 10:50 A biblical prescription in the Bible that has to do with fear. 10:53 And it says, "LOVE casts out fear" 10:57 So when you have the chemistry of fear in your life, 11:01 which turns on the stress, the adrenalin, the epinephrine, 11:05 all that bad stuff, the cortisol, turns on your 11:08 immune system so it's attacking everything indiscreetly. 11:12 Just attacking good things as well as bad... 11:14 When it's doing this day-in and day-out, that type of stress 11:17 from fear, guess what? 11:18 There's a chemical treatment for that and that treatment 11:21 is called "LOVE" 11:23 Love turns down that fear that we have. 11:25 "Perfect love casts out fear" 11:28 So that's why when I'm looking at medicine, 11:31 when I say we're all healers, when we change 11:34 someone's chemistry, when we change the way we think, 11:37 we relate to them a different way, 11:39 we're literally giving them a prescription. 11:42 Now when we're not doing things correctly, we're hurting them! 11:45 You know, Charles, if I scared you to death today... 11:49 Again? No, I mean big-time scare. 11:51 If I said, "Charles, You have cancer, I can see it in your 11:55 left ear, and I think you're going to die in a year" 11:57 That might create fear in you. 11:59 Yes, absolutely! 12:01 And people have that happen 12:04 to them all the time... They're scared! 12:06 People are scared about relationships, 12:08 they're scared about what's going to happen to the country. 12:10 They're scared about what's happening with their finances. 12:13 They're scared about all sorts of things. 12:15 We weren't made to be scared all the time... No, not one bit 12:19 We weren't made to be that way. 12:20 And as we've gotten those feelings in us, 12:23 and it's turned on these chemical pathways, 12:25 as they say, "As a man thinketh, so he is" 12:29 all these things are happening and the only real solution 12:32 to a lot of this chemistry is getting back 12:34 to the way God designed us to be. 12:35 MY... it just underlines again and again, 12:40 talking with you Dr. Marcum, how important it is 12:43 that we keep our minds as well as our bodies inline 12:46 with what God had in mind. 12:48 If you look at Eden and you look at the 12:50 world today, what a difference! 12:52 There was no fear in Eden. 12:54 There was companionship. 12:56 There was hope. There was love. 12:58 There was comfortableness, There was homefulness. 13:00 It was all there in Eden. 13:03 Today, we live in such a fear-ridden society. 13:06 It is not surprising that our minds and our bodies 13:09 which are connected, are going crazy. 13:11 Yeah, but that reassurance, that hope, 13:14 that treatment, that ability to connect with 13:17 the Ultimate Physician that will be there to show you 13:19 the way things are supposed to be, 13:21 THAT is what we going to have to be teaching the world. 13:23 That's what I want everyone to get out, 13:25 and let people know the good news. 13:26 We have an Ultimate Physician that's going to take 13:29 are of all this for us. 13:30 Oh my, and He's going to start doing it in this world. 13:32 We don't have to wait until heaven. 13:34 It can happen here. 13:35 We're going to take a short break and when we come back 13:37 we get a lot of questions on heartwiseministries. org 13:40 and I invite you to send some in and maybe we'll talk 13:43 about them right here on the program at 13:45 heartwiseministries. org 13:47 So when we come back, your first question 13:48 with Dr. James Marcum - so stay right where you are. |
Revised 2014-12-17