Ultimate Prescription

Medicine's Failing Grade

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: James Marcum & Charles Mills


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP00042B

00:01 We're talking about medicines today
00:02 with Dr. James Marcum, I'm Charles Mills
00:04 Dr. Marcum has written a book, "Medicines That Kill"
00:06 about this subject and Dr. Marcum,
00:10 IS there a more efficient way that medicines can be used?
00:14 Are we using them inefficiently?
00:16 In other words... What do we need to know about the
00:18 medicines we're dumping down our throats?
00:19 I think we've already demonstrated
00:22 that we might be taking too many medications.
00:24 But also, the ones that we're using,
00:27 we're not using as efficiently...
00:29 And this is a big deal as we're talking about this current age
00:32 about the Affordable Care Act and ways to maximize
00:36 our healthcare dollars and they've estimated in this
00:40 Mayo Clinic article that was reported by CBS Atlanta,
00:44 reported that the savings if they use medications
00:48 that were given correctly, would pay for 24 million
00:51 Americans' insurance a year... 24 million!
00:55 So, not only do we need to try to get people OFF medications,
00:59 but those that we are using, we have to use much wiser.
01:03 They identified 5 things in their articles...
01:06 1. Patients not taking medications correctly or at all.
01:11 So if you're supposed to do it and you're not even doing it
01:13 correctly, why even bother. Waste of money!
01:15 It's going to cost more healthcare costs
01:17 because you might really need it for something.
01:20 2. Antibiotics prescribed inappropriately.
01:23 A lot of antibiotics are now written for
01:26 upper respiratory infections that are really viruses.
01:30 So that's another inappropriate use of medications.
01:33 3. Medication errors at every level - from doctors
01:37 to pharmacists, to hospitals...
01:39 Those mistakes raise the healthcare cost.
01:42 4. Not using generic medications.
01:45 That raises the cost if you can use it.
01:48 5. Making medications - too many of them making them
01:51 confusing, especially for the elderly.
01:53 So all of these things are just with the medicines
01:56 being written, these are things that they've identified
01:58 that if it were done better, 24 million Americans
02:02 could have more insurance.
02:03 So if you take THAT number and if all the different people
02:06 we might be able to get OFF the medications,
02:09 we could save a lot of money!
02:11 Not to mention, unfortunately medicines do have risks...
02:16 And Charles, every person that comes into my office,
02:19 I have it detailed - you know, what's the benefit
02:21 of the medicines, what are the risks,
02:24 what are the alternatives if we don't take it,
02:26 and then, is there anything naturally that's biblically
02:30 based that I can give them to maybe help them not
02:33 need that medication.
02:35 I'm just curious, Dr. Marcum, when you give them those choices
02:39 I know what you want them to say.. what is the ratio,
02:44 what does the average person do under those circumstances?
02:48 And a lot of times, the mindset of the community,
02:52 and the marketing is so strong out there.
02:56 You're competing with Madison Avenue here...
02:57 Yes I am, and I just give them the facts,
03:02 and I just give them the evidence,
03:04 and I say, "Listen, I know you're going to make your
03:06 decision and I'm going to be here to help take care of you
03:08 the best way that I can.
03:10 But, you know, if you want to maybe feel better,
03:13 here are some things you might consider doing.
03:15 Now sometimes when I go down this route, the people say,
03:18 "No, I just don't want to do it, I'm just going to go to someone
03:20 that will give me whatever I want whenever I want"
03:23 Because it's EASY! Yeah
03:24 But sometimes EASY is not the best,
03:27 and I used to have a problem and sometimes I will say,
03:30 "Listen, I love you enough to tell you the truth"
03:33 I love you enough to mention the cigarettes.
03:36 I love you enough to mention the medications.
03:39 I love you enough to mention
03:41 these mental health issues that I see here.
03:43 And at least I feel like I'm trying to reach out to them
03:47 and I pray for them... I think if you do it lovingly,
03:50 and not judgingly, that's the best way,
03:52 and realizing that you don't have to do
03:54 everything at once either.
03:55 Sometimes it's just little bitty steps and someone says,
03:58 "Well let me think about that"
04:00 That might be where it starts! That's good... Yeah!
04:02 That's actually a good message for us in the health field
04:05 when we want to help people.
04:06 Don't give them the whole boatload,
04:09 give them a little parcel here.
04:10 If you make THIS change, if you do this idea,
04:12 if you change your diet here...
04:14 A little bit of a time, they'd be more apt to do it.
04:16 And one of the things that has helped us in helping
04:19 people understanding the risk of medications and realizing
04:22 that 70% of people taking medicines
04:24 really is a failing grade. Yes
04:26 One of the things that has really helped is the internet
04:30 ...people have more ways of getting knowledge.
04:32 Before, it was always just - establishment said the way it is
04:36 ...this is the way it is; no, I said to do it,
04:37 so you have to do it.
04:39 Now, people are realizing there are different sets if truth.
04:42 And there are different sets of healers,
04:43 and I really encourage people out there to find a healer
04:46 or someone that works with you,
04:48 that you're able to bond with and develop a relationship...
04:52 Because a healing relationship is more than about medicines;
04:55 it's about lifestyle, it's about your spirituality,
04:59 it's about many things that all come together,
05:02 and I think that's so important in medications...
05:04 And I think if people try to look at the holistic model,
05:08 then we would maybe not need as many medicines
05:11 if we can look at the big picture sometimes.
05:13 All right... well as I mentioned before the break,
05:15 we have heartwiseministries. org
05:17 website where we gather questions from our viewers
05:20 and if you have sent us a question, wonderful,
05:22 this may be the one that you sent in.
05:24 Here's a question for you on this topic...
05:27 "Is it possible to come OFF of sleeping pills?"
05:31 This person says, "I have been on them for 5 YEARS"
05:34 Now should we assume if someone has been on something
05:36 for 5 years, that they're addicted to it?
05:37 Well, there are certain medications,
05:39 sleeping pills are certain ones that ARE addictive,
05:42 and there are some that are not as addictive,
05:44 but if you think about it, all of the sleeping pills
05:47 regardless of ones that are weak and strong,
05:49 don't really fix the problem.
05:51 So I would say, "Yes, it is possible to be off
05:54 of the medications and what can we do things
05:57 to find out WHY you're not sleeping,
05:59 and what are some things that we can do to aid your sleep
06:02 naturally.
06:03 A lot of people don't realize it, but there are the chemicals
06:06 in fruits like bananas contain L-tryptophan,
06:09 things that help you sleep - the chemical that helps you do that.
06:13 They metabolize into different sleep aids like melatonin
06:16 that your body naturally makes.
06:17 A lot of people don't realize, that learning how to
06:19 breathe deeply, helps relax your body so you can go to sleep
06:23 I want you to try something, Charles. All right
06:25 I don't want you to go to sleep, but just try this...
06:28 Just to prove that we can change our chemistry
06:30 in other ways than pills.
06:31 Take a deep breath - hold it, one-thousand-one,
06:35 one-thousand-two, one-thousand-three,
06:38 then blow it out as slow as you can,
06:39 all the way out, all the way out, all the way out...
06:41 Okay, and I want everyone else to do this too.
06:43 Take a deep breath, Charles, in through your nose,
06:45 hold it - one-thousand-one, one-thousand-two,
06:49 one-thousand-three, okay
06:52 Now, as people are breathing that way,
06:55 the body does start to relax.
06:57 I feel relaxing going on here. Yes
06:58 You turn on the parasympathetic nervous system,
07:01 the opposite of the stress and you start to relax.
07:05 Those are some things that people might be able to do
07:07 in the evening, as well as cutting back stimulation.
07:11 One of the worse things for people sleeping at night
07:13 has been television.
07:16 But, yes, the answer to this question...
07:17 It is possible to work with your doctor
07:19 to possibly be off these sleeping medications if possible
07:22 So the answer to that one is "yes"
07:24 Okay, if the doctor says what you say...
07:28 Not all doctors will do that and they'll say,
07:30 "Well you need a sleeping pill because you can't sleep so"...
07:32 Well then, at that time, you'd have a question either
07:34 to continue with that doctor or work with some other ones.
07:37 This is an important point we need to really spend
07:39 just a moment on it because what you hear
07:42 on this program - this is from a doctor
07:43 and he is telling you these things.
07:45 If he's telling you something that your doctor is not saying,
07:47 how do they decide whether you're right
07:49 or their doctor is right?
07:50 Well.. and I'm saying, not everything that I...
07:52 You know, I just do the best I can based on
07:55 the evidence that I have.
07:57 So I say - Let's look at the evidence!
07:59 But you're also using another model
08:01 that most doctors don't use. Yes, I use the biblical
08:03 framework to guide my recommendations,
08:07 and whether it comes from nutrition, the way we think,
08:12 the way we treat each other,
08:14 the way we use modern medicine,
08:15 the way we use nutrition.
08:16 I try to incorporate a biblical perspective to that.
08:20 Some other doctors are doing that, some others are not,
08:23 and each person has to figure out where they're at
08:26 in their life, what works best for them.
08:29 This approach might not work best for other people
08:32 or it might work and as you pray and ask God to lead you,
08:35 hopefully, you know, He'll take you where you need to go
08:39 at the time you need to go there.
08:40 And you are absolutely right, there must be ways of
08:43 doing this because there are countries
08:45 where they don't have a sleeping problem.
08:46 There are countries where they don't have a capitalism problem.
08:48 We have to think about these things and we have to admit
08:52 that they're problems. Yes, absolutely
08:53 Okay another question from heartwiseministries. org
08:56 "Are there any risks from taking acid-blocking medications
08:59 for a long time?" This is a big one...
09:00 Yeah, a lot of people are taking medicines that block acid.
09:04 They're making a lot of acid inside of them -
09:06 whether because they eat big at night or they get
09:08 stressed out or whatever...
09:10 They make a lot of hydrochloric acid;
09:12 sometimes it bubbles up and gets in the esophagus;
09:15 they can't swallow; it's very painful when
09:17 you lay down at night.
09:20 Sometimes if you take that long-term,
09:22 it changes the pH in your stomach.
09:26 Hydrochloric acid is made of
09:27 hydrogen ions and hydrochloric acid.
09:29 When you change that, sometimes these pills,
09:31 long time, changes the pH of the body and you actually
09:35 take calcium to balance things out from the bones...
09:39 So you can actually, long-term, you can make your bones a
09:41 little bit weaker by pulling calcium out.
09:44 There are also other dangers of being on it long-term.
09:47 You might mask a real pain that you need to know.
09:49 This is true... And it might mask a hidden
09:51 stomach cancer or an infection like H-pylori in the stomach.
09:55 So there are some real risks for this...
09:58 People can sometimes be off of those if they can change
10:01 the reason why they need them in the first place,
10:03 and it can be as simple as cut back the caffeine,
10:05 not eating big at night, eating smaller meals.
10:08 All right, here's a big one here from heartwiseministries. org
10:11 "I take Coumadin for atrial fibrillation,
10:13 are there any alternatives?"
10:15 That is probably the most common question I get
10:18 every day.
10:19 It's all about risks and benefits,
10:21 but alternatives - atrial fibrillation, heart valves
10:26 that are metal, clots in the legs,
10:29 those all need strong blood thinners because with that
10:32 it would cause major issues.
10:35 Coumadin is one that's been out there for years.
10:39 There are risks and benefits to that.
10:40 There are new ones out there called "Xarelto,"
10:43 another one is "Pradaxa"
10:44 These have all been studied and been proven to be effective.
10:47 There are other ways to thin out the blood
10:49 that have NOT been proven - one is called "Nattokinase"
10:55 Some people know that drinking adequate water, omega 3, 6 and 9
10:59 but these have not been studied specifically like the Coumadin,
11:02 Pradaxa and Xarelto.
11:04 So you really have to talk to your physician about
11:06 what is best for you in each given situation,
11:10 but the stroke risk that comes from this rhythm called
11:14 atrial fibrillation really scares me...
11:16 And I would almost rather take the risk of a medicine
11:19 that I don't want to take, necessarily,
11:21 than to have a risk of stroke
11:23 because that devastates you forever.
11:25 That's an important thing because you really need to
11:28 see the benefits and the dangers and decide,
11:31 and you want to live and you want to
11:33 live a long time and healthy life.
11:34 So you make those decisions based on that too.
11:37 We will take a short break and when we come back
11:39 Dr. Marcum is going to take us to the Master Physician
11:42 for some advice from heaven, stay tuned...
11:58 I hope you've learned a little bit about medications today;
12:02 70% is indeed a failing grade.
12:06 Two things - #1- If you're on medications,
12:09 pay attention, learn about it.
12:11 #2- You might be able to come off a prescription medication
12:15 working with your doctor.
12:17 So these are 2 things to keep in mind.
12:19 I want to invite you to go to our website that's
12:21 heartwiseministries. org
12:24 where you can leave your specific questions for me
12:27 as well as read our interesting blogs.
12:30 And we want to say a prayer for everyone right now
12:33 that God will continue to work in everyone's health.
12:36 Let's just bow our heads together...
12:37 Father God... We want to thank You for being a God that
12:42 loves us, that takes interest in every aspect of our life
12:46 including the medications we take Father,
12:48 and please help us to learn more so that we can serve You better.
12:52 And we so look for the time in heaven when we don't have to
12:55 take these medications and pills and all these treatments anymore
12:58 This is our humble prayer. Amen
13:01 WOW - I'm so glad you joined us to this day.
13:04 We learn something each week on "Ultimate Prescription"
13:08 What I've been doing is, I've been going to the
13:11 newspapers and journals all around the country
13:14 seeing what they have say.
13:16 I'm bringing it back to us; we're learning at it,
13:18 but we're looking at it through a little bit different lens.
13:21 That's the lens of the "Ultimate Prescription"...
13:24 the biblical techniques that help separate us apart;
13:27 the way we can learn to change our chemistry,
13:30 but more important than that,
13:31 develop a RELATIONSHIP with the Ultimate Physician;
13:35 the Physician that will come and be with you
13:37 no matter how many appointments you have and NEVER
13:40 charge you a bill.
13:41 STAY with us - next time we're going to be back on the
13:44 "Ultimate Prescription"


Revised 2014-12-17