Ultimate Prescription

Obesity a Disease?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: James Marcum & Charles Mills


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP00041B

00:01 Dr. Marcum, you're telling us that obesity is not
00:04 necessarily a disease and that's fine,
00:06 but can we come up with a better word than obesity?
00:08 That does not sound like a very loving word.
00:10 You're obese or you're fat...
00:12 Is there another way of saying that,
00:14 that would not be quite so off-putting?
00:16 You know, that's good because
00:18 words have power in meaning. Absolutely!
00:21 Words change the way we think, the way we react.
00:24 So we talked about originally that we want to approach this
00:28 loving and judging not judging... very important.
00:31 So what's a word that we can say that's loving and not judging?
00:35 And I want to invite all of our viewers and listeners,
00:37 this is something that you can all help us with -
00:40 find that word because 6 out of 10 people
00:43 are in this - we're in this together.
00:44 We all want to help each other to be better.
00:47 Let's think of some more...
00:48 How about... "A little more of me - chunky"
00:51 No, I don't like "chunky"
00:53 When I see someone who is carrying extra pounds,
00:58 I don't think obese or fat, I think "unhealthy"
01:03 That is an open door - to have that extra weight is
01:06 an open door, so maybe something like
01:09 "shy of optimum health" or "not quite optimum health"
01:12 or.. I don't know what to do, this is interesting.
01:15 What's a loving word for obese or fat... what do you think?
01:19 Someone once told me that there's more of me now.
01:22 There's more of you... that was a little bit nicer
01:25 than saying, "Man, you've put on a lot of weight"
01:28 But anyway, that's something
01:29 that we all need input on, Charles.
01:31 But you know, this is such an important issue
01:34 that we approach it from a biblical standpoint,
01:36 and I think if Christ was here,
01:38 I think He would approach it from a loving and not judging.
01:42 I don't think He would come at it from a fat or obese,
01:45 I would simply say, "I want you to be healthy"
01:47 Yeah, right! I want you to be healthy,
01:49 so here are some things you can do to be healthy,
01:52 and those things actually will help you to lose weight.
01:54 And some people can carry extra weight and still be healthy.
01:57 You know, some people carry extra weight.
01:59 But we probably need to talk about there are some medical
02:02 conditions, Charles, that can cause people to carry extra
02:04 weight and they don't even know it... And there's nothing
02:06 that they can do about it or have been doing about it.
02:08 Well, there are some things they can do - some people...
02:10 There are some things that in families that metabolisms
02:13 run slow and that's the way it is...
02:14 But there's a new hidden...
02:17 A lot of people have low thyroid, okay,
02:20 and thyroid is the hormone that regulates your entire body.
02:26 It measu... all the cells, all the energy, thyroid.
02:29 So one of the things that people always check
02:31 is to see if you have low thyroid,
02:33 because if you have low thyroid,
02:34 that can cause you not to burn calories.
02:37 Some people have enough thyroid but it can't get in the tissue.
02:40 They're calling that type 2 thyroid disease,
02:43 but they usually have other conditions as well.
02:46 Some people just have slow metabolisms
02:48 just because they're not moving around as much
02:50 or drinking enough water or getting enough rest.
02:53 Those are all things that are fairly easy to do
02:56 to speed up your metabolism.
02:57 If you see someone who is overweight,
02:59 can't you say, "Well, your metabolism is too slow"
03:02 Well that's better than obese or fat! YES, YES!
03:04 You have a slow metabolism!
03:05 Well that's not too bad! All right
03:07 Yeah, a slow metabolizer.
03:09 We could call them an "SM"
03:11 Because it's all about metabolism. Yeah
03:13 As-a-matter-of-fact, that's the first question
03:15 that came in to heartwiseministries. org
03:17 on this subject... We have to answer that one.
03:19 "What can I do to speed up metabolism?"
03:20 What is the answer? Okay
03:22 That's a great question and a couple of things
03:25 that they can do is start exercising or moving every day.
03:28 And if you've never done it before,
03:30 we want you to start slow and build up with it.
03:33 You might even want to check with your doctor,
03:34 but I tell people to start doing 1 or 2 minutes,
03:38 build up to 6 minutes, build up to 12 minutes,
03:42 and if you can get up to 45 minutes a day, that's great,
03:44 if you don't hurt your joints.
03:46 Some people that want to lose weight,
03:48 or speed up the metabolism more,
03:49 can even do it longer every day,
03:51 so that will speed up your metabolism.
03:53 ENOUGH WATER - Water is the universal solvent;
03:56 70% of our body is water.
03:59 We have to have enough water.
04:01 REST is important for metabolism.
04:04 When you're rested, you feel more,
04:06 your cells work better, you tend to stay on the
04:08 night and day cycles better.
04:11 NUTRITION is very important for your metabolism.
04:14 There are some foods that just make people feel slow,
04:17 and sluggish and the body just doesn't know what to handle.
04:21 And lots of chemicals, lots of toxins, lots of fried foods,
04:25 lots of heavy stuff...
04:27 That stuff just lays in you and doesn't do much.
04:30 ESPECIALLY that meal late at night.
04:33 It just lays there and gets digested;
04:35 it doesn't move; the bowels don't move it through;
04:38 the circadian rhythms - your body doesn't handle,
04:41 doesn't speed up as much.
04:42 Those are some simple things you can do.
04:44 Other things you can do is make sure your thyroid is good.
04:47 Make sure you don't have a condition like sleep apnea.
04:50 Make sure you're not on a
04:52 medication that's slowing you down.
04:55 Right now, 1 in 5 Americans are on more than 5 medications.
05:00 Some of those can slow your metabolism down;
05:02 certain pain pills, sleeping pills, pills for your brain,
05:07 different things can also start to slow your body down.
05:11 So all are these are little things that can help speed up
05:14 your metabolism.
05:15 A lot of people don't realize that every year,
05:18 your metabolism goes about 1% down.
05:21 So let's say you weigh 150 pounds...
05:24 BY DEFAULT? Yes By default, okay
05:26 Yes, as we age, our metabolism slows down. All right
05:29 It doesn't speed up, Charles
05:30 No, it doesn't speed up... I wish it did
05:33 A baby's metabolism is faster than a 90-year-old's metabolism.
05:36 Things just go slower and it just doesn't work as efficiently
05:40 So if you weight 150 pounds, and don't do anything different,
05:43 you're going to gain about 1-1/2 pounds per year.
05:47 Over 10 years, that's 15 pounds.
05:50 See what I'm saying? So you have to do something more
05:53 ...either cut back the amount of calories or increase your
05:56 metabolism - something more to sort of keep that balance.
06:00 Well, you've opened a door here.
06:02 Which is easier to do, because we want to do
06:04 things that are easy for us.
06:05 Which is easier to do, speed up the metabolism
06:07 or cut down on the fat?
06:08 I think it's got to be a little bit of both. Really?
06:10 Yeah, I think you've got to do both;
06:12 you've got to eat well, as well as cutting back,
06:15 as well as thinking about what you're doing.
06:18 We eat a lot more food than we need to eat now,
06:22 and unfortunately we do and we're just now understanding
06:25 what's going on and in talking about this
06:28 in the New York Times Service article that hit the presses
06:32 and talking about naming this a disease and, oh boy,
06:36 I think we're going to miss the big boat,
06:39 and all of a sudden, we're going to have a lot more
06:40 people on medicines, and a lot less people understanding
06:44 the reason why... Thinking that that's going to take care of it!
06:46 Yes and not dealing with the reasons why,
06:49 we're going to have a lot of downhill health problems
06:52 where we should get back to loving people
06:54 and not judging them, develop relationships,
06:56 see if we can learn from them -
06:58 what might be causing the reasons and just start moving
07:01 ahead one reason at a time. All right
07:03 The second question from heartwiseministries. org
07:06 By the way, we invite you listener too,
07:08 to send in the questions so that we can add them to our program.
07:12 "Do you think the new weight loss medications will be useful
07:15 or should I just join the "Biggest Loser" -
07:17 there's that program again, you were talking about.
07:19 The 2 medicines that are out there, we talked about them...
07:22 I don't think that they are going to solve the reason why.
07:27 I know people are saying, "These are the best things ever
07:30 and it's going to take away your appetite and it going to
07:32 make you lose weight and it might help your metabolism"
07:34 But appetite is a Godsend, we're supposed to eat food,
07:37 we're supposed to hungry for it,
07:38 we're supposed to feel satisfied when we're done!
07:39 My question is to the people that are on those medicines,
07:41 "What are you going to do, take those the rest of your life?"
07:45 You know, take them for 20 or 30 years,
07:48 are you going to take that medicine,
07:49 or are you going to get at the cause of the problem?
07:51 And most, I found in the medical profession,
07:54 that most medicines are only supposed to be given for
07:57 a short period of time.
07:59 They're not supposed to be given day in, year in, year out
08:01 because that's when you start to have more side effects.
08:04 So I don't think that these medicines...
08:07 Let's look at the evidence...
08:09 In the past, "Fen-Phen" didn't solve the problems. That's right
08:12 "Phentermine" didn't solve the problem.
08:15 "Redux" did not solve the problem.
08:17 We had one that even made it so that you quit binding your food,
08:22 so it just passed through you.
08:24 THAT wasn't the problem! So unnatural!
08:27 So I think that we have to get
08:28 back to these 2 principles I outlined.
08:30 We have to learn how to love each other,
08:32 put someone else's interest above our own,
08:34 meet them where they're at, not judging them,
08:37 and finding places that we can work with each other,
08:39 not only doctors, but everyone
08:41 that's interested in helping other people.
08:43 Little things that we can do...
08:45 whether it be - let's go out and do a walk today,
08:47 let's not drive here today, let's take the stairs!
08:50 We can even be subtle about it - in helping the world
08:53 to speed up their metabolism and gain better health.
08:57 I heard you do this yesterday.
08:58 We were talking on the phone and you were driving up
09:00 here to 3ABN and you said,
09:02 "I'm going to stop at a park and I'm going to go for a walk"
09:05 You were doing exactly what you're saying...
09:06 That helps your metabolism! That did!
09:09 I like this idea of the low metabolism,
09:10 and speed up your metabolism.
09:12 So, here's the next question...
09:13 "Why are the rates of low metabolism
09:15 rising so fast in this country?"
09:18 Let's put it that way... Why is that happening?
09:19 There are lots of people that have theories on this,
09:22 and I'm going to throw out a theory, okay?
09:25 First of all, we're not as active as we should be,
09:30 and another theory out there is - there are so many toxins
09:33 in our environment that's paralyzing some of our
09:36 cellular receptors.
09:38 Now this gets a little complicated...
09:39 In our cells, we have little energy packets
09:43 called the "mitochondria"
09:44 That makes energy, it makes metabolism,
09:47 makes us go!
09:49 Sometimes, in the world that we've been under,
09:52 we've had so many toxins that we're not even made to deal with
09:56 and I could go on and on about the list from mercury to lead,
09:59 to dioxins, to this, to this yellow dye to that dye.
10:03 Sometimes, some people say that these are having some type of
10:06 chemical damages on our cells so our cells aren't
10:10 near as efficient as doing.
10:11 Not it's probably just not one thing, Charles.
10:14 It's probably that, we're not as active,
10:17 there's more mental health problems,
10:20 and when people have mental health problems,
10:22 they tend to eat more comfort foods.
10:24 It makes them feel better.
10:26 It's probably multifactorial, but it's the world we live in.
10:29 It's just not simple one thing.
10:31 That's why I don't think there's a simple one solution.
10:34 That's why I don't think the simple medicines...
10:35 I think it going to be looking at it from different aspects
10:39 based on each person, meeting them where they're at,
10:42 helping them along their way,
10:44 looking at the big picture and then coming up with
10:46 a specific plan for each individual person.
10:49 We need to look at ourselves when we look in the mirror
10:51 and we need to say, "You know, I have a metabolism problem"
10:55 "I need to speed this metabolism up and what can I do to do that"
10:58 And Dr. Marcum has mentioned many things that we can do
11:00 to speed up the metabolism - everything from exercise
11:03 to diet and to helping our environment.
11:06 This may be difficult for some people.
11:08 It may be a real challenge for them to speed their
11:11 metabolism up as they should.
11:12 When you have your metabolism sped up, of course,
11:14 your weight drops down.
11:15 So everything you've said here to help us with our weight,
11:19 the good news is - it also helps us with our disease rates,
11:21 and everything else including cardiology.
11:25 Yeah, lowers cancer, lowers all these things.
11:28 It makes our health much better;
11:30 diabetes, high blood pressure, all these things,
11:32 doing this is going to improve as well... All right
11:34 When we come back, Dr. Marcum will have some
11:36 final words for us, so stay right where you are.
11:50 We've been talking about a very sensitive subject
11:54 for many people out there,
11:55 but, you know, we have to talk about it
11:56 because it's a real issue, not only for each one of us,
12:00 but we might be able to help our
12:02 families do better or feel better.
12:04 And we're not giving any specific solutions,
12:07 but naming obesity an illness and throwing a lot of
12:10 medicines, that might not be the best answer...
12:14 especially over long periods of time.
12:16 What I'm suggesting that we leave with you today is
12:19 2 things...
12:20 #1 is love people and not judge them,
12:23 and realizing what works for them might not work for you,
12:26 but you got to meet them where they're at,
12:28 and pray for them and continue to encourage them
12:31 because we're all on this earth together
12:33 wanting to help each other.
12:34 We reviewed some ways to speed up your metabolism
12:37 from drinking water to resting, to moving all the body parts.
12:41 Well one of the things I want to do right now is pray for you,
12:44 so let's bow our heads...
12:45 Heavenly Father, There are some people out there that need
12:49 to have better health and they need You in their lives
12:52 to help them to show them the way to go.
12:55 You are the Ultimate Prescription for us, Father,
12:57 and we thank You for You loving us and not judging us.
13:01 Please help us to do the same as we approach the world...
13:04 is our humble prayer. Amen
13:05 I want to thank you for joining us on the Ultimate Prescription
13:11 and you can use this program, not only to send us letters
13:14 to our website at heartwiseministries. org
13:17 but show this to your friends.
13:19 Someone might need some encouragement.
13:21 They might need someone to pray for them
13:22 because we really believe it's this moving together of
13:26 modern medicine, lifestyle, as well as letting the
13:29 Ultimate Prescription, Our Heavenly Father,
13:32 the relationship with Him GUIDE us in our best health.
13:36 So we want to thank you for joining us and remember...
13:38 LOVE NOT JUDGE and we'll be back with you next time.


Revised 2014-12-17