Ultimate Prescription

Obesity a Disease?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: James Marcum & Charles Mills


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP00041A

00:16 Well, they did it...
00:18 As far as medical science is concerned,
00:20 if you are overweight, you are not just FAT,
00:24 you're SICK... with a disease!
00:27 Really? Stay tuned...
00:32 I'm Dr. James Marcum.
00:34 Are you interested in discovering the reason why?
00:37 Do you want solutions to your healthcare problems?
00:40 Are you tired of taking medications?
00:44 Well, you're about to be given the "Ultimate Prescription"
00:50 Well, it was bound to happen
00:53 in this world of a pill for every ill.
00:55 The American Medical Association has now dumped
00:58 the vast majority of us into the disease pool.
01:01 How? By identifying obesity
01:04 as a disease... right up there with cancer, heart ailments,
01:07 and the common cold.
01:09 Now it's perfectly okay for us to say to a coworker,
01:11 "You know, maybe you should go home and rest, you look fat!"
01:16 Dr. Marcum, am I overreacting here
01:18 or is there something we need to know?
01:19 Well you might be overreacting just a little bit, Charles
01:23 But I think it's very important, you know,
01:26 what we've been doing is, I look at all the different
01:29 health topics that are out there in the United States,
01:33 and what we do is... we look at them,
01:35 see what they have to say,
01:36 and then we put a biblical spin to it.
01:39 But we do a little bit different,
01:41 we recognize the place for modern medicine
01:43 especially with acute care needs.
01:46 There's a special nutrition and a good brain,
01:49 but it's in that relationship with God
01:51 that we bring things together...
01:52 And unfortunately, some of these articles - I don't see that.
01:56 Now, in this article that you referred to,
01:58 The New York Times Service, they reported,
02:01 The New York Times, that the American Medical Association
02:04 has officially designated obesity as a disease.
02:09 So if that's true, lots of people now have disease.
02:12 Now this move... now remember, the American Medical Association
02:16 did this... this move was reportedly done
02:19 to encourage physicians to take a more active role
02:22 with their patients who have this condition,
02:24 recognizing that obesity, if doctors know about it,
02:30 they'll say more and they'll do more...
02:32 But you know what? It's hard to talk about
02:34 the subject, Charles.
02:36 We're going to try to talk about it today.
02:39 It's hard to - you love them enough to tell them that
02:43 that they need to work on something to lose weight.
02:45 But we're going to not only talk about that
02:47 a little bit today, but we're going to give everyone
02:49 some strategies.
02:51 Two strategies to help not only THEM lose weight today,
02:55 but also their friends and neighbors.
02:57 Just 2 words are going to help everyone understand
03:00 and do a little bit better on weight management -
03:02 because this doesn't happen in a night.
03:05 Now the AMA, Charles, really doesn't have any
03:08 authority to do this, okay?
03:10 But it did have a lot of physicians in that group
03:13 so they thought they could make this declaration.
03:16 Now, it comes at an interesting time...
03:19 Now get this Charles, that 2 new obesity drugs
03:25 Two new obesity drugs are coming out. YES
03:27 One is spelled "Qsymia" Qsymia,
03:31 and the other one is "Belvic"
03:33 They've now entered the market.
03:34 Now these are not the first medicines that
03:36 have entered the market.
03:37 Years ago, we had one called "Fen-Phen"
03:40 That was in the market, removed from the market.
03:42 We've had other ones through the years.
03:44 There's lots of weight loss supplements.
03:46 Lots of them have things that would speed up
03:48 your metabolism, so they put thyroid in them,
03:51 and they had low grade amphetamines, things like that.
03:55 But now, we have these new medicines out there now
03:57 entering the market and now, guess what?
03:59 We have a new disease! Remember?
04:01 THAT's what I thought, when I read this...
04:03 When you sent this to me and I read it,
04:07 There are dollar signs rolling around
04:09 in somebody's eyes someplace here.
04:11 Now, in the United States, for instance,
04:13 2 and 3 people carry extra weight...
04:16 so we're going to hear more and more about this disease,
04:19 new drugs for it, supplements which speeds up metabolisms.
04:23 We're going to hear more about bariatric surgery.
04:25 Do you know what bariatric surgery is?
04:27 Yeah, they bypass part of the...
04:28 They can either bypass the stomach,
04:30 or they can put things like little clips on your
04:33 esophagus so food can't get through them.
04:35 That's going to be another thing,
04:37 but the question I want to throw out for all of us today,
04:40 as we talk about this and we think about
04:42 really, what's going on... is why is this happening?
04:46 Now I agree that this is one of the nation's largest
04:50 health issues and that's why we're talking about it.
04:52 We are not going to ignore it here!
04:54 BUT WE"RE NOT FAT because we're not taking a drug!
04:58 Right! They're trying to make
05:00 the connection there and that's what just gets me going.
05:02 They want to make that connection.
05:04 Can you imagine if a person would get reimbursed
05:08 NOT for giving a medication,
05:09 but for sitting down someone and talking to them
05:12 and understanding why do they carry extra weight.
05:15 This is a complex issue.
05:16 It might have to do with genetics;
05:19 it might have to be with someone's behavior
05:23 because it may be because they eat because they're depressed;
05:25 it might be because they just eat too much and don't exercise.
05:29 It's usually a multifaceted thing,
05:31 and we know that none of the pills, none of the weight loss
05:34 solutions work long-term.
05:37 So if we think about it that way,
05:39 they're sort of setting themselves up to fail.
05:42 So they got a new disease, just like type 2 diabetes.
05:45 They're going to be graded by some agency that says.
05:48 "Unless you're doing this, this, and this,
05:50 you're not a good doctor,
05:52 and unless you're doing this, this and this,
05:54 you're not a good patient...
05:55 And yet, we're not answering the reason why.
05:58 This is a catastrophe.
06:00 But I'm going to leave... you know,
06:01 I have 2 words that's going to help people today
06:04 that might carry extra weight that want to help their friends,
06:07 that want to help their neighbors.
06:08 Two words that can serve as treatment for people.
06:12 This is very exciting, Charles! Yeah
06:14 You've never heard it anywhere before.
06:15 You want me to give them to you now,
06:16 or you want me to wait a while. I do, I do, I can hardly wait.
06:18 No, no - I want them now. Okay
06:19 Okay, it's not the new drugs, Qsymia and Belvic.
06:22 It's NOT bariatric surgery.
06:25 It's not a special weight loss plan,
06:27 even though that that could be worked in it.
06:29 It's not more exercise.
06:30 It's not more drinking water, even though
06:32 that's helpful speeding up your metabolism.
06:34 What it is, is this...
06:36 It's loving, NOT judging.
06:41 Those are the things that I'd like to explore with us today
06:44 as we talk about weight management...
06:46 Loving people and not judging them.
06:48 We have to meet people where they are in life,
06:52 understand them, love them enough to talk
06:55 to them about it, have them have enough love
06:57 in their life to get the power from God to change this
07:01 to make some changes, and in the process,
07:03 if we judge people, guess what?
07:05 It's just like a dagger in them.
07:07 If I come up and say, "Charles, you are FAT!"
07:10 "You're FAT, Charles"
07:12 "You have a disease, Charles" Yes, yes
07:14 "No, you don't take care of yourself, Charles"
07:17 What does that accomplish?
07:20 Charles, you're going to get diabetes and high blood pressure
07:22 and sleep apnea and you're going to
07:24 wear out your joints, Charles.
07:26 All these - you're going to have a higher risk of cancer, Charles
07:28 All this because you carry extra weight, Charles.
07:31 You know, but 6 out of 10 people have this.
07:33 And that's the judging you're talking about. YES!
07:35 As we do that, does that accomplish anything?
07:39 No it does not and yet... now doctors are having to
07:42 approach patients in a short period of time,
07:45 how are they going to do this?
07:47 They're NOT... They're going to say,
07:49 "Well, here's your options"
07:50 "Do you want a medicine,
07:51 do you want this or you want this?"
07:53 Because you're sick and you have a disease. Yes!
07:55 And they're not going to get at the real reason WHY.
07:58 And we've done this with other diseases too.
08:01 We've done this with type 2 diabetes.
08:03 We've done this to a large extent with blood pressure.
08:05 Rather than get at the cause of WHY, we give them a pill.
08:09 We've done this with sleeping pills,
08:10 and people sleeping at night.
08:12 We've done this with other things.
08:14 It's the easiest thing to do.
08:16 But today, as we talk today to our people out there...
08:19 You know, the approach that I want people to have is
08:21 love and not judge.
08:25 When we start doing this thing,
08:26 when we start loving each other, guess what?
08:28 God has some great plans and
08:30 and gives us the power to do these things.
08:31 Almost everyone knows the basics of speeding up the metabolism.
08:35 Charles, I'm going to teach you the basics.
08:36 Do you know the basics of speeding up your metabolism?
08:38 Share with me... Okay
08:39 #1- is you want to move, you want to move the parts.
08:42 You've got to exercise!
08:43 You've got to get those cells, that mitochondria
08:45 working and doing things.
08:47 So you got to get in some type of movement program.
08:49 So if I was approaching someone and I wanted to love them,
08:52 I'd say, "Listen, I know you haven't done much moving
08:54 in the past, but just start with 1 minute of doing this a day,
08:58 and build on it and ask the Lord to give you that victory
09:02 that day and go the second day" Okay?
09:04 Love them into doing something and PRAISE THEM!
09:07 "Man, you did great!"
09:08 "You're increasing your metabolism!"
09:10 You want to pick another way to increase your metabolism?
09:12 How about drinking water?
09:14 That will increase your metabolism.
09:16 How about this... Eating fruits and vegetables
09:18 because it increases your transit time!
09:20 Things move through you quick and digest better!
09:24 It pulls some of these bad things out.
09:26 Eat healthier foods and it starts in the process.
09:29 How about speed up your metabolism
09:30 by getting enough REST!
09:32 You know when people are tired, their metabolism changes too.
09:35 They disrupt their circadian rhythms.
09:38 So all these things we can start doing,
09:40 but we do it because... I love you enough to teach
09:43 you how to do these things,
09:44 and I LOVE you enough not to judge you.
09:47 Because if you feel like you're judged,
09:49 you're never going to do it for the right reasons.
09:52 And we also have to come at this as well
09:55 that the person to whom you're saying this
09:58 has to love themselves because if I don't love me,
10:01 I'm not going to do what is necessary to take care of me.
10:04 If I don't love me, I'm not going to do the hard work
10:08 necessary - the changing of the diet, the exercise.
10:12 If I don't love me, I'm not going to go out of my way.
10:15 So the love is not only you-to-me,
10:17 but me-to-me as well in health.
10:20 Exactly Charles and that's why this condition is much more
10:24 broad than it's being painted right now.
10:27 This is a societal thing and we look back what's happened
10:30 over the years and years and as we've gotten busy,
10:33 where we eat fast foods, we stay inside
10:36 instead of outside, we have more stress,
10:39 and we tend to eat more when we shouldn't,
10:40 we take more in, we have a tendency to eat
10:42 convenience food and not pick stuff and raise it ourselves.
10:46 All of these things have added up,
10:48 so if you really think about the solution,
10:50 it's getting back to the way God made us to be...
10:54 And it starts with loving each other and not judging each other
10:58 Once we get back that way, then we say,
11:00 "Yeah, maybe I can start doing these things"
11:03 Unless those components are in place,
11:05 then people feel - Oh man, you know,
11:07 have you ever watched - there's a TV show on
11:09 called, "The Biggest Losers" Oh yes...
11:12 I seen this several times.
11:13 But people get on there and I look at all the emotions
11:17 they go through ups and downs.
11:18 And I'm wondering, that couldn't be good for a person's psyche.
11:22 You know, 1 or 2 are successful but how many
11:25 are not successful and how many can do this?
11:28 Do we have the answers today?
11:30 No, I don't think we're going to have all the answers.
11:32 This is an ongoing problem.
11:35 But there's going to be 1 or 2 people out there
11:37 that are really struggling to lose weight and want to...
11:41 And I want them to know that the key is to have more
11:44 love in our lives and not judge each other.
11:47 Now where does the source of love come from?
11:49 It comes from God.
11:51 That relationship with God that gives you the power.
11:53 Now judging people, that's hard in our society.
11:57 I had someone that was refused
11:59 a job one time just because they carried extra weight.
12:01 It was never SAID, but it was true.
12:04 People are stigmatized.
12:06 You look at some of the fancy things on TV...
12:08 You know, if you're not exactly perfect,
12:10 I'm not going to put you on TV or on this or on that.
12:13 But we can't have that approach anymore
12:16 because that's not going to be the best way to health.
12:18 This is very important for us to know because we are all,
12:21 and you have made this clear on this program several times,
12:23 that we are all healers;
12:25 that one of our main tasks in this world is to go to
12:28 our friends and neighbors, to our family members,
12:29 AND TO OURSELF and try to make us feel better,
12:33 look better, live longer and live healthier than we are now.
12:36 LOVE has to be the motivating factor behind
12:39 any information that we give to people.
12:41 If I go to you and say, "You know, I want you to
12:43 live a long time, I want you to have a
12:46 strong body, I want your arteries to be clear,
12:48 and I want you to exercise,
12:50 and I want you to eat these foods. "
12:51 That's a whole lot different than saying,
12:52 "You know, you're overweight, look how dangerous this is"
12:56 This is going to happen to you, this is going to happen to you,
12:57 this is going to happen to you.
12:58 Instead say, "Here are the positive things"
13:00 That's the way God loves us, have you noticed that?
13:03 And NOT be snookered by thinking,
13:07 "Oh, here are 2 medicines that are going
13:08 to fix all my problems"
13:09 You know that quick it's going to be gone!
13:11 American Medical Association said this is the way it is,
13:14 so we're going to call it a disease;
13:16 therefore, we're going to fix it...
13:17 And then, sometimes when they call it a disease,
13:19 "Oh, it's not anyone's fault, it's just a disease"
13:22 It's a disease, you caught it! You have it now.
13:23 Yes, I got a BIG case of obesity... And guess what?
13:26 We can fix it because we understand this.
13:29 You know, and that's the thing
13:31 we have to be very, very careful about as we
13:33 approach this new health issue.
13:35 I'm sure that listener and viewer, you have a lot of
13:38 questions on this topic and one of things you can do is go to
13:40 heartwiseministries. org
13:42 and leave the questions for us,
13:43 and we will address them right here on the program
13:45 like we will when we return to Dr. Marcum talking about
13:48 the disease of obesity, so stay tuned...


Revised 2014-12-17