Ultimate Prescription

Screening for All

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: James Marcum & Charles Mills


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP00040A

00:16 Ever look into a mirror and think...
00:18 What's going on inside my body that I need to know about?
00:21 The mirror may or may not be your best source of information.
00:25 Stay tuned...
00:27 I'm Dr. James Marcum
00:29 Are you interested in discovering the reason why?
00:33 Do you want solutions to your healthcare problems?
00:36 Are you tired of taking medications?
00:38 Well, you're about to be given the "Ultimate Prescription"
00:46 Today we talk about health screening...
00:48 You may have seen advertisements from companies that
00:50 come into your town and offer to run some tests to make sure
00:53 that your body is functioning as it should.
00:55 This is a good idea... or are there ways you can
00:58 screen yourself and save money and time?
01:02 Dr. Marcum - health screening - good idea - bad idea?
01:05 Well Charles, we're going to talk about that,
01:08 and we're going to let our viewers decide
01:10 whether it's a good idea for them or bad idea.
01:13 You know, it's a real bummer, Charles, getting old.
01:15 Have you noticed that?
01:17 I've noticed that very much, yes.
01:18 Now, I've just noticed some personal things about myself
01:21 and you know, my hair is starting to fall out now.
01:25 See that? Yeah - there goes one now!
01:26 And I've noticed there are more
01:27 hairs growing in my ears than not in my ears.
01:32 My feet hurt sometimes!
01:34 Sometimes I'm stiff as a board.
01:37 And the list goes on and on.
01:39 My eyes don't see as good,
01:40 I mean, I'm having to wear glasses now.
01:42 Luckily my hearing is still good...
01:44 But I think our viewers out there can really
01:48 understand, you know, what it is to age.
01:52 Age is not a fun thing to happen,
01:55 and with that, comes some health problems
01:58 as our body gets older.
01:59 It only makes sense, right?
02:00 Well that's the question then.
02:02 If the hair is falling out, if you're feeling sore and tired,
02:05 if you're stiff... Is this an age problem,
02:07 or is it a health problem or are they interrelated somehow?
02:10 Yes and that's a great question because we want to talk
02:14 about those things and give everyone a framework.
02:16 Now there are certain things that I think is very
02:19 beneficial to screen for.
02:21 And because we know that if we don't screen for these things
02:25 and have that condition, bad things happen.
02:29 We don't want that to happen.
02:31 Let's talk about a couple of those things.
02:34 Your birthday - should we screen for birthdays?
02:38 What do you think? Screen for birthdays?
02:40 Yes, should we screen for birthdays?
02:42 Don't need to, it sort of comes automatically. Okay
02:45 Very quickly, I must say.
02:46 Okay, now hold that thought in your mind for a second
02:49 because in some ways we do screen for birthdays.
02:52 For instance, there are certain health screenings
02:55 that we happen at certain years based on age.
02:59 Because we know that as the body gets older,
03:02 there's a chance of these things happening.
03:04 Now there are some things that people don't think about
03:07 screening that I think should looked at all the time.
03:10 For instance, seatbelts - that's a screening - health screening.
03:14 Cell phones - should you screen for cell phones,
03:17 in people using cell phones in cars.
03:19 I think that's a "yes"
03:21 There are certain diseases in babies that's screened for.
03:26 Those are very useful.
03:27 How about blood pressure? Is that a screening test?
03:31 Yes, because if you have high blood pressure
03:33 and it goes untreated, it could cause all sorts of problems
03:36 if it goes undetected for years and years and years.
03:39 So blood pressure would be something you'd screen for.
03:41 In other words, if a cop stops a car - a driver,
03:43 and he or she is not wearing a seatbelt,
03:45 he or she has just been screened and the results of not
03:49 wearing the seatbelt can be dangerous.
03:51 So if you screen for high blood pressure,
03:53 and there's a problem there,
03:55 the results could be dangerous as well. That's right
03:57 Especially if longstanding, it's another health risk.
04:00 Not that we're telling people how they should have it treated,
04:04 that's a whole - another discussion.
04:06 Another thing is cholesterol, people screen for cholesterol.
04:11 We hear that all the time, "Check my cholesterol"
04:13 Well really, cholesterol could be a marker for heart disease;
04:17 it could be a marker for a poor diet;
04:19 lots of things it could be a marker...
04:21 So that's another thing that we screen for
04:23 because we know that people that have cholesterol
04:26 over long periods of time have more health problems.
04:31 Does this make sense so far? Yeah
04:33 So screenings, but everyone is coming into towns
04:36 making a lot of money from screenings.
04:39 And we hear that about cancer screenings an awful lot.
04:44 You know, I'm going to talk about that a little bit more,
04:46 about cancer screenings.
04:47 Not too long ago, I had an actual friend of mine
04:52 that was a pretty healthy guy and he had a CAT scan
04:55 done for something else, Charles,
04:57 and on that CAT scan, they found a solitary pulmonary nodule.
05:02 A small nodule in his lung - they didn't know what that was.
05:07 It was found incidentally and lots of things we find,
05:11 we find incidentally.
05:13 And they found this mass incidentally and they were
05:18 making recommendations what to do.
05:20 Well, he didn't smoke cigarettes;
05:22 he had no family history of cancer;
05:25 he was a relatively younger person in his 40s...
05:28 So really, one of the recommendations,
05:30 well we found that we don't have to do anything with it,
05:32 let's just keep an eye on it and recheck it in 6 months.
05:36 And really, the only risk of that would have been radiation.
05:40 They sort of found it out by accident.
05:43 You know, they were looking for something else,
05:44 and lo and behold, here is this mass.
05:46 Of course the big fear that everyone makes everywhere
05:50 is that every little thing in our body is cancer! Yes
05:53 So everyone is going, "Oh my, it's cancer, it's cancer"
05:55 Everything is going to lead to something big.
05:56 A small thing can be something bigger. Yes, yes, yes
05:57 And in the process, they make so much FEAR that the fear
06:02 from the situation that they might not even have,
06:05 creates more of a health problem
06:07 than the actual thing that they have going on.
06:09 And I have a feeling that someone is
06:12 making money off this fear. YES! YES!
06:13 And we create lots of fear; the part of our brain,
06:16 the amygdala, starts making out adrenalin;
06:18 you get worried, you can't sleep.
06:19 Well that's what happened to my friend... he got scared!
06:22 Even though he had no family risk of cancer,
06:25 he didn't smoke cigarettes, he's a pretty healthy guy.
06:28 So guess what?
06:29 He talked somebody into doing a biopsy.
06:32 He said, "I HAVE to know for SURE that this isn't cancer. "
06:35 "I'm scared it's cancer. "
06:36 "If it's cancer, it's detected early - I'm cured"
06:39 So he was very concerned that it was cancer.
06:42 So they had a fancy thing that they did,
06:44 called a "thoracoscope" where they went in there
06:47 and they saw that little cancer and they took it out,
06:51 and they brought it out.
06:52 The little cyst - you mean. Yes, the little pulmonary nodule
06:55 And guess what? It was NOT cancer!
06:59 Everyone breathed a sigh of relief - no cancer here!
07:03 BUT, in the process of going in there,
07:06 they clipped one of his intercostal nerves,
07:10 in the process of the procedure,
07:11 and then he had chronic pain along his left side there
07:15 where they clipped the nerve, from the procedure
07:17 that he probably shouldn't have gotten in the first place.
07:20 THEN, he had such pain, it was like...
07:24 I don't know if anyone has had the shingles out there,
07:26 but this was like a shingles pain.
07:28 It went along a nerve root;
07:29 it's like a searing, burning, one of the worst pains
07:32 you've ever wanted to have...
07:33 And if you've had shingles, you know what I mean.
07:35 Anyway, he had to take narcotics for this and guess what?
07:40 After 2 or 3 months, he was addicted to narcotics.
07:44 And THEN, the narcotics slowed down his bowels
07:48 so he couldn't go to the bathroom very well,
07:50 and he couldn't work very well... Mercy!
07:52 Now this was a screening test gone awry.
07:58 That's why I wanted to talk to you about these screenings
08:02 and wanted to talk to everyone about screenings today.
08:04 So everyone knows we should screen for diabetes,
08:08 that's very useful.
08:09 Should we screen for people being obese? Yes, we should
08:12 But how about things that we shouldn't screen for?
08:15 Interesting... Yeah, let's talk about some of those...
08:17 And most of the things that we should not screen for
08:20 have to deal with cancer.
08:22 If you go to a healer and he's really, really good - he or she,
08:27 they'll even screen you for things like mental health.
08:31 They'll look at your skin, they'll look at your hair.
08:34 They'll screen your entire body.
08:35 They'll see you as a person.
08:37 They'll screen you for happiness.
08:39 I actually screen my patients for happiness!
08:42 That does not surprise me at all.
08:43 Because I think it's important that people be happy!
08:46 So that's a screen for them because the chemistry
08:48 comes happy is good!
08:49 The chemistry comes bad is bad.
08:51 So I'll screen them for that - very list risk on that.
08:54 But let's focus a little bit on cancers.
08:57 Let's talk about the different types of cancers.
08:59 We talked about lung cancers.
09:01 Right now, we do not recommend screening for lung cancer.
09:05 Don't recommend that... unless a person either has a
09:07 family history or they are a big-time smoker.
09:11 Don't even screen for that.
09:12 How about kidney cancer?
09:14 Don't even screen for kidney cancer.
09:16 How about liver cancer?
09:17 Don't screen for liver cancer.
09:20 How about skin cancer?
09:21 Yeah - we screen for skin cancer...
09:24 Because if we find a cancer called a "melanoma,"
09:27 or one of those early-on, we can save someone's life
09:30 if we find it early-on.
09:32 So we screen for that just by looking at people's skin
09:35 looking for discoloration,
09:36 so that's a good screening test.
09:39 It doesn't carry a lot of risk.
09:40 If you do find a suspicious spot, we just cut it off,
09:44 biopsy it, make sure it has not spread anywhere...
09:47 So that's a good screening cancer.
09:48 How about COLON cancer?
09:50 Have you ever been screened for colon cancer?
09:52 I have not and I probably should or should I?
09:55 I don't know, you tell me.
09:56 Well let's talk about that...
09:58 Colon cancer, if it's detected early, you can remove it
10:02 before it has spread and it's lifesaving.
10:05 So it would seem to me, from that statement there,
10:07 that it's a good idea to have colon screening.
10:11 Colonoscopy, whatever they call that.
10:12 Yes, colonoscopy, well that's just one way
10:15 of screening it, okay. BUT! BUT!
10:17 There are other ways of screening for colon cancer
10:19 besides colonoscopy.
10:20 Yeah and that's a painful procedure,
10:22 and it's kind of uncomfortable, is there another way to do it?
10:25 Nowadays, if you're at a low-risk group,
10:27 mom and dad didn't have cancer, any of that,
10:29 we can actually take your stool and check it for blood
10:34 3 separate times and if it's negative, then that is good,
10:37 as a screening colonoscopy for some people.
10:40 Now Charles, if your dad had colon cancer at age 30,
10:45 then you need to start having your screenings at 40,
10:48 and I would go to a colonoscopy.
10:50 Because even though, this world,
10:52 we have bad genetics and bad genetics tend to be
10:55 passed from generation to generation.
10:58 So scope for colon cancer is very, very useful.
11:01 Prostate testing - You know that's been up and down
11:05 and all around and I wrote down in an article right here
11:08 that just came out from the American Urological Association
11:11 ...fresh off the press - They said the screening
11:17 guidelines - they've ranged them on a...
11:19 from age 40 to age 55 for prostate cancer.
11:23 And at age 55, they recommend that men should make
11:26 an informed decision about the
11:29 potential risk of a biopsy for prostate cancer.
11:32 And the risk of a biopsy is death, very low risk of that;
11:38 incontinence, impotence, those things can happen.
11:41 Actually in screening for prostate cancer,
11:44 there is a small risk of death.
11:46 Now listen to this for prostate cancer...
11:48 In 2011, they screened men age 55 to 60 over 10 years.
11:54 To save one life, a doctor had to screen 1,000 men
11:58 for 10 years.
12:01 One-thousand men for 10 years? Yes!
12:03 Four out of those 1,000 died of prostate cancer.
12:06 Five out of 1,000 unscreened men died, you see what I'm saying...
12:11 So there's only 1 in a 1,000 over 10 years.
12:14 They say that's a 20% reduction, you see what I'm saying...
12:18 but that's just one, so anyway that's looking at
12:21 all these numbers and sometimes
12:23 that's why they're not recommending it anymore
12:25 for prostate cancer screening - unless you're high risk group.
12:29 Yeah and HIGH RISK - what moves you into the high risk group?
12:33 Are there things that we are doing in our lifestyle
12:36 that is moving us from low risk to high risk?
12:38 Could be and I guess you could argue,
12:39 if you had a family history of prostate cancer.
12:42 But remember, 1 in 6 men die with prostate cancer.
12:46 If you had a lot of bad health habits,
12:48 all this - those also would be very interesting.
12:51 As we talk more about this, a good book that I read recently
12:55 by "Welch," it says, "Over-Diagnosed: Making People
13:00 Sick in Pursuit of Health"
13:02 That's a neat book that's out there.
13:04 We're going to talk some more about health screenings
13:07 and answer some questions in just a few minutes here.
13:09 You know, this topic is on a lot of people's minds
13:13 because we want to make sure that we get the problems
13:15 solved early and we want to make sure that we are
13:18 on the right track but you make a very good point here
13:20 that we have a lot of responsibility in self-screening
13:24 in making sure that what we are doing in our lives,
13:27 what we're doing is minimizing the impact.
13:30 We're basically talking about self-screening here,
13:33 like this story you told us here that he said,
13:36 "I'm not doing these things, I'm not having these problems,
13:39 I should not be screened because I'm not bringing
13:41 this into my life"
13:43 We'll talk more about this and answer your questions
13:45 on this topic on our return, so stay right where you are.


Revised 2014-12-17