Ultimate Prescription

Disease Fighting Foods

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dr. James Marcum (Host), Charles Mills


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP00039A

00:16 We've often said that the best medicine for fighting
00:18 disease are found in your grocery store.
00:21 But you got to know where to aim your cart.
00:25 Stay tuned.
00:28 I'm doctor James Marcum, are you interested in discovering
00:31 the reason why, do you want solutions to your
00:34 healthcare problems?
00:35 Are you tired of taking medications?
00:38 Well you are about to be given the Ultimate Prescription.
00:44 It is shopping day, you park your car out in front of
00:47 the local grocery store and head for the entrance.
00:49 In your pocket is your shopping list filled with family
00:53 and personal favorites. The question today is
00:56 if you want to fight disease, if you want to protect yourself
00:59 and those you love against common ailments
01:02 as well as those ailments that can kill us all
01:04 what should be on that list?
01:07 Dr. Marcum, tell us what we need to know.
01:10 Well Charles we need to know a lot of things about nutrition.
01:14 I guess the first thing that we need to know is
01:16 you are what you eat. Ok! You are what you eat,
01:20 and Hippocrates once said let food be thy medicine,
01:24 and medicine be thy food.
01:25 So it's real important the food we ingest in our bodies,
01:30 and if we look back at the rise of disease,
01:33 especially chronic disease as well as cardiovascular disease,
01:37 cancer, all these diseases. We look back to how our
01:40 nutritional status has changed and if you think back
01:44 a couple hundred years ago we were eating much different
01:47 than we are eating now. Yes! Yes!
01:48 We're eating a lot of fresh stuff, there wasn't a lot
01:50 of refrigerating, there wasn't a lot of processing,
01:53 there wasn't condensing food into smaller products.
01:57 There wasn't big conglomerates of companies trying to sell you
02:01 more and more, we didn't eat fast foods,
02:04 the cooking processes, the storage processes were
02:08 different, we didn't use a lot of chemicals to protect
02:11 the food and keep them going longer,
02:14 we didn't have a lot of additives that might even have
02:16 addictive substances.
02:18 So the way we did things long ago were different and also
02:21 the nutrient composition was much different.
02:24 Yes! That's true. Now over the last 100 years
02:27 we're eating more protein and fat than we've ever
02:30 eaten before, in fact we haven't had this forever,
02:33 they only really described what protein was about
02:35 in the 1840's, they talked about protein and then
02:38 everyone jumped on the band wagon, it's we have to have it.
02:42 And then it went to that and then we said well,
02:44 we have to have animal protein and then everything said
02:48 you know if you don't have it you are going to die,
02:49 your going to do poorly and yet we made these big shifts.
02:52 Even the Federal Drug Administration says we
02:55 have to have large amounts of protein,
02:56 we have to have large amounts of fat in our diet.
02:59 But if you look back at all the cultures of all times...
03:03 Ok! I'm going to quiz you a little bit Charles. Ok! Alright!
03:06 The first ones you can probably get.
03:09 What was the predominant food of people that lived
03:12 in the far east? Rice!
03:14 Right! You got that right. A starch based carbohydrate food,
03:17 that's what they base things on.
03:19 How about the Aztec's, what did they predominately eat?
03:23 Corn and beans. They were people of corn.
03:25 This one, most people don't get this one. Ok!
03:28 How about the Inca's, the people that lived...
03:31 What are the people that lived in Peru called?
03:32 They were Peruvians. What were those that lived in
03:35 the Peru? Well, I'll give you a hint.
03:38 They were people of potatoes. Ok. Another starch based food.
03:41 Yes, absolutely. Even in the middle east there were people
03:44 that ate lots of grains. So all of these were starch
03:47 based diet, they weren't animal based diet,
03:51 they weren't filled with lots of protein and lots of fat.
03:54 Ok, now follow me for a moment. A lot of the foods we eat,
03:59 the beans, the protein, it still has protein in it,
04:01 it still has a little bit of fat, but it is mainly
04:03 carbohydrates, but it's the right nutrient composition.
04:06 Yes. So as we changed our nutrient composition
04:09 our body was designed to handle these foods.
04:12 This body wasn't handled to process...
04:14 The processing plant wasn't designed to handle this
04:17 as the processing plant's inundated with this the last
04:20 100 years, there's been a lot of problems.
04:22 There has been a lot of fat that has turns on
04:24 cardiovascular disease, we have a lot of protein
04:26 that seems to activate cancers.
04:28 We have a lot of... to many calories in the condensed food
04:32 which tends to activate obesity.
04:34 So are we seeing a parallel build of disease right along
04:38 with the change of diet, are they happening
04:41 side by side like... Well, let's look at where
04:43 we've been over the last hundred years, what would you say?
04:46 You know, why is the cancer rate, cardiovascular disease
04:49 rate getting worse? Yes! Why are we heavier than ever?
04:53 Why are these things happening? And we look back in some
04:56 segments of our world that don't eat these things,
05:00 they don't have these problems. The Africans don't have a lot
05:03 of cardiovascular disease, they eat a lot of fiber
05:06 they don't have a lot of bowel disease and bowel cancers.
05:08 The people of those times mainly designed to eat a
05:11 starch based diet, they seem to be doing a lot better
05:15 in the way they live. So if you look at all this
05:17 disease, our solution to the problem has been,
05:19 hey, let's just keep making this more and more, storing it,
05:23 let's bring it a large ways to the market, let's do this
05:27 and rather than to deal with the real problem,
05:29 let's deal with the symptoms of the problems,
05:31 it's much more lucrative to do that.
05:33 So as we've developed these disease, we have spent a lot of
05:35 effort in educating people on the modern medicine part of it
05:39 which is great for acute disease but it doesn't get at the core
05:42 of the problem. So if you look back over the
05:44 last 200 years, you have to surmise that maybe it's in
05:48 the food and what I've learned is that doctors are so
05:51 frustrated now days, they don't have the tools.
05:54 No one is getting better, they keep coming back for more.
05:57 Well if you give doctors good tools to work with
06:01 and I think nutrition should be one of those tools,
06:03 they feel good. In medical school I did not take nutrition,
06:06 most medical doctors don't have much nutrition.
06:10 In fact much people don't understand nutrition,
06:13 they understand these food pyramids that we get
06:16 and those are very good at all. So I am just so thankful that
06:19 there is giants in the field of nutrition,
06:21 giants like T. Colin Campbell. Giants like Joel Firman,
06:25 Dean Ornish, the Esselstons, and there is more and more
06:29 you know. Physicians Committee for Response and Well...
06:32 Dr. Barnard. There is giants out there that are now proving
06:35 that there is something key and Dr. Hippocrates was right...
06:39 Let food be by medicine and and also your poisons.
06:41 So now we figure this out, that this rich diet is not good.
06:42 Now I am not alone in this there are some strong
06:48 Bible texts that promote this as well.
06:51 You know, you think back to the Garden of Eden...
06:53 their diet fruits, nuts, vegetables, and grains.
06:55 You look back, even the middle eastern diet
06:57 a lot of people say Christ ate some of the things,
07:00 but you know He also had the percentage of food
07:03 in good shape. It wasn't predominantly protein and fat.
07:06 Yeah, there wasn't a McDonald's on every corner...
07:08 Exactly! Jerusalem, ok. There was a balance in all this
07:11 and we look back on the story of Daniel,
07:14 you know the story about Daniel and his friends
07:16 and after a short period of time they ate a healthy diet
07:19 they were much more lively in their brains than their
07:23 counterparts that ate a rich diet.
07:25 So it's really...everyone can draw their own conclusions,
07:30 but I would say that one of the causes of chronic disease
07:33 that contribute to heart disease, cancer, obesity,
07:36 and all the related diseases, diabetes,
07:38 if we could get people eating right, or at least thinking
07:41 right, or heading in that direction, we've done more
07:44 to help the cause of medicine than you can even imagine.
07:47 You know when you talk about food like this,
07:50 I am reminded of comedian Tim Hawkins,
07:52 he has a routine where he talks about the
07:56 impossible prayer for God to answer that we are always
07:58 asking God to do the impossible like when it comes to our diet.
08:02 We will say oh Lord, thank you for this food,
08:05 thank you so much, help it to nourish our bodies,
08:08 thank you for these cheese balls, and we thank you for
08:12 this hamburger, and these deep fried French fries.
08:16 Lord, we pray that you will change the molecular structure
08:21 of this food as it passes from these lips down to our stomach,
08:26 that it will arrive down there maybe as a carrot,
08:29 or possibly as a sprig of broccoli. Lord we pray
08:33 that you will put a hedge of protection around our stomach,
08:35 our liver, and our kidneys as we put this poison
08:39 in our bodies. How is God supposed to answer
08:42 that kind of prayer when we say Lord bless the poisons
08:47 that we eat. Yeah, and you know a lot of people are
08:49 so wrapped up in this, this is the way it's done,
08:52 I have to eat this way, this is the way I was raised,
08:55 I can't do anything different, my receptors say that I have to
08:59 have this, I can't afford... Here's another excuse,
09:02 I can't afford it, it's to hard. You can do a show on that...
09:06 I can't do it and everyone just goes on and on and there is
09:08 always someone that has an excuse of why can't they do it,
09:11 but if you look at the evidence the people that do the best
09:14 in society are the people that eat the best in society.
09:18 So if you want to feel well and do well, I want you to come
09:21 away from this program and say maybe I can eat better,
09:24 we all can eat better no matter where we are at in that walk.
09:27 We can always do better, and you know what as we learn to eat
09:30 better, guess what, we feel better, we think better
09:34 we have to take less medicines, everything starts working
09:36 together. I can't tell you how many medicines I've taken
09:39 people off of through the years just because they start
09:42 to eat better and they put the connection between
09:45 what I eat, health, what I eat, this is a treatment for disease
09:48 it causes disease. You know I could be my best doctor by
09:51 just choosing good things to put in my body.
09:53 It makes a big difference. I'm reminded, I think it was
09:57 Joel Firman's family that told me that one of their
10:00 children were asked at school, you don't eat meat?
10:04 No, I don't eat meat. You don't eat animal products
10:06 at all? No, no eggs, and no fish and no milk.
10:12 Well if you don't eat meat, what do you eat?
10:15 And the answer was everything else. Yeah!
10:18 God has made sure that there is plenty of food out there,
10:21 plenty of variety, plenty of colors.
10:23 I know when I go into the grocery store I aim my cart
10:25 right to the produce section, that's where I go first.
10:28 And I think of the Garden of Eden, I think of how
10:32 Adam and Eve would wander through the garden,
10:34 all these beautiful colors and all these beautiful flavors
10:37 and all these wonderful foods there.
10:39 Healing foods were so available and I want you to have that
10:42 experience too. When you go to the grocery store
10:44 aim your cart towards that produce section and look at
10:48 the grapes and the potatoes and the apples, and the oranges,
10:51 and the broccoli and the kale, love kale, kale chips
10:56 number one. Wonderful foods there that you can learn how
11:00 to make. Food as your medicine, absolutely, and if you need help
11:04 to figure out how to do that, the internet is marvelous
11:07 at this for giving you recipes and there is all kinds of books
11:09 out there. But food should not be an issue
11:13 to someone who wants to do it God's way because
11:16 God has provided such an abundance of food
11:19 no matter where you live things will grow,
11:21 you can eat, you can be healthy.
11:22 You know, I don't want to let people know that
11:25 maybe not eating optimally that God doesn't love them...
11:27 It has nothing to do with love, it does not have to do
11:29 with love. God loves you He accepts you,
11:31 all this is... you know you can still walk with Him... Yes!
11:34 But He wants you to feel better. Yes!
11:36 He wants you to do better so you can serve Him better,
11:38 because that is really why we're here
11:40 I've often said, it is not about God loving us,
11:42 it's about us loving God in return.
11:46 When we have healthy bodies and minds,
11:48 we have the better ability to love God in return
11:52 and to see the nuances of His love in our lives
11:55 and His guidance in our lives. So this health is so we can
11:58 understand God better and love God better,
12:00 He loves us no matter what we are eating.
12:02 A hundred years ago Charles, if I said you know
12:05 if you become a vegetarian, or even a vegan,
12:08 they would laugh at you or not even know what you are
12:10 talking about, but now it's in our vocabulary.
12:13 It's out there. People are talking about it,
12:15 people are doing it. It seems like this is going to be
12:18 the next Health Revolution to get people eating healthier,
12:21 smarter, doing better things to take care of their bodies
12:24 so we don't have all this chronic disease.
12:26 Well, I know that you may have some questions listener
12:29 as a matter of fact, we have received a lot of questions
12:31 at heartwiseministries.org on this subject.
12:34 A lot of them on nutrition and it's very important
12:37 that you understand what you need to do,
12:39 and how you need to feed your family and feed yourself
12:42 for that optimum health that we want.
12:44 You can send your questions to Heartwise ministries.org,
12:48 please do so, we form these programs based on
12:50 those questions. That is Heartwiseministries.org.
12:53 We will take a short break and when we come back
12:55 let's address some of the questions that have come into
12:57 the website on the subject of nutrition.
13:00 You might want to get a pen and paper so you can
13:02 take some notes here, because this is important stuff.
13:04 Stay tuned!


Revised 2014-12-17