Ultimate Prescription

Urological Issues

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dr. James Marcum (Host), Charles Mills


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP00037B

00:01 Welcome back to the program.
00:02 I'm Charles Mills here with cardiologist, Dr. James Marcum,
00:04 the founder/director of Heartwise Ministries,
00:06 and we're going to answer some questions that have come in to
00:09 heartwiseministries. org
00:11 on the subject of urological issues - very important.
00:14 We've discussed how important water is to us,
00:17 and that we need to have that to help clean out the toxins
00:20 that collect in our body...
00:21 And our bodies are pretty dirty places inside -
00:25 if you stop and think about it.
00:26 We have a lot of stuff coming in from the environment,
00:28 from our food and the body needs to get rid of that stuff,
00:30 and waste material from just the process
00:33 of being us takes up a lot of materials
00:37 and there's waste involved with that.
00:38 Okay, first question from heartwiseministries. org
00:41 and by the way, we invite you to
00:42 send your questions in to that address,
00:44 and there's a place you click there and you can
00:46 leave your questions for a future show.
00:48 We appreciate that - we build these shows
00:50 around your questions - that's why we know
00:52 we're cutting edge - we're right there ready for you
00:55 because these people are asking and Dr. Marcum is answering.
00:59 "What exactly is a kidney stone and how does it form?"
01:03 Good question!
01:04 Yeah, lots of people have kidney stones.
01:06 They hurt a lot - let me tell you,
01:08 especially when they're in positions
01:10 they're not supposed to be.
01:11 But kidney stones are basically made of different things...
01:15 The most common type of stone
01:17 is called a "calcium oxalate stone"
01:20 and most stones are made of that...
01:22 And what happens is for some unknown reason,
01:26 of course there's lots of reasons,
01:27 but sometimes people make extra calcium;
01:30 sometimes their genetics predispose them;
01:33 sometimes people get dehydrated...
01:35 Well, calcium forms in the kidneys and the tubules,
01:39 and as it's excreted, it gets together and it forms a stone.
01:42 Now when it forms a stone, guess what...
01:45 the urine can't get out or the waste product can't get out,
01:48 and the urine backs up, it stretches out that tube,
01:52 and it causes pain, usually referred pain to the back.
01:56 Now Charles, if you were passing a stone,
01:59 you know we have a lot of interesting things out here;
02:01 of I had this reflex hammer,
02:04 this tests your neurological system.
02:06 This would not help with the stone. Okay
02:10 We can look in the ears, but that would not
02:12 help with the stone.
02:13 Okay, that would not help.
02:16 Taking a blood pressure would not help
02:17 because the blood pressure would
02:18 go high if you're passing a stone.
02:20 So the way we tell, for sure...
02:22 You know, a person comes in with the symptoms...
02:24 There are a couple of ways we tell if a person
02:25 might be passing a stone.
02:28 I'd say, "You know, I think you're passing a stone"
02:30 I might hit you in the flank and you might go "Ooo, Ooo"
02:32 because the ureters are more in the back part of you,
02:37 so if I did this and you jumped,
02:39 that could be a sign that you were passing a stone.
02:42 But what we do is a couple of things...
02:43 We can have a urine - you might notice yourself
02:46 if you're passing a stone because your urine
02:47 might come out bloody because the stone is irritating
02:50 that lining - it might have some blood pass out.
02:53 Another thing that we can do is x-rays and ultrasounds.
02:56 There is something called an "IVP" where we look
02:58 at the tubes to see that.
03:00 Sometimes a CAT scan can show stones,
03:02 but we usually have to do what we call an "imaging test"
03:05 to see if you have a stone.
03:07 Now that won't tell us what type of stone you have.
03:10 Remember what we said, we have calcium oxalate stones,
03:12 we also have another type of stone called "uric acid stones"
03:17 Uric acid stones are very much related to the food we eat,
03:20 and you know, we know that people that have high meat,
03:22 high fat diet have more uric acid stones.
03:25 There is also a type of stone called "struvite"
03:27 So we can't tell just by looking at it,
03:29 but we could tell you have a stone.
03:31 The stone is not good to stay in there.
03:33 Some stones are small and their characteristic
03:35 will let your doctor know that it will pass through.
03:39 Painfully - maybe though, right?
03:41 It could cause some pain.
03:42 A lot of people will drink lots of water,
03:44 3 to 5 liters a day to help pass that stone through
03:48 because you want to just push, push fluid through
03:51 to help the fluid push that through.
03:53 I've seen some people do the - I don't know if that helps,
03:55 it helps to stand up straight, that kind of thing.
03:59 We used to give medicines to dilate that smooth muscle
04:02 so it might help a little soon.
04:04 Sometimes a stone will not pass,
04:06 and we can sometimes tell by the size of the stone,
04:09 the irregularity on imaging test.
04:12 The real danger if that stone won't pass is that
04:15 fluid backs up in the kidneys and there's the condition called
04:17 "hydronephrosis" where the waste products back up into the kidney
04:22 The kidney starts to get bigger and the kidney can actually
04:24 go into failure if you have a stone,
04:27 even though the other side is still working. Right
04:30 So if urine doesn't move out, sometimes it can even
04:34 lead to infections.
04:35 So once we make this diagnosis of a stone,
04:37 either calcium or uric acid, or what type of stone,
04:40 we have to decide whether we're going to pass it.
04:43 Usually, if you're going to pass it on your own,
04:44 it takes lots of pain medications
04:47 to sort of... I can see why, yes...
04:48 Now this is a place where narcotics
04:50 might be a good thing to have because the pain
04:52 from a kidney stone could be so excruciating
04:55 that you might not be able to do
04:56 well if you didn't have pain medicine.
04:58 If the stone does pass, we usually, hopefully,
05:01 we will have the person catch the stone in their urine stream
05:05 so we can examine it under a microscope to see what
05:08 type of stone it is because once we get the
05:10 acute problem done, then we want to say,
05:13 "Hey, I had a stone, I don't want to ever have a stone again,
05:16 what can I do to prevent stone formation?"
05:19 So when they look at the stone through the microscope,
05:21 they can determine the type of makeup,
05:24 and then they would know where it came from,
05:25 then they know why it was formed or how it was formed.
05:27 Right, they can know a lot about the stone.
05:30 You know, they're going to want to look to see if your
05:32 parathyroids are handling calcium good.
05:34 Some foods can precipitate stone formation.
05:37 Sometimes just being dehydrated can trigger stone formation.
05:42 That's if the stone passes naturally.
05:44 What if it doesn't pass naturally?
05:47 Well, there's a procedure now, in certain types of stones,
05:50 called "lithotripsy"
05:52 They use sound waves to make the stone into sort of "gravel"
05:56 so the gravel passes through.
05:57 So they can just ZAP that with sound wave energy.
06:00 Sometimes though, they have to go up and retrieve the stone.
06:04 That's painful.
06:06 Sometimes they have to do surgery to take the stone out.
06:08 And those are the most painful situations you can get into.
06:11 I have a friend now - usually it happens in the males
06:15 usually in the 40s and 50s -
06:16 that's when they start passing stones.
06:18 He's passing so many stones, it's debilitating him,
06:21 and he keeps passing one after another - he keeps making these.
06:24 They looked at his thyroid gland - that was okay.
06:26 They tried to adjust his diet - that was okay.
06:29 He's drinking a lot of water.
06:31 His genetics is just still making lots of stones,
06:34 and he didn't have it 10 years ago,
06:36 but there's something about this age where the genetics
06:39 does change - you start making lots of stones.
06:42 So kidney stones are our big issue,
06:45 but we have medicines that can do stuff about it.
06:48 I was wondering what they used to do about it
06:49 400 years ago.
06:51 I guess they had to pass it then,
06:53 or go into kidney failure - they had no other chances.
06:56 ...But stones are really devastating.
06:58 Again, modern medicine to the rescue...
07:00 If there's a place for it, there it is.
07:01 And things that we can do to help PREVENT stone formation
07:04 that always comes up.
07:05 We want to give everyone a few practical things that they
07:09 can do - one, lots of water!
07:11 If you've had stones, you'll want to hydrate yourself well.
07:14 You want to make sure your doctor checks
07:16 your calcium levels in the parathyroid glands
07:19 regulates calcium.
07:21 Depending on what type of stone,
07:22 they might put you on a special diet.
07:24 We usually recommend - get rid of things like caffeine,
07:27 get rid of things like animal products - as much as you can.
07:32 There are people that drink citric acid - like lemonade.
07:36 That can help calcium oxalate stones, so citric acid eliminate
07:40 sometimes that can help with that.
07:42 Those are some 2 practical things that people could do
07:45 to help prevent stone formations. All right!
07:48 Well let's move from the kidneys into the prostate. Oh boy
07:52 Question here was from a listener and sent into
07:55 heartwiseministries. org
07:57 "What can be done to help an enlarged prostate?"
08:00 I am assuming this is a man writing this...
08:03 "I have to get up 6 or 7 times a night"
08:06 So something is backing it up or why is he getting up so much?
08:10 Well remember, the urethra passes through the prostate,
08:14 and when the prostate gets big, the urine can't pass out as more
08:18 Sometimes you can have infections in the prostate
08:20 ...that's called "prostatitis"
08:22 That's very painful.
08:23 Sometimes the urine can't get out because of constriction,
08:26 and you have to go many times a night.
08:29 Sometimes, 4, 5, 6 times a night you might not have a
08:32 good stream - you might dribble.
08:35 When that starts happening, that's your cue that
08:37 you might have a prostate problem.
08:39 You need to get some help!
08:41 People that sit for prolonged periods of time,
08:44 that can make it worse as well...
08:45 So you'll want to get up and move.
08:47 When people have these symptoms,
08:50 then the doctor that handles that
08:52 is called a "urologist" usually.
08:55 Now a regular medical doctor can feel the prostate
08:57 to see if it's enlarged, especially if it has
09:00 nodules on it because with of the prostate
09:02 can have an enlarged prostate as well.
09:04 And that's such a pleasant exam...
09:06 Well, I guess - I really haven't had one.
09:08 Oh you haven't had one? No no
09:09 You haven't had a prostate exam? No I haven't
09:11 You've NEVER had a prostate exam? I never have
09:13 Never have... Why?
09:15 Well they recommend about age 50 that you
09:17 start looking into it, so it's on the agenda you know.
09:20 It's on the agenda... Okay but you know it's waiting for you!
09:23 I've had my prostate specific antigen checked,
09:26 but I've never really had symptoms of prostate problems.
09:29 ...Of the dribbling and getting up 7 or 8 times,
09:31 but if I did, I would surely know what to do.
09:34 Well they would check your prostate out,
09:36 see if it was enlarged.
09:37 Sometimes they can do ultrasounds
09:39 to learn more about the prostate,
09:40 and there are a couple of things that they can do.
09:42 One of the natural ways that some people treat prostates
09:46 is called "saw palmetto"
09:49 Another natural way, the common sense way,
09:52 is don't drink a lot of fluids at night. That's true!
09:54 If you don't have fluid at night,
09:55 it doesn't bother you because you don't get up
09:57 over and over to wake up and deal with these things...
09:59 And finally, there are some medicines that relax the urethra
10:02 You relax it - so more urine can pass through.
10:05 Sometimes that helps for quite a long time.
10:07 But sometimes, Charles, it gets so bad that something
10:10 big has to be done.
10:12 And, they call that a transurethral resection
10:16 where they go up and they make the prostate,
10:18 as a surgical procedure, where they make it smaller.
10:21 They go in through your orifice there and they scrape
10:24 that out and they make it smaller,
10:25 and usually that lasts for several times,
10:26 and gets the urine going well.
10:29 They numb it up - it's a little painful procedure,
10:32 but some men have to have that and they start
10:34 resting better at night.
10:35 Now, I think in prostate disease and in ureter disease,
10:40 this is a GREAT place for modern medicine. Absolutely!
10:43 Because before this, when these things happened,
10:46 you know - when the aging process happened,
10:47 the prostate got big or genetically, it got big,
10:50 you just didn't get any relief.
10:51 You just couldn't get the urine out.
10:53 You couldn't get the urine out - it backflowed,
10:54 it caused damage to the kidneys.
10:56 You couldn't get your waste out,
10:57 the waste buildup in you;
10:59 you had terrible things happen and you died.
11:01 So this is a great place for modern medicine -
11:04 is treating prostate disease, stone disease, all that,
11:07 but, you know, we've talked a lot today,
11:09 but we want to keep things moving through our bodies...
11:12 Water and healthy diet, less stones form
11:15 when you eat healthier as well.
11:17 Well that really is an important thing for us to know
11:20 because this problem seems to be not isolated
11:24 to this country - it seems to be worldwide... Yeah
11:27 and we really need to address these things.
11:29 I think we have time for one more question here.
11:32 Natural treatment for stones.
11:34 Let's go back to the stones for a minute.
11:36 You mentioned water...
11:37 What else can we do naturally,
11:39 other than drinking water to get rid of stones?
11:40 We talked about stones and, depending upon what type
11:43 of stone it is... uric acid which we get in lemonade
11:46 and citrus products, especially the stones that are
11:49 made from uric acid...
11:51 We want to stay away from animal products
11:53 because that has uric acids.
11:54 We want to avoid caffeine and there's a big long list
11:57 of foods that you can look at that might trigger this,
12:01 and we want to make sure people have a good
12:02 metabolism too, especially of their calcium,
12:04 there are no abnormalities there.
12:06 I would assume that exercise would be important for this too,
12:08 just getting the running in. Exercise helps everything!
12:10 Okay... Exercise helps all these things.
12:13 Well there you have some good information about this,
12:15 and we invite you to start making some changes
12:18 and, like he says, the #1 thing he would like for you to
12:21 take away from this program is to drink more WATER!
12:23 Get out there and start drinking that water
12:25 to keep things moving through the body.
12:27 We'll take a short break and when we come back,
12:29 we're going to talk to the Master Physician,
12:32 the Ultimate Physician for all of us about
12:35 the problems that we're facing,
12:37 and how He can help us in our lives,
12:38 so stay right where you are.
12:46 Today we've talked a lot about
12:49 eliminating waste from our bodies.
12:51 We talked briefly about taking deep breaths,
12:54 to breathe out all the bad stuff that might be in us.
12:57 We spent some time talking about the GI tract
13:00 and importance of fiber and moving those wastes
13:02 through us - increasing our transit time so things
13:04 don't stick in us a long time so we absorb them.
13:07 But we spent the majority of our program today talking
13:10 about waste, the urogenital tract,
13:12 how drinking enough water was so vital to our bodies,
13:16 and I hope if you leave with nothing else,
13:18 that you start drinking more water.
13:20 Wake up in the morning, drink a lot of water
13:22 to get the day started, drink it during the day,
13:24 and hopefully, if you do these things, you might not
13:26 need modern medicine...
13:28 And I think we have all understood that there is a
13:31 place for modern medicine and if you have a kidney stone
13:33 that won't pass, I think modern medicine is a great
13:35 way to relieve the stone and the pressure.
13:38 Also, if you have a prostate that's too big,
13:41 you can't get the urine out, going all the time,
13:43 another great place for modern medicine...
13:45 And if we can do the things that God created us to do,
13:49 hopefully we won't need modern medicine that much.
13:52 I'm going to have a quick prayer with us today
13:54 that God will also take some of the other wastes
13:57 that we have as far as sins out of our body as well.
13:59 Father God... Thank you for being with us and helping us
14:03 to learn about Your body, and also, we ask the waste
14:06 and the byproducts of sin be removed from our life
14:10 that only You can do...
14:11 And we thank You for being our
14:12 Lord and Savior - is our prayer... Amen
14:15 If you have questions, we want you to go to our website
14:19 Our website is heartwiseministries. org
14:23 and as soon as this program is over,
14:26 I want everyone out there to go and get a
14:31 Go get it - stay HYDRATED!
14:33 We'll be with you next time on "Ultimate Prescription"


Revised 2014-12-17