Ultimate Prescription

Weight Matters

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dr. James Marcum (Host), Charles Mills


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP00036B

00:01 Welcome back to the program,
00:02 I'm Charles Mills here with Dr. James Marcum,
00:03 he is a cardiologist and we're talking about
00:06 weighty matters today.
00:08 We've decided not to talk about weight;
00:11 we talk about risk and dangers.
00:13 So we're into risk management today,
00:15 danger management when it comes to how much
00:18 we weigh and what our bathroom scales are telling us.
00:20 And Dr. Marcum, one of the questions that came into
00:22 heartwiseministries. org
00:24 is important - this is what this person says,
00:27 "I take weight loss supplements and have lost 30 pounds.
00:30 I feel better, is there any long-term risk of weight loss
00:35 medications?"
00:37 Now even before you answer this,
00:39 I'm thinking about what you just wrote recently,
00:42 and that is a pretty amazing book here that the title
00:45 kind of says it all.
00:46 If you look at the title of this book,
00:48 you're going to discover what Dr. Marcum feels
00:52 is a real danger in this world that we need to be aware of.
00:56 Tell us about "Medicines That kill"
00:59 "Medicines That Kill" is a book I wrote
01:01 to increase awareness.
01:03 And we go through the book and in the first part,
01:05 we show all the ways that medicines can hurt people,
01:08 and actually kill people and actually, it's the #1 cause of
01:11 death in America.
01:12 Cardiovascular disease, cancer, they're there,
01:15 but medicines are killing more people.
01:17 Say that again - medicines is the #1 cause of death
01:21 in America right now. Medicines? Yes
01:23 And you think of all the overdoses,
01:25 the Heath Ledgers, the Whitney Houstons,
01:27 the Michael Jacksons... so medicines kill.
01:30 In the first part of the book,
01:31 I go all the ways medicines can kill.
01:35 The second part of the book, I gave some practical ways
01:37 that people can be off the medications,
01:39 and the third part, we introduce them to
01:41 God's plan in their lives.
01:44 And what's so important about this question is
01:47 Are weight loss medications, that help you lose weight,
01:51 are they dangerous? ABSOLUTELY!
01:53 In fact, some have caused heart valve problems,
01:55 some cause dangerous arrhythmias,
01:57 and they're not a long-term fix.
01:59 And one of the things we wanted to highlight
02:00 on this program today is not only do we have a problem
02:03 that can lead to other diseases,
02:05 but when you get these other medical conditions
02:07 caused by extra weight, guess what happens?
02:10 You're on more medications.
02:11 More medications can cause side effects.
02:13 For instance, diabetic medicines that lower blood sugar,
02:16 that can increase risk.
02:18 Pain medicines - if you have extra weight cause pain.
02:20 Narcotics - that can cause risk,
02:22 and sooner or later you've introduced a lot more risk
02:25 in your life - so rather than take medications,
02:29 if you carry extra weight, the real solution is to
02:32 find ways to get the weight off.
02:34 Now let me ask you a question because you have
02:35 said in the past that there is a place for modern medicines,
02:39 and there may be a situation, when it comes to your heart,
02:43 that you need to have that medicine to lower your
02:47 blood pressure or to...
02:48 Is there ever a time when someone is overweight
02:52 or obese when - you BETTER take some medicine NOW
02:55 or you're not going to live to see tomorrow?
02:57 Absolutely, there are situations where we give them
02:59 medicines to help a crisis situation,
03:03 but we weren't made to take medicines day in and day out.
03:06 They were for a short period of time,
03:07 then they were supposed to be stopped.
03:09 For instance, you know we talked previously about
03:11 blood pressure medicines.
03:12 Well, those medicines that you're talking
03:14 are the results of being overweight.
03:17 I'm talking about the FACT that you're overweight...
03:19 You give a blood pressure medicine to someone
03:22 who is overweight because they have high blood pressure,
03:24 but do you give a medicine in an emergency situation
03:26 simply because someone is feeling fine,
03:28 but they happen to be overweight?
03:29 If they have no other problems,
03:31 you mean, do I give them a medicine
03:32 to get the weight off of them?
03:34 No, because the risk of the medicines
03:37 are greater than the benefits. Yes
03:39 You have a risk of dying from the medications.
03:41 It can cause dangerous heart rhythms in some of them.
03:43 Now they're going to come up with new ones that maybe
03:45 are at less risk, but so far the ones that
03:47 have been in the past, increase your risk.
03:49 Most of these medications and dietary supplements
03:53 to lose weight, have things that increase your metabolism.
03:56 That's why you lose weight.
03:57 Well, and it also increases other problems like
03:59 dangerous heart rhythms.
04:01 We watch these energy pills that are loaded with
04:03 caffeine and ephedrine that get you revved up
04:05 and doing something all the time.
04:07 Well wouldn't it be safer for a person to speed up
04:09 their metabolism with water and do exercise,
04:12 and do these type of things rather than take the risk
04:14 of a medication that could potentially
04:16 cause lots of problems.
04:18 So the weight loss medications, I don't recommend.
04:21 The weight loss supplements, I don't recommend.
04:23 But there is a way to lose weight that's better than that,
04:27 and we want to sort of talk about that,
04:29 and that's getting back to some simple things that we can do.
04:32 So let's get back to the question...
04:34 Do I recommend supplements?
04:35 No... because - extra weight can lead to medications
04:39 to treat the symptoms of extra weight -
04:41 THAT can be potentially dangerous.
04:42 That's what I wanted to hear... okay, again the book,
04:44 "Medicines That Kill" James Marcum
04:46 You can find these things at Amazon. com
04:49 and other places that will be made available.
04:52 This is an important book for you to have in your library.
04:54 Before you start any kind of treatment plan,
04:58 I would love for you to read this book and know
05:01 what you are up against; what's going to happen here;
05:04 what may happen to you.
05:05 We're talking about risk management today,
05:07 danger management and this is an important resource
05:12 for that process.
05:13 You know, there's not a book like that that has been written
05:16 by a medical doctor that explains the risk,
05:19 and also gives the solutions to the problems.
05:21 You know, everyone knows that medicines are dangerous,
05:23 but a lot of people don't feel all the different ways that
05:26 medicines are in - you know even in an over-the-counter
05:28 medication like aspirin.
05:29 The #1 cause of fatal GI bleeding last year was aspirin.
05:34 Over-the-counter drugs... Yes!
05:35 The #1 cause, the most liver failure acutely was
05:38 acetaminophen which is in Tylenol.
05:40 So medications all have risk as we've talked about.
05:43 Weight has risk. Yes
05:45 The medicines that come to treat the complications
05:47 of weight management have risk...
05:48 that's why we're encouraging people to understand
05:51 that this weight issue is very important,
05:54 and if you're not on a plan today,
05:56 we want to come up with a plan today to help you
05:58 get motivated to start moving in the right direction.
06:01 All right - here's the next question from
06:03 heartwiseministries. org on this subject.
06:06 "There are so many diets and programs out there,
06:08 you mentioned that, I do not know where to start"
06:11 Now this is an important question because
06:13 we are inundated with this information.
06:17 We know what we want to do.
06:18 We know what we should do.
06:19 We know what we need to do.
06:21 What is the first STEP that we need to take
06:26 to try to mitigate the problem of overweight?
06:29 And to understand how to answer that,
06:32 you know, where to start, you have to understand the problem.
06:35 You know and that's sometimes individual.
06:37 Why does a person carry extra weight...
06:40 And you have to go through all the reasons,
06:41 you know, make sure it's not a thyroid or adrenal disorder.
06:44 Make sure there's no medical problem that's doing it.
06:47 So the first step then is check with your doctor
06:49 to say - "Is there something wrong with me that is
06:51 causing this to happen?" Yes
06:52 You know there are syndromes like Cushing syndrome,
06:54 low thyroid that can cause extra weight... First step
06:57 But most of the people, as you pointed out,
06:59 have it because of too many calories...
07:01 And then, why do people take too many calories?
07:04 Well, is it because they're being misinformed by the media?
07:08 Because it TASTES GOOD, Dr. Marcum!
07:10 And all these dopamine receptors.
07:12 Is it stress in their life that is coming from too much stress,
07:15 and they're trying to cope with that and they're eating more?
07:18 So it really starts, I think in weight management,
07:21 it starts in the brain.
07:22 Yes... It starts in the brain.
07:24 A person has to have the education,
07:26 understand that it's dangerous it could hurt them,
07:28 and then the first place I like to start people
07:30 in answering these questions is turning to God.
07:33 "God, I don't have the answers
07:35 I think the weight management programs don't have the answer,"
07:37 but God has the answers for YOU.
07:39 The answer to WHY.
07:40 Why and how, also, how He wants
07:42 you to move through this problem...
07:44 And also He can give you the strength,
07:46 so I like to start people in the relationship with God.
07:49 I ask them to pray, get back into a relationship with God.
07:52 Study the Scriptures.
07:53 If you're not going to a worship situation,
07:56 whether that be church, find a place where you
07:59 can worship and God can grow that relationship...
08:01 And as you grow that relationship and diligently
08:04 search for truth, He's going to lead you to truth,
08:07 so that's where I start people.
08:08 I say, "Start in that relationship. "
08:10 The next thing I say, "Well, we need to increase the metabolism"
08:13 That's assuming everything else is normal.
08:15 Well, 2 ways to simply increase it is drink water.
08:19 Everyone can drink water, that can speed up your metabolism.
08:22 Okay, coffee, tea, soda...
08:24 Won't do it, that is not water. That's not water - okay
08:26 We weren't made 70% ice tea...
08:28 Just because it's liquid, doesn't mean it's water.
08:30 We were made 70% water.
08:32 Not only does it increase our metabolism,
08:34 bit it stretches out our stomach so we FEEL full.
08:37 ...70% of our body is made of water;
08:40 our brain has water to think well.
08:42 When we're dehydrated, we don't work as well,
08:46 so, I start people on water.
08:47 Most people can do that, Charles.
08:48 They drink water for a while.
08:50 They're in this relationship for a while,
08:52 and then all of a sudden you notice...
08:53 You know, I had a guy who lost 20 pounds last year
08:55 just by drinking water. Wow
08:57 They notice that God does change and His laws are true -
09:00 there's something about this!
09:01 There's another reason because when he was drinking water,
09:04 he was probably not drinking what he usually drinks. Exactly!
09:07 Drinks the soda pop and whatever...
09:09 So he lost 20 pounds and the next thing, I say -
09:11 "You know, God did work with you,
09:13 He gave you the power to understand water,
09:15 and you do feel better and you've lost weight. "
09:17 The NEXT thing I say - "Well, let's start a movement
09:20 program - we've got to speed up your metabolism!"
09:22 So they start some type of regular exercise,
09:24 and it might be just 1 minute a day, 2 minutes a day,
09:27 5 minutes a day, but they ask God to help them.
09:30 They drink the water and say, "God help me to exercise more"
09:33 and guess what?
09:34 As they drink more water and as they worship,
09:37 and as they exercise, their mind starts to change.
09:41 They grow these new neurons.
09:43 Their exercise program helps them out;
09:45 they get better blood flow to the brain;
09:47 they're getting better water to the brain;
09:49 they're getting worship to the brain.
09:51 Some of that stress chemistry from exercise and worship
09:54 starts turning you down a little bit -
09:55 so they are maybe not quite a dependent
09:57 on pleasing these dopamine receptors. Yes
10:00 You follow me here? I do
10:01 So they might do that for a while.
10:03 Okay, then the next thing I ask him to do,
10:05 moving along this line and some
10:06 people can move very fast on this line,
10:08 some people move slow...
10:09 I say - "Don't eat big at night"
10:12 Okay - don't eat big at night.
10:13 When you think about it, the big meal at night, Charles,
10:16 your metabolism slows at night.
10:19 You eat that big meal at night,
10:21 and it doesn't move through you - it just sits there!
10:24 And if you eat bad food at night,
10:26 it spoils in you and you absorb all the bad stuff,
10:30 all the chemicals.
10:31 If you eat a lot of meat products,
10:33 you absorb the steroids that that animal
10:35 is brought to market with.
10:37 The antibiotics, you know chickens live by each other
10:39 you know, so they don't all get sick, they give antibiotics.
10:42 ...80% of the antibiotics in America
10:44 are now used on our livestock...
10:46 And the feed - they feed these animals high protein food
10:49 because they want them to grow quick!
10:51 The quicker they grow, the quicker they come to market.
10:53 Well when you eat that stuff, not only do you
10:55 absorb all the calories, all the protein, all the fat,
10:58 you get the antibiotics, you get all the diseases...
11:01 All this gets absorbed in you... NOT GOOD!
11:03 So I ask people - don't eat so BIG at night.
11:06 I say just eat a little bit of fiber at night,
11:09 maybe have some celery, some apples...
11:10 And as they start doing that, guess what happens?
11:12 They rest better!
11:14 And when they start to rest better,
11:16 and they don't have all this food digesting in them overnight
11:18 ...guess what happens to the brain?
11:20 It thinks better, they can exercise better,
11:23 they can drink more water and guess what?
11:25 They worship better.
11:26 So all of a sudden, the brain becomes getting
11:29 more clear, the stress chemistry goes down,
11:31 and they see God working in their lives...
11:33 They say - "Yes, God's plan, this natural way
11:35 of losing weight - God's way, is WORKING!"
11:38 And the next thing you realize, Charles, is that the brain
11:42 begins to realize that this is working out for me in my life.
11:46 All these changes, and then people start
11:48 doing things like eating more fruits and vegetables,
11:50 and just eating enough bad stuff to be happy...
11:52 And what they soon discover is the bad stuff
11:55 makes them feel bad.
11:56 So guess what?
11:57 The brain has changed, the body has changed,
12:00 you're not as dependent on these dopamine receptors
12:02 we talked about and all of a sudden -
12:04 the weight starts coming off,
12:05 you have some good habits and it's just one step at a time.
12:09 There is a downside to this and I need to warn you about this.
12:12 There's a downside...
12:13 When you've gone through all of this,
12:15 and you find the weight coming off,
12:17 you're going to have to buy new clothes...
12:19 You're going to have to change everything in your closet...
12:21 That's a real bad downside, isn't it?
12:24 And I hope that for everyone.
12:26 When we come back, let's talk to the One that
12:28 can take you through this program and bring you success,
12:31 so stay tuned!
12:41 We've been talking today about weight management,
12:44 and how to lose weight.
12:45 This is not an easy topic and there is no quick solution
12:49 in a short period of time - I can't give you everything,
12:52 but a couple of things I want to leave you with today
12:54 is one that extra weight is a problem,
12:57 and unfortunately, it can lead to more medications;
13:01 it can lead to a lot of heartaches;
13:03 it can lead to a lot of chronic disease.
13:05 The problem is growing, so we know that the answers
13:08 aren't out there... we have to look for something more.
13:11 In weight management it takes, I think, a relationship
13:15 with the Heavenly Father and start things
13:17 one-step-at-a-time like we talked about...
13:19 getting the brain right;
13:20 getting the chemistry right in the brain;
13:22 helping people understand that their habits are
13:25 hard to break...
13:26 Things like water and eating more plants,
13:29 and filling up your stomach and exercising,
13:31 and drinking water and eating just enough
13:33 bad food to be happy.
13:34 These are all important steps,
13:36 but it also takes God to lead you.
13:38 Some people can do everything at ONCE...
13:40 But then some people need this relationship one-step-at-a-time
13:44 as long as we're moving forward.
13:45 I'm going to pray for you right now -
13:47 those of you that need extra help in taking the pounds off.
13:50 Father God, we all need You for every aspect
13:54 of our health, Father, and we want to help those
13:56 out there that want to lose weight,
13:57 that want to be healthier.
13:58 To learn how to do that, we want to include You in
14:01 this plan, Father.
14:02 Please lead us as we think about this problem today...
14:05 is our prayer - Amen
14:07 I know that losing weight is not easy.
14:11 It's something that's got to be given to God every day,
14:14 but we can't ignore this problem.
14:16 We have to talk about the things that
14:18 people have problems with and give them hope in the future.
14:21 And that real hope comes in that relationship that
14:24 Ultimate Prescription that we have with our
14:28 Heavenly Father


Revised 2014-12-17