Participants: Dr. James Marcum (Host), Charles Mills
Series Code: UP
Program Code: UP00033B
00:01 Welcome back to Ultimate Prescription.
00:04 Today we're talking about 00:05 the Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome. 00:08 And I must admit as a cardiologist 00:10 I didn't know much about this 00:12 until people started writing questions 00:14 into our website and that's why we want to help. 00:16 And if you have a question regarding something, give us, 00:19 give us an email at 00:22 And, Charles, you know, 00:24 this is a very tough thing to live with. 00:25 And we're gonna sort of switch roles a little 00:27 but 'cause you've lived with this, 00:29 your wife has had this for many years. 00:31 So I'm gonna sort of let you walk us through as 00:33 but, you know, show us some of the things, 00:35 practical things that people can do. 00:37 And I might ask you some questions 00:38 if I'm not understanding. 00:39 All right, very good. 00:41 And I'm so glad that that you're giving us 00:43 this opportunity because a lot of people 00:45 like you said before, few isolated. Yes. 00:47 You fee like, no one is-- no one knows about this. 00:49 No one cares about this. 00:51 But, you know what? 00:52 A lot of people know about it 00:53 and a lot of people care about it 00:54 and there's a lot of things you can do for it. 00:56 And the numbers that are gonna go up. 00:57 This is something that's not going away. 00:59 There is more chemicals, more things in environment, 01:01 our pollutions, this is gonna go up. 01:02 In another words this is not something 01:04 that you're gonna be cure off, 01:05 but this is something that you can mitigate, 01:06 something that you can minimize 01:08 the impact as you go through life. 01:12 The very first thing and I asked my wife 01:14 to make a list here for me. 01:15 So I'm gonna be following along a list here 01:17 from someone who has had this syndrome, 01:19 multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome 01:21 for many, many, many years. 01:23 And so this is the list she says. 01:25 She says, "Be careful about what goes in and on your body." 01:29 We talked processed foods and all the chemicals in there. 01:34 Organic seems to be a really good idea, 01:36 as does whole food plant based. 01:40 Try to stay away from those foods 01:41 that have been heavily processed 01:43 and, you know, I hate to this, but-- 01:44 Handled? And unhandled. 01:46 I said unhandled. 01:47 You know, you might want to stay 01:48 completely away from animal products 01:50 because animals these days are not healthy. 01:51 They're full of all kinds of chemicals, 01:53 so stay from those. 01:54 And try to get organic as much as you can. 01:56 Now of course, if you can't find organic stay 01:57 with whole food plant based, 01:59 but organic would be even better, 02:00 so nice better step there. 02:02 "Be careful about what goes on your body." 02:04 Now I live with someone with multiple chemical sensitivities, 02:08 so I guarantee you that this is 100% wool suit. 02:12 This is 100% cotton shirt and sweater, 02:16 and this is a silk tie. 02:18 There is nothing manmade here. 02:22 'Cause, you know what? Stop and think about it. 02:24 When you make--when man make something he uses materials 02:28 that sometimes do not appear in nature by themselves. 02:31 Like the plastics and synthetics. 02:32 Plastics and synthetics. 02:34 Realize that plastic is petroleum based. 02:38 Okay. Plastic is petroleum based. 02:41 When you're using a plastic, 02:42 you are wrapping whatever that is in the same material 02:45 that you make gas out of petroleum, oil. 02:49 So when you put plastic on you body, 02:51 when you put your food into plastic, 02:53 when you use plastic containers to live your life 02:59 and to store your things. 03:00 These plastics are what's called off gassing. 03:03 They're creating toxins and whatever is in them. 03:07 Very important. 03:08 So you make sure that you have the organic food, 03:11 you wear foods that are made from 100% natural materials. 03:17 Also if you look in a magazine and you say, 03:19 oh, this is 100% wool, this is 100% cotton 03:23 and it has stain resistance. 03:29 That stain resistance probably comes 03:30 from a chemical that they put on those clothes. 03:33 So the stain resistance is what's gonna be bad. 03:36 The chemicals they put on that make them stain resistance. 03:38 Also you want to make sure that 03:40 when you--when you wear something, 03:42 when you eat something, when you put something 03:44 in your house that it is natural scent free nontoxic. 03:50 Now I here as a product. 03:51 I'll show this to you right here on the camera. 03:53 Here's a product to clean the clothes that you're wearing, 03:56 the natural clothes that you're wearing. 03:57 This happens to be 'all.' 04:00 Dish washing detergent and cloth laundry detergent. 04:04 And this is free and clear. The words are right there. 04:07 Free and clear. 04:09 When the words are there free and clear, 04:11 that means there are no scents in here, there are no toxins. 04:15 This is just simply soap. 04:17 And you can find these things in the grocery store. 04:19 So make sure that when you wash the clothes 04:21 that you carefully buy to protect yourself 04:23 that you use dish washing-- 04:26 I'm sorry, laundry detergents and dish washing, too. 04:28 I'm gonna interrupt you. 04:30 Would that go the same with soaps and shampoos? 04:32 Yes, absolutely. 04:33 She has found ways of making her own soaps 04:36 and her own shampoos using natural materials. 04:38 Wow. Yeah. 04:39 That's the level you have to go 04:41 if you want to get mitigated from this, 04:43 if you wanna have the impact lowered 04:44 you have to go to that much effort. 04:47 Okay, so free and clear laundry to put. 04:49 Bedding. You spent a lot of time in bed. 04:53 Imagine spending a lot of time in bed 04:56 with synthetic sheets that made are out of petroleum products, 05:00 that have maybe a nice spraying scent or in your dish, 05:03 in your laundry detergent, 05:04 you put one of those little dryer sheets 05:06 added a nice springtime scent, 05:08 you just added a bunch of chemicals to your sheets. 05:12 And here you're sleeping in a petroleum based product 05:15 filled with scents from the laundry detergents 05:18 and your dryer sheets. 05:20 So going to hotel almost be impossible 05:23 or even someone's house. 05:24 Absolutely, when you go to someone's house. 05:26 As a matter of fact when my wife has visitors 05:28 over when they come on the rare case 05:31 when someone can come, family members or what not 05:34 they have to have washed themselves with good stuff. 05:37 They can't wear clothes that have scents in them. 05:39 It's just serious stuff. Perfumes, deodorants? 05:42 No perfumes, no hairsprays. 05:45 My hair, I keep in place, you know, 05:47 by using water and salt combination. 05:49 That's the hairspray I use. Water and salt. 05:51 On this program my hair is holding place 05:53 with water and salt. 05:54 What about deodorant? 05:55 You know, things that we all use. 05:56 Deodorant's, you just have to just smell nice yourself. 05:59 I guess you have to have a nice smell yourself. 06:02 And if you do good healthy things 06:04 with your body that seems to be helping as deodorant. 06:07 Okay, that is your bed, your bedding. 06:10 The mattress you sleep on, 06:12 there used to be a rubber mattress 06:14 or mattress topper, not synthetic 06:17 because if you have a chemical sensitivity, 06:20 your sensitivity is way down here and those toxins 06:22 will be raised up here and you get sick immediately. 06:26 Let's talk about your house. 06:28 An entire house needs to be a safe house 06:31 for someone who is suffering from this problem. 06:33 Well, we've done that to our house. 06:34 We had our house built about 20 years ago 06:36 and we've done some things to our house to help make it safe. 06:40 One of the things we did 06:42 is we change the type of paint that we use. 06:44 And we had Dorinda repainted the house completely 06:48 she used this paint, safecoat. 06:50 And there are many kinds of paints on there. 06:51 You're looking for a low VOC or no VOC paint. 06:58 VOC is the off gas thing. 07:00 It's the impurities that go out into the air. 07:03 If you have low VOC or no VOC, there is a place called Valspar. 07:07 Valspar is a zero VOC product. So you find that on internet. 07:13 There it is, Safecoat. 07:15 We notice that we were having a little problem 07:18 with allergies and breathing in the house 07:20 and so we ripped up the rugs, the carpets that were synthetic. 07:23 Right, right. 07:24 And also the pads were synthetic. 07:26 Things that were synthetic. 07:27 We took all that out and replaced it 07:30 with natural flooring. 07:31 And I just like, I feel at home when I see this. 07:34 Most of our house is using bamboo flooring. 07:37 Here it is. This is made out of bamboo. 07:39 A wonderful stuff and it comes in links 07:42 that we put together and we put on the floor 07:44 and as beautiful and last forever, 07:47 and its just great scratch resistant. 07:49 We just-- Bamboo was a fantastic-- 07:51 I think there is no finish on it. 07:52 And there is-- well, they put a finish 07:53 but it's a natural finish. 07:54 Okay, natural finish. All are finished. 07:55 Okay, in the bathrooms we put what's called marmoleum. 07:59 Marmoleum is a natural product that is used in the bathroom. 08:03 It's water resistant. 08:04 So that's a good place to put them. 08:06 And in my office, cork. 08:10 It's just flooring made out of cork. 08:13 As you look at side of it there its tongue and groove 08:15 so it comes together in square and you put it in there 08:19 and its just absolutely natural no problem whatsoever. 08:23 And throughout the house, we don't have a copy of it here, 08:25 but throughout the house we have air purifiers. 08:28 These are machines that just run 08:30 and keep the air nice and clean. 08:32 And noticed-- I mean, my chemical sensitivities 08:35 are no where near her as mine as very low. 08:36 I can take a lot of stuff, 08:38 but I noticed when we changed our flooring 08:42 that a lot of my allergy symptom has gone away. 08:44 I could breathe better. 08:46 It was much-- you just felt clean 08:49 when it came into the house, coming to the house. 08:51 So I recognize the damage we were doing to ourselves 08:54 with all that synthetic carpeting we had done. 08:56 So we ripped it up, new paint, what not. 08:58 On the personal level, when you go outside 09:02 and you walk around and you go in the car 09:03 and what not-- we have air purifier in the car. 09:05 On a personal level, you could try one of these guys. 09:08 These are little personal air purifiers. 09:11 Look at it, guys. Little batteries in there. 09:13 You turn them and there is an ionizer in there. 09:15 Where did you get that out? I'll tell you all about this. 09:18 This is important. 09:19 This a product that you can get for yourself 09:21 that keeps the air clean. 09:23 You put it in your-- put it on a coat around your neck 09:25 and she could go a lot of places 09:26 where she couldn't go before. 09:28 And if that doesn't work, there is something even more. 09:31 You can add this to it. This is a mask. 09:34 You can buy a mask. Okay. 09:35 And this is the filter for the mask. 09:37 She makes her own mask. 09:38 I don't how many masks she makes. 09:39 This goes over your mouth, but this is a filter. 09:41 This is a charcoal filter that goes in the mask 09:44 and it's from the company called, I Can Breathe Mask. 09:47 And you can find it in internet. 09:49 And this enables here to go out and be around people. 09:54 But you know what? 09:55 As I say all of these things 09:56 and I don't want anyone to feel sorry for anybody 10:01 because the things that are good for those 10:04 with multiple chemical sensitivity 10:06 are also good for me. 10:08 My wife has multiple chemical sensitivities 10:10 and everything she does to reduce the problem 10:13 in her life reduces the chances in my life 10:17 of developing multiple chemical sensitivities. 10:20 Because exposure overtime you've talked about this 10:24 as we are prolonged exposed to these toxins, 10:28 our bodies can breakdown 10:29 and we can develop multiple chemical sensitivities. 10:31 So I'm so glad that my wife is teaching me 10:35 how to live that clean environment life 10:38 because it's also helping me. 10:40 So if you feel isolated and you feel 10:42 that you're being a burden to anyone 10:44 or sometimes she says, 10:45 oh, Charles, I'm sorry that you have to do all these things. 10:48 I don't mind. 10:49 It bothers her more than it bothers me. 10:51 Because I know that what's good for her is good for me, too. 10:54 Here are some resources that you might want to enjoy. 10:57 These are some books. 10:58 I made some copies of the pages here. 11:00 Living Well with Chronic Illness 11:02 by Richard Cheu, C-H--E-U. 11:04 It's a fantastic book for living. 11:06 He did a radio program for you on this topic recently. 11:10 Here is the E.I. Syndrome an Rx for Environmental Illness. 11:14 This is by Sherry Rogers. 11:16 I've also interviewed her on the radio program. 11:18 She helps people with this problem, the E.I. Syndrome. 11:22 I Was Poisoned By Body and this is by Gloria Gilbere, 11:27 G-I-L-B-E-R-E. 11:29 And she is someone who has lived through 11:31 this kind of problem and has found relief. 11:34 Again you don't get cured, you find relief. 11:37 Natural Detoxification, a complete-- 11:39 this is a huge book and this is by Jacqueline Krohn, 11:42 K-R-O-H-N. You can find that. 11:45 Here's our website for helping 11:47 keep your house nice and clean, 11:52 And I'll always look for this .org. 11:54 It's very important. And here is a website, 11:56, 12:02 Lots of good information here 12:04 to help you learn to live with this. 12:06 Here are magazines out there like, 12:07 Mother Earth Living and what not, 12:09 that can also bring, healing into your life 12:13 and information that you might need. 12:15 Again I say that don't look for a cure, 12:18 look for a way to live with it. 12:20 And there are ways of living with it 12:22 and it makes a huge difference in your life 12:24 when you incorporate these changes into your life. 12:27 Begin small, but just keep at it 12:29 and you will find that your life will really improve, 12:32 even though you have multiple chemical sensitivities. 12:34 Stay tuned we'll be right back. 12:35 We're gonna talk to God. 12:46 The good news is for people 12:48 with multiple chemical sensitivities, there is help. 12:51 God is a God of love and God--if you search, 12:55 if you look, if you depend on Him, 12:57 will help you find avenues 12:59 where you don't have to feel so isolated. 13:01 God wants you to be part of His family. 13:04 And that made me and you have a nice Facebook family 13:08 that made me and that you to do a telephone ministry, 13:11 that made me and that you enjoy nature, 13:14 and that's one of the good things about 13:15 being married to someone 13:16 who has multiple chemical sensitivities. 13:18 We have to spend a lot of time in nature. 13:21 We have to spend a lot of time out there in the clean air, 13:24 fresh water, exercising. 13:26 We have to eat the best foods. 13:28 We have to do the best things for our body. 13:31 So go on the internet, 13:33 find people with like problems, like interest of you. 13:37 Dorinda is a photographer. 13:39 She loves to take pictures of wildlife and nature scenes. 13:43 She doesn't feel isolated because she knows 13:45 that she is working in partnership with the God 13:47 for her health and for the health of her husband. 13:49 And we're so glad that we've been able to share 13:51 this information with you today. 13:53 I would like to pray for those who are facing this 13:56 and those who are partners of people who are facing this. 13:59 Let's bow our heads. 14:00 "Heavenly Father, we pray today 14:03 for those who are suffering 14:05 from multiple chemical sensitivities, 14:06 come into their hearts, make them realize 14:08 that they are not alone, 14:09 that there are people who love them, 14:11 and they always thinks that they can do. 14:13 And if there is a caregiver there 14:14 who has someone 14:16 with multiple chemical sensitivities in their family. 14:18 Give them the knowledge of strength 14:19 and the love to help that person 14:22 to be of benefit to that person 14:24 and to encourage that person in life. 14:26 We pray this in Jesus' name, amen." 14:30 What a joy it is to know that with God, 14:33 there is an ultimate prescription for everything. |
Revised 2014-12-17