Ultimate Prescription


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dr. James Marcum (Host), Charles Mills


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP00032B

00:01 Welcome to the program.
00:02 I'm Charles Mills here with Dr. James Marcum
00:04 and we are talking about depression today.
00:06 It is a topic that a lot of people
00:08 don't really want to talk about.
00:10 They say I am not depressed, I am just tired.
00:12 Or I am just feeling a little bit down.
00:14 And that may be the case
00:16 but if it--think if it goes on for days
00:18 and weeks and even years,
00:20 then you might want to reconsider what the problem is.
00:23 And Dr. Marcum you outlined some things
00:25 that we can do lifestyle wise to getting the more sunlight,
00:30 the better water intake, eating a better diet
00:33 and all of these things and exercising, absolutely.
00:36 What are some other areas that we need to look at
00:39 that few people consider?
00:42 And I am thinking immediately relationship with God.
00:46 Kind it be that if we do not have a relationship
00:48 with someone bigger than we, more powerful than we are,
00:52 someone who can actually save our lives
00:54 and save our souls.
00:56 Can they bring about a feeling of depression in the mind?
00:59 Well, I think they can
01:00 especially if you worship something
01:02 that causes guilt or fear, anxiety
01:05 that would turn on the stress part of the brain
01:07 which would make all these inflammatory cytokines
01:10 which could make a predisposed brain
01:12 more likely to have depression.
01:14 So worshipping a God that we are fearful of,
01:17 worshipping a God that we think says to us I love you,
01:22 I created you, I died for you
01:25 but if you don't love me in return I will kill you
01:28 and a lot of people say, that--that can't be.
01:30 But if you stop and think about it
01:31 a lot of people believe that about God.
01:33 This vengeful, wrath filled God
01:38 who was waiting to just do a number on us
01:40 because we are not obeying Him.
01:42 That can bring about depression because we need to have a God
01:46 where we can worship that actually increases the joy
01:50 and the love and the--the benefits of love
01:55 that that kind of God would not bring.
01:57 Yeah and that's a trauma to the brain.
01:59 Absolutely. It doesn't make sense.
02:02 I have pointed it we have a good understanding of God.
02:04 Yeah, the brain--in back in the Garden of Eden,
02:06 the brain was made to worship God,
02:08 the true God and as we had false God
02:11 this just going do damages.
02:12 Now we can even apply this when people are young,
02:15 when you are growing up,
02:17 if you are in abusive relationships,
02:19 unloving situations, if you are beaten,
02:23 that puts damage on your brain too another type of trauma.
02:26 We see people that are overseas
02:29 and they have all these trauma that happens when people,
02:32 you know, kill each other and it was that type of damage,
02:35 it damages in your circuits.
02:38 Our brain wasn't designed to do these things.
02:40 Now do some people have depression
02:43 and do everything right?
02:44 Absolutely, there are certain genetic conditions
02:47 that predisposed to depression
02:50 and in those situations
02:51 sometimes we need to use medications,
02:54 sometime we use to use
02:55 other types of treatment for depression
02:57 like cognitive therapy.
02:58 We are gonna talk about a little bit
03:00 about special magnetic pulses,
03:02 magnetic stimulation that we can do
03:04 in addition to the lifestyle but one other things
03:07 I think you touched on is I have never seen
03:10 worship hurt someone that was depressed.
03:13 I never seen anyone that they praises God,
03:16 where they praised Him that makes the depression worse.
03:19 If they know who they are praying to. Exactly.
03:22 And what to expect from the God they are praying to.
03:24 That is the difference.
03:25 If they have expectations of a God
03:28 and that--those expectations are not met by the God
03:31 that they think is up there they are going to be depressed
03:33 because they think well, God is not listening to me.
03:34 He doesn't care about me. Right.
03:36 So it's so important that we have a good understanding
03:39 of who we are praying to
03:40 and the kind of God that's up there.
03:41 And chemically what it does
03:42 is it makes chemical called endorphins.
03:44 When you have this happen
03:46 it makes chemical called dopamine
03:48 which helps us with other problems
03:50 and makes us feel good.
03:52 It helps us give us the power to may be exercise,
03:54 to breathe better, to eat better,
03:56 to make the nutritional changes we knew
03:58 because we do know that nutrition effects
04:00 our brain health, it effects depression too.
04:03 But one thing I want everyone to think about today is
04:06 when you go to the doctor and have the symptoms
04:08 and he says I think you are depressed,
04:11 I would ask before anything else is there anything else
04:15 I can do before you write me that prescription
04:17 because those prescriptions that you might really need it
04:20 and some people at their suicide
04:21 need it for short period of time.
04:23 But in addition was there things that I can do is a trauma
04:26 that's been done, can my brain be reward
04:29 with cognitive therapy or worship therapy,
04:31 that's how we say.
04:32 Is there something nutritional that we can do?
04:34 Worship therapy, I like that.
04:35 Worship therapy is a-- healthy worship therapy.
04:38 Oh, yes, healthy worship therapy.
04:39 Is there some other therapy that we can add
04:41 that may be can change our chemistry naturally
04:44 so we don't have to take the risk of the medicine
04:46 or do we have to always be in it.
04:47 Some people do need medication
04:49 and some people it's very useful for.
04:51 But I think everyone deserves
04:53 to get at the bottom of the cause
04:55 and I think in this world
04:57 we just don't talk to each other,
04:59 we don't care about each other,
05:00 we don't look for-- look beyond the surface
05:03 and I think and people that are out there
05:05 if you might have depression or think
05:06 you might have you need someone that really cares about you
05:10 that will look beyond the service that will make sure
05:12 you don't have a underlying medical problem,
05:14 they will make sure you don't have nutritional defects,
05:16 they will make sure you are exercising.
05:18 And here's another one, Charles, rest.
05:20 Did you know that that is a major treatment
05:22 for depression because when you are resting guess what,
05:26 your stress chemistry goes down, your inflammation goes down,
05:30 your brain starts to think better,
05:31 it can function better.
05:33 So just that the pure process of rest
05:35 and again that's another biblical treatment.
05:37 You know, you work six days, you rest a day.
05:40 We were originally designed to rest at night.
05:42 As we violate these laws that God has given us
05:46 there is a chemical consequence.
05:48 You know, there might be a chemical consequence
05:50 to your knee if you never rest your knee.
05:52 Well it's only in intuitive that if we don't rest our brain
05:56 there is going to be some chemical changes to that.
05:58 We just wear the brain out, and the brain wears out
06:00 and all these neurocircuitry that we've talked about
06:03 it changes for the bad.
06:04 We make the bad chemicals
06:05 and not enough the good chemicals.
06:07 So I can--I don't know if anyone that gets worst
06:09 when they had a goodnights rest either.
06:11 Yes, absolutely.
06:13 We need also realize that the way
06:16 God response to our prayer when we have figured out
06:20 that God is a loving God
06:21 and He has our best interest in heart
06:23 and He is not out to destroy us.
06:25 How God responses, we need to make sure
06:28 that we realize that it may be in a book,
06:31 it may be through the words of a friend,
06:33 it may be in a sermon, it may be in a song.
06:35 If we go into a church service,
06:37 if we go into a relationship with someone
06:40 with the thought I am gonna be listening for God to talk to me.
06:44 I am gonna be listening for God
06:45 to give me some kind of information here,
06:47 in this relationship, in this book what I am reading,
06:49 in this television program that I am watching
06:51 which gives you an idea that we need to be watching
06:54 some really good television programs
06:55 like here on 3ABN.
06:56 If I am in a receptive mode to God's response to my prayer
07:04 it's amazing how God response.
07:07 It is--it is incredible the ways God use to do.
07:11 Some people pray and they will wait for the answer.
07:12 They sit back and wait when is it coming,
07:14 when is it coming.
07:15 They listen to the still small voice
07:16 that God really want to use the voice of a friend,
07:18 the voice of the preacher of church,
07:20 the voice of someone on television, in a book.
07:22 We need to be open to that. Yeah.
07:24 So when we pray God here is my problem, please help me.
07:27 Then we start looking around for the answer
07:30 and not wait for it to come to us we start going to it.
07:32 What do you think?
07:33 That's great, Charles,
07:34 and you know like we talk about relationship
07:37 and my relationship with you
07:38 is different than I might have with anyone else
07:40 but God works through relationship with you.
07:43 And it's just--you know, that's why I am hoping
07:45 some people that will be watching today
07:46 will learn something more about this subject of depression
07:49 even though I am not a psychiatrist,
07:51 you are not a psychiatrists.
07:53 We are not psychologists but we want people
07:54 to think about this important subject
07:56 because so many people do have down science,
07:59 you know, depression
08:00 and unfortunately lots of people are on medicines.
08:02 Were might be something like,
08:03 did you know that people that have the symptoms of depression
08:06 and seven of ten people there might be something
08:09 as simple as they are missing the genetic thing
08:11 to make folic acid.
08:13 You know something like that.
08:14 Like L-Methylfolate or some healthy foods
08:16 with those things that can help the brain function.
08:19 It might be something as increasing the ceriatone
08:21 or going outdoors, it might be cognitive,
08:24 it might be just having a friend,
08:26 it might be because you are lonely,
08:27 it might because you had trauma in your life,
08:29 it might because you are not sleeping
08:31 but it's usually what I found out, Charles,
08:32 it's usually just not one thing.
08:34 It's usually a little bit of this,
08:35 a little bit of that, a little bit of that,
08:37 and before you know you have crossed the line.
08:40 And then if you can sort of lower each one of these
08:43 and the person can start feeling better.
08:45 Well let's go to some questions
08:46 here on the heartwiseministries.org website.
08:49 You've answered some of them already
08:50 and it says is here, is there any way
08:51 to come off medications for depression?
08:56 If you want to come off medication for depression
08:58 you just drop the medication and hope for the best?
09:01 How do you come of medication for depression?
09:03 Now just think about this for a second, okay.
09:06 Do drug companies ever want you
09:08 to come of from medication? Absolutely not.
09:09 Not when there are so many people taking them.
09:11 And sometimes these medications prompt a side effect
09:14 where you need anther medication.
09:16 The doctor it takes times to get you off medication
09:19 or some of them don't want you off medication either.
09:21 The only one that really wants you off
09:23 from medication is probably you.
09:25 So it does have to come with doctor's supervision.
09:29 If you are having suicidal thoughts
09:31 or helplessness it might not be the best thing
09:33 unless you got them.
09:34 But you know in milder cases of depression
09:37 it is possible be off
09:38 especially if you make these other changes.
09:40 We know that people that--that exercise
09:43 and get out in the sun
09:44 that's just as effective for the treating
09:46 this depression as a medication.
09:48 So why not, so let me,
09:49 you know, gradually triturate this medicine down
09:52 and substitute these types of things,
09:54 may be L-Methylfolate, may be some, you know,
09:57 some almonds and walnuts that have omega three fatty acids.
10:00 May be some exercise, rest and water,
10:02 may be a little more worship and see how you feel
10:05 and may be you feel so good
10:07 that you don't need that depression medicine anymore.
10:09 Then guess what?
10:11 You can come off of it.
10:12 Unfortunately some of these depression medicines
10:14 have bad side effects.
10:15 Some of the when mixed with other medications
10:18 change the rhythms of the heart
10:20 and it can make dangerous rhythms
10:21 we call that the QTC interval.
10:23 Sometimes that can cause dangerous rhythms,
10:26 sometimes it can create greater mood disorders.
10:29 Some of these psychiatric medicines
10:31 for depression have also been
10:33 associated with increasing the rate of suicide.
10:36 So if you can be off of these with cognitive therapy
10:39 or any other therapy sometimes it's worth it.
10:41 Now one thing I wanted to talk about is
10:43 this new field that's coming cutting edge of medicine.
10:46 It's where they give magnetic pluses to the brain
10:50 and they can target different part of the brain.
10:52 And what this does is it causes the neurons to change
10:56 and release different chemicals in different connections
10:58 and sometimes that can help people
11:00 that have depression as well.
11:02 So there is lots of different ways we can help
11:04 and in my opinion that might even be safer than a pill
11:07 because other than the pocket book
11:09 it doesn't have a lot of long term side effects.
11:12 But every out there as far as depression goes
11:14 I want you to think about it look for answers
11:16 don't just accept a pill and talk about it.
11:19 Look at these other modes that we have out there
11:21 including nutrition, lifestyle,
11:23 especially look at worship,
11:25 talk to your doctor
11:26 see if it is possible you can be off medicines.
11:29 Make sure your medicines aren't interactive dangerously
11:32 and if a medication is making you feel worse,
11:34 you know, sometimes the medicine makes you feel worse.
11:36 Raise your hand and get off of that.
11:38 Yeah, absolutely.
11:39 I think its so important that we realize
11:42 that depression is serious.
11:44 It is not something that we just have to tolerate
11:48 and may be it will go away because it may not.
11:51 I think that we need to begin as a people
11:54 and especially people of God to start use using the tools
11:58 that God has put there for us.
12:00 Try that the change in the diet
12:03 and the fresh air and the sunshine
12:05 and the rest try to cover the place
12:09 where you realize that these problems that you are facing
12:13 are the result of sin, that many of them are normal
12:17 because who wants to live in a sinful world
12:18 and see the awful things that take place.
12:21 But we have to realize that we do have a God that loves us.
12:23 A God that wants to save us
12:25 and God who is preparing a place for us in heaven
12:29 after we get through of this very depressing world.
12:32 When we come back, we will talk to that God
12:34 so stay tuned.
12:43 You know, we have been talking about depression today
12:45 on the Ultimate Prescription.
12:47 And this is something that is a major problem
12:49 in the entire world now and if you think back
12:53 years and years and years ago
12:55 some how we didn't hear much about depression.
12:57 You know, we didn't treat everyone with medication.
13:00 Somehow we worked it out a little bit better.
13:03 And there's got to be better ways
13:04 to treat depression than pills.
13:06 However, some people really need the pills to stay well.
13:10 And if you are suffering with depression
13:11 I want you to consider some of the things
13:13 we talked about today.
13:14 The lifestyle changes like, eating a healthy diet,
13:17 exercise, getting enough rest, eating a plant based diet,
13:21 try to stay away from the stats
13:22 which can contribute inflammation.
13:25 Look at the things in your life
13:26 that might be causing inflammation
13:28 which could also hurt your brain.
13:31 Look at your life and see if there is trauma
13:33 but more important than that I want to also encourage you
13:36 to come back to worship.
13:38 Worship and change your brain.
13:39 Talk to God about this,
13:41 let Him work this depression out in your life.
13:43 And for those who are out there with depression
13:45 I want to invite you to go to our website.
13:47 We will be happy to pray with you, to meet with you.
13:49 Our website is heartwiseministries.org
13:52 and we are going to have a prayer for you, right now.
13:54 Shall we bow our heads?
13:57 Heavenly Father, there are many others out there
14:00 that are depressed.
14:01 Father, we need your help.
14:02 Show us the way to get help
14:04 and that come out of this, Father.
14:06 And we know that it is a place for modern medicine in lifestyle
14:08 but we want You to be the ultimate physician
14:10 that will lead us into health and to healing.
14:14 We want to thank You for Your grace
14:15 and Your love and all the grate suggestions
14:18 You given in the Bible.
14:20 This is our prayer together. Amen.
14:24 We want to thank you for joining us
14:25 in the ultimate physician
14:27 and this is how we make our program.
14:29 This is when you write us in the websites
14:32 or give us a line heartwiseministiries.org
14:35 and we wish you the best of health,
14:37 with God leading the way.


Revised 2014-12-17