Participants: Dr. James Marcum (Host), Charles Mills
Series Code: UP
Program Code: UP00031B
00:01 Welcome back to the program.
00:02 I'm Charles Mills here with Dr. James Marcum. 00:03 We are taking about brains today. 00:05 And Dr. Marcum, you have given us 00:07 some incredible things to think about here, 00:09 the connection between our worship of the true God 00:15 and the health that we can enjoy. 00:17 That it's vital that we do one before we can enjoy the other 00:22 that go hand in hand there. 00:24 What in your research have you discovered 00:27 to be something that we can do 00:30 to increase our benefits we get from worship? 00:36 Cannibals worship, every religion in the world worships, 00:42 why do we need to worship and what can we do to make sure 00:46 that the worship that we are taking part in 00:49 is the correct worship? 00:50 That can change your chemistry with that type of worship. 00:52 And not the worship that hurts our chemistry. That's right. 00:55 And nowadays we look at all the-- 00:56 it's always really been about worship. 00:59 Think about the Garden of Eden, 01:00 to worshipped the true God or the false God? 01:02 Daniel, did they worship the statue in the field 01:05 or did they worship the true God? 01:07 Well, evidently they worshiped the true God, you know. 01:09 And that is why the devil has made it so hard to worship God, 01:16 because he has put these false gods out here, 01:18 he has put all these false ideas out there, 01:20 the devil knows this. 01:22 And he wants to make us sick too, 01:23 And he wants to make us sick, 01:24 so he says if I can get to their brain, 01:26 if I can get to their thoughts. 01:28 If I can get to their heart in this case, 01:30 I can make it impossible for them 01:33 to have the benefits of worshiping the true God. 01:35 And if God can get to our brains you remember? 01:38 You know, God look us not on the outward, 01:40 God look us on the heart, 01:42 God sees disease and illness not like we see it. 01:45 God knows why? Exactly. 01:47 He knows why. There you go. 01:49 Disease is not necessarily always physical. 01:52 If you have a physical anomaly that's one thing, 01:54 but if you have a brain that God doesn't know, that's a problem. 01:59 But God can look right into the brain 02:01 at our whole time period, 02:02 He can be anywhere He wants and looks into our brain. 02:05 He knows but He gives us that choice to make with our brain, 02:07 so it's been about worship, even in Christ time, 02:10 do you worship the Christ, the true Christ 02:12 or do you worship the religious institutions. 02:15 You look at our society today, 02:17 we have so much else going on, we are so busy. 02:20 Do we take the time to listen or do we have 02:23 all these preconceived notions about what health? 02:25 Oh, preconceived notion that we have to eat the healthy diet, 02:29 is that where health is at? 02:31 Is a preconceived notion that we have to be 02:32 on top of modern medicine or exercise, is that where it's at? 02:35 Or is it this in conjunction with having a mind 02:39 that God knows, that God can change 02:42 even if we have some physical disease 02:44 as long as we have that going on, 02:46 we are going to be safe. 02:47 Now you talked about worship, that's an excellent question. 02:51 You know, everyone, how do I worship? 02:52 You know and some people find 02:54 that their worship experience is vested to church. 02:57 Some find it in the word, 02:59 but what about the people that have never read 03:01 or they are functionally illiterate? 03:03 Some people find it in music but I would tell you 03:06 as you honestly ask, David asked, he asked. 03:10 And in Matthew He says, come in to Me, find Me, 03:13 pray to Me, look for Me, look for Me, 03:16 and He is going to tell us, 03:17 He is going to write this in our heart, how to worship Him. 03:20 And it might not be the way we have been taught to worship 03:23 but it might be unique for you and unique for me. 03:26 It's a relationship and that relationship 03:28 looks different for different people. 03:30 It's not the same for anybody. 03:32 We are looking for a formula. 03:33 We all want to have a formula which says here A, B equals-- 03:37 but our formula needs to begin with me. Right. 03:41 Me plus whatever minus whatever times whatever, 03:46 it has to begin with me, 03:47 so don't look for complete answers out there, 03:52 it begins in the heart. No. 03:54 Yes, don't have these preconceived notions. 03:57 Let God do it for you. 03:58 Let Him create what He wants, you know. 04:01 Create me a new heart as the man think it. 04:03 You know let God do it for you. 04:05 You know, it's nothing that you can do, it's a gift. 04:08 Several times in the scriptures it says it's a gift. 04:10 Its something that's given, 04:12 it's a gift that you have to accept 04:14 and you have there is-- when you accept the gift 04:16 there are some responsibilities too. 04:18 You have to take care of that gift and nurture that gift, 04:21 that gift that relationship and it develops. 04:24 That's why I think in all my heart 04:27 that this relationship we have with God. 04:28 Now we have some chemistry, 04:30 we have modern science to prove it. 04:32 I would love to do the studies on different types of worship 04:35 and see what's affected especially in different types of 04:38 you know, to see how God would want this done 04:40 and the science is growing everyday. 04:42 With these PET scans we can see 04:43 the parts of the brain getting bigger. 04:45 We can see those neurons growing in the prefrontal cortex. 04:48 We can measure these stress chemistries 04:50 and see what the effect is. 04:51 So every one that comes to me with a brain problem, 04:54 I want to think, well, what's the cause 04:57 and are they worshipping 04:59 and even if they don't understand that, 05:01 I want them to at least ask God for this help 05:04 and engage with Him even if they don't know 05:07 what the relationship looks like, 05:08 we have to start somewhere. 05:09 Now the evil one wants to take us away from the relationship. 05:13 He wants us to live in a numb world. 05:15 He wants us not to talk to each other, 05:17 just to not to, you know, 05:18 he wants us to text or informational highway 05:21 get so busy that we don't have time to listen, 05:25 listen to that still quite voice. 05:28 You know sometimes God talks to us 05:30 like He is on the way to Damascus, 05:31 sometimes He has got to get noisy, 05:33 but sometimes He speaks in that still quite voice to us 05:36 and we hear that voice and He says, you know, 05:38 come in to me, worship me, all you they are stressed out 05:41 that have the medulla firing away, 05:43 damaging your body come disease and I will give you this rest, 05:47 I will give you this chemical change 05:49 and everything might not be perfect 05:51 but this is the place I would start in improving the brain. 05:54 Now if you look at other biblical things 05:56 that we have for the brain. 05:57 We know that Adam and Eve they worked a week and they rested. 06:00 Rest is so important for the brain. 06:02 We know that there are active exercise. 06:04 Exercise and rest are so important for the brain. 06:07 We know that water is important for the brain. 06:09 We know that good nutrition, 06:11 we know that what we've talked about all this food 06:14 that makes inflammation makes the brain even worst. 06:17 But to me it doesn't make much sense 06:19 to have a brain that can create the disease. 06:22 We are trying to prevent with nutrition and everything else. 06:25 We're just sort of banging our head on the wall 06:27 if we can't get at the cause because God looks at our heart 06:30 He looks at our brain, that's where healing occurs. 06:34 And I think that sort of a new approach 06:36 that some people just don't add to the equation. 06:39 We are not taught that in medical school, 06:41 we are not taught that in modern health. 06:43 But part of the reason 06:45 we have so much problems with our brains, 06:47 we see the dimensions, the toxins, 06:50 the toxins themselves, sure they hurt the brain 06:52 but why are people going to the toxins? 06:55 Why is the brain being destroyed, 06:57 because that stress part is turned on 06:59 making all these stress chemical that drives us to do things 07:02 that we weren't designed to do. 07:04 When we do those things to deal with the stress, 07:06 guess what happens, bad things happen. 07:09 So, you know, you talk to me before 07:11 about which comes first, the chicken or the egg? 07:13 Wow, that's a little bit hard but David-- 07:16 David, when he was the sickest, when he was the sickest, 07:20 did the most sickest thing a person could do. 07:22 He cried out to God and says, 07:24 listen, create in me a new brain. 07:26 I don't want that old brain 07:28 that brain that focuses on pleasing myself, avoiding pain, 07:33 that brain that also focuses on doing what's easiest. 07:37 He knew he didn't want that brain. 07:38 He knew that he need a new brain 07:39 and there is nothing he could do to do that. 07:41 He had to have God do that for him 07:44 and he ask for it, he came to him 07:46 and look at all throughout the Psalms, 07:47 he worshipped God and despite all the things he did, 07:50 all the sicknesses he had, 07:51 he was a man after God's own heart. 07:54 And he would complain about God 07:55 and he would yell and scream at God 07:57 and he had all these psalms written where, 08:00 you know, where are you, are you gone and everything. 08:02 But in the freedom that love brings, 08:06 in the freedom of his relationship with God, 08:08 he knew he was safe in doing that. 08:10 He could yell at God. He could complain about God. 08:13 He could say, where are you God, 08:15 because there was something growing in his brain physically 08:20 when he learned to love that true God, 08:22 that allowed him the freedom to question, 08:25 the freedom to search, the freedom to complain, 08:28 the freedom to worry but it was in that-- 08:31 the safety cocoon of Gods love, 08:34 his brain was able to accept his limitation, 08:38 his brain was able to accept the fact that he wasn't well. 08:41 And what so cool about this, Dr. Marcum 08:43 and I'm loving what you are saying here 08:46 is that when we want to be better than we are, 08:50 when we want to take that first step to health 08:55 before we go to the grocery store, 08:58 before we read T. Colin Campbell's book, 09:01 before we read Esselstyn, before we change our diet, 09:03 before we do any of these things, 09:06 we need to take the time to start worshipping the God 09:10 who is the author of the truth. 09:15 The author of health, the author of the food, 09:17 the author of T. Colin Campbell, the author of humanity, 09:21 because once we begin that journey 09:23 with God changing our brains, 09:27 our brains are going to have a better ability 09:29 to do the right things, to make the right choices, 09:32 to go the right way, to think the right way, 09:35 to reason correctly, 09:37 so that health becomes something not only that we do, 09:40 it becomes something that we are. 09:42 But it begins and you have said this on this program many times, 09:45 it begins with a relationship with God 09:47 and now after what you said here 09:48 I fully understand what you're talking about. 09:51 Now the anterior cingulate, the anterior cingulate, 09:54 the ones we see getting bigger in PET scans, 09:56 and we see the bad that stress part getting smaller that 09:58 anterior cingulate gives us that ability 10:01 as it grows to love our enemies, 10:03 to do things that we weren't inclined to do 10:07 because of the old brain it says it's all about me, me, me, 10:09 the selfish part of the brain, 10:10 get smaller as the anterior worship goes 10:13 the love part of the brain gets bigger 10:15 and guess what another prescription 10:17 that we see in the Bible is love 10:19 that anterior cingulate cast out what? 10:22 Fear, here it goes. Right. 10:24 So as it gets bigger as that worship, 10:26 as that relationship gets bigger, 10:27 we are able to love more like God 10:29 not that we can ever be perfect 10:31 but as that grows we can love our enemies. 10:33 We can do things for the right reasons. 10:35 We can take this fear because we love 10:37 and that's what eliminates selfishness. 10:40 We can't do it in ourselves, it's a gift. 10:43 It's something only God can do. 10:44 We are not capable of changing our brains. 10:47 Ask David, ask Solomon, we can't do it, it's a gift 10:51 and all of these guys in the past, 10:53 these doctors in the past knew that. 10:55 So we have preconceived notions today 10:58 about how health should really be. 11:00 And, you know, I think there are great notions that we have, 11:03 but may be it's not the key ingredient, you know. 11:06 And just like Dr. Hippocrates had preconceived notions 11:09 about where the center of reasoning is, 11:11 may be each one of us has preconceived notions 11:14 about where health really starts 11:16 and that's why until the day I die, 11:19 I'm going to be triumphing and learning 11:21 about how God can create in us a new mind 11:23 and it might not look like the way we think it should look. 11:26 Because, you know, again if it was working so well, 11:30 wouldn't more and more people become Christians, 11:32 wouldn't more and more, we see more and more people 11:34 coming to this as a solution for health? 11:36 No, we are not seeing that, 11:38 so we have to come up with new ideas, 11:41 new ways to get people to understand worship. 11:43 And through people's health, that's the way we can do that. 11:46 And also just folding right into what you were saying there. 11:49 We have really got to study into what is God, 11:53 the true character of God 11:54 because if we are worshipping wrong, 11:56 there is benefit to all worship 11:57 but if you are not worshipping the God-- 11:59 We can optimize it. We can optimize it, absolutely. 12:01 Very, very important things. 12:04 I just--I think of Christ hanging on the cross 12:07 looking down at the people 12:09 and then I say, how can He forgive them? 12:11 How can He, how can He hang there and realize that-- 12:14 that these people are murdering Him 12:16 and yet He loves them anyway? 12:17 That's how His brain was developed in such a way 12:21 that He saw differently, He looked beyond their acts, 12:24 beyond their murderous threats, beyond their angry words 12:27 and He looked and said, 12:28 those are my children, I love them. 12:30 And only a heart that is healthy, 12:32 a heart that is healthy with the love of God 12:34 and the worship of God has the ability of doing that. 12:37 Stay tuned, we will be right back 12:38 with a conversation with that God, don't go away. 12:49 I hope our discussion today has opened up your mind 12:52 to some new ways to think about your health, 12:55 a new ways to think about making your mind better. 12:59 And now we have science again, 13:01 once again show that the word of God is true. 13:04 Create in me a new brain, a new mind. 13:07 And watch what the chemistry can do 13:09 when we start to do this and how did David do that? 13:12 He asked for it, create in me something new. 13:15 And then in Matthew He says, come in to me and worship me. 13:19 So we have to find a way for each one of us 13:21 to worship and find out also who the true God is. 13:25 Then we can start seeing our chemistry change, 13:27 our anterior cingulate gets bigger, 13:29 then we can do things that we are not able to do 13:31 with that old reptilian brain of ours. 13:34 We can love our enemies. 13:36 We can eat the right foods a little bit easier. 13:38 We can love one and another a lot better than before. 13:42 And all this will caste out fear 13:44 which also makes our chemistry better. 13:47 Sure, we might have diseases like diabetes and cancer 13:50 and heart diseases but when we do this, 13:53 we are going to have that healing 13:55 where God looks in us and says, 13:56 I know you, at some point I'm going to heal you perfectly. 14:00 That is the ultimate prescription. 14:03 Let's pray together. 14:05 Father God, You have given us special insights today 14:10 and we want to apply them to our lives and others. 14:12 Father, just come into our hearts 14:14 and teach us about worship and teach us how to follow You 14:17 more closely is our prayer, amen. 14:21 I want to thank you for joining us today 14:22 on the Ultimate Prescription. 14:23 If you might have a question, 14:25 our website is 14:29 You can leave your questions, I will be happy to answer them. 14:31 Until next time continue worshipping the true God. |
Revised 2014-12-17