Ultimate Prescription

Questions of the Heart

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: James Marcum & Charles Mills


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP00029A

00:01 The following program presents
00:02 principles designed to promote good health
00:04 and is not intended to take the place
00:05 of personalized professional care.
00:07 The opinions and ideas expressed
00:09 are those of the speaker.
00:10 Viewers are encouraged to draw their own conclusions
00:13 about the information presented.
00:16 You have a greater chance
00:17 of dying prematurely of heart disease
00:21 than any other cause of death.
00:23 Important topic, stay tuned.
00:27 I'm Dr. James Marcum.
00:29 Are you interested in discovering the reason why?
00:33 Do you want solutions to your healthcare problems?
00:35 Are you tired of taking medications?
00:38 Well, you're about to be given "The Ultimate Prescription"
00:45 There is no health topic more important than the care
00:48 and feeding of your heart.
00:50 It's the only one you've got
00:51 and without it faithfully
00:53 thumping away down there in your chest.
00:55 You have a very bad day.
00:57 What's the best way to care
00:59 for that all important and one and only organ.
01:01 Let's spend some time going over the questions.
01:03 The heart questions have come in to
01:05 the heartwiseministries.org
01:06 website recently on that very topic.
01:09 Dr. Marcum as a cardiologist,
01:11 these questions carry a very heavy weight
01:14 for you I would say. Yes.
01:16 I mean, I love to answer questions
01:18 regarding heart disease.
01:20 And in fact as a cardiologist, I do that every single day.
01:24 And so I am pretty qualified to answer those
01:27 and what I really want to emphasize
01:29 on today's program is that
01:30 there is no question that's too simple.
01:34 Everyone needs answers to the most simple questions
01:36 and we've got all sorts of questions in here
01:38 that have come in to the website Charles.
01:40 We want to talk about them so let's just jump right in.
01:42 Well, this first one is important
01:43 because it is the number one killer,
01:46 am I right, yes, the number one killer.
01:48 Well, you know, I can argue with that.
01:51 You know, cancer and heart disease
01:52 are up there one and two.
01:53 But I recently wrote a book and there is some research
01:56 that perhaps medications
01:58 are the number one killer in America.
02:00 Oh, my-- Medications cause a lot of death too.
02:02 Now, that won't be considered disease, would it?
02:04 Yeah, well-- I guess. So as far as disease goes--
02:07 yeah, as far as disease goes, I think cardiovascular disease
02:10 is number one.
02:11 So it's still up there very high.
02:12 And unfortunately the disease rate
02:15 continues to climb.
02:17 And it's a disease of stress on a system.
02:20 It comes from genetic stress,
02:22 also comes from the food we eat.
02:25 The stress that comes from our brain
02:27 or high blood pressure or high cholesterols
02:29 everything that seems to be crying cardiovascular disease.
02:32 And lot of people don't realize it
02:34 almost everyone has at least
02:35 some cardiovascular disease in them.
02:37 And some times, the first time
02:39 you ever notice you had cardiovascular disease
02:41 and 50% of the time it's a heart attack. Yeah.
02:43 You know, they are going around
02:44 for years and years,
02:45 everything is going fine, boom, heart attack.
02:47 Then they find out not only they have
02:49 vascular disease in their heart
02:50 but if it's one blood vessel, it's in all the blood vessels.
02:53 That's an important point because people think
02:55 heart disease is centered at the heart
02:57 but a lot of the causes of heart disease
03:00 is universal, head to toe.
03:01 Yeah, we might want to name this
03:03 endothelial disease. There you go.
03:05 Because the lining is called the endothelium
03:08 and oh, you got picture of-- We do, right here.
03:10 You can hold up to, endothelium,
03:12 the endothelium goes throughout the body,
03:15 the brain, it goes everywhere.
03:16 In fact this is a healthy endothelium. Okay.
03:19 And you might want to show them
03:20 what happens when endothelium gets damage. Oh, dear.
03:22 It gets more and more clogged up
03:25 and these are little plaques,
03:26 these little plaques can rupture,
03:28 half of all heart attack come from little plaques
03:30 that rupture suddenly.
03:31 These are made of fat
03:32 in the arteries and that's a lot.
03:35 That is an artery that's in bad shape.
03:38 It's almost entirely filled up with fat laden,
03:41 it's called lipoprotein, it's a plaque
03:43 that is going to sure cause a problem.
03:45 But if it's in the arteries of the heart,
03:47 it's in the arteries of your brain,
03:48 it's in your aorta,
03:50 it's in the peripheral vasculature.
03:51 It even can, you know, get in the reproductive organs.
03:53 Now lot of people come to me, now, this isn't funny for man
03:57 but they come, the first sign
03:58 of cardiovascular disease is impotent.
04:01 And they say, cause that's a largest in the field,
04:03 one of the largest areas of endothelia in the body
04:06 and when they have impotence they say
04:08 oh, no, they get concerned about that.
04:11 Then all of the sudden I can change my lifestyle. Yes.
04:13 You know, I can do things
04:14 to make my endothelial function work better
04:17 and we're going to talk about
04:18 things today about making the endothelium work better.
04:21 So if you out there and you might be suffering
04:23 from impotence or heart disease
04:25 or brain disease or peripheral vascular disease
04:27 or blood vessels any,
04:29 that's in the heart, it's everywhere,
04:30 so this is something that everyone should listen to.
04:32 On one of our Heartwise radio programs
04:36 I interviewed an ophthalmologist,
04:38 an eye doctor.
04:39 And he said that he can look into the eye
04:42 and he can tell whether this action
04:45 is happening in the eye.
04:48 That's noninvasive, I mean,
04:49 you don't have to cut, you just look inside.
04:51 Yeah, you can see the arteries,
04:53 they are narrowed, they are constructed
04:55 but I can almost tell everyone that's under stressed
04:58 that eats a meat-laden diet,
05:02 that eats the fast food, everyone has probably
05:04 some disease in the endothelium.
05:07 So you know, you might consider
05:08 cardiovascular disease,
05:09 we might rename it endothelial disease.
05:12 But the good news,
05:13 this disease a lot can be done
05:14 for both in emergency situations,
05:17 we've all sorts of things that could be done
05:19 to help you through the emergency
05:20 and get you to a place you can ask well,
05:22 why did I had that disease in the first place
05:25 and is there anything else
05:26 I can do to prevent it and even reverse it.
05:28 All right, good point.
05:29 Okay, questions that have come into
05:30 the heartwiseministries.org website.
05:34 Why is the rate of cardiovascular disease so high?
05:37 Now I am assuming Dr. Marcum
05:40 that there was a time when it wasn't high?
05:43 Well, you know, may be it wasn't high
05:45 or maybe we weren't detecting it quite as much,
05:47 but it's been pretty much high and it's not going down.
05:50 An interesting story one time I heard is that,
05:53 you know, heart disease, rate of cardiovascular disease,
05:56 stroke, heart disease continues going up.
05:58 But in the country of Norway in World War II for instance
06:03 and the Axis Power came in
06:05 and they took away all of their fatty foods,
06:07 they took away all their meat, their eggs and the cheese.
06:09 To feed the army. Yeah.
06:11 And then all of a sudden the rate of the disease
06:13 in that country went straight down.
06:17 And then it stayed down during the war
06:19 and after they got all that bad food
06:21 to eat again that,
06:23 you know, that the heavy diet
06:24 and lots of fat, lots of protein,
06:26 then the disease climbed back up again.
06:28 In other groups of people
06:30 that don't eat all this fatty foods
06:32 that we get, they don't have
06:34 cardiovascular disease at all.
06:36 In certain islands around the world,
06:38 in rural China, in Africa
06:40 they don't have cardiovascular disease.
06:43 In the westernized world where we not only eat
06:46 a heavy animal based diet
06:48 and this has been increasing through the years,
06:49 we eat more and more, not only that
06:51 but the fast food and another stressor
06:54 is the stress on our bodies.
06:55 You know, we weren't made to work as hard as we are,
06:59 we weren't made to be distract,
07:00 we weren't made to be endorse,
07:02 so all these little stressors, Charles,
07:04 is raising the risk of cardiovascular disease,
07:07 raising the amount of cardiovascular disease,
07:08 strokes, heart attacks.
07:10 We are doing great at treating the emergencies.
07:12 You know, we've got chest pain protocols,
07:14 you go in the emergency room,
07:15 we can keep you alive.
07:16 We got stents and bypasses
07:18 and defibrillators and special medicines.
07:20 But at the same time the rates are still high
07:23 that's not fixing the disease. Yeah.
07:24 You know, we're just having the disease longer
07:26 and dying of something else.
07:28 But if we really want to get at the disease,
07:29 we have to get at the cause.
07:31 And that's some of the things we're going to talk about.
07:34 It should be pointed out right here
07:36 that anyone who things that a stent
07:38 or a bypass fixes the problem,
07:41 may need to rethink that. Exactly.
07:44 These procedures treat the symptoms.
07:47 Now if you're having a heart attack
07:48 that's a pretty major symptom, you now.
07:49 I want to stent in, so I can stay alive,
07:51 so I can live another day.
07:52 So then I can figure out, well, what caused it.
07:55 You know what causes endothelial lining disease.
07:58 And teach me ways that I can prevent it or reverse it,
08:01 so I don't have to come back for another one.
08:03 Now if a person doesn't change
08:04 after they had the bypass,
08:06 the arteries that are they are going to get more clogged up.
08:08 And they're going to be coming back for more
08:10 and more and more.
08:11 It's a great business model
08:13 but it's not so good for the patient that has it.
08:15 Okay, all right.
08:17 You used the word reverse several times here
08:19 and a question that came into heartwiseministries.org website.
08:22 Is it possible to reverse cardiovascular disease?
08:26 Now I am assuming this is someone
08:28 who has arteries that look like this artery,
08:31 I showed you here that was pretty clogged.
08:34 Can you actually go in there
08:35 and scrub that out non-surgically.
08:37 No, unfortunately, Charles,
08:39 we don't pull that plaque.
08:40 A lot of people think after I have a bypass
08:42 my blockages are gone. No, it's not.
08:45 A lot of people assume that after I have my stent in,
08:47 I don't have any blockages. No, we just squish it.
08:50 And also when we squish it, we damage the blood vessel,
08:53 so it turns on all these other factors
08:55 of other plaques are unstable,
08:57 they can get activated.
08:58 That's why we have to use special medicines
09:00 to help protect the stents.
09:02 The bypass doesn't take it away either
09:04 but there has been several individuals out there
09:07 Dr. Esselstyn at the Cleveland Clinic,
09:10 Dean Ornish, okay.
09:13 There are several have done some studies on people
09:15 that they have treated special ways,
09:18 I think Esselstyn's probably got the most attention.
09:20 Where he puts people on a very special diet
09:23 almost zero or no oil,
09:26 all the plant based diet, no animals.
09:28 And he has shown that his patience's
09:30 not only about a third of them reversed the disease
09:33 but none of them progressed,
09:34 they make the plaques more stable,
09:36 they almost make them heart attack proof. Wow.
09:39 If they eat the right foods. Wow.
09:41 Now one of the criticisms I have on his work is that
09:45 lot of people can't do that.
09:47 You know, most people live in the real world.
09:49 How do you take a person that doesn't eat good at all
09:52 and get him gradually moving to a healthy diet.
09:55 And that's why I think we know we got to move him
09:57 one step at a time and that's why I think it takes
09:59 really God's help to help change your heart.
10:02 And, but the people that they have done
10:03 with those diets, they do remarkably well.
10:06 The good news is that even if you do
10:08 a little bit before that,
10:09 the first step you can actually
10:11 be better off than you were
10:13 without that first step. Exactly.
10:14 And a lot of people say, well, you know,
10:16 if I can't eat this I would rather die.
10:18 Well, there is little things you can do
10:20 and as you change one thing,
10:22 you say, wow, I do feel better,
10:24 I can change something else. God is working with me.
10:27 What else can I do to feel better?
10:28 Now you've never had a heart problem,
10:30 have you Charles? No. Thank goodness, no.
10:31 You look very, very healthy. Well, thank you.
10:33 You know, if you might have a symptom,
10:35 you know, like when you're talking
10:36 if you would have chest pressure
10:38 that goes away when you quit talking
10:39 that might be a heart symptom,
10:41 so anything happens when you're doing something,
10:43 could be a heart symptom.
10:44 If you can't breathe or if you were to pass out
10:47 then I would be suspicious that you have a heart problem.
10:49 So those are just a few of the symptoms
10:51 that we might warn everyone with,
10:53 when you are doing something,
10:54 you don't feel right, above the waist
10:56 it could be your heart.
10:58 So the indication that you have
11:02 cardiovascular disease is what,
11:05 you have a hard time breathing,
11:06 you have a fainting spell,
11:09 you've said before you climb a hill
11:10 and you've tightness in your chest.
11:13 What this is simply saying is
11:14 that the blood is not getting to where it needs to go.
11:18 Something is constricting the flow of the blood
11:21 and when that happens, we call it heart disease
11:24 but it's basically like you say,
11:26 it's the disease of the arteries,
11:27 it's disease of the clogging--
11:29 Unfortunately, by the time the person has a symptom,
11:32 they have pretty advance disease.
11:35 So our goal is to let you know
11:37 limit the amount of disease in it,
11:38 if someone's there is not having symptoms
11:40 to keep them from having symptoms.
11:42 We just assume everyone has it.
11:44 Now even my test that I do to see
11:46 if they have active disease,
11:47 which are exercise, treadmill test,
11:50 I can do echoes to look at the strength of the heart,
11:51 we can look at the arteries in the neck,
11:53 we can look at the arteries here in the legs,
11:55 we can look at them every where
11:57 but we don't want to do that.
11:58 We want to talk to you right now
12:00 about limiting this disease and preventing it right now,
12:03 before you have a symptoms,
12:04 before you be one of the casualty.
12:06 That's going to be the new revolution
12:08 in healthcare in cardiovascular disease.
12:09 It's not going to be another stent
12:11 or new procedure or laser or these growth factors.
12:14 The no new revolution is going to come
12:17 when people start eating better,
12:18 getting that fat out of their diet
12:20 when they start exercising and when they start realizing
12:23 that the stress from all,
12:25 all walk is really killing us, literally killing us.
12:29 Well, we're going to take a short break.
12:30 When we come back we want to talk
12:31 more about heart disease
12:32 with cardiologist Dr. James Marcum here.
12:35 The next question that we want to talk about is.
12:37 What is the greatest revolution
12:40 that has happened in cardiovascular disease
12:41 in the last ten years?
12:43 We know the research is ongoing
12:45 and people are always looking for answers
12:47 and researchers are always trying to find ways
12:49 of keeping this from happening.
12:51 I have a feeling, knowing you
12:53 and talking with you that the revolution
12:55 that you're going to tell us about
12:57 began about 6000 years ago.
12:59 We're going to find out about that revolution
13:00 and more about heart disease on our return,
13:03 so everybody stay right where you are.


Revised 2014-12-17