Ultimate Prescription

Questions About Cancer and Nutrition

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: James Marcum & Charles Mills


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP00028B

00:01 We have talked a lot about
00:02 the materials that are available out there
00:04 for you to study, to look at
00:06 and I would recommend very strongly
00:07 the book we've mentioned already on the program
00:10 and that is T. Colin Campbell's book,
00:12 "The China Study."
00:13 Here is the man who spent a lot of material,
00:16 a lot of time and lot of energy
00:18 studying the different cultures and different civilizations
00:21 within the country of China.
00:23 And discovered some very, very different
00:27 finding, very different information
00:29 then was known to that point.
00:31 And he pen that down in "The China Study"
00:32 and cancer was one of the big items
00:35 that he discovered can be affected by nutrition
00:39 and which brings the question,
00:41 Dr. James Marcum, now matter how you eat,
00:44 if whether you have a standard American diet,
00:46 whether you have life style changes
00:48 that include fruits and vegetables.
00:50 How do you know if you have cancer,
00:53 is there like a pain that comes, what do you know?
00:55 Yeah, the symptoms and that's why we want
00:59 the screening test for everybody.
01:01 You know we have different screening tests
01:03 we do for different types of cancers.
01:05 But sometimes cancer before it has a symptom,
01:09 it's pretty advanced you know,
01:11 one of the symptoms people have it
01:12 they might have certain pains
01:13 that are unexplainable.
01:15 But it can be growing and you don't know it.
01:16 Yes, yes, it can be growing and by the time it spreads
01:18 and for it does causes symptoms,
01:20 it can be pretty advanced, that's why I think
01:21 there is a place for screening test.
01:23 Sometimes we might see a person is anemic,
01:26 running low on the blood counts.
01:28 Sometimes this is one
01:29 that we see quite a bit is losing weight
01:31 because we talked about the cancer being selfish,
01:33 the cancer is, you know, producing using a lot of energy,
01:37 the metabolism is high, so people cannot eat enough.
01:40 So they lose weight, fatigue,
01:42 tiredness, pain that's unexplained,
01:44 all these are symptoms of cancer.
01:46 Unfortunately usually by the time
01:48 the person has a symptoms, the cancer has progressed.
01:50 Losing weight if you haven't done anything else--
01:52 Right, right yeah if you are trying, yeah.
01:55 There's other things that can cause us to lose weight too,
01:57 but a dramatic loss of weight could be
01:59 a symptom of cancer as well.
02:00 All right, and a dramatic loss of weight
02:02 can also be a symptom
02:03 of going on to a whole food plant based diet,
02:05 just want you to know that.
02:06 All right, the symptoms if we have a symptom,
02:11 is it already too late, has it advanced to the point
02:14 where we are impotent.
02:16 That comes through the diagnosis
02:17 as once you have a symptom,
02:19 we usually find a cancer
02:20 and we usually do what we call a biopsy,
02:22 where we take a needle
02:23 and I have some needles down here
02:25 and we put the needle,
02:26 we put the needle into the cancer cells.
02:28 We pull those cancer cells out,
02:30 this is called a fine needle biopsy.
02:32 We look at him under the microscope,
02:34 and we can say, yes this is a cancer,
02:36 here is the type it is and then also the next thing
02:39 after we make the diagnosis of cancer
02:41 usually we do what we call stage the cancer.
02:44 So we look to see if the cancer is just localized
02:46 or whether it's moved to other organs.
02:48 Now, when you look under a microscope,
02:50 when you put that slice of whatever you get
02:53 and you put under the microscope and you look at that.
02:55 What do what do see?
02:56 What's it look like, what's cancer look?
02:57 Well, the pathologist, those are the doctors
02:59 who look at it, they see cells that are abnormal,
03:02 they know what normal cells look like
03:04 but they also know what cancer cells look like
03:07 and they see these abnormal--
03:08 well, these are actually our cells
03:10 that are divided in appropriate place.
03:12 So they look at those and see those
03:14 and say oh, boy, this is a cancer
03:17 and then the next thing as they confirm it's cancer,
03:19 then we see if it's spreading anywhere else,
03:21 frequently place we look is the lymph nodes.
03:24 Okay, if it's in the lymph nodes that's a serious thing.
03:26 If it's in the lymph nodes that means it's spreading more
03:28 using more than one location because the lymph nodes takes it
03:31 throughout the body.
03:33 Sometimes we can do CAT scans.
03:35 One of the neat scans we have now is called the PET scan,
03:38 I don't know if you've heard of that Charles,
03:39 but a PET scan looks at the metabolism in the body.
03:43 So we can actually look at a group of cells
03:45 and see if they are metabolically
03:47 more active than they should do.
03:48 That's not a picture of your dog.
03:50 No, no, that's my--
03:53 That was almost funny, Charles, almost funny.
03:56 Laughter is good for the heart.
03:57 It is good, but the PET scans they take pictures
04:00 and they can see if you have metabolically active cells.
04:03 So let's say you have a little mass
04:05 that they pick up in your lungs and they pick it up incidentally
04:08 and they say, wow, we really don't,
04:10 guy has never smoked,
04:11 he is not losing weight, no symptoms.
04:13 Is that cancer or is it something else?
04:16 You know there is a nodule there what should we do?
04:18 And options are as you know, if there you know,
04:21 we can do a PET scan to see
04:22 if the cells are actively dividing,
04:24 if it's a scar or if it's a old infection in there,
04:28 it won't be actively in divided.
04:30 But if the cells are actively dividing
04:32 in that part of the body, it might be an indication
04:34 that those cells shouldn't be there,
04:36 that might be an indication those are cancer cells,
04:39 so me might say, well, those are acting with body,
04:41 we better go in and get a biopsy.
04:43 Where as if those cells weren't actively dividing,
04:46 if they didn't look they're doing,
04:47 say well, you know, he is in a low risk,
04:49 he has no symptoms.
04:50 Rather than put though him a risk of procedure,
04:53 let just keep an eye on it and see if it's getting bigger.
04:57 If cancers are getting bigger and they are dangerous,
04:59 they will grow and get bigger.
05:01 And so they sometimes keep an eye on it as well.
05:03 So that's sort of new modern medicine
05:05 that we have these PET scans. Very interesting.
05:08 One of the questions we have here
05:09 from heartwiseministries.org is,
05:11 what are the some of the most common cancers?
05:13 This is a big question.
05:14 Well, probably the most common cancer
05:16 we see today is skin cancer.
05:18 You know, lots of people have skin cancer,
05:20 the one that's probably the most dangerous
05:22 of the skin cancer is one called melanoma.
05:25 You know, I don't know if you've heard about melanoma
05:27 but that's a very aggressive cancer
05:28 that spreads quickly,
05:30 so skin cancer is probably the most common
05:32 because we get it so much in our environment
05:35 and we get a lot of sunlight.
05:36 So, skin cancer is probably the most common,
05:38 we also see lung cancer.
05:40 It's a very common cancer
05:41 especially in people that smoke cigarettes,
05:44 you know, prolong exposure to this carcinogens,
05:47 breast cancer is of course very common,
05:49 they estimate that up to one in eight women
05:52 will now get breast cancer.
05:55 And another common cancer is colon cancer.
05:57 Okay, those are probably the three most ones
06:00 that we see a lot of else also skin cancers.
06:03 So those are most common cancer
06:04 but there is other cancers
06:05 that we see less often that are very dangerous.
06:08 One of them is called pancreatic cancer,
06:10 that's a very dangerous cancer that people get.
06:13 Also, you know, I'd group them
06:15 cancers like lymphoma, cancers of the lymph system,
06:19 cancer of the bone marrows.
06:20 You know, you heard the word leukemia,
06:22 that's another type of cancer
06:24 and then unfortunately we always want to know
06:27 where cancer starts, Charles.
06:28 You know, we want to know what's the primary.
06:30 You know, because what if we find a cancer in the brain.
06:33 Well, did it start in the brain
06:35 or did it move from somewhere else?
06:37 So we always want to know,
06:38 where the cancer started as well.
06:40 Because that helps know
06:41 what are the different types of treatments are available.
06:43 Now, we mentioned T. Colin Campbell in his studies earlier.
06:48 One of the most surprising things that he discovered
06:50 and that shocked him and it shocks me when I read it
06:53 and I'm sure it shocks lot of people is that
06:55 there is a certain food
06:57 that seems to be very conducive to cancer,
07:00 seems to promote it
07:02 and by reducing the intake of this food,
07:04 you can basically turn off cancer cells is what he says.
07:08 And when you increase the use of this food
07:10 you turn it back on again.
07:11 And that is cow's milk. Yeah. Cow's milk.
07:15 We have been drinking cow's milk for a long time.
07:18 What does cow's milk have to do with cancer?
07:20 Yeah, well specifically, you know,
07:22 if we look at the content of the food we eat.
07:26 For instance the content of a plant okay,
07:29 the protein is very low, where in milk and meat
07:32 the protein contents are very high
07:34 and there are certain type of proteins,
07:36 one of them is Neurocalcin
07:39 and that seems to be a protein that's been
07:41 associated with cancer, especially prostate cancer.
07:45 Men that drink lots of milk
07:47 and have those products have a much higher rates
07:50 of developing prostate cancer.
07:52 But T. Colin Campbell looked at large groups of people
07:55 and the more that they ingested animal protein,
07:59 whether it be from milk or from meat
08:01 or even from cheese,
08:03 the higher the rates of malignancy.
08:06 Now the question is
08:07 whether this trigger cancer genes
08:10 or do they speed the cancer genes, you know.
08:12 And so some people say they are sitting there
08:14 but when we have higher than that,
08:16 they have done the mice studies
08:18 and they noticed that the animals that have malignancy
08:21 that are giving an animal based protein,
08:23 they tend to take off and grow very quickly.
08:26 But also when they are treated with--
08:28 when they were given plant based protein,
08:31 they didn't accelerate in their growth.
08:33 So there seems to be something about our diet
08:37 that stimulates the growth of cancer.
08:39 He also makes it a point in here,
08:41 and we move on to something else
08:42 but the next point here
08:44 that animal products tend to be acidic in nature,
08:47 and plant based foods tend to be alkaline
08:50 and that cancer loves acid.
08:53 Cancer grows best in an acidic environment,
08:55 so even with the Bible, even thought the body regulates
08:59 and does its best to regulate,
09:01 he found that those animal products
09:04 tend to increase the risk of cancer so.
09:07 I think bottom-line is, you know, try to stay
09:09 away from animal product as much as possible.
09:10 Well, you know, before we go on there,
09:12 it's very interesting that we know that,
09:14 you know, when you eat, you know, lot of animals,
09:16 usually people eat sometimes big meal at night
09:19 but these animal products
09:20 stay in us for long periods of time.
09:22 You know, normally we would store these in a refrigerator
09:25 because if we didn't store or refrigerate they will spoil.
09:28 When you put that in a warm, dark moist environment
09:30 it spoils when the code is all levels
09:33 and all the chemistry changes,
09:35 the circadian rhythms at night, okay.
09:37 Our digestion slows down, so its there a long time,
09:41 we make these bio-acids,
09:43 Bio-acids to digest fat are carcinogens
09:46 and guess what, we've raised our chance of developing
09:48 a cancer inside our colon
09:50 because our transit time is very import in colon cancer.
09:54 That's why if you risk of colon cancer
09:56 you can increase your transit time by eating a lot of fiber,
10:00 water and you can really lower your risk
10:02 of that type of cancer quite a bit.
10:03 One of the questions that I'm sure you get a lot,
10:05 it came into heartwiseministries.org.
10:07 And we have some samples here of some herbs
10:10 and supplements on our little display here.
10:13 The question is are there herbs and supplements
10:15 that we should be taking on a regular basis
10:18 that are protective against cancer growth?
10:21 Yeah, well, for colon cancer fiber,
10:24 you know, you want to take fiber lots of fiber
10:27 and you get that in plants,
10:28 you know, you gets lots of fiber.
10:29 If you don't get fibers, take some fiber.
10:32 We notice some people think antioxidants,
10:35 you know, have some special roles in cancer.
10:38 You know things like blueberries are antioxidants,
10:40 certain nuts are antioxidants.
10:42 Because cancer needs a lot of oxygen to grow
10:47 and so you take away the oxygen
10:49 of the cell by the antioxidants.
10:50 These free radicals and all these things
10:53 this process called oxidation
10:55 tends to be a bad thing in the body.
10:57 So antioxidants, again it comes to eating a diet
11:00 that we were designed to eat.
11:01 Therefore now things that are oxidants
11:03 or things like the animals, those are oxidants
11:06 and then we talk about the acidity and all that.
11:08 But it also works together,
11:10 so you know for colon cancer fiber
11:12 a lot of antioxidants.
11:14 We know that in people that had breast cancer before,
11:16 if they can eat a lots of fruits,
11:18 vegetables, nuts and grains
11:19 they do better with cancer recurrence.
11:21 So the simple line is there is no specific supplements
11:25 but just eat a really health diet
11:27 like God gave us in the beginning,
11:29 lots of fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains
11:31 and try to limit the animal products,
11:33 the cheese, the milks, those type of things
11:35 and I think we are going to see
11:37 that will be a start to dealing with cancer rates.
11:39 Well, that is good news indeed
11:41 that we actually can do something about it.
11:43 When we have this wonderful diet
11:46 that God gave us when we tried to remove
11:48 the toxins from our environment.
11:49 We will be talking about that more in other program.
11:51 We can actually be proactive in protection of ourselves
11:55 against cancers attack.
11:57 When we comeback Dr. Marcum
11:59 will talk to the master physician,
12:00 so stay right where you are.
12:08 You know, I haven't been able to answer all the questions
12:12 that have come in regarding cancer or malignancy
12:15 but keep going to our website and write your questions.
12:17 We will get to them at future programs.
12:20 But a couple of things I want you to leave here with,
12:23 the bottom-line so to speak with regard to cancer.
12:25 Number one, get your screening test done.
12:29 Now we want to find cancer early.
12:31 Number two, realize that nutrition
12:34 and the food you eat have a definite impact
12:37 of preventing cancer and also treating cancer,
12:41 this is very, very important.
12:43 And I think if cancer is
12:44 something that's very devastating.
12:46 These cancer are bad cells.
12:48 They want to take over our body
12:50 but also God gave us good cells,
12:51 the immune system and we want to enhance
12:54 our healthy immune system that God has given us.
12:56 We want to get those good cells
12:58 that will help get rid of those bad cells.
13:01 If someone might have cancer out there today
13:03 or be struggling this,
13:05 we want to say a special prayer with you right now,
13:07 so we just bow our heads together.
13:10 Father God, there might be someone out there
13:12 that's struggling with cancer
13:13 that might have or might prevent it.
13:15 We want to pray for your healing right now.
13:18 Please come in to that life Father
13:20 and treat them and help them
13:21 know where to go for help
13:22 and Father, no matter what happens,
13:24 help them to stay close to You
13:26 where all healing can occurs is our humble prayer, amen.
13:31 Keep an eye on the developments in cancer,
13:34 they are changing.
13:35 If you look back over many years
13:37 what we have been doing has not been working.
13:39 There is going to be new ways to treat cancer.
13:41 So we are going to be praying for you at Heartwise
13:44 that God continues to give you the best of health with him.


Revised 2014-12-17