Ultimate Prescription

Questions About Cancer and Nutrition

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: James Marcum & Charles Mills


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP00028A

00:01 The following program presents principles designed
00:03 to promote good health
00:04 and is not intended to take the place
00:05 of personalized professional care.
00:07 The opinions and ideas expressed are those of the speaker.
00:10 Viewers are encouraged to draw their own conclusions
00:13 about the information presented.
00:16 The heartwiseministries.org website is a busy place,
00:20 but one area gets an extra measure of attention.
00:23 It seem as many, many people
00:24 want to know about cancer and nutrition.
00:27 Interesting combination, stay tuned.
00:31 I am Dr. James Marcum.
00:33 Are you interested in discovering the reason why?
00:37 You want solutions to your healthcare problems.
00:39 Are you tired of taking medications?
00:42 Well, you are about to be given "Ultimate Prescription."
00:49 I like what the Bible says about asking.
00:52 Ask and you'll receive.
00:55 You have not because you ask not.
00:58 New testament writer James gets it right to the point
01:01 when he says in the King James Version
01:03 of the Bible 4:3, "Ye ask, and receive not,
01:07 because ye ask amiss."
01:11 Well, today we dig into the frequently asked questions
01:13 section of the heartwiseministries.org website
01:16 for the queries you've been sending in
01:18 on the subject of cancer and nutrition.
01:20 I can guarantee you that
01:22 no one has asked amiss on this subject.
01:25 Everyone has real and in some cases vital concerns.
01:29 Dr. Marcum, let's get right here to the very first question.
01:32 This is a common one.
01:34 The viewer wants to know,
01:36 why are cancer rates so very high?
01:39 Okay, well before we answer that,
01:41 we don't want to forget that question.
01:43 Let's spend a little bit of time,
01:44 making sure everyone knows and understand what cancer is.
01:47 Good idea.
01:49 Cancer is a group of cells that starts dividing crazily.
01:54 It just divides over and over, they start multiplying
01:57 and unfortunately cancer is not a friendly thing to have.
02:02 Cancer is a selfish cancer and they want to steal things,
02:05 they want to steal nutrients from other things.
02:07 They want to make blood vessels,
02:09 that just promote what it does,
02:10 so cancer is a very selfish type of disease.
02:12 It just wants to grow and grow and grow.
02:15 We don't want cancers, and sooner or later,
02:16 not only does it steal nutrition from the body
02:19 but it can also impact other organs,
02:21 it can grow into other organs, they can squish other organs,
02:25 frequently we see it squishing blood vessels,
02:27 so it can squish if it's in the brain,
02:29 it can squish the brain, if it's in the prostate,
02:31 it can squish organs that go through there,
02:33 compresses them.
02:35 So cancer is a group of cells,
02:36 different cells that are dividing uncontrollably.
02:40 Now we ask ourselves.
02:41 Well, what causes that to happen?
02:43 You know, I don't want that to happen to me.
02:45 And some cancers are clearly genetics,
02:48 we have it in us, but sometimes
02:50 it just sits there, it's dormant, okay.
02:53 And other cancers get turned on,
02:56 and actually when cancer gets turned on
02:58 there's some things we can do that actually feed cancers.
03:01 There are some things we can do to turn on cancers
03:03 and we heard this word, carcinogen, okay.
03:06 People sometimes have you know, cancer genes
03:09 and they have the carcinogen which turns on that gene
03:12 and that cancer might not be doing much,
03:14 but then we might feed it some things
03:16 that help it go grow like crazy.
03:18 And that's called the promotion stage of cancer.
03:21 And sometimes it can grow really, really quick.
03:23 So cancer is a group of cells that divide,
03:27 you know, over and over that shouldn't be doing that
03:30 and different things we have both in our genetics
03:32 as well as in our environment
03:34 can seem to turn on these cells.
03:35 And unfortunately, Charles,
03:37 these cancer rates are continuing to go up.
03:41 You know, everyone says well, why is this so.
03:43 Why is the cancer rates going up.
03:44 Some people say, well, we are just living longer.
03:47 I don't really buy that.
03:48 They say, every man that he gets old enough,
03:50 he will have prostate cancer.
03:52 Some say, well, we are now checking,
03:54 everyone is checked for cancer,
03:55 before people used to die, but that's not even true.
03:58 Even in the modern era when we can do these things,
04:01 we still see cancer rates continue to rise.
04:04 And right now, it's either number 1 or 2
04:06 in the United States every year,
04:08 and cancer is also a worldwide problem.
04:10 And everyone's concerned when they hear the word,
04:12 'you have cancer.'
04:14 Another word that people might use is,
04:15 'you've got malignancy' or you have a tumor.
04:18 Now sometimes tumor can be benign,
04:20 that means, they aren't, you know growing crazy
04:23 and some times they can be a malignant,
04:25 those malignant ones are growing rapidly,
04:27 they start squishing organs.
04:28 So back to the question, Charles.
04:30 I wanted to give that little bitty background
04:32 before we start to answer these questions.
04:34 But even by what you said,
04:35 it sounds like cancer rates are going up
04:38 because we are doing something either in our bodies
04:41 or in our environment that is making cancer possible.
04:44 Something that we weren't doing 100 or 200 years ago.
04:48 Well, I've been on the right track then?
04:50 That's right. And what was our question again.
04:52 Why are the cancer rates still high
04:54 even though we have all these medicines
04:56 and all these knowledge, it's still there?
04:59 Yeah, because we are not getting
05:00 at the cause of cancer, that's the key.
05:02 We are not getting, of course we can't change
05:04 our genetics, okay.
05:06 But we can change the things
05:07 that make cancers grow in the carcinogens.
05:10 And I like this word, prolong exposures, you know.
05:13 Prolong exposures to sun light can lead to skin cancer.
05:18 I mean on women, prolonged exposure to estrogen,
05:21 lots of estrogen leads to breast cancer,
05:25 in smokers, prolonged exposure to smoke leads to lung cancer.
05:30 In fact if you smoke you are 750 times
05:33 more likely to get lung cancer
05:35 and it's rare that I see lung cancer
05:37 in someone who doesn't smoke.
05:40 Exposure to animal products,
05:42 lots of fats and animal products in our GI tract,
05:45 prolonged exposure to that leads
05:47 to a higher relevance of colon cancer.
05:51 So a lot of these cancers that we have are prolonged exposures
05:54 to things in our environment that wasn't so good.
05:57 And why-- And it wasn't there 200 years ago.
05:59 And why nutrition comes into this formula here is
06:03 we are not eating now,
06:05 like we used to do years and years and years ago.
06:08 Now years and years ago, we ate more fresh fruits,
06:11 vegetables, nuts and grains.
06:13 Nowadays we eat a lot more of a animal based diet.
06:18 In fact if you look at the average American diet,
06:20 30% to 40% of the calories we take now are fat, okay.
06:25 And where do we get a lot or our fats from?
06:27 From animal products, from meat, eggs, cheese,
06:29 that kind of thing, from processed foods.
06:31 Also we bring in a lot of proteins that we eat.
06:35 We eat a lot more proteins than we really need.
06:37 So this nutrient composition
06:39 in our diets have changed over the years
06:43 and this nutrient composition that we get actually can affect
06:48 if we have cancer genes in our body
06:50 and it can also trigger things
06:51 and also we have a lot more of chemicals
06:54 in our environments.
06:55 Unfortunately right now people still smoke cigarettes,
06:58 and that's a carcinogen.
07:00 We have a lot of chemicals
07:01 that we don't even know what they do.
07:03 You know, you look on the labels,
07:04 labels on some of the food we eat, and we say,
07:06 wow this has this in it.
07:08 Do we even know if it's a carcinogen or not, Yeah.
07:11 The answer is no.
07:12 So we have all these things in our environment
07:14 that we did not have or perhaps feeding these
07:17 with the diets that's not how we were designed to do
07:20 and then the last factor is our immune systems.
07:23 Our immune systems are not stronger than they used to be.
07:26 Our immune systems which are able to knock these things down
07:29 are actually getting weaker and weaker.
07:31 And that's whole another talk.
07:33 But because of all the stress on our bodies,
07:35 the way we take care of our self is making,
07:37 the way we rest, the way we take care--
07:39 The way we don't rest.
07:40 Yes, and all of that is putting
07:42 enormous strains on our immune system,
07:44 so our immune system is not able to take care of itself either.
07:47 Now these are just a few of the factors
07:49 that I wanted to let everyone know about.
07:51 But cancer is a problem.
07:52 It's a very scary thing
07:54 and that's why the rates are continued to go up
07:57 and they are not going to go down
07:58 I am afraid, unless we as individuals
08:01 can do things that lower our risk of beating this cancer,
08:05 staying away from carcinogens,
08:06 that's the real solution to the problem.
08:09 You know the cancer research is huge.
08:10 I mean there are millions
08:12 and probably billions of dollars being spent,
08:14 even as we speak there are people
08:16 in laboratories right now, studying
08:19 and they are trying to figure out
08:20 what is causing it and what to do about it,
08:23 and there are medicines being developed.
08:25 But from what I hear you're saying right now,
08:28 they are on the wrong track. Exactly.
08:30 Remember years ago, President Nixon said,
08:33 you know we put a man on the moon,
08:35 we're going to eliminate cancer.
08:37 And since that time,
08:38 the cancer rates continue to rise
08:40 and yet we're spending lots of money.
08:43 So if I were thinking about this problem of cancer
08:46 and I look and say, we're spending more money,
08:48 our society is getting sicker and sicker,
08:51 well I continue on the same pathway.
08:54 Well, I say, well may be we need to come up
08:56 with another chemotherapy regimen.
08:58 May be we need to do this. That's after the facts.
09:01 Yeah, that's what I am saying.
09:02 You know the real solution is not in this.
09:04 And you look at the numbers and that was in the 70s.
09:07 You know, that was long time ago,
09:09 40 years later the numbers are going up,
09:11 the plan is not working.
09:12 Now the plan does put a lot of people to work,
09:15 there's a lot of people working on these things.
09:17 And I am not saying that all of it is bad,
09:19 but I think we are on the wrong track,
09:21 when it comes to cancer.
09:23 I think we have to think more about preventing cancer,
09:27 detecting it early, treating our immune systems
09:31 and doing things that don't stimulate cancer to grow.
09:34 You know you are a big fan of T. Colin Campbell.
09:36 Yes, I am. I'm trying to study.
09:37 In fact we got his book there.
09:39 And he has made very clear that
09:41 it is possible to turn on and off cancer genes
09:45 in cancer problems in your body.
09:48 If that is true and I believe it is true,
09:51 why on earth would someone still insist on
09:55 doing what he says
09:56 we shouldn't do that causes cancer.
09:59 Why are we still doing that?
10:00 Well, because I don't think
10:01 people have all the data, you know.
10:03 And also we hear on the media that you have to do this,
10:06 this is the way you do it.
10:07 My doctor says, this is the way you treat it.
10:09 So I believe him.
10:10 The internet says, this is what I need to do.
10:12 Our government says, this is what we need to do.
10:13 There are all about treating it
10:15 as opposed to preventing it. Exactly.
10:18 And if you look at the studies that are being done
10:20 and Dr. Campbell looked at all these
10:22 and he noticed that people from China,
10:25 you know, when they ate in certain ways,
10:27 you know, when they move to the States
10:28 and they do westernized diet all of the sudden
10:30 their rates of cancer started to go up.
10:33 So just, may be wonders well there's something going on
10:36 with the environment, with the food
10:37 that may be this is the path we should be taking.
10:40 And now I think the new revolution in cancer
10:43 is not going to be coming up
10:44 with another chemotherapy medicine,
10:46 even though that's needed at time,
10:48 not going to be coming up with radiation,
10:50 even though that's needed.
10:51 And that's the standard way of treating.
10:53 Chemo, radiation but it's going to be in prevention,
10:57 prevention with nutrition
10:59 and perhaps even using nutrition to treat.
11:02 I would love to see studies
11:04 that someone that they thought cancer at.
11:06 For example breast cancer in a woman.
11:08 That they found a breast cancer early on and they treated it,
11:12 you know aggressively got the tumor out,
11:14 make sure they wasn't any spread,
11:16 and then they used that woman
11:17 and said listen, we are going to treat them
11:19 with a really healthy diet, not an American diet,
11:22 a really healthy diet, fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains.
11:25 Eliminate the things that we think
11:26 might be turning on cancer.
11:28 And study that group with may be a group
11:30 that does not get traditional nutrition
11:32 and I guarantee you, that we would see dramatic,
11:35 we've already known that people who eat well,
11:37 some of the studies have shown in breast cancer,
11:39 that the recurrence rate is much, much less.
11:42 Well, you know, we can look at that study
11:44 that hasn't happened yet.
11:45 But we can sort of look at it
11:46 because we know that we didn't have the problem
11:49 and now we do have the problem.
11:51 What's the difference between when we didn't have the problem
11:53 and when we do have the problem?
11:55 And a lot of things you talked about
11:57 the lack of rest, the lack of good nutrition,
12:00 the increase in our environment of toxins
12:04 that promote cancer growth.
12:06 The use of high fat foods, animal products,
12:10 what not, so it just makes sense to me
12:13 that if we want to keep from having cancer
12:15 or even if we have cancer and we want to reverse it,
12:18 it would make sense to me that
12:19 we would start doing those very things
12:23 that were necessary for caner not to exist.
12:26 Well I'll be too far off to say that.
12:27 Charles, I think you've got it perfectly, okay.
12:30 I think you've got it purposely.
12:31 And remember, you know, there is a place
12:34 for what we have in modern medicine for cancer
12:36 but when you see the rates going up every year,
12:39 we are doing something wrong.
12:40 There needs to be a refocus
12:42 and a rethinking about this thing.
12:43 Dr. Hippocrates said, let food be thy medicine.
12:47 And medicine be thy food.
12:49 You know he wasn't so far off base
12:52 and yet as our nutrition has changed,
12:54 as marketing has changed,
12:56 you know no one out there is going to tell you,
12:58 you know not to eat this way
12:59 because a lot of people are making money there's FDA,
13:01 a lot of people are marketing this
13:02 because there's a lot of jobs at stake,
13:04 so each one of us as individuals
13:06 have to take the time to learn about cancer
13:09 or learn about our bodies.
13:10 You are your own best physician, Charles. Not me.
13:13 You are your best physician,
13:14 with God as the ultimate physician.
13:16 Well, we are going to take a short break now
13:17 and when we come back,
13:18 we'll talk more about some of the questions
13:20 that have come in to heartwiseministries.org
13:22 concerning cancer and nutrition.
13:24 What I guess the message we're trying to say is,
13:27 here that they are connected. Yes.
13:29 Cancer and nutrition, there is a connection there,
13:31 a very viable connection.
13:32 People like T Colin Campbell have shown this
13:34 to be very conclusive, that when you change your diet,
13:37 you change not only your chances of having cancer
13:41 but you can also deal with cancer with nutrition.
13:44 So we'll talk more about that
13:45 and your questions for heartwiseministries.org,
13:47 so stay right where you are.


Revised 2014-12-17