Ultimate Prescription

Health and Reason

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: James Marcum & Charles Mills


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP00027A

00:01 The following program presents principles designed
00:03 to promote good health and is not intended
00:05 to take the place of personalized professional care.
00:07 The opinions and ideas expressed are those of the speaker.
00:10 Viewers are encouraged to draw their own conclusions
00:13 about the information presented.
00:16 Let me ask you a question, why exercise,
00:19 eat right and drop a few pounds?
00:21 There are many reasons.
00:23 Some make sense, some are down like dangerous, stay tuned.
00:30 I am Dr. James Marcum.
00:31 Are you interested in discovering the reason why,
00:35 you want solutions to your healthcare problems.
00:38 Are you tired f taking medications?
00:40 Well, you are about to be give the "Ultimate Prescription."
00:49 Today we examine the philosophy of health.
00:51 I bet you've never seen a television program
00:53 on that topic before.
00:55 Why we do something and often be as important as what we do.
00:59 Gaining and maintaining optimum health,
01:01 the goal of any same person must confirm to certain rules.
01:05 And those rules have their roots buried in a long ago garden.
01:09 Dr. Marcum the fact that you want to talk about
01:11 the philosophy of health must mean
01:13 that you see some dangers here.
01:16 Yeah, Charles. I think this is very important
01:18 that we talk about this because we have many listeners
01:21 out there, viewers that are watching today
01:23 and they have health problems.
01:25 And no one knows where to start.
01:27 You know, sometimes, you go to the doctor
01:29 and it's just overwhelming.
01:30 You know, you have to do this, this and this.
01:32 You have to eat right, you have to exercise
01:34 and you have to take this medicine,
01:35 and you have to go to this, and everyone's just overwhelmed.
01:39 And one of the things that I have discovered,
01:41 we have to have a overlying philosophy
01:43 to understand why we do,
01:45 what we do and make some changes.
01:47 Anyway, we have a lot of programs out there on health
01:50 and some focuses on lifestyle and that's great.
01:53 Some focus on exercise, you saw that
01:55 'Biggest loser show' right -
01:56 Absolutely, yes. I like that show.
01:57 It's a good show Good show.
01:59 But it just focuses on loosing weight.
02:01 Other's just focus on modern medicine,
02:03 you know, what's the latest greatest procedure out there?
02:05 Well, in changing people you have to sort of meet
02:08 them where they are.
02:10 And you have to sort of learn to know them
02:12 and get to know them and to talk about well,
02:14 why do you have a problem,
02:16 you know, why are you sick?
02:18 And in my search for truth in medicine,
02:21 you know, I was trained this way,
02:24 Charles, if you can't sleep at night, take a medicine.
02:27 If you have acid in your medicine, take a medicine.
02:30 If your blood pressure is high, take a medicine.
02:32 Type-2 diabetes, take a medicine.
02:35 If you hurt your arm, and it's swollen,
02:37 take a medicine.
02:39 If you have a bug in your eye, pull the bug out.
02:41 So they get that one right.
02:42 As there is no bug medicine.
02:43 But the point is this, in medicine,
02:45 they call it medical school, because it dealt with medicine.
02:48 And I've learned that there's so much more to healing.
02:51 Now there is a place for modern medicine,
02:52 don't get me wrong, there's place for medicines,
02:54 but usually it's for an emergency situation,
02:57 get you over the crisis and as Apocrates said,
03:00 let the body heal itself.
03:01 Yes, yes. Let me know, let's get back to normal
03:04 physiology so the body can heal itself,
03:06 so I am looking for a philosophy,
03:08 I've realized that, a lot of the stuff
03:10 that I was taught in medical school,
03:11 didn't really solved problems.
03:14 You know, we treated symptoms,
03:16 but we didn't fixed problems.
03:17 So I went searching for something
03:18 that I could bring my patients to an understanding
03:22 of why they're sick and that went
03:24 to the real medical text book and I was searching
03:26 when I was at the University of Texas,
03:28 and there is, on one of the towers there,
03:31 you sure know the truth, I went back to the Bible
03:34 to use that as my medical text book.
03:36 Now the fact that you say, you went looking
03:38 for truth, weren't you hearing truth
03:40 in medial school or wasn't it there?
03:42 Well, you know, it was like, we talked about it early,
03:45 you know, some people have
03:46 a little bit of that, some people have
03:47 a little bit of this, some people
03:48 have a little bit of that.
03:50 But you want to put it all together.
03:52 And yet my patients would come in to me in different sizes
03:55 and shapes and I had to give them something
03:57 that would sort of meet them where they are at. For instance,
04:00 Charles, if you had 12 things that needed to be changed,
04:03 that I could identify, I wouldn't hit you,
04:05 if I told you to do it all at once,
04:07 you would be overwhelmed.
04:08 That's true. I've got to love you,
04:10 and not judge you.
04:11 And that's what I learned in the Bible as a manual
04:14 for healing, not only, how to do this
04:16 and what would apply but how to approach people.
04:19 You know, the system, you know, you look at what's going
04:21 on right there now and our world's getting sicker.
04:24 You know, the cancer, heart disease, chronic disease,
04:28 the numbers aren't going down.
04:30 So if you look at all that, you'll say,
04:32 listen are we doing this right?
04:34 And we are taking all these medicines.
04:35 Yeah. And we are taking all these pills.
04:36 4 billion medicines a year then over the counters,
04:39 there are more drug stores than our churches now.
04:41 So you say, there's something that's not right.
04:44 Not only is the philosophy may be not right,
04:47 but may be our approach.
04:49 Our approach to people, our approach to patients
04:51 to each other, may be that's part of the problem too.
04:54 May be it's also, in addition of physical problem,
04:58 may be we have the mental disconnect now.
05:00 May be there, all the answers is not in all the technology,
05:04 the apps, the cell phones, may be there's something
05:06 more that we need to look into.
05:08 And our approach is tied directly into our philosophy,
05:11 I think I hear you saying.
05:12 Exactly, Charles. And where do you get
05:14 the philosophy in healing?
05:16 Where do you go? Now we've got lots
05:17 of great prescriptions in the Bible.
05:19 God tells us how to live in the Garden of Eden.
05:22 But not only that, one step further,
05:24 He also tells how to approach healers,
05:27 and also to how to approach the ultimate physician.
05:31 Now, Charles, picture this, picture this.
05:34 You go to a doctor's office, okay.
05:36 You walk in the front door, okay.
05:38 You walk in there and the receptionist meets you
05:41 and she says, you know, Charles,
05:43 I am glad you're here.
05:44 We're just glad you're here and she just welcomes you
05:46 and she loves you and she says, Charles, no forms to fill out,
05:50 no forms, no co-pay, no co-pay at all, okay.
05:54 In fact, all these other people
05:56 don't even wonder why you're there.
05:57 You can go right back and see the doctor.
06:00 So you walk back and see the doctor
06:02 and you don't have any flimsy robe to put
06:04 on where your bottom hangs out, you don't have to wear that.
06:07 you know, nurse plugging you and prodding you,
06:09 and you just sit there and it's nice and relaxed.
06:12 You don't have to wait any time at all,
06:13 the doctor comes right out there and he is right with you.
06:16 And he says, Charles, what's the problem?
06:18 And guess what, you can talk, and talk and talk
06:22 as long as you want. He is there.
06:25 He's not, does not have his hand on the door.
06:26 He doesn't keep checking his watch.
06:27 No, he doesn't keep looking in his watch,
06:29 he's not there at the computer. Right.
06:30 He's not already out writing your prescription
06:32 as you talk, he doesn't do all that.
06:34 He listens, and he listens and he listens.
06:36 The approach is a little bit different than
06:38 what you've had before so you are surprised.
06:40 This is a new approach to healing.
06:42 But I sort of like it, and you talk on and on,
06:46 and you talk everything that's wrong
06:48 and then when you're finished, he asks, Charles,
06:50 you have any questions?
06:51 You know, do I need to clarify anything.
06:53 And you say, no I think that's it.
06:55 And he gives you this wonderful treatment plan.
06:58 He says, Charles, this is what you need to do.
07:00 But I don't want to overwhelm you.
07:02 I just want to give you one thing that you can work on.
07:04 Just one thing and it's going to help you do better
07:07 and when that goes well, you can
07:09 go to number two on the list, okay.
07:11 But let's just go slow here, you know,
07:13 Rome wasn't built in a day, he tells you.
07:14 So you're feeling really good.
07:17 So you go out, you know there's no wait
07:21 when you go out, everyone's not looking
07:22 in the lobbies and -- what's wrong with that guy.
07:24 So you go out and you start to live your life again.
07:27 And guess what, you do all the bad things again
07:30 and you start getting sick again.
07:31 And you forget everything that doctor's told you.
07:34 But you know what, you have a relationship
07:37 with him and you know something's not right,
07:39 so in fact, your relationship is so good
07:42 that you don't mind going back the next day.
07:44 You are not afraid to go back.
07:45 No, you are not afraid to go back the next day.
07:47 No fear and no judging.
07:50 So you go back to that office the next day.
07:52 Guess what, the receptionist goes, Charles!
07:54 You're back again.
07:55 And you go, well, I don't want to be here,
07:59 but I am back again.
08:00 And she says, oh, that's okay.
08:01 This happens all the time.
08:03 He says, are you ready to see the doctor now?
08:05 And you go, yes.
08:06 And you pull out, no co-pay,
08:08 just go right back and guess who is waiting for you?
08:10 The doctor. And you know this time,
08:13 Charles, this time when you walk
08:15 in the room, the doctor says, Charles, I love you,
08:19 and he gives you a big bear hug.
08:21 You sort of feel a little bit bad,
08:23 but because you know, you didn't do anything right
08:25 but he told you and he's spent all that time
08:27 with you yesterday, he did nothing right,
08:29 but the first thing he says is, Charles,
08:31 I love you with all my heart.
08:33 What happened yesterday?
08:34 Tell me what happened.
08:36 And then you sit down and you go through it all again
08:39 and he listens all again and he takes
08:41 all the time in the world and he says,
08:43 Charles, you know, yesterday wasn't a good day
08:46 but today would be a good day.
08:48 In fact we might have five bad days in a row,
08:50 but you can come back and see me every day,
08:53 I will be here and I'm going to give you a hug
08:55 and I'm going to love you, and you know what,
08:56 sooner or later, this is going to happen here,
08:59 we're going to find our path to healing.
09:01 And you go out and then guess what,
09:04 this time you're able to do something different.
09:06 You are able to follow something on the list,
09:07 but at the same time, you know, you can always go back
09:09 to the ultimate physician everyday.
09:11 Well, what I saw in medicine,
09:14 Charles, is this is what we needed.
09:16 Everyone knows about the food we need to eat,
09:19 we know about that.
09:20 We know the modern technology,
09:21 when to use modern medicine, we know that.
09:23 We know about lifestyle but it 's the approach to healing,
09:28 it's the ultimate physician having that relationship
09:31 with Him and letting Him also guide,
09:33 guide this decision making, the approach to healing.
09:36 This was something very important.
09:38 And in our philosophy of health, you have to deal with people,
09:42 you have to deal with this and I found out
09:44 that in those texts, that medical texts in the Bible,
09:47 not only did it give me great ways to learn
09:49 how to change a person's prescriptions
09:51 but it gives us an approach to each other,
09:54 a loving approach and also it gives us a picture
09:57 of the ultimate physician that we have
09:59 to keep in the healing equation.
10:01 You know, when I hear you talk about,
10:03 going and seeing God and spending time with Him like
10:05 you described there, suddenly you want to be healthy,
10:10 not only for yourself but for the someone who is loving you.
10:13 You want to be a healthy for this,
10:15 this physician, this doctor, this God,
10:18 who is showing you this kind of love,
10:21 who is saying that you are special that you can beat this,
10:24 you can make mistakes but I'll be here for you then,
10:27 suddenly the love for God that you feel in your heart becomes
10:33 a motivator for what you do in your own life.
10:36 That philosophy then washes over you and you say,
10:38 I want to be healthy, I want to do the right things,
10:41 I want to go to the second mile here for myself because
10:44 I have a doctor who loves me, who cares for me
10:49 and so I can trust what he is telling me,
10:52 I can trust the rules that he has put out here for me,
10:55 because he loves me and when someone who loves me,
10:58 gives me a rule, that rule has got
11:00 to be a good rule, even though it may be hard on you.
11:03 I hear you saying that in this.
11:04 Right. And you know there's many other health programs out
11:07 there and they do great things, don't get me wrong, but our,
11:12 at Heartwise Ministries in these program,
11:15 we want to focus on the ultimate physician
11:18 as the top of the healing pyramid,
11:20 even if you can't do everything right,
11:22 even if you can't make all the changes.
11:24 As long as you're in that healing relationship
11:26 with Him at some point, healing will occur.
11:30 And I can only assume,
11:31 I can notice from experience to with it.
11:34 The more you love God and the more you realize
11:36 what God has done for you,
11:39 the more you begin to love yourself.
11:41 And so you may begin wanting to be healthy for the God
11:45 who cares for you but then you say, well you know,
11:47 I must be pretty valuable here, I must be something
11:51 that I need to take care of because I am loved,
11:54 and I love myself, and we sort of care
11:57 for things that we love.
11:58 And we're going to discover as we move on to the programs
12:01 that when we have this relationship,
12:04 when we have this, there are real chemical
12:06 and physical changes that happen in the body and in the mind.
12:10 It's just fabulous.
12:12 When David asked for create me a new heart, a new mind.
12:16 Yeah. There's real when God does that,
12:18 when He is the ultimate physician in healing your life.
12:20 There's physical and chemical changes that actually occurred,
12:24 Charles, that's more important than a pill,
12:26 that's more important than any procedure,
12:28 so we want to include this type of treatment,
12:31 this type of approach into the healing triangle.
12:36 We'll take a short break and when we come back,
12:38 we're gonna answer some questions
12:39 that have come in to the Heartwiseministries.org
12:41 that you have sent in.
12:43 Thank you very much and we'll look at those in just a moment,
12:45 so stay right where you are.


Revised 2014-12-17