Ultimate Prescription

Renal Disease

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: James Marcum & Charles Mills


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP00026B

00:01 Welcome back to the program.
00:02 I'm Charles Mills here with Dr. James Marcum.
00:04 We're talking about renal disease today
00:05 and kidneys in particular.
00:07 And we have some questions
00:09 from heartwiseministries.org website.
00:11 And I want to invite you, the listener and watcher,
00:12 if you want to put some questions for us on our program,
00:16 you can go to that website and there's a place
00:18 you can click there and you can put your question
00:20 and we'll try to adjust it on our upcoming program.
00:22 It's at heartwiseministries.org.
00:25 Okay, question number one,
00:27 and I want to add a little bit to at here.
00:28 The question is, "I saw on the internet
00:30 someone trying to sell a kidney.
00:32 My question is, is this a good idea?
00:34 I mean, if you sell your kidney
00:36 that means you only have one.
00:38 God gave you two I would assume for a reason.
00:42 Is it a really a good idea to sell your kidney?"
00:44 No, and I actually read this story too, Charles,
00:47 and this poor young man was selling it
00:49 so he'd have enough money to buy an iPad.
00:52 So he was trading one kidney for an iPad.
00:55 Now I don't think that's a very good trade,
00:58 but people do trade body parts
01:00 and so I wouldn't say this is a good idea.
01:02 But people do sell organs.
01:05 The kidney is an organ though, if you think about,
01:07 you know, when it goes bad,
01:10 you know, you can replace it with someone else's kidneys
01:12 and you have dialysis to keep you going
01:14 until you can get a kidney.
01:16 But in thinking about the diseases
01:18 that affect the kidneys,
01:19 the kidney is really sort of an effected organ
01:22 by all this other conditions.
01:24 And if we can keep those other conditions--
01:26 especially since diabetes is the number one
01:27 cause of dialysis we can keep diabetes down,
01:30 high blood pressure damages kidneys too.
01:32 Those are two of the leading causes of damage to the kidneys
01:35 and if we can control those two factors,
01:37 we can protect our kidneys a lot better.
01:39 And also, you know, it also gets cholesterol in the arteries
01:42 that go into the kidneys, you know,
01:43 lots of things damage-- and stones,
01:46 here's a great thing, you know,
01:47 stones can hurt the kidneys indirectly
01:49 because it blocks up your ureters.
01:51 And so the urine can't get out-- That's got to hurt.
01:53 Your urine can't get out-- yeah, it does.
01:54 And you got that back pressure from a stone
01:57 and the stone tries to pass,
01:58 they say it's more painful to have a stone
02:01 than give birth to a baby, that's how much pain it is.
02:05 When you're trying to pass the stone
02:06 and it hurts like crazy, the urine's back--
02:09 back--backflow
02:10 and some of the causes of stones is our diet.
02:13 You know, we know people that eat high meat diets,
02:15 lots of caffeine, those can make stones happen.
02:17 So to keep the stones out of you sometimes
02:19 if just changing your diet, hydrating yourself well,
02:22 the basics can get back to that.
02:24 And unfortunately we talk about the fancy things
02:27 we can do like to get rid of the stones,
02:29 like lithotripsy, and putting stents in
02:31 rather than to really focus on things
02:33 that can keep the stones out,
02:35 like maybe eating a plant-based diet,
02:37 maybe drink enough water,
02:38 getting rid of the caffeine in the diet.
02:40 We get back to the basics.
02:41 So for caring for the kidney,
02:43 I think a lot of it's getting back to the basis
02:46 to keep these organs happy.
02:47 That's a good example of what you've been saying
02:49 on this program all along here
02:50 the difference between where modern medicine shines
02:54 and where we need to find other ways.
02:57 If you have a kidney stone and if you have that pressure
02:59 and it's not moving out, modern medicine time,
03:02 but if you don't want to have a kidney stone
03:04 it's time to drink more water.
03:05 You know, we're talking about selling kidneys.
03:07 Now some people are altruistic
03:10 and give their kidneys to a relative.
03:12 You know, that might need one for whatever reason.
03:14 And, you know, I can see that, you know,
03:16 they match them and you take a kidney.
03:18 I've a friend that had a kidney transplant.
03:21 Now his kidney was damaged
03:22 from diabetes and high blood pressure.
03:24 And he was on dialysis for quiet a few years.
03:27 And when he-- he liked to travel,
03:29 but when he was on dialysis he couldn't travel well,
03:31 so he got a new kidney
03:32 and that kidney is allowing him to be a new man.
03:35 So if the modern medicine is very great in that situation,
03:38 because if we didn't have dialysis and a new kidney,
03:41 he would not be with us anymore.
03:42 So there is a good place for modern medicine.
03:44 Again, it's a bridge to get us through
03:46 so that we can deal with some of the chronic conditions.
03:48 I hope that's the message getting across to you, viewer.
03:52 There's a place for modern medicine,
03:53 it's important and God uses modern medicine
03:57 to do wondrous things for us.
03:59 God uses modern medicine to heal us from--
04:02 we've made some pretty bad decisions,
04:05 but it only goes so far.
04:06 And God says, you know,
04:08 "Instead of Me having to run in here with modern medicine
04:10 and heal you, why don't you start looking
04:12 at what I have in mind for you.
04:14 What I said to you in Eden.
04:16 The diet I gave you, the exercise program,
04:18 the water, the sunshine, the fresh air, the sleep,
04:21 the sleep patterns, the Sabbath rest,
04:23 a relationship with Me.
04:24 Why don't I show you that?"
04:28 So I want to rush in with modern medicines.
04:29 So modern medicine's wonderful stuff
04:32 but, you know, there's a better way.
04:34 All right, "I have frequent kidney stones,"
04:37 says this writer, "is there anything
04:38 I can do to prevent these stones?
04:40 They are terribly painful." There you go.
04:41 Yeah, we've already sort of touched on that
04:43 and it's, you know, it's interesting
04:45 that doctors would take care of certain organs.
04:48 You know, we have a specialist now for everything.
04:50 The doctors that take care of kidneys
04:52 are called Nephrologists.
04:54 That's a great name and these guys are excellent doctors,
04:56 because they have to--
04:57 the kidney's involved in every organ
04:59 and so they know about everything.
05:00 And the doctors that take care of things
05:02 below the kidneys are usually called Urologists.
05:06 So these are the doctors
05:08 that take care of stones are urologists,
05:10 but the stones can affect the kidneys,
05:11 especially if the tubes get backed up.
05:14 So to answer this question, yes,
05:17 they usually take the stone out,
05:19 they analyze the stone, see what kind of stone it is
05:21 and there are certain diets you can be on to help
05:24 that especially they usually cut back on,
05:26 you know, things like red meat.
05:27 I seen them cut back on caffeine.
05:29 But the big thing for stones is you want to hydrate yourself.
05:33 You know, you want to hydrate yourself
05:34 and keep yourself as healthy as you possibly can be.
05:37 But, you know, thank goodness from modern medicine
05:39 to get a stone out of there.
05:40 Because if you're having lots of pain the last thing
05:42 you want to do is pass a kidney stone.
05:44 I've even listened that they use
05:46 sonic sound waves to break them up.
05:47 Yes, yeah, sound waves to break them up.
05:49 Have you ever had a stone before?
05:50 No, never have.
05:52 I mean, they say it's the people that have it says--
05:54 I've never had one either, they say it's very painful,
05:56 but I've begun to drinking water.
05:57 You know, I drink so much water everyday, Charles.
05:59 Little choice we can make there, turn to water.
06:01 Yeah, and that's an easy choice for me.
06:03 Now I'm curious, Charles, you know,
06:05 about this-- the very first question
06:07 about the guy selling his kidney for an iPad.
06:10 You know, that still intrigues me, you know.
06:12 If you're gonna sell an organ, you know,
06:14 come on, you know, I would raise the ante a little bit.
06:16 It's a little bit hard.
06:17 But I heard the people that were trying to buy it
06:19 are in big trouble now.
06:20 Oh, really. They're in big trouble.
06:22 Because I don't think that's legal to sell organ parts.
06:25 If it's not it should be?
06:27 It's illegal. Yes, okay, all right.
06:28 At least here it is. All right, good.
06:31 Okay, then we talked about some of the causes
06:32 of renal disease and let's move now
06:35 to the kind of lifestyle that we need to have--
06:38 let's take this through a day,
06:41 a sample day of someone's life that is anti-kidney stone,
06:46 anti-kidney disease.
06:47 What would that person be doing during that day
06:50 to try to keep from having any problems with the kidneys?
06:53 They get up and they would do what?
06:54 Well, you know, it's--
06:56 the thing is you want to make sure
06:57 you don't have the things that cause damage to kidneys.
06:59 And the two leading causes
07:00 are diabetes and high blood pressure.
07:02 So type 2 diabetes is-- So you'd watch your diet?
07:04 Right, you're gonna get a diet that's low in fat,
07:07 that's hopefully towards a plant-based diet--
07:09 Low in sodium.
07:11 Yes, where you exercise a lot
07:12 that's gonna lower your risk of diabetes.
07:14 You lower the risk of high blood pressure
07:16 by lowering your sodium and exercise program.
07:18 So the very basics is gonna help your kidneys,
07:21 because it helps the diabetes and high blood pressure.
07:22 And as we learned about all these chronic causes of death
07:26 across the world, we've seen a lot of overlap.
07:29 And a lot of it does go back to lifestyle changes
07:32 that are made at an early age.
07:34 And someone said if you would make
07:36 these lifestyle changes between 0 and 35 years of age,
07:40 do all this between 35, then from 35 to 70
07:43 you usually don't have a lot of problems.
07:45 It-- so it's early ages
07:46 and that's why we have a whole generation
07:48 that might not be getting this message.
07:50 And how do you get children and young people
07:52 to learn these things about the lifestyle and not,
07:54 you know, they're young, "We can do whatever we want,
07:56 I can eat whatever, I can drink whatever,
07:58 I can smoke the cigarettes, my body lasts forever."
08:02 So that's why we have to teach these young people.
08:04 And it really comes from the homes, the families.
08:06 If they see mom and dad doing it,
08:07 the studies have shown they're more likely to do it.
08:10 If they see mom and dad not doing it,
08:12 you know, they're not gonna do it either.
08:14 So if they accumulate this disease in them at--
08:17 in their first 35 years, the next 35 years
08:20 the doctors are busy treating symptoms.
08:22 It's a great business model.
08:24 We don't want people to stay healthy
08:26 when they're younger,
08:27 because when they get older we want something to do.
08:29 You know, if all these people did this,
08:30 I would be out about 80% and 90%
08:32 of the patients I see everyday,
08:34 if people would live a good lifestyle
08:35 their first 35 years of life. Really, that much.
08:37 Yes. Lifestyle, yeah.
08:40 If you want to put Dr. Marcum
08:41 and his group of people out of business,
08:44 you know, and know how to do that.
08:45 And you wouldn't mind that, would you?
08:47 No, I think I would be a travel agent.
08:49 I like to travel.
08:50 I would like to find something else to do.
08:51 Let's put him out of business.
08:53 You know, in heaven,
08:55 you know, there's not gonna be any sickness.
08:56 We're gonna all be healed,
08:58 you know, by the Master Physician.
08:59 So I do plan to open up a travel agency.
09:02 And if you'd like to go a trip sometime with me
09:05 to some exotic location I have a hoping
09:07 that if I talk to God, that would be okay with him.
09:11 Then I'm gonna take a bunch of people
09:12 on trips all over the universe.
09:13 That'll be a fun thing to do.
09:15 We need to-- I'm gonna retire from medicine.
09:18 We need to complete this program
09:19 and this series with a review,
09:22 a very quick review of what God had in mind.
09:25 What is it that God was trying to tell us
09:29 on those days of creation including the Sabbath?
09:31 What was He trying to tell us about out health?
09:34 Yeah, you know, everything that God does
09:35 is for a purpose and His laws that He gave us at creation
09:39 they maintain themselves forever, okay?
09:42 These are laws that are there
09:44 just like the law of gravity says,
09:45 if you jump off the building you'll break,
09:46 if you break a law of God that He gave us
09:49 designs to be you can have a chemical change.
09:50 Bad thing is gonna happen. Right.
09:52 And that goes from keeping a day of rest,
09:54 to drink enough water, to serving each other,
09:57 we were made to communicate with Him,
09:58 we were made to worship Him,
10:00 we were made to serve each other,
10:01 we were made to eat a plant-based diet.
10:04 All these things now we're now proving scientifically
10:07 and we're seeing that everything God said is true.
10:09 And when we break these laws it's at our own peril.
10:12 So, but, when we keep these laws
10:14 through the power that He gives us,
10:16 then we also can see enormous health benefits.
10:19 And we will walk in that relationship
10:20 even if we have bad genetics
10:22 or we can't do everything quiet right.
10:24 We're promised that He's gonna help us
10:26 and He's gonna ultimately heal us.
10:28 That is so what's great about having this
10:30 ultimate prescription with us.
10:32 And as time goes on in this program
10:34 we're gonna talk about neat things,
10:35 we're gonna talk about how God has given us
10:38 certain plans to help fight disease
10:40 and certain herbs as well as talk to the place
10:42 about modern medicine.
10:43 Learning about what gives us the power
10:45 and how people can stay on the path
10:47 when the whole world says, "No you can't do it this way."
10:50 And that's what so exciting that God gives us
10:52 the power to make these changes.
10:53 When the whole world looks at us and says,
10:56 "You will not surely die." Sound familiar?
11:00 That's what the devil said to Adam and Eve
11:02 when they were tempted to eat of the forbidden fruit,
11:05 "You won't die."
11:07 And we're being told that so much today in the media.
11:10 We're being told that by well meaning friends
11:13 even sometimes physicians.
11:15 The answer is not at the drugstore, friends.
11:20 The answer for chronic diseases is in the grocery store
11:24 and in the pages of the Bible,
11:26 that's where the answer resides.
11:28 We'll take a short break and when we come back
11:30 Dr. Marcum is going to introduce you
11:32 to the Master Physician in prayers.
11:34 So stay right where you are.
11:39 We are finishing our series on the most frequent causes
11:43 of death all around the world.
11:46 And there's a couple things
11:47 that I want to leave with you that you must remember.
11:50 And one of those is that God gave us the blueprint
11:53 for how we should live back at the time of Genesis.
11:57 Go back to that chapter,
11:59 read and learn how God wants us to take care
12:01 of our health and our bodies.
12:03 And also remember this word, prolonged exposures.
12:06 We've talked about this, prolonged exposures to bad
12:09 make things made chemical changes in our body.
12:12 We just finished talking about our kidneys.
12:14 Prolonged diabetes and high blood pressure
12:16 can damage our kidneys causing us to need
12:19 modern medicine which would be a dialysis
12:22 or even at a renal transplant.
12:24 And I want to encourage us today
12:26 to go to the Great Physician to find all the answers.
12:29 Don't depend on me, don't depend on your doctor,
12:32 you be your own physician
12:33 with the Great Physician guiding you.
12:35 Let's bow our heads
12:37 as we ask the Great Physician to be with us.
12:41 Father God, I want to thank you for being here with us today.
12:45 There are many around the world
12:46 that are watching this today that wants
12:48 to come into this healing relationship with you, Father.
12:52 Send your Holy Spirit to touch their heart
12:54 and to turn them to You by believing in You
12:56 that they can have everlasting life.
12:59 And help us to remember about Your Word
13:02 and how it's a healing force in our lives, Father.
13:05 And help us to include You in every treatment plan
13:08 and every dietary change and every medical treatment.
13:11 Help us to-- You to be our Great Physician
13:13 that we always look to.
13:14 This is our most humble prayer.
13:16 Thanking you for being such a loving God, is our prayer.
13:20 Amen.
13:23 I want to thank you for spending time with us today.
13:26 And if you want to learn more about
13:27 how to develop this relationship of God in your life,
13:30 tune into this network "Three Angels Broadcast Network"
13:32 and encourage and nurture this relationship
13:35 that will bring you back to ultimate health.


Revised 2014-12-17