Ultimate Prescription

Renal Disease

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: James Marcum & Charles Mills


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP00026A

00:01 The following program presents
00:02 principles designed to promote good health
00:04 and is not intended to take the place
00:06 of personalized professional care.
00:08 The opinions and ideas expressed
00:10 are those of the speaker.
00:11 Viewers are encouraged to draw their own conclusions
00:14 about the information presented.
00:19 Every factory needs one, your car has one,
00:22 even your home is equipped with at least one.
00:25 Without it factories, cars and homes
00:28 and you wouldn't exist, stay tuned.
00:32 I'm Dr. James Marcum.
00:34 Are you interested in discovering the reason why?
00:38 You want solutions to your healthcare problems.
00:41 Are you tired of taking medications?
00:43 Well, you're about to be given the "Ultimate Prescription."
00:48 Today we continue our discussion on the major causes of death.
00:52 Metabolism is the engine that drives life.
00:55 Within us, metabolism generates energy,
00:57 growth and our ability to fight disease
00:59 but metabolism has needs,
01:01 one of which is our topic today.
01:03 The ability to gather and eliminate waste material
01:06 is an important function of any energy producing
01:09 and energy using mechanism.
01:11 But eliminating waste materials
01:13 opens the door to disaster sometimes,
01:15 right, Dr. Marcum?
01:17 Wow, Charles, those were a lot of words.
01:20 Lot of words, yes.
01:21 Whoa...metabolism. Yes.
01:24 Kidneys, causes of death.
01:27 Let's review where we've been
01:28 and talk about where we wanna go.
01:31 We've talked in this series about the importance
01:33 of getting back to God's plan.
01:35 We've also talked about how all of these
01:38 prolonged exposure to toxins whether that be fat,
01:43 whether that be stresses that damage the heart,
01:47 whether that might be, you know,
01:49 things that cause cancer,
01:50 like we talked about the estrogens
01:52 and the high protein-based diets that we've been on.
01:56 You know, also the kidneys same type of principles
01:59 and the kidneys is one of the leading
02:01 causes of death around the world.
02:03 Kidneys fail, and when kidneys fail
02:06 bad things start to happen. Very bad.
02:08 Now, I think the body is so wonderfully made.
02:11 You know, we've our controls center,
02:13 the brain and all the organs depend on that.
02:15 We have a stomach that can digest stuff
02:18 and get stuff ready for energy.
02:20 Then it gets in our bloodstream,
02:21 the blood takes it everywhere
02:23 and we got this strong structure but the kidney is an organ
02:26 that a lot of people don't understand very well.
02:29 Because you know you can't really feel it.
02:31 They sort of sit in the back, they're like kidney beans.
02:34 But luckily we have two of them. Yes.
02:36 I heard a story the other day
02:37 about a gentlemen wanting to sell his kidney.
02:40 You know, 'cause someone else's kidney has failed. Yeah.
02:42 And they would actually sell these kidneys on the market.
02:45 Now, he got in trouble for it but in some parts,
02:47 you know that because you have two,
02:48 you can take one out and put the other one in. Yeah.
02:50 If you think of the organs that we have two of.
02:52 You know, we have two lungs, so you can live with one lung,
02:54 we have two kidneys, so you can live with one kidney.
02:56 We only have one liver but it regenerates very well.
02:59 We have two legs.
03:01 Wish we had two brains but we don't.
03:03 We have two eyes
03:04 but God designed us in these ways for a reason.
03:07 And the kidneys follow the same theme
03:10 as some of these other organ systems.
03:12 Prolonged exposure to damaging things hurt the system.
03:15 And these damaging things go
03:16 against the way we were designed to be.
03:20 Let's, you know,
03:21 how would you even know you have a kidney problem?
03:23 You know, that's a great question.
03:25 You know, there is-- when evaluating a kidney,
03:28 there's three things I want to know right away.
03:30 Is one, things that can make the kidney look bad
03:33 is if it's not getting enough blood or it's dehydrated. Okay?
03:36 We call that pre-renal because the problem happens
03:39 before it gets to the kidney, right? Yeah.
03:41 Sometimes, the problem happens downstream from the kidneys,
03:45 in the ureters which carry the urine
03:48 to the bladder and out.
03:49 Sometimes, we call that post-obstructive.
03:52 We have problems post-renal, beyond the kidneys.
03:55 And the most common cause of that is like a stone. Yes.
03:57 You know, if you have a stone,
03:58 it blocks things up and there's back pressure in the kidney,
04:01 the kidneys don't look happy.
04:02 So there's pre-renal, post-renal and then
04:04 there is the kidney diseases themselves.
04:06 And things that can damage the kidney is diabetes,
04:09 probably, the number one cause of damage to the kidneys.
04:12 The kidneys' blood-vessels can be damaged.
04:14 The kidney itself can also have problems with it.
04:16 We have conditions like polycystic kidney disease,
04:19 where we get-- it's sort of a genetic disease
04:22 where you get a cyst in the kidney,
04:23 so the kidneys can't work well.
04:25 Sometimes, cancer can get in the kidneys.
04:28 Sometimes, infection can damage the kidneys.
04:31 One of the big things we see
04:32 damaging the kidneys nowadays is medicines.
04:35 Did you know that certain medicines,
04:37 non steroidals like aspirins,
04:39 certain antibiotics can damage the kidney as well?
04:42 I can see why they would. Yeah.
04:44 The kind of--the kidneys are trying to flush waste out. Yes.
04:49 And you put all these toxins in
04:51 from the medicines and everything.
04:52 Yeah, and sometimes the kidney can be overwhelmed.
04:55 Oh, yeah. You can overdo it.
04:56 And sometimes what happens
04:57 is you have three things going on at once.
04:59 And we're seeing that a couple of times is,
05:01 the kidney has been damaged from diabetes and maybe medications,
05:05 there might be a stone in the way
05:06 so the urine can't get up,
05:08 and then the person gets dehydrated
05:09 so that you don't get enough fluid and blood to kidney. Yes.
05:11 When that happens, the kidneys' function can deteriorate quickly
05:15 and a little problem can be a big problem.
05:17 And when the kidney doesn't get waste out,
05:19 if any medicine is floating around in you,
05:21 it stays in you a long time. Yes.
05:24 And unfortunately, when that happens,
05:26 you know, you can have some severe consequences.
05:28 Also in the kidney--
05:29 it regulates metabolism and all the electrolytes.
05:32 I mean, if your potassium goes high that can be deadly too.
05:36 The kidney removes fluid from the body
05:38 and sometimes a person that has a weak heart
05:41 has bad kidney function not 'cause their kidney is bad,
05:43 because it doesn't get enough blood
05:44 to the kidney to it to do its job.
05:46 So you can back up fluid.
05:48 Things are so interrelated in our body.
05:49 Yes, they are.
05:50 And sometimes when you have fluid backed up,
05:52 you know, if it's from the heart,
05:53 you can go into heart failure and the kidney might need
05:55 a little extra help getting the fluid out.
05:56 We sometimes give a diuretic to that situation.
05:59 So the kidney is right involved in a lot of things
06:01 and it's very important.
06:03 The way we tell about the kidney,
06:04 once we decide, you know,
06:05 whether it's before the kidney or after the kidney
06:07 or in the kidney, is we look at the blood work.
06:09 And the blood work
06:11 gives us some numbers that help us know.
06:12 For instance, the potassium's real high,
06:14 then that could be the kidney, not getting rid of it.
06:16 There's a substance that we measure
06:17 in the blood called creatinine.
06:19 That's a measurement of a metabolite
06:21 that's broken down in the body.
06:22 If that level starts going up,
06:24 we say the kidney is not doing well.
06:26 Sometimes we can look at the urine--
06:27 if we see protein in urine or an infection in the urine.
06:31 Well, then we can look into the microscope
06:33 to see if there's casts,
06:34 that might give us some information
06:36 about whether the kidney is being damaged.
06:38 That might let us know what's wrong with the kidney.
06:40 Sometimes, we can do ultrasound
06:42 which is pictures of the kidneys to see how big they are.
06:44 In certain conditions, they get smaller
06:47 and in some conditions, you know,
06:48 if they can't get urine out, they get bigger.
06:50 You know, you have terms
06:51 like hydronephrosis, things like that.
06:54 Sometimes we can do biopsy of the kidneys
06:56 to see what type of disease
06:57 or certain connective tissue disease.
06:59 One of the ones that I had to learn
07:00 in medical school is called Wegener's granulomatosis.
07:03 That's a big name of a connective tissue disease
07:05 that causes the kidney.
07:07 But by far when the kidney malfunctions,
07:10 it affects the entire body
07:11 but we do have treatment for kidney failure
07:14 and that treatment is termed dialysis at times. Yeah.
07:17 And unfortunately, many Americans are under dialysis,
07:20 but, you know, what the number one cause
07:22 of the kidney failure is, in America today?
07:25 And probably the entire world?
07:27 The number one cause? No, what is it?
07:28 Diabetes. Really?
07:30 Diabetes untreated, damages the kidney
07:33 and if you can think about things is
07:35 the most common type of diabetes is Type 2 diabetes.
07:38 Type 2 diabetes not treated,
07:40 damages the kidney, leads to dialysis.
07:42 So we want everyone to know, if you have Type 2 diabetes,
07:45 you might save your kidneys' life
07:47 by getting this Type 2 diabetes addressed.
07:49 And as the numbers for Type 2 diabetes goes up,
07:52 guess what's gonna happen to renal disease.
07:54 It's gonna go up, too.
07:56 So guess what's gonna happen to another leading cause of death.
07:59 The kidneys are gonna get blamed again--
08:00 Climb the charts. It's gonna continue to climb the chart.
08:02 And we're gonna talk to people about,
08:04 you know, kidneys-- we can put them on dialysis.
08:06 So we can keep people alive
08:08 but we don't really necessarily fix the problem.
08:10 And being on dialysis--
08:12 now dialysis is like an artificial kidney.
08:14 You know, you go three times a week,
08:16 they usually have shunts in your arms
08:19 where they hook you up to the machine
08:20 and they take all the blood out of your body.
08:22 They filter it through that machine,
08:24 it takes the toxins in the volume out
08:26 and then it runs right around and put it back in you.
08:28 That's one type, and we call that hemodialysis
08:31 because it works with the blood.
08:33 There's also one called peritoneal dialysis
08:35 where you put bags,
08:36 you're hooked up to bags and does the same things.
08:39 The advantage of that type of dialysis is you can be mobile.
08:42 Now, one of the things about kidneys is every one wants it,
08:44 you know, we talked about a transplant.
08:46 Every one wants a new kidney,
08:47 to give the kidney a second chance.
08:48 So if a person has a second chance of getting a kidney,
08:51 I want to make sure they don't do things that hurt that kidney.
08:54 You know, when you think about all the things
08:56 that hurt the kidneys, diabetes,
08:57 dehydration, a weak heart,
09:00 stones that block up the uterus,
09:02 all these different things that can damage the kidneys,
09:04 we want to keep those people away
09:06 from those things so they can be healthy.
09:08 So the kidney is a very important organ
09:10 but it usually does what it's supposed to do
09:12 as long as we don't introduce these other things.
09:14 That's the only probably 2 or 3 things
09:16 that can't be tied back to lifestyle.
09:18 Yeah, I was gonna say
09:19 as you were going through that list
09:21 that these are things within our control. Right.
09:23 We can decide, if we want to have this problem or not.
09:27 And that's got to be good news for most people, I think.
09:29 And if you look back about all this disease
09:31 that are killing people all around the country,
09:33 the leading causes, you know,
09:34 most of the diseases that we see
09:37 that are killing people, aren't killing people.
09:39 It's chronically diseased. They don't happen overnight.
09:43 And most of them are caused by our lifestyle.
09:45 They're not caused by genetics
09:47 or something we can't get rid of.
09:48 Now, there are few that we can't.
09:50 You know there are the few conditions
09:51 in the kidneys that are genetics.
09:52 There's a few things that, you know,
09:54 that come in our kidneys and get in our way.
09:55 But lot of the times, it is lifestyle and as,
09:58 if we can't change our lifestyle in the world we live in,
10:01 guess, what's gonna happen.
10:02 We're gonna see more kidney failure,
10:04 more dialysis, that doesn't fix the problem.
10:07 And, of course, with dialysis comes the problems of infections
10:10 comes the problem of drinking too much fluid
10:13 when you shouldn't be drinking too much fluid.
10:15 So there's a load of problems that come
10:16 if your kidneys do fail and you end up on dialysis.
10:19 And the medicines, Charles,
10:21 I can't over emphasize how important medicines are.
10:23 You know, all the medicines,
10:25 lot of the medicines work through the kidneys
10:27 and if you take too many medications, the kidney says,
10:30 "Listen, I'm only going to do so much work today.
10:33 I can't handle this work.
10:35 And you're not giving me enough fluids and I'm dehydrated.
10:38 I just can't handle it, I'm overwhelmed,
10:41 I'm not gonna do my job today."
10:42 And the kidney doesn't do a job
10:44 and the rest of the body finds out real quickly.
10:46 Now, acute renal failure--
10:48 when the kidney goes down quick,
10:50 if you don't find out about it, you can die from that. Yes.
10:53 Because the potassium builds up, the potassium's high.
10:55 You know, fluid builds up in the body.
10:57 You can die from acute renal failure.
10:59 So if your kidney goes quick, fast--
11:01 you need to find out pretty quick.
11:03 It's scary but, you know,
11:05 a lot of people don't think
11:06 about these kidney organs as being vital.
11:08 But they're vital to the body.
11:09 But usually if you treat the organ pretty good,
11:11 it does, it takes care of you.
11:13 Dr. Marcum, how do you approach a patient
11:16 that comes in to see you And you know that the problems
11:20 that this person is facing are self-inflicted?
11:23 How do you say that to them?
11:26 Oh, that's a good question, Charles.
11:27 And you know,
11:29 some people take the tough man approach.
11:31 "If you don't do this, you're gonna die." Yeah.
11:32 What I try to do is, I try to wrap truth in love
11:36 and I try to love people and not judge them.
11:39 You know, and I say, "Listen,"
11:40 you know, "you're doing some things,
11:42 your diabetes is under good control,
11:43 we see that your kidney function's getting worse.
11:46 You know, we can give you
11:47 some medicines that treat your symptoms
11:49 but if we don't make some lifestyle changes,
11:51 this is what you can expect.
11:53 But I know some ways to get you feeling better.
11:56 I know the Great Physician that we can start talking to
11:58 and make an appointment with him
12:00 that can give you the power to make some changes.
12:02 That can help you learn
12:03 and give you the power to live healthy.
12:05 That can lead you to the doctors,
12:06 that can motivate you to do the things you need to do.
12:09 Are you interested in this?"
12:10 And that's about all you can do, Charles. Yeah.
12:13 And if they say, "no,"
12:14 and some people say no. I can't--
12:16 And you have to watch them go out of your office
12:18 knowing that you have the answer
12:20 and they have rejected it.
12:21 Right. But you know what?
12:23 That's happened to people throughout all times.
12:25 You know, people have had answers
12:26 and all you can do is pray for them
12:28 and you can love them.
12:29 You don't judge them
12:30 and you just try to reach them whatever way you can.
12:32 And when Christ's ministry was here,
12:34 you know, people were healed and,
12:36 you know, if I was healed by Christ,
12:38 you would think that person would follow them forever.
12:40 And I'm sure some of those people
12:42 that were healed still lose track. That's true.
12:43 You know, I don't know about that but I'm sure they did.
12:45 But that's what you can do. You can give them the best.
12:47 And that's what we want to do in this program.
12:49 Give them the best information,
12:51 let them know that we do think
12:52 there's more to modern medicine, there's more to lifestyle.
12:54 It's the Ultimate Physician,
12:56 that power that comes and that healing
12:57 that comes from God, this is very important.
13:00 Not only for you kidneys but your entire body.
13:02 But it is discouraging sometimes
13:04 when people don't take control of themselves.
13:06 But a lot of the times, I found out,
13:07 is no one's told them about it either. Yeah.
13:09 They go, "I can do this and be this way?
13:11 I can feel better?"
13:13 And some of the most rewarding things
13:15 that happened in my life with patients
13:17 had been the patients that learn these things,
13:19 that dedicate their lives
13:21 to walking with the Ultimate Physician,
13:23 get the power to make the changes and come back to,
13:25 "Look at me, I've done this.
13:27 I'm off this medicine. I know He's working in my life.
13:29 I'm excited. I know he's with me.
13:32 I know that I'm gonna be with him in heaven.
13:34 I'm excited about this. I have joy."
13:36 You know, and "You opened my eyes to this
13:37 when the whole world said I have to be this way.
13:39 My eyes have now been opened to what truth is."
13:43 That's one of the greatest rewards anyone can get.
13:46 Absolutely, and that's what we want for you.
13:48 We want you to have that kind of relationship
13:51 and enjoy that kind of healing.
13:53 We'll take a short break and when we come back,
13:55 questions from heartwiseministeries.org.
13:57 So stay put.


Revised 2014-12-17