Ultimate Prescription

Diabetes On The Run

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: James Marcum & Charles Mills


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP00025B

00:01 Diabetes has met its match.
00:05 That is such good news, Dr. Marcum,
00:06 I'm excited about that.
00:08 We have some questions here
00:10 from the heartwiseministries.org website.
00:11 And we'd like to share those with you.
00:13 And, Dr. Marcum, the first one is.
00:17 What is the difference between type 1 and type 2?
00:19 Make sure we understand what we are dealing with here.
00:22 Yeah. You know, we talked about--
00:24 the majority of people have type 2 diabetes.
00:27 We used to call that adult-onset.
00:29 And we also couldn't we name it
00:30 after this program fat acquired diabetes.
00:32 That's right, exactly. Fat acquired diabetes.
00:34 And as Americans gain weight, we're gonna see more of it.
00:38 As our diets don't change we're gonna see more of it
00:40 and also the end organ damages.
00:41 So that's type 2.
00:42 Type 1 is where we have these cells
00:45 that make insulin that are destroyed.
00:47 Remember, in type 2 we still make lots of insulin. Yes, yes.
00:50 But type--you know, type 1,
00:52 we don't make the insulin
00:53 so that's a real difference between type 1.
00:55 And unfortunately, the types 1,
00:56 usually, have to take at least some insulin their entire life.
01:00 But, you know, those type of individuals can do well
01:03 with insulin pumps to control their blood sugars.
01:06 They learn how to eat well at an early age.
01:08 But it's really a devastating disease
01:10 to have type 1 diabetes as is type 2.
01:13 So that's the real difference between type 1 and type 2.
01:16 But, Charles, you know,
01:17 one of the things I want to do--go over.
01:19 This is very exciting and I wish,
01:21 I wish that we could make a commercial
01:23 and put it on any of the broadcast networks.
01:25 And the next time they have a commercial
01:27 for one of these diabetic pills or you know, glyburide
01:30 or one of these medicines that are out there,
01:33 whatsoever out there, we could step on and say,
01:35 "You know what?
01:36 You don't have to take these medicines.
01:37 You don't have to these side effects."
01:39 I like it.
01:40 "Here's a way you can change your chemistry.
01:42 This is the way we can get back
01:43 to the way God made us.
01:44 Here, here.
01:46 For more information dial this number.
01:47 And you know what? No side effects.
01:49 It's free." Won't that be cool?
01:50 You just made that. That's a great commercial.
01:51 Just play that on the air.
01:53 Yeah, great--great commercial. Very good.
01:54 Because no one wants the medicines.
01:56 They all have side effects.
01:57 Not only they cause side effects in the bottom,
01:58 too because they all cost money.
02:00 Yes, absolutely. The bottom dollar.
02:01 Let's talk about that. Yeah.
02:03 What are some of the risk
02:04 of taking medications for diabetes?
02:05 And if diabetes is on the rise in this country,
02:08 more and more people are taking it
02:10 and more and more people need to know
02:11 what you are about to say? Yeah.
02:13 Well, the real risk
02:14 is having a side effect on the medications.
02:16 And you know, diabetes medicines lower blood sugar.
02:19 That's what they do.
02:20 Insulin lowers blood sugar
02:22 and they work on different organ systems.
02:23 So let me give you a hypothetical.
02:25 Let's say, Charles, that--
02:27 that you're on a medicine to lower blood sugar.
02:29 And let's say, you can't talk
02:32 or you're in a nursing home
02:33 or some place like that.
02:35 And let's say, you get sick with a disease.
02:36 You're not eating or drinking and you get dehydrated.
02:39 Your kidney function gets worse.
02:41 The liver function gets worse. Your metabolism changes.
02:44 And yet, someone keeps giving you that medicine.
02:46 You're not really eating or drinking,
02:48 and then no one's really keeping an eye on your blood sugar.
02:51 You gave them an example of this-- Yeah.
02:52 Your blood sugar goes down to 20 or 30 and you go into a coma.
02:56 You could actually die from this. Okay?
02:59 And so taking too much blood sugar,
03:01 we always see people having low blood sugar.
03:03 And the first responders, you know,
03:05 if there aren't any diabetic medicine at all,
03:07 the very first thing they want to do
03:08 is to check your blood sugar. Right.
03:09 Because when you have blood sugar nothing works well.
03:12 Your brain doesn't work well.
03:13 Your heart doesn't work well.
03:15 Blood sugar is very important
03:16 because it helps our body have energy.
03:18 So blood sugar is a key
03:19 and a lot of the neurologic symptoms happen.
03:21 You know, in a brain fog
03:22 when your blood sugar goes too low,
03:24 brain sugar when it goes too high.
03:25 I talked to people about the basics
03:27 of good health, you know.
03:29 Hydration, getting enough rest,
03:31 you know, when you come into the I.V.,
03:32 I put oxygen on you, put an I.V. in you,
03:34 check your blood sugar.
03:36 If you don't have blood sugar, I'm gonna pump some in you.
03:37 Make sure you have blood in you too.
03:39 Check-- you know.
03:40 So we do a lot of these things that make common sense.
03:42 But if your blood--if you take a lot of these medications
03:44 and they are not monitored closely--
03:46 I have some people that, you know, you write--
03:48 you see them on these medications and you say,
03:50 "Well, listen you have type 2 diabetes and you're taking this.
03:52 Do you ever monitor your blood sugar?"
03:54 "No." So they might be taking it
03:57 and it still might not be accomplishing their goal.
03:59 They get no benefit. Yeah.
04:00 And yet, they take the risk.
04:02 And some of these medicines have other side effects.
04:04 Some of the diabetic medicines have been shown
04:06 to increase the risk of heart attacks.
04:08 And the Sulfonylureas have been showing that.
04:11 Some of them increased the risk of lactic acidosis
04:14 which is another thing that's not good.
04:16 But one thing that I see in a lot of patients
04:18 is they have type 2 diabetes.
04:20 And they go in and their doctor puts them on a medicine
04:23 to make their number better, okay?
04:25 But it makes them hungry.
04:27 They eat more and they gain more weight.
04:29 So it doesn't really solve the problem.
04:31 So they never get at the cause of the problem.
04:34 A lot of people if you say,
04:35 "Listen, do you want to cure this?
04:36 Or do you want to just, sort of,
04:38 keep the blood sugar at a level?"
04:39 If you put it that way, they say,
04:41 "Listen, I want to cure this."
04:42 And you say, "Well, here's the plan.
04:43 Do you want to do the plan?
04:45 We can take it slow, but do you want to do the plan?"
04:46 And I've read some literature.
04:48 I--I'm normally a cardiologist
04:50 so I don't treat a lot of diabetics.
04:52 But I've reviewed some of the material that doctor--
04:55 Californian Dr. McDougall. Yeah, yeah.
04:57 And he's cured a lot of people
04:59 with changing chemistry this way.
05:01 And remember, this changes a chemistry
05:03 just like a medicine is except,
05:04 it's a little different mindset. Yeah.
05:07 So we're changing our chemistry by the food we eat.
05:10 We're changing our insides in the metabolism.
05:12 Then all of a sudden what we see when we get
05:14 the fat out of ourselves
05:15 then the glucose can move in it better.
05:17 We have the normal glucose metabolism.
05:19 The body, sort of,
05:20 gets back to the way it was designed and fixes itself.
05:22 So we don't have all these end organ damage.
05:25 Internal healing. Yeah.
05:26 With external changes are excellent. I like that.
05:28 So prolonged exposure, don't forget it.
05:30 Charles, when you leave here, I want you to remember,
05:32 prolonged exposure to fat
05:34 is the problem we have with diabetes.
05:36 All right, very good.
05:38 Here's another question from heartwiseministries.org.
05:41 This is important.
05:43 Let's say that someone is watching the program
05:45 right now and says, "I believe what Dr. Marcum is saying.
05:47 And I'm gonna switch over
05:49 to that whole food plant based diet
05:50 and I'm not gonna take my medications anymore.
05:52 Good advice? Bad advice?
05:53 Well, it's according, you know. It's according.
05:56 If you are-- if you are--
05:57 you need to be monitored
05:59 whenever you go on and off the medication.
06:00 You need to be monitored.
06:02 And, you know, and unfortunately,
06:04 I've seen some physicians that you go to and you tell him
06:06 this and they might not be as educated as you are.
06:09 You know, I was trained this way.
06:10 They might not see it the same way.
06:12 So sometimes you have to bring them data,
06:13 say, "Listen, can I try this?
06:15 You know, can I check my blood sugar at home?
06:17 If it does really good,
06:18 can I skip it today and see if it does good?"
06:20 Remember, these changes take a while.
06:22 But it only makes sense if you can lower
06:24 your blood sugar with natural insulin
06:27 which you get from walking,
06:28 removing the fat from the body so that, you know,
06:30 that everything gets in the cells better.
06:32 It only makes sense that you could--
06:34 you should be able to come off the medicines, nice and slow.
06:36 But I would do this with a doctor following you
06:38 that put you on those medicines.
06:40 But this is a great way to go.
06:42 But--and I've seen some medical professionals,
06:44 they don't want to hear this, you know.
06:45 That's what I wanted to ask you.
06:47 Oh, yeah. I see that all the time.
06:48 I don't want to hear this.
06:50 You have to stay on your medicine.
06:51 I wrote it. Yeah, yeah.
06:52 And I say, "It's time to find a new doctor."
06:54 Really? Yes.
06:55 Well, if they won't work with you to reverse this,
06:57 you know, and we want to take you off the medicine,
06:59 would you stay with that doctor?
07:02 This is scary. Yeah.
07:03 Because sometimes these doctors are friends of ours--
07:06 And sometimes they just don't know everything.
07:09 Yeah. They don't know better.
07:11 And I was practicing that way at one time, Charles.
07:13 I was brought through the traditional medical system,
07:16 went to medical school at the University of Texas
07:18 and did cardiology at the University of Kentucky,
07:20 did internal medicine
07:21 at the medical center of Delaware.
07:23 And I was taught to treat symptoms.
07:24 I was taught about these medicines.
07:25 I wasn't taught a lot about nutrition.
07:27 I wasn't taught about the way the brain works.
07:30 I wasn't plugged into the ultimate prescription.
07:32 They didn't have this class in medical school,
07:34 in my medical school where it says,
07:36 "You know, the word of God
07:38 is the ultimate treatment that you need to do."
07:40 And that's what I'm trying to get in our vernacular.
07:42 And I'm letting-- let other doctors know
07:44 it's okay to practice this way. Yeah.
07:46 You know, you might take a few knocks
07:48 and I take knocks every day
07:49 when I take people off medicines.
07:51 But I try to counter that.
07:52 But, you know, we have science behind us
07:54 that proves you can change your chemistry this way.
07:56 Just do it for a while and let's test you.
07:59 Let's do this for a while and let's have evidence.
08:02 You know, let's check your blood sugar.
08:04 Let's see if you don't feel better in a month
08:05 after eating this way and living this way.
08:08 And, you know, that's what Daniel did back in Daniel.
08:11 Daniel goes, "Let me test you, king." Yeah.
08:13 "You know, let me see if this way is not the best way."
08:15 And he did. And guess what?
08:17 God's way was right.
08:18 And that's the way it's gonna be every single time.
08:20 So I say, "Well, let's not go into this blindly.
08:23 Let's prove it with science.
08:24 So that's what the way I approach with my doctor.
08:26 Let me show you that I can bring
08:27 my blood sugar down naturally.
08:31 You want us to be brave when we go see our doctor?
08:34 Well, you know, you are your best doctor, Charles.
08:36 Who's a better physician than you, than yourself?
08:38 But doctor's not gonna agree with that.
08:39 He's gonna say, "I went to school.
08:41 I learned these things.
08:42 You need to be on these medications.
08:43 How dare you come into my office and tell me?"
08:45 And I have heard doctors say those very words.
08:46 Yeah. But you know what?
08:48 I see myself as more of a treater of symptoms,
08:52 a treater of symptoms.
08:54 We are our best own physicians, you know.
08:57 Physician heal yourself, you know.
08:58 We heard this but, you know,
08:59 you're responsible for your own body,
09:01 to learn as much as you can, to take care of yourself,
09:04 to prevent these kind of diseases.
09:05 You are a steward. You are given this body.
09:07 This is a loaner, Charles. Yes.
09:10 You know, you're supposed to know all these stuff.
09:13 We're stewards of our body. We're responsible for ourself.
09:16 Your doctor is not responsible for you.
09:18 He's not gonna be the one that ultimately stands
09:20 and says, "This is what I did with my body."
09:22 You are. You're responsible for learning.
09:24 You're responsible for finding the healthcare professionals
09:26 that follow your philosophy.
09:29 Now there might not be many out there,
09:30 but most of them are willing to work with you if you explain,
09:33 if you give them some scientific evidence behind it.
09:35 Most doctors want to take you off medications
09:38 if you're willing to step up and say,
09:39 "Listen, I want to exercise every day.
09:41 I'm willing to eat better.
09:43 I'm willing to do something to reverse type 2 diabetes.
09:45 Now are you willing to take me off of medication?"
09:47 And if they see results, you're losing weight,
09:49 I don't know any doctor that won't,
09:51 at least, work with you.
09:52 All right, very good advice.
09:54 You know, that goes right along
09:55 with something you and I've talked about
09:56 in another program especially on your radio program.
09:59 That is, when you watch programs like this,
10:04 when you go on the internet,
10:05 when you read the scientific literature coming out,
10:08 when you read the newspaper and the magazines,
10:10 the latest and greatest comes out and it says,
10:13 "This is the answer for the problem
10:14 that you're suffering.
10:16 This is the answer over here.
10:17 Do this, eat this, take this." How do we judge?
10:21 A person with diabetes,
10:22 how does a person judge what to do?
10:26 What will work and what won't work?
10:28 How do you judge when you are receiving this information
10:31 from the pharmaceutical companies,
10:33 when you are receiving this information
10:34 from different entities around?
10:36 How do you make a determination
10:39 of what you want to put in your body
10:41 and what medicines you want to use?
10:43 Yeah. I go back and I use the textbook.
10:45 Does it work with the Bible?
10:46 Does it make biblical sense?
10:48 Does it jibe with what the Bible teaches?
10:50 And if someone says, "You know, you have to have a treatment
10:52 where you stay up all night,
10:53 that doesn't jibe with the biblical treatment, does it?
10:55 If it's-- You know what the Bible say
10:57 they culminate it. No. No. No.
10:59 But it's gonna say in the Bible, "Drink water."
11:00 Right, exactly. Both thin your blood.
11:02 And then some of these conditions
11:04 you have to look at the body of evidence,
11:05 randomized trials, okay?
11:07 And, you know, but we have to also realize that
11:09 medicines usually just treat symptoms.
11:11 They don't fix causes. True.
11:12 And for acute care, I think medicines are great.
11:15 For chronic care, it's not.
11:16 So it's a growing, learning process.
11:19 It's continuing growing.
11:20 And I don't say that I have all the answers.
11:22 I admit, I don't know everything.
11:24 I'm constantly in a state of learning,
11:26 try to keep a balanced approach but I also have learned in time
11:29 that the mind is involved in all of this.
11:31 And if you're happy about it
11:33 and you have God working in your life
11:34 through the Holy Spirit,
11:36 you know, even if you don't do everything perfect
11:38 or learn everything or--
11:39 you're gonna be heading in the right direction.
11:41 And that's why this ultimate prescription,
11:43 this relationship is so important.
11:44 'Cause, I know,
11:45 I can't do everything right, you know.
11:47 There's always gonna be something that's--
11:48 there is probably gonna hurt me
11:50 that I might not even know about.
11:51 But I'm always in that relationship,
11:53 trying to learn,
11:54 willing to let God work with me in anyway He might choose to.
11:58 You know, I never thought years ago, Charles,
12:02 you know, when I was practicing medicine
12:04 that I would ever do health programs, you know.
12:06 I'm not an orator.
12:07 I never thought I'd write a book or do these kind of things.
12:10 But as God impresses you and works with you
12:12 He gives you the power to do things you can't do.
12:15 Well, that same principle applies to your health.
12:17 You're not thinking you can do these things but you can.
12:19 God can let do anything He wants with you.
12:22 As you learn about Him and walk in His will
12:24 the potential is unlimited.
12:26 And as the world continues to get sicker,
12:29 He's gonna call more and more people to be messengers
12:31 of all the good things He wants us to do for us.
12:35 That is good news. That is wonderful news.
12:38 Yeah. Good news.
12:40 We'll take a short break and when we come back
12:41 let's talk to that great Physician up there.
12:44 And let's thank Him for the blessings
12:46 He has in store for everyone
12:48 who's watching this program today.
12:49 So stay tuned.
12:53 Let's make an appointment and talk to the great Physician.
12:56 Let's bow our heads together.
12:57 Father God, thank you for being interested in our healthcare
13:01 and being our great Physician to lead us to all truth.
13:03 And thank you for healing us this day, Father.
13:05 We pray for Your love and peace in our lives.
13:08 And thank you for helping us to reverse
13:09 type 2 diabetes is our prayer. Amen.


Revised 2014-12-17