Ultimate Prescription

The 'C' Word

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: James Marcum & Charles Mills


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP00022B

00:01 Welcome back to the program, I'm Charles Mills.
00:03 We're here with Dr. James Marcum.
00:04 We're talking about cancer today.
00:07 Cancer, a very serious subject.
00:08 And Dr. Marcum, you've identified
00:10 that prolonged exposure to toxins in the air
00:14 is causing our lung cancer.
00:15 Prolonged exposure to a diet
00:17 that was not originally designed for us
00:20 by the creator and that's an animal-based diet
00:22 is responsible for much of the colon cancer.
00:25 Let's move on now to another killer in the cancer area
00:30 and what are we prolonged exposure on this one?
00:32 Yeah, and you know, before I talk about breast cancer,
00:36 that's a big serious issue.
00:38 I want the audience again
00:39 to think about things little bit.
00:40 Now a lot of cancer focus here in our country now
00:44 and in the world is focus on treatment.
00:46 Yes. You know, which chemotherapy or you know,
00:49 having a mammogram done early.
00:51 It's not talking about what's causing the problem.
00:54 Those are band-aids. Those are--Yes.
00:55 Yeah, they are wrong end of this thing.
00:57 And we talked about all the caused of death
00:59 and we've all unfortunately focused on health programs.
01:01 We've focused a little bit too much on the technology. Yes.
01:05 It's--but I want to get people back
01:07 to what the master physician says
01:09 and when we think about that, we have to think about
01:11 the original plan and what are we doing
01:13 that goes against the original plan.
01:15 And prolonged exposures, we talked about
01:18 for instance the lungs, the cigarettes, even in kids.
01:21 We talked about the colon, the carcinogens especially
01:24 from a meat diet and now breast cancer.
01:27 And breast cancer is scary because
01:29 one in eight women will develop breast cancer.
01:33 And we think, well, what is
01:34 the prolonged exposure in breast cancer?
01:37 Well, every time, you know, we do a biopsy, you know,
01:40 and we find a breast cancer, the first thing we look at
01:42 under the microscope is whether they have estrogen receptors,
01:46 whether it's estrogen positive or not. Mm-hmm.
01:48 'Cause that sets up our treatment for to,
01:51 you know, kill these cancer cells.
01:54 But the real problem in cancer
01:56 is prolonged exposure to estrogens.
02:01 And let's think about that.
02:02 Where do we get estrogens from?
02:05 Well, one of the things we get estrogen
02:06 from is being overweight.
02:09 The conversion to estrogen happens in the fat tissue.
02:13 So the studies are very conclusive
02:15 that the more weight a woman carries,
02:17 the higher the risk
02:19 of her developing a cancer of the breast.
02:21 Because she's making more estrogen. Yes. Okay.
02:23 More estrogen, so the more estrogen,
02:25 the more chance of treating cancer.
02:27 So it doesn't surprise me
02:29 if we think about the rates of cancer catching up
02:31 with heart disease and we're talking about awareness.
02:34 It does not surprise me that we are having
02:36 higher rates of cancer because we are 60% overweight now,
02:40 one third in the United States obese now
02:42 and unfortunately that's going around the world.
02:44 And yet around the world where we don't see obese people,
02:47 the rates of breast cancer are much lower.
02:50 Now if we think about, you know, there are some studies on women,
02:54 you know, on women runners specifically.
02:56 They run a lot. They don't have extra fat
02:59 and when they get their body fat
03:01 less than 12%, their periods stop.
03:04 Their periods stop because their estrogen levels go down.
03:06 So they don't have enough fat to convert to estrogen.
03:09 So we know that, you know, fat and estrogen raises
03:13 the risk of cancer and so one of the treatments
03:16 for prevention and treating cancer
03:18 is to get down to an ideal body weight.
03:21 Now another trigger, another prolonged exposure,
03:24 I think you've identified and that's prolonged exposure
03:27 to specifically protein. Yeah.
03:30 Two or three hundred years ago, the term menarche,
03:33 that's when a woman becomes, you know,
03:35 starts making estrogen, it was about 17 years of age.
03:40 Now women are having their periods 11 and 12 years old.
03:45 So they have a much longer exposure
03:48 to estrogen throughout a lifetime.
03:51 And if we look back at our diets, okay,
03:54 our diets way back then weren't as high
03:56 in protein as they are now.
03:58 So now we take a large protein load
04:01 predominantly in animal-based products.
04:05 You know, that's where most of the protein
04:06 comes from that hurts us. Yes.
04:08 Not the healthy proteins, but the damaging proteins.
04:11 So these high meat diets,
04:12 our girls are having periods at much younger age.
04:16 They're exposed to estrogen for a much longer period of time
04:19 and it's no surprising
04:20 that breast cancer rates continue to soar.
04:23 So we've talked about prolonged exposure.
04:25 So prolonged exposure to estrogen,
04:28 prolonged exposure to extra weight,
04:30 prolonged exposure to an animal-based diet
04:32 full of protein increases the risk of breast cancer in women
04:37 and it also if you had breast cancer,
04:39 it raises the risk of it recurring.
04:41 So that's just amazing.
04:43 Now remember the original design wasn't for us
04:46 to be exposed long term to estrogen,
04:48 wasn't designed for us to be exposed
04:51 to these high protein diets
04:53 which predominantly is in a meat-based diet.
04:55 So the cornerstone of treatment for any type of cancer
05:01 just like any type of heart disease
05:02 is figuring out the cause.
05:04 The stress is on the system,
05:05 the prolonged exposures of stress
05:07 that goes against the owner manual.
05:09 The prolonged exposure to estrogen,
05:11 the prolonged exposure to cigarettes damages our cells,
05:15 we weren't made to design.
05:16 Now we're spending a lot of time
05:17 and money looking at the genetics of it saying,
05:20 "Oh, you have cells that are predisposed to cancer."
05:24 And that may be true. Well, that may be true.
05:26 Yeah. But we might all have those.
05:27 Yes. You know, we know that men carry prostate cancer
05:30 and prostate cancer in men is very similar
05:33 to breast cancer in women.
05:35 In fact, we know that men that carry extra weight
05:39 become estrogenic as well. Yes.
05:41 And that raises the risk of almost all cancers.
05:44 So carrying extra weight raises the risk of cancer.
05:47 Now talking about how to get
05:49 that weight off is another whole subject.
05:51 But men, they complain of the libido, you know.
05:55 And the first thing, I say, "Well, lose some weight,
05:57 maybe you have too much estrogen in the body."
06:00 So the real solution to some men isn't necessarily
06:03 to take Viagra, it's to--may be
06:05 to lose some weight so their estrogen levels go down
06:08 so their impotence improves.
06:11 So prolonged exposure over long periods of time,
06:15 doing things against the owner's manual
06:17 triggers these diseases, which are killing us.
06:20 And in every situation we talked about in this series,
06:23 we're gonna find that sort of the underlying thing.
06:26 Prolonged exposures against the owner manual,
06:28 it triggers the need for modern medicine
06:30 which really doesn't fix the problem.
06:32 Now what we're gonna add to the mix
06:34 is we're gonna add a solution. Yes.
06:36 How do I break away from these prolonged exposures?
06:38 We want education, but we also want a higher power
06:41 to come into our lives to reveal this
06:43 and give us the power to change.
06:45 But let's get some questions here.
06:47 Oh, my, that is amazing.
06:49 It is pretty scary to think that the causes
06:53 of our problems are so controllable by us.
06:56 We don't have to have it.
06:57 I heard someone once say that,
07:00 "Genetics is the gun, but lifestyle
07:02 is the one that pulls the trigger." Yeah.
07:03 So we may have this loaded gun-- That's great.
07:05 but lifestyle pulls the trigger. But, you know,
07:06 and also you look at all the marketing in the media.
07:09 Oh, my. You know, you see all these,
07:10 "This substance is good for you." Yes.
07:12 Or this lobbyist saying,
07:14 "This is the way you have to be."
07:16 Well, it's not working. Yes.
07:18 You know, we're getting sicker.
07:19 The rates of cancer are going up.
07:21 We have a problem here. Yes.
07:23 We're not getting at the core of the problem.
07:24 So the real solution to the health dilemma
07:27 is talking about the things we're doing,
07:29 raising the awareness, coming up with better ways
07:32 to prevent this so we don't have to treat these disasters.
07:35 Oh, my. Well, we're gonna find out how to do that.
07:38 We don't want to leave you wondering here, listener.
07:40 We're gonna show you how to do that
07:42 and we'll do that by looking at some of these questions here.
07:45 These are from heartwiseministries.org
07:47 and, Dr. Marcum, here's a question.
07:49 "My Doctor said I have a suspicious mass on my kidneys.
07:53 How is cancer diagnosed?"
07:55 I think she's worried about
07:56 whether this may be a cancer here.
07:58 Yeah, well, you know, cancer are cells that grow--
08:02 normal cells that grow quickly.
08:05 They turn on and they just grow over and over and over.
08:07 So these are normal cells in the body.
08:09 They just replicate faster than they should.
08:11 And it usually creates a mass.
08:14 The problem with cancer is it's an evil type of disease. Yes.
08:17 It steals nutrients from the body.
08:19 So people with advanced cancer, they lose a lot of weight.
08:23 It also steals blood from other parts
08:26 and they call that angiogenesis.
08:27 It gets its own blood supply.
08:29 Another thing that cancer does, it's not so good,
08:31 is it invades other organs as it gets bigger,
08:34 so the organ doesn't work well.
08:36 So in a kidney, for instance,
08:38 it might be that they found out about this
08:39 because the kidney wasn't working well
08:42 and maybe a little bit of blood come out in the urine.
08:44 Or maybe the person had a chest--
08:46 a pain back there or came-- they would normally do
08:48 an ultrasound and see a suspicious mass. Yes.
08:51 Now suspicious mass can be other things,
08:54 but if it's cancer, you want to know about it
08:56 'cause there's some modern medicine
08:57 that we're gonna talk about in the next program
08:59 that we can deal with this very, very well,
09:02 at least, you know, dealing with the problem.
09:04 Now we want to go back and think about again,
09:06 what was the prolonged exposure that might have caused this?
09:09 But now is not the time to do that.
09:11 Now is the time we got a problem,
09:12 let's take care of it.
09:14 Now is the time for modern medicine.
09:15 Well, the best way to look at this,
09:17 then may be we make a diagnosis is a biopsy.
09:20 And we take a piece of tissue
09:22 and we look at it under a microscope
09:24 and we see whether it's cancer or not.
09:26 And depending on what type of tissue it is,
09:29 it might be benign.
09:31 It might be something like a cyst.
09:33 It might be something more serious like cancer.
09:35 It might be an infection.
09:37 It could be other things as well.
09:39 We look at it in the microscope and then make a diagnosis.
09:41 Now some people do not like to have a needle biopsy.
09:44 And if you don't do a needle biopsy,
09:46 they can do an open biopsy.
09:47 That's where we actually cut open
09:49 and you look at the piece of tissue,
09:50 take it out, deal with it.
09:52 Sometimes that works well 'cause if it is malignant,
09:55 we can know right during the surgery. Yes.
09:56 We can take it out and resect it
09:58 and make sure it hasn't spread.
10:01 Sometimes if a person doesn't want to have that done
10:03 and wants to be very noninvasive,
10:05 we have a scan called a PET scan
10:07 and that's positron electro tomography
10:11 and we take pictures of that cell
10:13 to see if it's metabolically active.
10:15 If it's cancer, the cells are gonna be doing things.
10:17 They're gonna be multiplying, angiogenesis, stealing tissue
10:20 and it's gonna be metabolically active.
10:22 We can see that on a PET scan.
10:24 And if we saw that we'll say, "Wow, this is active."
10:26 We need to, you know, really talk a little bit
10:28 more seriously about invasive treatment
10:30 for this acute care problem.
10:32 And if it's not doing anything, sometimes we can just
10:35 keep an eye on it to see if it changes overtime,
10:37 repeat a scan if it's not metabolically active
10:39 and make sure it's not growing away.
10:41 That would be least invasive
10:43 'cause you don't have the risk of surgery.
10:45 Boy, how important it is--
10:46 that we get back to that source
10:47 and find out what in the world is going on with us.
10:49 Okay, here's another question here
10:51 from heartwiseministries.org website.
10:52 "When would a person use radiation versus chemotherapy?
10:56 My doctor wants to use both on me."
10:59 Oh, dear. Yeah.
11:00 And it's interesting how I see the questions
11:04 that come in through our website,
11:05 the questions are focusing on treatment rather than prevention
11:09 and dealing with the cause of the problem.
11:11 And that's because we haven't focused as medical professionals
11:15 about some of the things we've talked about earlier today.
11:17 Now these people are afraid. Yes.
11:19 They have a-- Yes.
11:20 Is there a prevention at this point
11:22 that they need to know about?
11:23 Well, there's always things that they--
11:24 all the things we've talked about,
11:26 about exposures can help because you know,
11:28 help prevent, you know, we know if there's one cancer,
11:30 there can be another cancer. Yeah.
11:31 So all this is-- the things
11:32 we talked about preventing these exposures
11:34 is gonna help other types of cancers
11:35 in addition to this damage.
11:37 Even if you have cancer?
11:38 Even if you have, all these things are gonna help
11:40 both in preventing it and treating it. Okay.
11:42 Whether it be estrogen or prolonged, you know, diet--
11:44 Yeah. All these things are gonna help.
11:46 But getting back to this question
11:48 is some cancers that the chemotherapy,
11:51 if it's spread throughout the body,
11:53 the chemotherapy tries to kill it.
11:55 Yes. And kills it.
11:56 And radiation can sometimes zap it if it's localized.
11:59 And sometimes a cancer is aggressive and you need both.
12:03 And sometimes if it spreads so often,
12:05 you know, sometimes a treatment is to do both,
12:08 but sometimes the treatment is also dangerous. Yes.
12:11 So you have to talk very carefully
12:12 about the risk and benefits of chemo
12:15 and radiation on the entire system.
12:17 And normally a lot of times, we do chemo just to make sure.
12:21 You know, if it's spread somewhere,
12:22 we want to make sure we get rid of it permanently.
12:25 But I want us to focus not so much
12:27 on the acute care symptoms,
12:28 but also the cause of it.
12:30 Well, why is the rates rising?
12:32 Well, if the rates continue to rise,
12:34 we're gonna continue to do chemo and radiation,
12:36 but it doesn't make sense to me, Charles,
12:37 'cause it really doesn't get at the cause. Yes.
12:40 We treat a symptom. Now sometimes,
12:41 we can cure cancer if it's not advanced.
12:43 That's why we also want to talk about early detections.
12:46 So we're gonna talk about that in our next program.
12:48 Absolutely. We'll take a short break now
12:50 and when we come back,
12:51 let's talk to the master physician,
12:52 the great physician about this topic. Stay tuned.
12:58 We've been talking about cancer today
13:00 and I hope I've given you at least a small framework
13:03 to think about it and the problem
13:05 is prolonged exposure to toxins.
13:08 We also want to think about the original design
13:10 that God made us to live and when we vary from this,
13:13 it causes the disease.
13:15 And, of course, cancer scares people.
13:17 The rate has been going up because we haven't really got
13:20 these toxins out of our environment.
13:22 We want to increase awareness.
13:25 I'm gonna say a short prayer for us right now
13:27 that God will come into your life
13:29 and help you be aware of maybe toxins you're taking
13:31 or things you're doing in your life
13:33 that He can help you makesome changes.
13:35 Father God, we want to invite You into our lives
13:38 to help us to change things that we need to and give us
13:41 the power to avoid these prolonged exposures
13:44 and get back to your original plan,
13:45 is our prayer. Amen.
13:49 Well, in our next program, we're gonna specifically talk
13:53 about ways to prevent cancer and we're gonna continue
13:56 our discussions on acute care treatment
13:59 because there is a place for modern medicine
14:01 in treatment for cancer.
14:03 And join us next time.


Revised 2014-12-17