Participants: James Marcum & Charles Mills
Series Code: UP
Program Code: UP00021B
00:01 Welcome back to the program, I'm Charles Mills
00:03 We're here with Dr. James Marcum, cardiologist 00:05 And we're talking about sleep apnea today. 00:08 Sleep is important to us; 00:10 it's VITALLY important - as-a-matter-of-fact 00:12 It delivers for 8 hours or 7 hours... 00:15 OXYGEN while the body heals itself, 00:18 and it does all kinds of work there, 00:19 and if you don't have that oxygen during those 00:21 sleeping hours, you can have all kinds of medical problems 00:24 as Dr. Marcum has been saying. 00:26 And, the lack of oxygen? can be deadly... 00:30 And so sleep apnea is actually one of the causes of DEATH 00:34 around the world and we're talking about the causes 00:36 of death in this series. 00:37 Dr. Marcum, a question here from 00:39 the heartwiseministries. org website... 00:41 This person apparently has sleep apnea and says, 00:45 "I cannot STAND wearing my CPAP mask... I don't want to wear it" 00:50 "What are the options?" 00:51 Well, you know, that's something I hear very often. 00:55 And, this is an Ambu bag and if a person is in the field, 01:00 not breathing, and we place this over the mask 01:03 and squeeze air into that in the face, 01:04 it BLOWS air into their airway. 01:07 And, of course, the responder will keep the airway open 01:09 so the air will go in and out. 01:11 Well sometimes... I'm not going to do this to you, 01:13 but you can see if this was on you, 01:16 blowing air in and out, over and over, at night, 01:21 that would not be comfortable. 01:23 And some of the sleep masks 01:25 are a little bit similar to that sensation. 01:27 Now they've improved over time. 01:29 Well, they blow air in you and most people 01:33 say it's not comfortable, so they have to try 01:35 different things. 01:36 So if a person has sleep apnea, 01:39 and they can't tolerate the mask for whatever reason, 01:42 their options are to fix the cause 01:45 of the sleep apnea. 01:46 And if it's losing weight, try to lose the weight. 01:49 If it's an obstruction in the airway, 01:51 sometimes there is some surgery that can help with that. 01:54 If it's a central problem, sometimes the sleep apnea 01:57 doctors can help with that as well. 01:59 But if they can't wear the oxygen, 02:01 they really have to take care of their body, 02:03 get the weight off, do well. 02:05 And luckily, they're always developing new types of 02:07 sleep masks and sleep aids that help. 02:10 Some people can get by with some type of devices 02:13 that reposition their tongue, 02:14 and they can sleep well at night. 02:16 Some people have some devices where they 02:17 move their head around. 02:19 Well this is still devices - you're sleeping with 02:20 a device on your face. Yeah 02:22 And so it's always best, if it's caused by extra weight, 02:25 to get the weight off. 02:27 Now I wanted to review here... 02:28 If one of our viewers out there think they might have 02:31 sleep apnea, see if you have a symptom. 02:34 ...Headaches, funny heart rhythms, high blood pressure, 02:38 being tired all the time. 02:40 If you have one of these symptoms, 02:41 you want to find out, at a young age, 02:43 you don't want to go years and years, 02:45 and have all that damage that we talked about. 02:47 Get a sleep test done to see if you have it, 02:50 and if you do have it, some of the new devices 02:52 might help you, but it might not be a permanent thing. 02:55 It might be you can make some changes 02:56 and you don't need to wear oxygen. 02:58 Because REST, as we talked about, 03:00 is such an important treatment for the body. 03:03 ...You know, that nightly rest, that weekly rest - 03:06 We HAVE to have that! 03:07 You know, after you've stood on your feet the whole day, 03:10 you feed need rest! Absolutely 03:12 So rest is a treatment, 03:13 and I wish I could bottle up a pill-bottle, okay, 03:18 and put a rest pill in there 03:20 and you'd get the equivalent of 8 hours of sleep. 03:22 But you CAN'T do that! 03:23 That's the next question - Are sleeping pills good for you? 03:26 You would think... "Okay, I can't sleep, 03:28 a sleeping pill would help me" 03:29 There have been some studies done recently that show 03:32 that sleeping pills actually are not helpful, 03:34 and they actually can damage people, 03:36 and they actually can kill people. 03:37 Sleeping pills just knock you out, Charles... 03:40 They just like whack you on the head 03:41 and you don't sleep better. 03:43 And you wake up - you might have some cognitive defects, 03:47 and remember... the sleep pills 03:48 were NEVER approved to take long-term. 03:51 They were only approved to do short-term sleep. 03:54 So if you take them long-term, 03:56 there are some cognitive problems that happen; 03:58 there are some dependency problems that sometimes happen, 04:01 so I do not recommend people take sleep pills long-term. 04:05 I recommend them to try to find out WHY they don't sleep well. 04:11 Do you sleep well, Charles? I do, I do 04:13 The answer just keeps coming back that the 04:17 prescription is not in a bag, it's not in a pill. 04:20 There's no potion for you. 04:22 What you need to do is CHANGE your lifestyle. 04:26 Change when you eat... 04:27 In this case - don't eat late at night. 04:29 Change HOW YOU LIVE! 04:32 Because if you change how you live, most cases, 04:35 not all cases, but in most cases, 04:37 you're going to find great benefit to you 04:40 and all kinds of levels and this is one of them. 04:42 Charles, you know, I've been practicing medicine, 04:44 and I say "practicing" learning medicine" for over 20 years now 04:49 And what I've discovered is that people need to think about 04:52 these lifestyle changes and these things that 04:55 God taught us as equivalent to taking pills... 04:58 Because they change our chemistry every bit as much 05:01 and without side effects that a pill does. 05:04 So people need to learn that, 05:05 and I think, as history moves on, 05:07 they're going to look back at this stage of medical history 05:10 and say, "Listen, what were these guys doing?" 05:13 You know, they were never getting at the cause of problems 05:17 They were just giving a bunch of pills that might have 05:18 made things worse... that might might have even caused death. 05:21 I think we're going to look back in history and find out that, 05:23 you know, the successful healers were the ones that 05:26 looked to the Ultimate Prescription-the Great Physician 05:29 to get recommendations to learn that what people ate 05:33 and put in their body affected them, caused disease 05:36 as well as TREATED disease... 05:38 They are also going to learn the THOUGHTS 05:40 that we put in the brain 05:41 also treated disease as well as caused disease. 05:44 Now, one of the leading causes of people not resting well now 05:48 is TELEVISION. 05:50 We were NEVER designed for T.V. 05:53 We were designed to work out with the animals all day; 05:56 have a garden - be outside 05:58 - love each other - serve each other - be happy 06:01 - eat healthy - fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains... 06:03 That's how we were made to be! 06:06 And yet now, a lot of people watch television, 06:09 and it stimulates the stress part of the brain; 06:12 the amygdala... 06:13 That part of the brain that makes stress chemicals. 06:15 Your brain is working, and do you think you 06:17 can rest well at night? 06:19 Even if you're asleep, you don't rest well because 06:20 all those inputs are still going on, 06:22 especially if you see violent things 06:24 or things that we weren't designed. 06:25 So one of the things that helps people, 06:27 that I found sleep better and rest better, 06:29 is take television out of the formula. 06:32 They start resting better, they sleep better. 06:35 Another thing that I remove is the BIG meal at night. 06:38 Over 90% of people take stimulants every day, 06:41 and the stimulant that we most often see is caffeine... 06:44 And that revs people up and that disrupts 06:47 sleep patterns as well. 06:48 Some people don't exercise. 06:50 Remember... you sleep better when you're tired! 06:53 You're going to probably sleep good tonight 06:54 Absolutely... Because you're going to feel good tonight... 06:56 But when people exercise and move around, 06:59 they get tired so THEY rest better at night. 07:01 So if you can teach people what causes them NOT to rest better, 07:05 maybe you can give them this good prescription of REST 07:08 that might be worth 10 prescription medications 07:10 and get at the REAL cause of the problem! 07:13 Now we need to start changing our brains, 07:15 both as people and medical professionals to see this. 07:19 Now also what I see is a lot of people out there 07:22 like to talk about technology, 07:24 and there's a place for all these fancy devices that we have 07:27 There's a place for lifestyle... that's important too, 07:31 but where do people get the power to change? 07:34 Where do people get the Ultimate Prescription 07:36 ...the ability to do these things that society 07:38 is telling them not to do? 07:40 I found, in my life, it comes from that relationship with God 07:43 He might not change me all at once, 07:45 but He gives me power to learn things one at a time, 07:47 and I gradually get my health back. 07:49 So sleep - rest very, very important! 07:52 And that's why God says, 07:53 "Remember to keep the Sabbath Day - to rest" 07:56 break your routine 07:57 - to get your body - give it a chance to heal! 08:00 I like to go back in my mind to that 7th day of creation. 08:04 I invite you to do that also, 08:06 listener and watcher of this program. 08:08 Adam and Eve standing in the Garden of Eden 08:12 ...The Creator comes along and they just sort of stroll 08:16 through the garden. 08:17 The most AMAZING thing about that scene is that 08:20 EVERY THING NEEDED for their health and well-being 08:25 Every thing they needed to live FOREVER 08:28 was right there right then! 08:32 They didn't have to have drugs. 08:34 They didn't have to have television. 08:37 They didn't have to have any of the stimulants 08:39 that we have today. 08:41 Everything they needed... What did they eat? 08:44 I'll ask you... You answer this yourself... 08:46 What did they eat? What did they drink? 08:49 What did they do with their time? 08:51 How did they spend their days? 08:53 How did they spend their nights? 08:54 With whom did they communicate on a daily basis? 08:58 THAT is the OPTIMUM... right there! 09:01 And the further we take ourselves away from that image, 09:04 and from those parameters, the SICKER we get! 09:08 Isn't it interesting, Charles, that as we've talked about this 09:11 series so far, that we keep coming back to the same answers! 09:16 We keep coming back to the same themes over and over and over 09:19 no matter what the disease; 09:21 whether it be heart attacks or sleep apnea, 09:23 we all come back to these same themes, 09:26 and there is truth in this. 09:28 And we have to let people know about this 09:31 as this is the solution to their healing. 09:34 We need to spend more time in our Bibles, 09:37 and maybe a little less time at the doctor's office. 09:39 Would that be a fair statement to say? 09:40 Well hey - listen to this one Charles... 09:42 How would you like to have a doctor that you could go to 09:46 and you could go to this doctor and no forms, no paperwork, 09:50 no co-pay... you could go right in to the room with the doctor. 09:53 No appointment necessary. No 09:55 You could sit there and you could talk as 09:57 LONG as you wanted to... No interruptions 10:00 He would just listen to you hour after hour. 10:02 You could tell him everything. 10:04 Then he would maybe give you some advice. 10:07 ...To help you feel better, to help change your prescription 10:09 Then you could go outside and do whatever, 10:11 and you know what... if you got sick again, 10:13 you could come back the NEXT day, 10:15 and repeat the process all over! 10:17 We have that Ultimate Prescription. 10:19 We have that Ultimate Physician who has the answers. 10:23 And I want us as medical professionals, as people, 10:26 to acknowledge the Ultimate Physician, 10:29 that relationship with Him... 10:30 That's where the answers are! 10:31 We don't have the answers, 10:33 we just scratch the surface. 10:35 And the more we THINK we know, 10:37 the less we REALLY know! 10:39 The more I learn, the less I know. 10:41 The real truth comes from that relationship with Him. 10:43 That's the kind of physician that I want to go to 10:45 on a regular basis... and guess what? 10:47 There's no bill... no co-pay 10:49 I always get good advice. 10:51 I don't have to worry about side effects unless 10:53 I fail to listen to Someone that loves me and made me, 10:56 and then I bring the side effects on myself. 10:59 As we talk about these things, program after program, 11:03 again, we are just drawn back to that time 11:07 when Adam and Eve and the Creator 11:09 walked through the Garden... 11:10 Everything seems to just flow back to there, 11:15 and the breaking of those parameters, 11:18 God's health laws we call them, 11:20 Biblical technology - as Dr. Marcum likes to say, 11:24 as we break those health laws, 11:26 we become sicker and sicker. 11:28 As we distance ourselves from those ideals, 11:32 we become sicker and sicker... 11:34 And the GOOD NEWS is... 11:35 the GOOD NEWS is we can RETURN, 11:39 we can go BACK. 11:41 We can take our lives, our families 11:43 and take them BACK to that moment, 11:45 and look around and say... 11:47 "That's the way I want to live" 11:49 We'll take a short break and when we come back 11:50 let's TALK to that Creator! Stay tuned 11:56 We've been talking today about rest, 11:59 specifically about sleep apnea. 12:01 We've been talking about the importance of 12:04 the weekly rest as well as the night rest. 12:07 We've talked about all the things in our society 12:10 that get us AWAY from these things; 12:12 whether it be eating big at night, 12:14 watching too much television, 12:16 caffeine and other stimulants, 12:18 lack of EXERCISE, 12:20 having the brain just bombarded with stress from all over, 12:23 extra weight which causes us not to breathe well at night. 12:27 Well I hope you're not suffering from any of these problems, 12:30 but we want here, on the Ultimate Prescription, 12:33 to re-define the way you think about health. 12:36 We have many people out there that use 12:38 modern medicine and there's a great place for that. 12:41 We have many people talking about lifestyle. 12:43 But remember, it takes a balance, 12:45 but at the top of this pyramid, 12:47 has to be the relationship with the Ultimate Prescription, 12:50 the Physician that you can go to day-in and day-out. 12:53 And remember, we are all healers 12:56 when we make someone laugh; 12:57 we make someone feel better; 12:58 we SERVE them - we change their chemistry. 13:01 Let me pray with you today that you might 13:03 enter into this relationship... 13:06 Heavenly Father... As we come to you, 13:08 there are some out there that have not started that 13:10 relationship with you... 13:12 Please teach them how this can happen, Father 13:15 Help them to come into that healing relationship 13:17 and help us to see medical and health in a new way 13:20 based on You leading the charge, is our humble prayer... Amen 13:26 We have a Heavenly Father who is the Ultimate Prescription 13:29 and if you want to learn more about Him, 13:31 you can come to this network. 13:32 They have many different programs that you can watch 13:35 to further develop this relationship. 13:37 We want to encourage you in your health... 13:39 Re-define the way you think about health. 13:41 Learn new truths. 13:43 Ask God to teach you 13:45 when to use lifestyle and when you use modern medicine 13:48 and we wish you the BEST of health today! |
Revised 2014-12-17