Ultimate Prescription

The Long Sleep

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: James Marcum & Charles Mills


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP00021A

00:01 Two things are necessary for human life...
00:02 an adequate blood supply and oxygen.
00:05 We need both... even when we sleep,
00:09 but sometimes... Stay tuned
00:13 I'm Dr. James Marcum
00:15 Are you interested in discovering the reason why?
00:18 Do you want solutions to your health care problems?
00:21 Are you tired of taking medications?
00:24 Well, you're about to be given the "Ultimate Prescription"
00:29 On today's broadcast, we continue our series
00:32 on the major causes of death,
00:33 and this cause may surprise you!
00:36 If you thought that a good night's sleep was when you
00:38 don't dream weird dreams,
00:40 you might want to pay close attention to our broadcast.
00:43 Sleep is the final frontier of health.
00:45 It's what makes being awake and more to the point
00:48 being awake and PRODUCTIVE possible.
00:50 Dr. Marcum, why are cardiologists so interested
00:54 in SLEEP?
00:56 Well as you said in your introduction Charles,
00:59 sleep is so important to us to get rest and adequate oxygen.
01:04 You know, we were originally made to
01:06 work 6 days and rest a day.
01:09 The Creator of the universe said "Remember to rest"
01:12 ...It's important as if we were going to forget it
01:15 Also, He set up these night/day pathways
01:18 and the circadian rhythms.
01:19 So we were designed to work
01:22 during the day and rest at night.
01:24 Well Edison messed us up with the light bulb
01:27 because now we think we can stay awake all night long;
01:29 we're not resting well at night,
01:31 and unfortunately, now people aren't even getting
01:33 the weekly rest.
01:35 So it's very important to have good rest!
01:37 We also now have this condition called "sleep apnea"
01:41 "Apnea" means not breathing.
01:43 So you're asleep but you're not breathing.
01:47 Devastating consequences go when you are
01:49 oxygen-deprived for 8 or 9 hours a night.
01:52 Just think about it, Charles...
01:54 If you held your breath all the time for 8 or 9 hours,
01:56 you would not feel good. No
01:58 Well if this happens day in and day out,
02:00 year in and year out, the body is damaged terribly...
02:04 ...Your body does not rest.
02:06 ...It makes stress chemicals which constrict blood vessels.
02:10 ...It makes the lungs have to work harder.
02:12 ...It can cause the heart to have funny heart rhythms
02:15 because all the pressures dilate the chambers.
02:17 ...It can raise your blood pressure.
02:19 ...You get tired very easily.
02:22 ...You get irritable.
02:23 ...You do things that don't do well.
02:25 And then worse yet, people that have sleep apnea
02:26 they're tired, so guess what they do?
02:28 They say, "Well, what can I do for energy?"
02:30 So they... give me the pick-me-ups!
02:31 They might take stimulants to get them going.
02:34 So they have this up and down cycle,
02:36 and they're always TIRED!
02:38 You know, if you were a prisoner in a prison camp, Charles,
02:40 and I wanted to get information out of you,
02:42 and I wanted to damage your brain,
02:43 I would sleep-deprive you...
02:45 THEN I would SHINE things in your eyes,
02:46 and I'd say, "Wake up Charles... TELL ME THE TRUTH"
02:48 And I'd do this day in and day out,
02:50 it actually damages peoples brains...
02:52 So they can't have as good a relationship
02:54 when they have sleep apnea.
02:55 So sleep apnea is a cause of death,
02:58 and I guess... what brought this to the forefront
03:00 was a few years ago, the big football player, "Reggie White"
03:03 an all-pro football player,
03:05 they found him passed away
03:06 with a sleep mask not too far from him...
03:09 But sleep apnea affects 20 million or more Americans,
03:13 and many Americans are walking around not knowing
03:15 they have sleep apnea.
03:17 Sleep apnea is usually caused by people carrying extra weight,
03:21 so when they go to sleep,
03:23 their airways can't stay open...
03:24 And then, their oxygen goes low, low, low...
03:28 and then an ALARM goes off, and they grab a big breath...
03:31 They get enough breath to stay alive,
03:33 and then they go back to sleep again.
03:34 And then the cycle, you know,
03:36 of alarm off and alarm off, it breaks the REM sleep cycles,
03:40 because you don't sleep well; your oxygen levels,
03:41 and it's a real devastating problem.
03:44 Now, it can lead to all sorts of medical conditions;
03:47 atrial fibrillation;
03:48 it can lead to sudden death from heart rhythms.
03:51 Of course the heart doesn't like not having oxygen
03:54 ...it can lead to heart problems.
03:55 It can lead to blood pressure problems.
03:58 It can lead to all sorts of problems in the way
04:00 people think and behave.
04:02 It's just a devastating problem that's affecting
04:04 millions and millions of Americans.
04:06 Because the body just requires oxygen,
04:08 and when you don't have oxygen...
04:09 I can't think of a system in the body that's not affected by that
04:12 It affects everything and that's why,
04:14 not only good oxygen but the process of REST.
04:18 You know and we as a society,
04:19 we're not taking our weekly rest.
04:21 We're not even resting at night anymore...
04:23 And rest is a real treatment for disease.
04:26 If you broke your leg, Charles, you wouldn't keep walking,
04:29 you'd put it in a cast and let it rest so it could HEAL!
04:33 At night, things HEAL
04:35 if it's getting adequate OXYGEN!
04:37 We have a weekly break where we're supposed to heal
04:40 both MENTALLY and PHYSICALLY and SPIRITUALLY from the week.
04:43 As we don't do this, we stray from the script
04:46 that God gave us at Creation;
04:48 bad things happen, our body is damaged.
04:51 Now people that have sleep apnea,
04:53 the first thing you want to know is... do you have sleep apnea?
04:55 Do I have sleep apnea? I don't think I do...
04:57 Do you have sleep apnea? How would I know?
04:59 What would I do if you came into the office?
05:00 First, I'd look for... Are you having heart rhythm problems?
05:03 Are you having blood pressure problems?
05:05 Are you tired all the time?
05:07 Do you have headaches?
05:09 Are you irritable?
05:10 Are you hard to get along with?
05:12 Are you having to take pick-me-ups during the day?
05:15 This might give me clues that you might have sleep apnea.
05:20 If you HAD sleep apnea and I wanted to know for sure,
05:22 the test I would test would be a sleep test.
05:25 Where you would lay down and go to sleep;
05:28 we have you hooked up to oxygen monitors, monitors,
05:31 and see if your oxygen goes down when you're asleep.
05:34 And if it does, then you HAVE SLEEP APNEA.
05:36 And the next type... you know there are 2 types of
05:39 sleep apnea; the obstructive sleep apnea -
05:41 where you can't get oxygen in and out,
05:42 and sometimes the BRAIN can cause you to quit breathing too.
05:46 So there are different treatments for that,
05:48 and they can put an oxygen mask on you and blow oxygen in you.
05:51 Now some people find that very uncomfortable.
05:54 So what I encourage people to do,
05:56 since most sleep apnea is because of an obstruction,
06:00 I encourage - Well, let's get rid of that obstruction.
06:02 We can sometimes do that by losing weight and exercise.
06:05 We can sometimes do that by moving some tissue
06:08 that might be blocking the airway.
06:10 Sometimes people can even wear a device that moves the tongue,
06:13 and it helps keep the airway open.
06:15 But it's SO important to get
06:18 sleep apnea evaluated and treated
06:20 because if you don't do it, they say you could be
06:22 losing 20 years of your life. 20 years?
06:25 Yes, and the life that you do have... it's not as abundant.
06:29 And just think of it, if you're oxygen-deprived all the time,
06:31 how are you going to function at work?
06:33 How are you going to function with your relationships?
06:36 How is the rest of your body?
06:37 So if you have sleep apnea, and this.. that.. and the other,
06:40 it gets that much worse.
06:42 Let me tell you a story...
06:44 I take care of this man, I'm not going to say his name,
06:47 let's call him "Tom" and Tom had sleep apnea.
06:51 That was really the only problem he had in his mid-30s
06:54 He didn't know he had sleep apnea.
06:57 He was tired all the time.
06:59 Because he was tired all the time,
07:00 his wife was on him like you would not believe...
07:02 thought he was lazy!
07:04 He really wasn't lazy, he just had sleep apnea.
07:06 He'd wake up in the morning and he'd have to go to the
07:08 7- Eleven and get some of these...
07:10 Have you seen these shots?
07:11 You know, they have these like energy things... Oh yes-yes
07:14 And they cost $3 or $4, and he'd spend $6 or $7
07:16 on 2 of those every day just to get going.
07:20 Well I met him because of high blood pressure,
07:22 and by the time he got to me,
07:23 not only had he had high blood pressure,
07:25 but he had this rhythm called "atrial fibrillation"
07:28 Because he didn't take good care of himself,
07:31 and he gained some weight, he had diabetes,
07:33 so they put him on a diabetes medicine,
07:34 and, of course, this made him depressed,
07:36 so he's on a medicine for depression.
07:38 Well that wasn't the HALF of it!
07:40 The depression and all this caused impotence,
07:42 so he's taking Viagra on the side.
07:44 Because when he was home at night, he would eat big;
07:48 he was on an acid medicine that would make reflux come up.
07:52 So here he's on 6 or 7 medications
07:54 with the side effects, being a young man
07:57 and in talking to things, we talked about them
07:59 and you know, I said, "You know what,
08:01 all this might be related to sleep apnea. "
08:04 "Let's see if you have sleep apnea. "
08:06 He says, "I don't want to have
08:07 the test, it's a drag - I don't want to have it"
08:09 I said, Please, we might be able to
08:10 get you off 5 or 6 medicines. "
08:11 "We might be able to prevent all these problems
08:13 that I see coming down the road. "
08:15 ..."From high blood pressure, from diabetes,
08:17 we might be able to prevent these. "
08:18 "Come on, do it... Let's do it, it's going to help us out"
08:21 So we talked to him.
08:23 I said, "I'm going to be praying for you that
08:24 God will give you the strength to at least do the test. "
08:26 Little things...
08:27 So he has the test done and guess what?
08:29 He has sleep apnea!
08:31 Some of the worst sleep apnea that the doctor had ever seen.
08:33 So we put him on the mask.
08:35 In a week or 2, he said, "I started to feel better"
08:37 So when he felt better, I said, "You know what?"
08:39 You might not have to wear this mask forever
08:41 if you lose a few pounds. "
08:42 So he said, "Well, how do I do that?"
08:44 And I said, "Well, let's start simple. "
08:46 "Let's start in a relationship
08:48 with God who is going to give you the power. "
08:50 So we did that and he said, "Yeah, I feel better,
08:51 I feel like I can do this"
08:53 I said, "Well, let's start by drinking water for a month"
08:55 So he drank ONLY water for a month...
08:57 Gave up ALL the energy drinks and everything.
08:59 Now, he withdrew a little bit, but he started to feel better.
09:01 When he stopped the energy drinks,
09:03 the rhythm and the blood pressure started to come down.
09:06 So we said we'll take another medicine off.
09:08 Then he said, "You know what,
09:09 this is really working... What can I do next?"
09:11 I said, "Well let's not eat big at night. "
09:13 "Remember, we're supposed to rest at night"
09:15 We talked about the circadian rhythms.
09:16 We supposed to rest, and how can you rest
09:19 if you have this big glob of food in you
09:22 that normally should be in a refrigerator,
09:23 that's inside of you, SPOILING in you.
09:26 And when I said... "All this meat, eggs and cheese
09:28 is spoiling in you at night,
09:29 and you're getting all the chemicals,"
09:31 he could see the pictures!
09:32 So he started eating some fresh fruits and vegetables
09:34 after that at night.
09:35 So he started resting better
09:37 at night... the sleep apnea got better.
09:39 The next thing, he had enough energy
09:40 to actually start walking on a regular basis.
09:42 So he started a walking program.
09:44 Now this took over a year,
09:45 but after a year he lost 50 pounds;
09:47 his diabetes went away;
09:49 he quit eating big at night,
09:51 so he didn't have the sleep sleep apnea,
09:52 and guess what happened?
09:54 His depression went away real quick,
09:55 so he got off the antidepressant;
09:57 his blood pressure got improved right away,
09:59 and so did his rhythm,
10:00 and we tested him to see if he had sleep apnea...
10:03 And one year after making these changes,
10:05 he didn't have sleep apnea at ALL.
10:07 And all the symptoms, and all these downhill things
10:09 HAPPENED because we didn't get at the cause,
10:13 and the cause was sleep apnea,
10:14 which, on him, was caused by extra weight.
10:17 So if you think about the world... we're getting heavier!
10:20 And as we get heavier, we're going to have
10:22 more tissue around our neck;
10:23 we're going to have more problems with sleep apnea.
10:26 So one of the REAL treatments for sleep apnea
10:29 is to keep the weight down on all of us.
10:31 So this was just a sort of a remarkable story
10:33 about how important sleep apnea is,
10:35 and the chronic long-term consequences if we don't
10:38 deal with the cause of the problem.
10:39 A beautiful illustration of that domino effect
10:43 where you have one problem,
10:44 so you take a medicine that leads to another problem,
10:47 and then that develops another problem,
10:48 and on and on and on you go!
10:50 It's like a cycle, you're just heading down-down-down.
10:53 Sleep apnea... Okay, so there are tests you can do
10:57 to find out if they have sleep apnea.
10:58 If they have that sleep apnea,
10:59 they make lifestyle changes.
11:01 Is there a sleep apnea medicine out there?
11:04 Is there some kind of drug?
11:06 Well, not really... because really they just
11:08 wear the mask at night.
11:09 But that brings up a very important point... is REST
11:12 You know, there are a lot of sleeping pills out there
11:15 to help people to rest.
11:16 But if you're not breathing,
11:18 why would you want to have a sleeping pill
11:19 that you won't even wake up ... Exactly right...
11:21 Yeah, and so what I'm always talking about is
11:23 ...how can people rest better?
11:25 And, even if they don't have sleep apnea,
11:27 we want them to REST because
11:29 during REST, they have a chance to heal...
11:31 And both the nightly rest and the weekly rest.
11:35 So I encourage everyone to get into a weekly rest;
11:38 a Sabbath-type rest where they can let their body recover.
11:41 There is real chemical benefits from that.
11:44 And I wish I could do a study of a million people
11:47 that rested one day a week,
11:48 a spiritual, physical rest and those that didn't...
11:51 And see who had the better chemistry.
11:53 Well I know what the results of that study would show.
11:56 A lot of chronic disease would go away.
11:58 A lot of these causes of death that we see
12:01 would dramatically be diminished.
12:03 Then I also work on this nightly rest.
12:05 In people that don't sleep well at night,
12:07 even if they don't have sleep apnea,
12:09 I say, "Why don't you sleep well at night?"
12:10 Well, we found out the causes.
12:12 People are taking too many stimulants...
12:14 caffeine, nicotine, alcohol
12:16 People were watching TV that keeps them revved up at night.
12:20 Some people have the medical problems like sleep apnea,
12:22 going to the bathroom.
12:24 Some people don't exercise at night.
12:26 So there are lots of reasons that people aren't resting well,
12:29 and if we can get at the cause of the reason
12:31 they're not resting well, we have a much greater chance
12:34 of getting them to rest well and NOT need medications
12:37 which don't really address the problem.
12:39 We are just out of sync in what God wanted us to do.
12:43 It's just so obvious that as I listen to you talk about
12:48 these causes of death and I listen to you show
12:52 the consequences...
12:53 This is SERIOUS STUFF!
12:56 This is NOT... Well, okay I'll just have to live with this
12:59 Or, it's just because that's my genes.
13:03 It goes WAY beyond that.
13:04 It's the CHOICES that we make day after day
13:07 that could make a huge difference in our lives.
13:08 Yeah, and the real solution to our health care dilemma -
13:11 the real answer is in plugging into the Ultimate Physician,
13:16 the Great Physician - learning what He wants us to do;
13:19 to stay well and to be happy because He made us!
13:22 He knows what's BEST for us!
13:23 And yet we've drifted from that plan.
13:26 And as medical professionals, as individuals,
13:28 we need to get back to that to find good health.
13:31 All right, we'll take a short break and when we come back
13:33 your questions from heartwiseministries. org
13:36 So stay tuned.


Revised 2014-12-17