Ultimate Prescription


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: James Marcum & Charles Mills


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP00020B

00:01 Welcome back to the program.
00:02 I'm Charles Mills here with Dr. James Marcum,
00:04 and we're talking about "COPD"
00:06 What is COPD, Dr. Marcum,
00:09 and how do I know if I have it?
00:11 Yeah... COPD is "chronic obstructive pulmonary disease"
00:14 and it's one of the leading causes of death
00:17 still in our world...
00:18 And one of the leading causes we talked about last segment
00:22 is from cigarettes but how do I make the diagnosis?
00:24 Well #1, a person might have a symptom,
00:28 and that symptom might be shortness of breath
00:30 which makes sense - if their lungs are damaged.
00:33 They might be prone to infections;
00:35 they might get wheezing, you know...
00:38 ...they might breathe like that
00:40 Another thing, they might be tachypneic...
00:43 That's a fancy word to say you're breathing fast.
00:45 I might walk in and you're going ... and I'd say,
00:49 "Wow, they might have some breathing problems. "
00:50 And they just came from their car...
00:52 It's not like they climbed a mountain or anything.
00:54 And they might get short of breath real easy.
00:55 So that might be some of the symptoms that we have...
00:57 shortness of breath - so any person with
00:59 shortness of breath and is a smoker,
01:00 I automatically think...
01:02 "Do they have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?"
01:04 How would I prove it?
01:05 Well one way I could prove it
01:06 is to see if their oxygen level were low.
01:09 And here we have a device called "a pulse oximeter,"
01:12 and this measures the oxygen level in your blood,
01:15 and it should be greater than 92%
01:19 So if you would put your finger in there, Charles...
01:21 And we'll make sure the camera can see this
01:23 Aim it in that direction, okay my finger is in there. All right
01:26 I'm going to make sure the on-button is on.
01:29 So I turn the on-button on.
01:30 And that's the on-button over here... There we go
01:32 Oh, is it on? Okay
01:34 Yeah, now it's starting to pick up here.
01:38 Okay, I'm going to do this here...
01:40 And... there we go! I see a light.
01:46 Now we're measuring... There I am... Okay
01:48 So the bottom number is how much your heart is beating.
01:52 And now it's going to check the oxygen level in your blood,
01:54 and it's 97% when you're sitting here.
01:56 Is that good? That's VERY good!
01:58 So that would argue against
02:00 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
02:02 Your oxygen level is very high at rest,
02:04 and your heart rate is very good, Charles,
02:06 in the 80s, so that's very good.
02:07 Another way we might do this...
02:09 Okay, I'm going to turn this off here.
02:11 ...is I might get you behind an x-ray machine,
02:14 and then I might take pictures of you and I might get an x-ray.
02:17 Now we probably can't see this,
02:18 but this is your heart right here,
02:20 and these are the lungs,
02:22 and in people who have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
02:25 their lungs are enlarged.
02:27 This actually would work if you just... there you go!
02:29 Yeah... There you go! Oh, there we go
02:30 They have hyperinflated lungs.
02:33 So an x-ray would give me a good feeling whether
02:35 a person had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
02:37 So this is an anterior-posterior view,
02:40 and this is another view where we see behind the heart.
02:45 So this is the lungs behind the heart,
02:47 and there are some characteristics
02:49 that we would see in the lungs...
02:50 The lungs are usually hyperexpanded.
02:52 I call them BIG lungs!
02:54 So if I had a low pulse-ox,
02:56 someone that was short of breath,
02:58 and had some big lungs,
02:59 I might say that they had
03:01 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
03:03 and might initiate treatment.
03:04 And the lungs get big because they're trying to work...
03:07 Well actually, the air can't move in and out.
03:10 So the air sacs, the alveoli, get BIGGER
03:13 because they have obstructions.
03:14 They can't get the air in and out as easily... I got ya!
03:16 Now another thing that we do
03:18 is we do a test called a "blow test"
03:21 pulmonary function test.
03:23 Now sometimes... I don't have one with me,
03:25 but we can do a cheap pulmonary function test.
03:27 And what I do is I have a person
03:29 hold out a piece of paper, a tissue, at arm's length,
03:32 and blow on it.
03:33 And in the office, someone with
03:35 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - it will look like this
03:37 ...when they blow as hard as they can.
03:40 It won't look like this...
03:43 So, it will barely move when they blow at tissue.
03:46 So if they have all these things;
03:47 low pulse-ox, big lungs, they can't move this,
03:51 I might say that you have
03:52 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
03:54 But not only does chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
03:56 hurt your lungs, but it hurts your entire body... why is that?
03:59 ...Because you CAN'T CARRY OXYGEN around!
04:02 It can hurt the heart, the parts of the heart can work harder.
04:05 Because when you have low oxygen levels,
04:07 the blood vessels constrict,
04:09 and it makes the right side of the heart have to pump hard
04:12 through the blood vessels.
04:14 So chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a
04:15 serious problem; it's pretty easy to diagnose.
04:18 But most people that do have it,
04:20 have some type of a smoking history.
04:22 Now people with COPD, would they also have
04:25 hypertension under these circumstances?
04:26 Well they could, they could...
04:28 They have high blood pressure in their lungs
04:30 because it's constricting,
04:31 but they also might have it peripherally
04:33 because of the nicotine.
04:35 And if they are a smoker, they might sure get...
04:37 Any time you're hypoxic, low oxygen,
04:39 can also constrict blood vessels.
04:42 ...But the body loves oxygen.
04:44 You are going to have to help me with this word here...
04:46 This is a question on heartwiseministries. org
04:50 "Should persons with COPD get a Pneumovax?"
04:55 It's like a Hoover? No, it's not a vacuum cleaner.
04:59 But you know, vaccinations - we hear about them all.
05:01 One of them is the Pneumovax,
05:03 and people that smoke cigarettes
05:05 and have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
05:07 vaccines are very controversial as you know...
05:10 Some people worry about them
05:11 causing immune reactions and reacting to them.
05:13 But we always look at the risk and benefits;
05:16 and someone that has bad lungs that can't get out secretions,
05:20 that have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
05:22 with low oxygen, can you imagine IF they had an infection! Oh my!
05:25 If they had an infection, it could KILL them.
05:27 So in this instance, I would say,
05:29 a Pneumovax in a person with bad lungs,
05:31 the risk is worth the benefits on this situation...
05:36 So people with bad lungs usually benefit from having a Pneumovax.
05:39 Here's another question from the heartwiseministries. org website
05:42 "I have COPD - "chronic obstructive pulmonary disease"
05:46 and have frequent problems causing
05:49 4 hospitalizations in 2 years.
05:51 Do you have any suggestions to keep me out of the hospital?"
05:54 Now of course, I'm sure the first question you would ask is,
05:56 "Do you smoke?" Right
05:57 And that's the question, we want to get at the cause,
06:00 and if they are a smoker, then we want to do
06:04 everything we can to reverse that habit.
06:06 And we've already talked about
06:08 some of the things we can do earlier...
06:09 And we can pray about it,
06:11 we can replace a good habit with a bad habit;
06:14 we can love them; we can pick a smoking date;
06:15 get the power of the Holy Spirit.
06:17 I think you want to replace a bad habit with a GOOD habit.
06:19 That's a good idea, Charles! I messed that up!
06:21 And that is a bad habit to have... There you go!
06:24 Yes, that's one thing we want to do.
06:26 The second thing we want to do is
06:28 make sure they have enough oxygen.
06:30 Some times they have to wear oxygen.
06:32 If they're oxygen-deprived, that can make the body weaker.
06:35 So if they need oxygen, we want to give them
06:36 supplemental oxygen especially at night.
06:39 We want too make sure they don't have sleep apnea.
06:42 We want to give them oxygen at night.
06:43 Another thing we want to advise them to do is have the
06:45 vaccination so they don't get infections.
06:47 Another thing that I encourage people is to start on a
06:50 walking program... because the better the blood vessels are...
06:53 the better the circulation is,
06:55 the better you can move what oxygen you HAVE
06:57 around their body.
06:59 And then lastly, we say...
07:01 "Well let's try to do things that would hurt the lungs"
07:03 And things that would hurt the lungs would be
07:05 being around people that are infected.
07:07 Being outside in some allergenic situations...
07:10 You know, they might need to wear a mask.
07:12 They might have to be careful around fragrances.
07:15 Some people have noxious fumes which makes
07:18 already lungs that are compromised even worse
07:21 more prone to have problems.
07:23 Those things might help keep a person out of the hospital.
07:26 I've seen simple things make the biggest difference.
07:28 Now if they don't do anything,
07:30 and their lungs are BAD, GUESS WHAT...
07:32 they're not going to get better!
07:34 They're going to STAY bad...
07:35 So they get around someone that's sick,
07:36 they can't get rid of the infection...
07:38 BOOM! They're back in!
07:39 IV antibiotics, ventilator, if they can't quit smoking,
07:42 the lungs aren't going to get better...
07:43 they're going to get worse!
07:45 They're going to get MORE short of breath.
07:46 We'll have to turn up the oxygen higher and higher!
07:48 It's one of the saddest things I've ever seen...
07:51 seeing someone slowly die from
07:54 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
07:56 and yet it is still a problem in America.
07:58 That's why we have to reach out to our young ones out there,
08:01 and if you are a young person that's thinking about smoking
08:04 or even smoking... DON'T DO IT
08:06 It's one of the most addicting habits you can ever have,
08:09 and it can literally destroy your life,
08:11 and if you live with some else,
08:13 you can actually destroy their life.
08:14 And that's why when they stopped smoking in restaurants,
08:18 people saying... "Listen you're poisoning ME, I don't WANT IT"
08:21 You know, it was about someone else's rights too...
08:23 And sometimes when you just say that to a smoker,
08:26 it helps give them more power to quit smoking.
08:28 I'm going to ask you about the environment itself,
08:31 I mean, we live in a pretty toxic world...
08:34 We have the diesel fumes and the car fumes,
08:37 and the airplane fumes and everything...
08:39 Can you get this COPD simply by living in Los Angeles
08:45 when the smog was there?
08:46 Well you know, cigarettes is just one chemical
08:50 that can damage the lungs.
08:51 There are other things that cause
08:52 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease too.
08:54 Any type of long chemical exposures to the lungs
08:57 could cause it... damage the lungs.
08:59 There's a genetic condition called,
09:01 "alpha antitrypsin-1 deficiency"
09:03 which can damage the lungs as well.
09:05 So there are other things that can cause the lungs
09:08 to be obstructed besides cigarettes,
09:11 but that's just one of the most common ones.
09:13 That's why we talk about it the most,
09:16 and I don't know if this is true
09:17 but I heard that the Marlboro man died from lung cancer.
09:22 I don't know if that's true,
09:23 but I thought I heard that at one point.
09:25 You know, I want our listeners and our viewers to have
09:29 some idea what they can do to protect themselves...
09:32 I mean, if they stop smoking, that's fine, that's good...
09:35 If someone in the family smokes, what do you do?
09:41 Do you move out?
09:42 Do you tell that person to go away?
09:44 Do you get an air cleaner for your home?
09:47 What do you DO to help in these environments?
09:50 Yeah, well we frequently have that...
09:52 I'll come in and someone has had a heart attack;
09:55 the other one has not had a heart attack,
09:57 but continues to smoke...
09:59 So they continue to give them that risk.
10:01 So I said, "Listen, you love this person,
10:04 you want to try to help, try to smoke OUTSIDE."
10:06 "Try to leave the house well-ventilated,
10:09 so at least the smoke can leave the house. "
10:11 But you've smelled how smoke gets on the clothes;
10:14 it permeates every pore of your body.
10:16 I could smell the smoker 10 feet away.
10:19 We encourage to get outside,
10:22 try to get the smoker to move outside.
10:24 That's sort of the best way to work in the short-term,
10:27 but in the long-term, we want them,
10:28 you know - because they love their spouse so much,
10:30 to gradually quit smoking as well. Very good
10:34 I guess we can say that if you
10:36 don't do it for yourself, do it for other people.
10:38 But you know Charles, a lot of people don't realize
10:40 that chronic obstructive pulmonary disease...
10:42 it still kills many other people in the world today.
10:45 It's still killing people today after all these years.
10:49 We'll take a short break and when we come back,
10:51 a conversation with the Master Physician... Stay tuned
10:57 We've been talking today about
10:59 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
11:02 This is still one of the leading causes of death
11:05 in the whole entire world.
11:07 We hope you don't have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
11:11 but if you do, I hope you've learned something today
11:14 about ways we can stay healthier ... feel better.
11:17 I also hope that you've learned a little bit about
11:19 cigarette smoking;
11:20 ways that we can turn to the Great Physician,
11:23 and maybe reverse this addiction that we have.
11:26 If you're young and thinking about smoking,
11:28 unfortunately, it's not the cool thing to do.
11:31 Down the road, you could have extreme problems in breathing
11:35 It could lead to cancer or circulatory problems...
11:37 so if you're thinking about smoking, don't do it.
11:40 One of the things we ALL need to do to enjoy good health
11:46 and help us to overcome bad habits is turn to the Bible.
11:49 Get the help from the Great Physician;
11:51 the One that can give us the POWER through the Holy Spirit
11:54 to do things that we can't do ourselves.
11:57 And if there might be someone out there that wants
11:59 to turn to this Power today,
12:00 let's just bow our heads together,
12:02 we'll ask the Lord to give us this power...
12:05 Heavenly Father... We come to You wanting the
12:08 Holy Spirit to be with us, to change our lives,
12:12 to change our chemistry,
12:13 to help us overcome habits and addictions...
12:15 whether this be smoking, or whatever, Father...
12:18 please come into our lives and give us this power...
12:20 Be our Great Physician.
12:22 We want to accept You as our Lord and Savior today,
12:25 and we want to thank you for the promises that
12:28 You give us in Your Bible, is our prayer... Amen
12:32 I want to also encourage each one of you
12:36 to search the Scriptures as this relationship develops
12:39 Let the Holy Spirit teach you new things from the Bible
12:42 that might change your chemistry.
12:45 We've talked about chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
12:48 and all the things that it can do to harm us,
12:50 but now I want to talk about that relationship with
12:52 the Ultimate Physician that can ultimately heal you.
12:56 Start in this relationship today.


Revised 2014-12-17