Ultimate Prescription


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: James Marcum & Charles Mills


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP00020A

00:17 Today's program is aimed directly at smokers.
00:19 We love you, God loves you...
00:22 The only person not loving you is YOU - Stay tuned..
00:27 I'm Dr. James Marcum...
00:30 Are you interested in discovering the reason why?
00:34 Do you want solutions to your health care problems?
00:37 Are you tired of taking medications?
00:40 Well, you're about to be given the "Ultimate Prescription"
00:45 What's killing us?
00:46 That's the question we're answering
00:48 on this series of programs
00:49 focusing on the major causes of death on this planet.
00:53 Any paramedic will tell you that
00:55 there are 2 things that need immediate attention
00:57 after an accident...
00:58 Is the person breathing?
01:00 Is the person bleeding?
01:02 If they can open an airway and stop or slow any bleeding,
01:05 there's a good chance that the injured individual
01:07 will survive the trip to the hospital.
01:09 Well I'm pretty confident that anyone watching this program
01:12 isn't bleeding but are you BREATHING?
01:15 I mean, REALLY BREATHING...
01:17 Dr. Marcum, tell us about
01:19 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease...
01:22 Yeah Charles, why we're talking about that is because
01:25 that's one of the leading causes of death,
01:28 not only in the United States, but in the entire world.
01:31 "Chronic" - something that's been going on
01:33 for a long period of time.
01:35 "Obstructive" - blocking something.
01:37 Usually an airway.
01:39 "Pulmonary" - relating to the lungs.
01:42 So anything that blocks the airways in the lung
01:45 is termed "chronic obstructive pulmonary disease"
01:48 And, whenever we talk about what we call "COPD"
01:52 frequently with that comes the word that causes
01:56 much of the COPD we see and that's cigarette smoking...
02:00 And for a while, we talked a lot...
02:03 I can remember 10 years ago, we used to talk a lot about
02:05 cigarette smoking.
02:06 There used to be programs,
02:08 you know, 5-day programs everywhere!
02:10 Smoking Sam! Yes, it's Smoking Sam!
02:12 The programs used to be everywhere,
02:13 and then all of a sudden, it dropped off a little bit,
02:16 but we still see, in our death rates,
02:19 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
02:20 still being up there...
02:22 And that's because the generations that smoke
02:24 are getting older now;
02:25 they're having more chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
02:28 which is where the air cannot move in and out well;
02:30 the alveoli are damaged;
02:32 they get real short of breath;
02:34 their cilia doesn't pull mucus out of their body
02:38 because they are paralyzed,
02:39 so they are more prone to having infections.
02:42 They are also more prone to having cancer...
02:45 But we use do hear a LOT about that,
02:46 but we're not hearing as much, but we NEED to...
02:49 because a recent article last week said,
02:51 "Our teenagers are still smoking cigarettes. "
02:54 It's still something that's very popular.
02:57 And years ago, when cigarettes first started,
02:59 that was the cool thing to do!
03:01 And then people have been wrapping tobacco
03:03 for years and years and years...
03:05 And yet the substances in those cigarettes
03:07 damage our upper airways.
03:10 It damages our cilia; it damages our taste bud,
03:13 it damages our alveoli.
03:15 The chemicals in cigarettes, nicotine, also damages
03:19 our blood vessels;
03:21 also makes us more prone to heart attacks;
03:23 more prone to high blood pressure;
03:25 more prone to cancer and more prone to death
03:28 because of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
03:30 ...And that's one of the worse deaths you can imagine, Charles!
03:33 I have some people that they just CANNOT quit smoking.
03:36 I remember this little old lady...
03:38 She looked like she was 80, but she was really 55.
03:42 Because smoking causes you to be wrinkled,
03:44 makes you look a lot older.
03:45 And she couldn't quit smoking.
03:47 Well what happened is her lungs became damaged.
03:49 The alveoli got bigger and bigger.
03:51 She was more prone to infection.
03:52 She was short of breath ALL the time,
03:54 yet she continued to have those cigarettes.
03:56 Well, I remember putting her on a ventilator AGAIN.
03:59 Finally got off the ventilator and we had to trach her
04:02 so she could get air in and after that
04:04 she would smoke cigarettes through her tracheostomy. OH MY!
04:08 That's how powerful this habit is.
04:10 And what we want to know is...
04:12 we want to talk a little bit about this disease,
04:14 and also let people know there is hope, there is help.
04:17 We don't want this disease to take you away,
04:19 and if you might be especially a young person
04:21 that's thinking about smoking cigarettes,
04:24 we hope you never do that...
04:25 there is no real reason to smoke cigarettes.
04:27 I can't think of any good reason that you can't
04:29 substitute something else for it.
04:31 Yeah, in other words... There is no BENEFIT other than
04:33 you think you look cool.
04:35 It's almost a mental benefit.
04:37 Now people will smoke cigarettes, I understand,
04:39 to make them feel calmer...
04:41 How does it do that?
04:44 Well, you know, the cigarettes have hundreds and hundreds
04:48 of chemicals in the body...
04:50 You hear about tar and nicotine,
04:52 but when something is lighted,
04:55 and all these fluorocarbons get in us,
04:57 it makes a lot of other chemicals.
04:59 But yeah, some of these chemicals, they say...
05:01 make a person feel calmer, but you know what...
05:04 they might feel calmer in the brain,
05:06 but the rest of the blood vessels, the rest of the body
05:08 is anything BUT calm.
05:10 It's crying out... "Nicotine is constricting
05:12 my blood vessels - it's causing heart attacks"
05:15 And when they get older, the people can't breathe.
05:17 When you see someone that has smoked their whole lives,
05:19 and you say... "Would you do this again?"
05:23 They say... "No, if I could go back, I would have never
05:25 had that first cigarette behind the barn with my buddies
05:29 when I smoked several. "
05:31 Now, our society all around the world, we're doing better.
05:34 There are areas where you can't smoke.
05:36 At first, they used to be able to smoke in the hospitals!
05:39 Can you believe that? Yes
05:40 And people, for a while, could smoke in restaurants,
05:43 and now that's not the case.
05:46 But we still see a lot of people smoking cigarettes,
05:48 and did you know, Charles, if you live with a smoker,
05:51 you get secondhand smoke.
05:53 And if I smoke 2 packs-a-day and live with you,
05:56 you're going to get a pack a day!
05:57 And that's still damaging your body in many, many ways.
06:01 So sooner or later, all these chemicals damages the lungs,
06:05 and unfortunately, we have some inhalers that help with that.
06:09 We have oxygen... but the real solution to
06:11 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is to get a person
06:15 to quit smoking the cigarettes.
06:17 Now let me bring up a common complaint of people who
06:21 are trying to stop smoking.
06:23 They say, "If I stop smoking my cigarette,
06:25 I'm going to gain weight; I'm going to become fat"
06:28 "Cigarettes are keeping me slender"
06:30 Is this TRUE?
06:31 Well, you know, when they're smoking,
06:33 they're usually not eating. All right
06:36 Well they can't TASTE their food!
06:38 It damages their taste bud - it doesn't taste as good.
06:40 And nicotine is a STIMULANT!
06:43 So it does speed up the body.
06:45 So, yes, that is because most people will gain weight
06:48 if they eat more.
06:50 And, you know, through the years...
06:51 But they recognize food... this tastes pretty good,
06:54 I want to eat more... Okay, I can see where that would happen.
06:55 But you know what, Charles, I think, in the smokers,
06:59 they know it's not good for them.
07:00 They know that this is not the best thing to do...
07:04 and they know it and what we need to do find new ways
07:07 to help them do better.
07:09 And we can tell, by looking at the young people smoking,
07:12 that we haven't got through to everybody
07:13 because people are still smoking now.
07:15 Now sometimes, the government can tax more cigarettes,
07:19 raise the price of it and that helps some...
07:21 Makes it more expensive.
07:23 We've had different drugs through the years,
07:25 but it never made sense to me where you trade one drug
07:28 and its side effects for another one.
07:30 One of the drugs they use causes seizures,
07:33 and one they use - depression.
07:34 Another thing that didn't make sense was the nicotine gum!
07:38 Instead of inhaling it, you're chewing it!
07:42 Then they had the patches...
07:44 And I had one fellow that came in...
07:45 He had a heart attack because of a spasm.
07:48 Nicotine causes spasms.
07:49 Well he wore the patch which he got some nicotine buzz on that,
07:54 but then he smoked too!
07:56 So I mean it was like taking a double whammy.
07:59 So you talk about medications that can kill you...
08:01 Well, you take a nicotine patch and you continue to smoke...
08:04 and you have vasospasms, it precipitated his heart attack
08:08 But it's a major issue in America;
08:10 it's damaging lungs; it's one of the leading
08:13 causes of lung cancer.
08:15 Cancer throughout the body is triggered by
08:17 these chemicals that we get.
08:19 It turns on these cancer genes in our body,
08:22 and the ways out there are not working,
08:24 so we want to talk a little bit today about ways that will work
08:29 and what I do with my smoker to help them quit smoking.
08:32 It almost sounds like we're not necessarily dealing with
08:36 a tobacco problem... we're dealing with a habit.
08:39 We're dealing with something that they are just hooked on
08:43 and they can't get off.
08:44 It's an addiction and it changes the chemistry of the brain.
08:47 The brain says, "I have to have this, if I don't have this"
08:50 ...They say it's the most addictive substance
08:52 that's known to man - is nicotine and cigarettes.
08:55 The devil does a pretty good job when he comes up with
08:58 ways of trapping us because when we smoke,
09:02 and when we affect our brain and our chemistry like that,
09:05 we really can't fully comprehend God's presence in our lives...
09:09 We really can't fully see His leading.
09:12 We don't have that emotional connection that's so important
09:15 that God wants to have with us.
09:17 So the devil has made this WEED that can come between us and God
09:23 and he doesn't care if we're sick or if we DIE.
09:25 He just wants to make sure that we are sick and die
09:27 without GOD in our lives.
09:29 Right, and that's excellent how our mind changes... Yes
09:34 And when the chemistry of our mind changes,
09:36 no matter what the addiction is,
09:37 whether it be alcohol,
09:39 whether it be addictions to cigarettes,
09:41 to drugs, painkillers; we see addictions to that.
09:44 We see addictions to things like cocaine, methamphetamines.
09:48 Some people are addicted to things that don't seem so bad
09:50 like food... television!
09:53 Anything that can addict us, can pull us away from that
09:55 relationship and that relationship is the true path
09:59 to getting someone to quit smoking cigarettes.
10:03 The people I've talked to on this topic of addiction,
10:06 they seem to be quite universal in saying...
10:08 "The way that you overcome an addiction is to transfer
10:12 your desires to something else" Right
10:15 If you have a cigarette addiction,
10:17 what are some of the transfers that we can make
10:19 that seem to work for your patients.
10:20 Well, when a patient comes in to me,
10:22 the first thing I do is I tell them...
10:24 "Listen, I love you, and because I love you,
10:27 I want to help you quit smoking. "
10:30 And for some people, it happens just like that!
10:32 For some people, most people,
10:34 it's more of a journey to quit smoking.
10:37 But I'd say, in my patients, there's about a 90% quit rate.
10:40 And it's nothing special; I've learned from some of the
10:44 programs I've worked with in the past..
10:46 I come in and first I say, "I love you,"
10:47 "I want you to quit smoking"
10:49 and I try to educate them about the cigarettes.
10:51 I say, "You know, the money you can save, you can take a trip...
10:54 A trip to Hawaii on the money you spend on
10:56 cigarettes every month! I tell them...
10:57 "Do you want to have another heart attack?"
10:59 "Do you want to put your relatives
11:00 through this; do you want to put your children?"
11:01 So after we're done educating, the first thing I say is...
11:03 "Listen, let's just start with one thing
11:05 to help you quit smoking. "
11:07 I'm going to pray for you for one month,
11:09 and we'll come back next month.
11:11 So we come back next month after I've prayed for them,
11:14 and the second thing I say is,
11:15 "Listen, I want you to enter into a relationship
11:17 with the One that can help us break not only this addiction
11:20 but any addiction and if you can do this,
11:22 there's nothing in your life you cannot overcome.
11:27 I let them know I'm praying for them-I'm really pulling for them
11:29 And they're not a BAD person because they smoke.
11:31 You're still loved by God.
11:33 You're still very important.
11:34 So the next step I do is having them
11:37 have that relationship.
11:38 And I say, "You stick to it"
11:40 And they have to have some accountability!
11:41 Right down a text every day that you read.
11:44 Go over something every single day.
11:46 A friend of mine wrote a book called... "BreathWish"
11:49 which helps people quit smoking
11:51 and gives them texts everywhere.
11:52 His name is "Craig Ammerall"
11:54 I give them that book.
11:55 So they do that for a month... and I don't tell them to quit
11:57 Some people, even after just doing that,
11:59 they've overcome their habit... Some people have not
12:02 Then the next thing I say is...
12:03 "Listen, let's cut down the amount of
12:06 cigarettes you're smoking"
12:07 and pick a quit date. "
12:08 "And when you quit on that day, have a substitute. "
12:12 Now they're already in a relationship...
12:14 They already have people praying for them.
12:15 And I say, "Replace a good habit with a bad habit. "
12:19 And then, if you start smoking again in 3-4 days,
12:22 figure out what was it that triggered it.
12:24 What was it... was it a friend that did it?
12:26 Were you bored... you needed something in your hand?
12:28 And substitute... every time you start smoking again
12:30 have a substitute.
12:32 Like if you need something in your hand,
12:33 put something in your hand to twirl.
12:34 If you need something in your mouth, chew a piece of gum.
12:37 If you need to do something else, go for a walk...
12:39 so your body automatically, whenever you have that...
12:41 In it's craving, you have something to add to it,
12:44 and drink lots of water.
12:45 And then if you fail, don't give up.
12:48 Turn to the Ultimate Physician and say...
12:50 "God, I didn't do it this time, help me again"
12:54 Now, when people change,
12:55 people can't change just because they want to do it.
12:58 Because when they do that, they're becoming selfish,
13:00 and the chemistry of selfishness is not good either.
13:03 So I'd say it really takes the power of the
13:05 Holy Spirit in a life to make a change for the right reason.
13:09 And when this happens and they
13:11 start realizing that people love them...
13:12 and it might be a journey...
13:14 They might stop smoking 6 or 7 times
13:15 before they are finally able to kick the habit.
13:18 When they do that, they find such joy and relief;
13:21 almost all the programs that are out there
13:24 have this sort of message, you know,
13:25 they point to a higher power.
13:27 They point to substituting a good habit for a bad habit;
13:30 they talk about education;
13:32 water to flush out the system...
13:34 And in doing this, not only do you help teach them
13:37 how to break this addiction,
13:38 but you help them to have other power in their life...
13:41 And they really get that power from the Holy Spirit
13:43 taking away that habit that they don't want to have...
13:46 And this will work for any habit that we have.
13:48 If we go to God and say, "God please help us"
13:50 Now the worst thing I can see is people that give up...
13:53 "Oh, I can't do it... I quit for 2 days, then I started again"
13:56 Well this is a journey...
13:57 Figure out - well what caused you to start the habit again.
14:00 And ask the Holy Spirit to come into your life even more
14:02 and give you more power, more help, more substitutions
14:05 ...figure out what works for you.
14:07 And what I've noticed...
14:08 that one plan does not fit all, Charles.
14:11 Yes and that's important for us to know...
14:13 If it doesn't work for you,
14:14 Don't give us, look for another plan.
14:16 I hear you saying... Right All right
14:17 We'll take a short break and when we come back
14:19 we'll answer questions on this topic from the
14:21 heartwiseministries. org website,
14:23 so stay right where you are.


Revised 2014-12-17