Ultimate Prescription

Blood Under Pressure

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: James Marcum & Charles Mills


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP00019B

00:01 Welcome back to the program.
00:02 I'm Charles Mills here with Dr. James Marcum
00:04 We're talking about hypertension on today's program.
00:06 And Dr. Marcum, there's a question from
00:09 heartwiseministries. org web site here
00:11 that I would like to know too.
00:12 I sort of talked about it earlier...
00:16 I mean, you don't FEEL it... Okay - right
00:20 Sometimes it's called a hidden killer,
00:22 but sometimes you can have symptoms.
00:25 One of the symptoms of high blood pressure might
00:27 be a headache. Okay
00:29 I have had some people that their faces
00:31 always turn red when they have high blood pressure.
00:34 But most people don't know they have it.
00:36 But one way they can find out IF THEY HAVE IT
00:38 is take this device here,
00:40 and this is called our "sphygmomanometer"
00:42 Now I would normally take your
00:44 coat off Charles, but I'm not going to do this.
00:45 I'm just going to show people how painless it is. Okay
00:48 You just wrap it around here,
00:50 and then you put it here and this puts pressure
00:53 on your upper arm, and then I would take
00:56 this stethoscope... can you hold that for me - I sure can.
00:58 I take this stethoscope - that way I can hear the blood moving
01:02 within your vessels.
01:03 Okay, now this might cause you -
01:05 Now see all these numbers here? I do
01:07 20, 40- that tells me the pressure...
01:09 So I'm going to inflate it above your systolic pressure
01:12 And it's a little bit harder when you're wearing your coat,
01:14 but I didn't want to mess up
01:16 the microphone you have underneath it.
01:18 So I'm going to puff it up really high... Okay there we go!
01:21 Can you feel it getting tighter?
01:23 Yeah, I can see it getting tighter.
01:24 So I'm going to take it up to 200... okay
01:28 And I'm going to listen to your artery,
01:30 and I'm going to listen very closely,
01:33 and I probably can't hear through your coat here...
01:43 Ahh - I saw it jump right there. Yes
01:45 I got it right here, Charles Okay
01:51 And your blood pressure, the top number was 100,
01:53 and the bottom number was 78,
01:56 and that is a very good blood pressure
01:58 considering you're in front of a television camera!
02:00 Now what that means is the pressure that the heart
02:04 pumps out was about 100, which is good,
02:06 the vessels can handle that.
02:08 The lower was 78 and that's excellent,
02:09 that's when the heart relaxes.
02:11 So based on this, I would say, Charles,
02:13 you DO NOT have high blood pressure.
02:16 Charles, you probably aren't going to have bad headaches
02:19 due to high blood pressure.
02:20 You're kidneys aren't going to be damaged by blood pressure
02:23 Charles, you probably will not suffer a weak heart
02:25 because of high blood pressure,
02:27 and one of these causes of death that we've
02:29 been talking about - you probably don't have
02:30 that risk factor.
02:32 So you're going to be at a lower risk of stroke,
02:34 lower risk of heart attack,
02:35 lower risk of renal disease,
02:37 lower risk of aneurysms just because
02:38 your blood pressure is good.
02:40 So you can go to a Wal-Mart, you can go some place
02:42 and put your arm in this thing and pump it up...
02:44 it gives you a pretty good idea.
02:46 And here's what I want to let our viewers know...
02:48 The ones that work around the wrist - they have some risk
02:51 and those aren't nearly as accurate.
02:53 They usually read high.
02:55 So if you have a wrist and it's normal, it's probably good.
02:57 But to buy the automated ones that go around upper here,
03:01 and if you carry extra weight,
03:03 you might need what we call the "big cuff. "
03:05 But if you measure this and it's pretty good...
03:08 These cost about $40- you can get them for $40.
03:09 Anybody can buy them... Anyone can get those,
03:12 and the ones that they have in the store, you just hit a button
03:15 and it does all this for you...
03:17 But, of course, in the doctor's office, we like to listen
03:20 to the pressure there.
03:21 And you can take the pressure in the arms,
03:23 and also, I can even take pressures
03:25 in your leg if I wanted to,
03:26 and I could listen to pressures in your leg and compare
03:28 the arms and the legs,
03:30 and that's actually how we tell if you have
03:32 good circulation in your leg is we can compare
03:34 the pressure down here which is called...
03:36 the ankle - we call it the "ankle-brachial index"
03:39 We compare the pressures there with the pressures up here
03:41 and if they're about the same,
03:43 we know you probably don't have bad disease
03:44 in your blood vessels. That makes sense
03:46 So that's called the "ankle-brachial index"
03:48 So blood pressure can damage numerous blood vessels
03:50 so that's how you know if you have high blood pressure.
03:52 Your blood pressure... Does it stay pretty consistent
03:54 throughout the day, or different... Nope
03:56 That's a good question! It fluctuates.
03:58 It's usually highest the first thing in the morning
04:00 because that's when the cortisol is the highest.
04:02 That's a wake-up-and-get-going, you feel that WOOO, I feel good!
04:06 It's usually lowest in the night when you're asleep and relaxed.
04:09 And apparently after naps the same thing happens -
04:11 Yeah it does but now some people,
04:14 you know as we get older, you know you jump up real quick
04:17 and you get lightheaded! whooo-whooo!
04:18 That's because the arteries haven't pushed the
04:20 blood pressure to the brain as quick.
04:23 And that happens very frequently,
04:24 so I want to tell our older listeners to make sure
04:27 if you change positions, if you are getting dizzy,
04:29 do it very slowly.
04:31 Another cause of that blood pressure fluctuation when you
04:33 sit up is if you're dehydrated, so you'll want to drink a lot
04:37 of water if you're getting dizzy too.
04:38 So blood pressure can change based on the elasticity
04:42 and the volume of what's in the blood vessels.
04:43 Question from heartwiseministries. org
04:49 What is the best treatment for high blood pressure?
04:53 Now, I'm thinking that if we are in a stressful situation,
04:59 the best treatment would be to reduce the stress...
05:01 But what about those of us who are sitting
05:03 in our easy chair and we take our pressure and it's elevated.
05:07 What do we do there?
05:08 Well first thing I would want to do is...
05:10 You know, one way to naturally lower your blood pressure
05:12 and I want all of our audience to try this...
05:14 Take a deep breath...
05:16 Hold it for 5 seconds...
05:20 Blow it out slow...
05:23 Do that 10 times.
05:25 That actually turns on nerves
05:27 that helps lower the blood pressure in the body.
05:30 Naturally! Yes - Have you ever heard,
05:32 you know, if you're stressed-out "Son, take a deep-breath"
05:35 Take a deep breath. It actually works!
05:37 Yes! There's actually chemistry behind that deep breath
05:40 that lowers your blood pressure.
05:41 Now if you take some deep breaths and your
05:43 blood pressure is STILL high,
05:44 you want to know WHY is your blood pressure high?
05:47 And that's where you would be an
05:49 investigative scientist, and you go to your doctor...
05:50 He's going to ask you about sleep apnea,
05:52 see if you carry extra weight, check your thyroid,
05:55 check all the other things that could cause it,
05:57 and to see if he could figure out why you have
05:59 high blood pressure.
06:00 And if he can't figure out why,
06:01 sometimes you have genetic high blood pressure.
06:03 And he's also going to do...
06:05 Oh, you want to see my blood pressure tools, Charles?
06:06 I do want to see these. okay
06:08 This is the one that we see if blood pressure
06:09 has damaged the eyes.
06:11 So you can look this way,
06:14 and I look in your eyes and I could see the
06:16 blood vessels in the back of the eye to see if they
06:18 have been narrowed.
06:20 Other things we can do to see if there has been damage is
06:22 the stethoscope because I can listen to your heart
06:24 to see if there are extra heart sounds.
06:26 And you know what this is?
06:27 I would rather not do that.
06:29 I don't blame you!
06:30 This is a tongue depressor. Yes
06:32 And does this have anything to do with blood pressure?
06:34 I'm afraid it probably does?
06:37 No it doesn't... I was just giving you a hard time.
06:39 But it can raise your blood pressure
06:41 if you think I'm going to jam it in your mouth. It worked!
06:43 What about this?
06:44 Do you think this has anything to do with blood pressure?
06:46 You're going to have to tell me...
06:47 No, it doesn't... this is a reflex hammer...
06:49 it has nothing to do with blood pressure.
06:51 But, I thought I would get your blood pressure to go up
06:53 because if I pounded on you like that,
06:55 your blood pressure might go up a little bit... It's working
06:57 So - our question... we're getting diverted here.
07:02 So back to our question, as far as blood pressure...
07:05 Naturally - how to bring it down naturally.
07:06 First you have to find out what is causing it and deal with that
07:09 If you want to bring it down naturally,
07:11 a couple of things that we can do...
07:12 #1 is exercise - regular exercise makes endorphins,
07:16 dilates the blood vessels.
07:18 Regular exercise lowers the blood pressure... Good rest
07:22 But when you're doing the exercise,
07:23 your blood pressure might go up a little bit. Right
07:24 But then it will come down afterwards,
07:26 makes these endorphins...
07:27 Getting adequate sleep lowers the blood pressure.
07:30 Adequate hydration - water can lower the blood pressure.
07:34 Staying away from things like caffeine
07:36 can lower the blood pressure.
07:37 Alcohol RAISES the blood pressure.
07:40 Getting enough rest at night.
07:42 Staying away from PROCESSED FOODS
07:44 can lower your blood pressure.
07:45 Eating lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains
07:48 can lower blood pressure.
07:49 And I don't have a scientific study that proves this,
07:52 but I know that when you have a relationship with your Creator
07:55 ...the One that loves you the most,
07:57 that can give you a big HUG every day,
07:59 that HAS to lower your blood pressure as well
08:01 because it makes your body have peace and relaxation,
08:04 and that helps give you peace of mind
08:06 that has to bring down your blood pressure too.
08:10 Now, a question here from heartwiseministries. org
08:13 I think you've answered part of this...
08:15 What do you do if your blood pressure fluctuates?
08:18 Now you say it naturally fluctuates throughout the day
08:21 when you get up and so...
08:22 I guess from that, we'd have to say - you might want to
08:25 check your blood pressure several times during the day
08:27 to find an average or something?
08:29 That is great because I have some people that are sitting
08:32 in our audience that worry all the time about their health.
08:35 They're just worried... you know
08:37 "Do I have cancer or am I having a heart attack?"
08:39 They live in a state of anxiety.
08:41 And I have some people that start checking their
08:43 blood pressure and they check it so much,
08:46 that they worry their blood pressure up.
08:47 So they get so concerned that they check it all the time...
08:50 every 5 minutes and it's HIGH!
08:52 So, for those people, I'd say - we have a condition called
08:55 "white coat high blood pressure"
08:57 That's when they come to the doctor's office,
08:59 they find out that their blood pressure is high,
09:01 and then they go home and it's really low.
09:03 Now some doctors will see that and say...
09:04 "Oh Mrs. Smith, you have high blood pressure,
09:06 take this medicine. "
09:07 So they go home and their blood pressure is really normal;
09:09 they take that medicine, then their blood pressure
09:11 goes TOO low and they're passing out, banging their head
09:14 almost killing themselves.
09:15 So remember, medicines can kill... Yes
09:18 So THAT person really doesn't have high blood pressure.
09:21 So I ask them to take it at home when they are
09:23 nice and relaxed, feeling well and see what the
09:25 blood pressure is - do it 2 or 3 times,
09:28 but don't get so paranoid that you
09:30 check your blood pressure all the time.
09:31 In some countries, they don't even treat blood pressure
09:34 until it's high for long periods of time because they think
09:37 the blood pressure medication is riskier than actually
09:40 having the blood pressure.
09:42 And they work on lifestyle changes for 6 or 8 months
09:44 even with high blood pressure.
09:46 So... so, what was our question I forgot what it was...
09:49 Yeah - if the blood pressure fluctuates,
09:52 do you need a medication?
09:53 Yes. If you're dehydrated, sometimes that can cause your
09:57 blood pressure to go up and down.
09:58 If you're an anxious worrier, that's the point I was giving...
10:01 If you're an anxious worrier, it can go up and down,
10:03 and the real treatment for that is to quit being anxious
10:05 and worried... Not medicines! If you have PAIN...
10:07 You know if I took this thing and whacked you a few times
10:10 Guess what... Your blood pressure would go up too!
10:12 So if a person is having pain,
10:13 I wouldn't want to give them a blood pressure medicine,
10:16 I'd want to treat their pain.
10:18 So you want to try to find the cause,
10:19 ask the reason why they have high blood pressure.
10:22 Now if a person is going through a hard time in his or her life
10:26 and they are maybe going through a divorce,
10:28 or they've lost their job,
10:29 or their house has been foreclosed,
10:31 and they know their blood pressure is going to go up
10:33 because of the stress they're under,
10:35 should they take some medication just to
10:38 help with that blood pressure during that temporary time?
10:40 Only if it's causing an extreme symptom - like a bad headache
10:46 or only if they cannot get their blood pressure down with natural
10:50 I would say - Go take a walk...
10:52 Take some deep-breathing - lower it that way.
10:55 Take a VACATION!
10:57 Get in the Scriptures! READ the Psalms
11:00 ...That can be very peaceful too.
11:02 Do other things that we think can lower your blood pressure
11:04 so you don't have to take the RISK of a
11:06 blood pressure medication.
11:08 You are one of the few cardiologists in this world
11:09 that prescribes Bible reading and church attendance
11:12 as a medicine to help people...
11:16 But doesn't it make sense to do these things?
11:18 Yeah... It DOES!
11:19 Hey, can I check your tongue? No, okay - Good
11:21 All right, here we go to the next question...
11:22 I think we have time for this one...
11:24 I am on a beta blocker for blood pressure,
11:26 and it makes me tired - Is this is a common side effect?
11:29 Yes, beta blockers block adrenalin.
11:32 You know, we talked about epinephrine and stress.
11:35 Beta blockers block that effect on the heart,
11:37 and a very frequent side effect of beta blockers is it
11:40 slows down the heart.
11:42 And it's very good if we want to put the heart in a cast...
11:45 like if we break your arm and you want to put a cast
11:47 so it doesn't work as hard.
11:48 It's great after surgery to keep the funny heart rhythms
11:50 and it's a good blood pressure medicine for some people;
11:53 however, it can make a person feel tired and fatigued.
11:57 All blood pressure medicines have at least some side effects.
12:01 If you want to have a question answered on this program,
12:04 visit... heartwiseministries. org
12:06 There is a place there you can put the question,
12:07 and will bring it in to Dr. Marcum's attention
12:10 on a future broadcast.
12:12 We'll be right back after we have a break
12:15 and when we come back let's talk to the
12:16 Master Physician Stay tuned...
12:19 Years ago we used to talk about high blood pressure
12:24 as a cause of death very frequently
12:27 in medical health programs.
12:29 It just doesn't seem to be as trendy anymore,
12:32 but it's still very important.
12:33 We've talked about the importance of getting
12:35 your blood pressure measured.
12:37 And no matter what your age,
12:38 you need to have your blood pressure measured.
12:40 If it is high; find out why it's high...
12:43 If you can understand the reasons why it's high,
12:45 then hopefully, you can get it under good control
12:48 with lifestyle changes, and in some instances
12:51 you might need a medication.
12:52 In thinking about high blood pressure, we think about all the
12:56 stress that this world is under.
12:58 When your body is under stress,
12:59 it makes a lot of adrenalin; that raises blood pressure.
13:03 Well I know one way to help lower some of that stress,
13:06 and some of that stress can be lowered by going to the
13:08 Ultimate Physician - a relationship with our
13:11 Great Creator.
13:13 God can give us peace inside.
13:15 The peace that knows that He is always there with us,
13:18 taking care of us, willing to heal us in His time.
13:21 Willing to give us that love that we all search for,
13:24 and to show us what His will is for our lives.
13:27 If you would like that peace today,
13:29 let's bow our heads together.
13:31 Heavenly Father... We want to thank you for being a God that
13:35 loves us and wants to take care of us and give
13:37 peace in our life, Father;
13:38 and if those out there that need this peace,
13:40 to help lower their blood pressure,
13:42 we pray that just by praying this prayer
13:44 that You come into their live, help change them,
13:47 and give them the power to have GOOD health
13:49 and to have that love relationship with You
13:51 that can give them peace and ultimate healing
13:53 is our prayer. Amen
13:56 So don't forget, go out and get your blood pressure checked
14:01 It might be at a drugstore,
14:02 it might be at your doctor's office,
14:04 and we hope that you have the greatest health EVER
14:07 as we seek to have a relationship with the
14:10 Ultimate Prescription - a relationship
14:13 with our Lord and Savior.


Revised 2014-12-17