Participants: James Marcum & Charles Mills
Series Code: UP
Program Code: UP00017B
00:01 Welcome back to the program.
00:02 I'm Charles Mills here with Dr. James Marcum. 00:04 We're talking about medications today 00:06 and I know a lot of us are on medications, 00:07 we take them regularly. 00:09 The doctor says here's what you need 00:11 but you know Dr. Marcum, you're telling us 00:13 that, that should not be the final answer. Yeah. 00:16 What's up-- Now you're a doctor, 00:18 you want your patient to sit here and say, 00:20 "Okay, now, Dr. Marcum, prove to me 00:22 that what you're giving me for my body 00:24 is actually good for me?" 00:25 you want us to say that to you? Well, yes, I do. 00:27 I want you to question me because we've been too-- 00:30 you know I was treated, you know I was treated, 00:33 come on, Charles, that's not the word I want to say. 00:35 I was taught that's the word I want to say. 00:38 I was taught in medical school 00:39 how to give all these medications. Yes. 00:41 But the real solution is not to treat a symptom, 00:44 it's to find a cause. Okay. 00:46 And I'm not gonna be popular when people watch this, 00:48 you know, because everyone wants to take a medicine, 00:50 we want a quick fix, 00:52 we're trained to have a quick fix. 00:53 We watch television, there's ad after ad of this. 00:56 If you've this problem, take this. 00:57 If you've that problem, take this. 00:59 And if you've this problem, take that. 01:00 But I wanna tell people 01:02 that all these medications come with some risk. All right. 01:06 And some of those risk kill people. 01:08 For instance, did you know 01:09 that number one cause of liver failure 01:12 needing transplantation in the States 01:15 is acetaminophen, Tylenol. Tylenol. 01:18 The number one cause of fatal G.I. 01:20 bleeding in the United States is aspirin products, 01:25 irritates the stomach, causing bleeding. 01:27 The list goes on and on. 01:29 And for instance, I use a lot of medications 01:32 that affect the rhythm of the heart. 01:34 Well, I know a lady that came into the emergency room 01:36 a couple of weeks ago, she took a beta blocker, chrales, 01:39 that's slows the heart down. 01:41 And she said, you know, bless your heart, 01:43 she is in her 80s and she said, 01:44 you know, she took one of these and she says, 01:46 "You know I don't feel, you know, I feel weak today. 01:49 I know these are heart pills, 01:50 they're gonna make my heart stronger. 01:52 I need to take a stronger heart." 01:53 So she took another one. 01:55 And she didn't know it actually slowed her heart down. 01:57 so heart went from 50s into the 40s and she says, 01:59 "Man, I took that one pill 02:01 and I'm so feeling pretty dog on weak." 02:04 So guess what she thought? 02:05 Bless your heart, she says, "I'm gonna take two of them, 02:07 double the dose that will make my heart twice as strong." 02:10 So this time she took two of them, 02:12 she got in the emergency room, 02:13 her heart rate was in 20s and 30s. 02:15 So her blood pressure was of course going down low. 02:18 Now luckily she didn't pass away or hurt herself terribly. 02:21 We were able to reverse the cause of the beta blocker, 02:23 but people think like this and they make mistakes. 02:26 When you're taking a lots of medicines 02:28 with lots of interactions, the more medicines you take, 02:30 the more mistakes can be made at every single level 02:33 from production to giving it out, to misinterpretation, 02:36 it damages the organs, even taking them right. 02:39 so you add all these up 02:40 and you wonder why people pass away. 02:43 Unfortunately, people do not know 02:45 that mixing and matching medications with alcohol 02:48 or taking an extra one or missing one 02:50 or not letting your doctor know if you get dehydrated 02:53 which is gonna make the concentration go up in the body, 02:56 or taking some medicines that affect the way you think 02:59 and get in the car, 03:00 you know, and driving dangerously 03:02 or swimming or doing something 03:03 while you're under the influence, 03:05 all these can have dangerous affects. 03:07 Medicines can kill, medicines do kill and I bet you 03:10 if you added up all the desk from medications 03:13 around the world and have an accurate assessment, 03:16 not only the mistakes made but the manufacturing mistakes, 03:19 the poly pharmaceuticals, the anaphylactic reactions, 03:23 the adverse drug reactions which any of these can have. 03:26 It might be the number one killer 03:28 of all people in the world. 03:30 You're being killed by what suppose to cure us. 03:32 Well, here are some questions, Dr. Marcum, 03:34 from the website. 03:37 Now you have your-- a collection of medications 03:40 and some of them are actually herbs and here's the question. 03:43 What is the most significant danger 03:45 in your opinion of taking a medication? 03:49 She's not being Or he's not being specific 03:50 just taking a medication that would include these. 03:53 Well, that, you know, what is the most significant danger? 03:55 And I think one is taking a medication that you don't need 04:00 because you're taking a risk 04:02 that you don't need. Okay. 04:03 And also not understanding the medication how to take it. 04:07 Those two things have to be 04:08 at near the top of the list. Okay. 04:10 I see a lot of people, 04:11 they're taking medications and I say them 04:12 why are you taking this? I don't know. 04:14 Doctor said so. Right, I don't know how I'm taking it. 04:17 but a lot of people-- lot of people 04:19 are taking medicines that they don't really need. 04:21 And every time you add a medication up, 04:23 there's a chance of a reaction, 04:25 you know. For instance, cholesterol medications, 04:29 I use them all the time, they're called statins. 04:32 They help lower the cholesterol level. 04:34 But the same time, they've also cause death in people 04:37 by a dangerous condition called rhabdomyolysis. 04:39 Now when you say you use them and you prescribe them. 04:41 Yes, I prescribe them, but we have to keep an eye. 04:43 Are you having a side effect of muscle aches? 04:46 Are you having liver damage that these pills can have. 04:48 And these medicines have to be monitored. 04:50 So you always have to look at the risk and the benefits. 04:53 Now patient might not understand the risk of a medication 04:56 and be on one and have muscle aches 04:58 and not going to bathroom and feeling horrible 05:00 and they might be having a dangerous side effect 05:02 and blame it on something else. Yeah, yeah. 05:04 So you can see not understanding the medications 05:06 that a person is on and just accepting them blindly 05:09 can be risky for a person. Okay. 05:12 Another question here from website. 05:15 Is it possible to be taken off a medication? 05:18 I bet you sure understand this question, 05:20 do they think that medications are forever? 05:22 Do we need to know something about it? 05:25 Yes, it is possible to be off medications. 05:27 Let me give you some examples. 05:28 Let's say you're on a sleeping pill 05:30 and the reason you don't sleep well at night, 05:32 because you eat a big meal at night. 05:34 Maybe just not eating the big meal at night 05:36 will solve that problem. 05:37 Yeah, you know, let say you're diabetic, 05:40 you're on danger-- diabetes medicines 05:42 which lower the blood sugar. 05:43 If your blood sugar goes too lower, you could pass out. 05:46 You'll go into coma. 05:47 Let's say you get on an exercise program, 05:50 eat a healthy diet and then your blood sugar is so good 05:52 that you don't need a medicine. 05:54 Well, how about this, let's say you have high blood pressure, 05:57 and you start an exercise program, you start 05:58 cutting back on your sodium. I'm drinking water. 06:00 You're drinking lots of water, 06:02 and then they check your blood pressure and it's low. 06:04 Then you can be off that blood pressure medicine. Okay. 06:06 You know so there's lots of conditions that you don't need. 06:10 Let's say, you know, one of the most popular medications are 06:12 these antidepressant, okay. 06:14 Let's say you're on a antidepressant, 06:16 and the real problem is you don't get out in the sunlight 06:19 and make serotonin. It's a vitamin D problem. Right. 06:22 So let's say you go out in the sunshine 06:23 and get vitamin D and exercise more 06:26 and the depression goes away and you don't need it anymore. 06:28 The medicine you're not taking can't hurt you, 06:31 is that what you say? Exactly. 06:32 So there's a lots of ways, but you know, unfortunately 06:35 in this world we live, you don't make a buck 06:38 by teaching someone how to take care of themselves. 06:40 You make a buck by writing the prescription. 06:42 Billions of prescriptions are written in a year 06:45 and if you think of a billion prescriptions, 06:47 there's gonna be lots of mistakes. 06:48 And if there's lot of mistakes at any level by anybody 06:52 whether it's being taking them correctly, 06:54 or in the manufacturing, or the doctor 06:56 or the pharmacy, or the people 06:57 that actually put it in the bottle 06:59 whoever that might be, 07:00 will make the active ingredients, 07:01 there can be mistakes and when mistakes are made, 07:04 people can get hurt and people die. 07:07 And what's really killing us now is all the extra narcotics. 07:10 You know, people are on this pill meals. 07:12 They want to quick high and they don't realize 07:14 that these medications are killing people 07:16 and they're taking away life, 07:18 and young peoples life, these are killing. 07:20 And I keep wondering how many car accidents are happening 07:23 because people oh, you know, they're anxious, 07:25 so what you wanna do? 07:26 Well, let's take three or four sleeping pills, 07:28 let's take five sleeping pills, before you know what, 07:30 You know, they're impaired in other ways 07:33 and the side effects are multiplicative. 07:36 You know you take one, 07:37 you get these side effects, you have these. 07:38 What happens when you've 20 side effects 07:40 of all these medicines and then you get dehydrated 07:43 so the medicines don't get broke down 07:45 and they stay in your body a lot longer than they should. 07:47 You can see we've a catastrophic problem 07:50 that someone needs to talk about and let people know that yes, 07:53 you can be off medications. Right. 07:56 I've never heard of one case 07:58 where a person overdosed on broccoli, 07:59 something to think about. 08:01 All right, here's another question 08:02 from the website. 08:04 What is the most common mistake a patient makes 08:07 in taking their medication? 08:09 Yeah, I think the most common mistake that I see 08:12 is they take the medication-- 08:16 a medication that can be dangerous 08:17 when they're ill. 08:19 For instance, let's say, 08:20 Charles, you're taking a blood pressure medicine, 08:22 and that you really need it, okay. 08:25 and let's say you're dehydrated, okay 08:27 and you're not eating and drinking 08:29 and you keep taking this blood pressure medicine. 08:31 And because you're dehydrated, 08:33 your blood pressure is already low. 08:34 So you take this medicine and it goes that much lower 08:37 and it gets so low that you get dizzy when you stand up. 08:40 Let's say you live at top of a high stairs 08:42 and you're dehydrated and take this medicine, 08:44 your blood pressure is 60, you get up and you pass out 08:47 and roll down your stairs. 08:48 So a lot of people don't know that 08:50 when they are sick because the kidneys 08:52 and liver help metabolize most of these medicines 08:55 you've to be very careful about the medicines. 08:57 I give a medication called Coumadin, a blood thinner. 09:00 Well, there's so many medicines, including broccoli 09:02 which effect these medications. 09:04 So, you know, if you're bleeding 09:07 and you keep taking the Coumadin, 09:08 that could be a serious thing. Yes. 09:10 And I have a lot of people that are bleeding internally 09:12 and they come out, 09:13 one of the ways we tell that is, 09:15 if their stools come out black 09:17 that could be a sign of internal bleeding. 09:18 And yet they keep taking their Coumadin 09:20 and all of a sudden they keep bleeding, 09:22 and bleeding, and bleeding, 09:23 and that could be catastrophic too. 09:25 Now then there is people that shouldn't be doing things 09:28 on medicines like, if you're taking Coumadin, 09:30 you shouldn't be doing dangerous things, 09:32 and you shouldn't be boxing people, 09:33 and you shouldn't be fighting people. 09:35 So a lot of people are just not aware of the dangers 09:38 and the things they're doing with their medications. 09:39 They just don't really think about it. 09:41 Now, Dr. Marcum, all of these medications come with, 09:45 well, at least the ones from the-- 09:46 from the Medical Association. Yes. 09:48 Come with just, you know, pages and pages, 09:50 Doesn't anyone read those thing? 09:51 I'm saying no one is reading those, Charles. 09:53 What can I say. 09:54 You know, people aren't reading those 09:56 and sometimes even the doctors don't even understand. 09:57 I don't think people want to read those, 09:59 because if they do they may think twice. 10:01 Right, and you get one doctor just writing prescriptions, 10:04 let's say for depression and anxiety 10:06 and he doesn't realize, the person 10:07 is on some other medications, 10:09 that interact with some heart medicines 10:11 that can make the heart speed up and go wild 10:13 and before you know these medication interact with these 10:15 and you have the dangerous heart rhythm, 10:17 and we see this all too often, medicines can kill. 10:20 We want our viewers to understand, 10:23 look at your medicines, learn about them, ask your doctors, 10:25 make sure there's no interactions 10:27 and you can get off any of them by changing your chemistry. 10:30 This is what we want you think about. Absolutely. 10:33 I think we have time for one final question here. 10:35 Well, I think you've answered this. 10:37 What is the best way to avoid the dangers of medication? 10:39 I would say simply make it possible 10:42 where you don't need them. 10:44 That's right. Okay. That's right. 10:45 And if you think about it, Charles, 10:47 through most of human kind history, 10:50 do we take lots of medications? No. 10:52 Two hundred years ago, you were considered a bad doctor 10:56 if you didn't put leeches on people. 10:57 Yes. Okay. 10:59 Now, are we gonna look back in history 11:01 and say, listen, these doctors 11:02 have put all these medicines that particularly killed. 11:04 Sometimes the medicines do more harm than good, 11:06 this is something we must talk about, 11:08 we must think about, we must educate it. 11:11 medicines kill people. 11:12 just like heart disease, 11:14 just like cancer, just like stroke. 11:15 So we have to use medicines responsible. 11:18 You know, Dr. Marcum, one of the most important things 11:20 that we need to remember is that there is an answer 11:23 to the questions we have. 11:25 There is a way of living. 11:27 There is a guide book and that's God's word. 11:31 And if you look at the Eden ideal, 11:32 if you look at the way God created the world, 11:35 there's where you find the answers. 11:36 it's not found in these bottles and pills. 11:39 It's not found in these portions. 11:41 It's found in living the way God designed us to live 11:44 using the medicines that God made available for us 11:48 in the Garden of Eden. 11:49 We'll be right back and talk 11:51 with the master physician in a minute, so stay tuned. 11:57 We have been talking about medications today 12:00 not in the context that we usually talk about. 12:03 Talk about medications can actually kill people 12:06 just like heart attacks, 12:08 just like strokes, just like cancer. 12:09 Medications can kill people. 12:12 you know I was trained using medications 12:14 and through this journey that I've been on, 12:17 I've learned that medications can kill 12:18 and part of my duty as a physician 12:22 is to let people know 12:24 that there's dangers with medications. 12:26 we talked about them today, there are couple of things 12:28 I want you to remember today. 12:30 Number one is medications can kill, take them responsibly. 12:34 The second thing is there's any medication 12:37 you can possibly be off, 12:39 see if your doctor can change your chemistry in any other way. 12:43 It might be some of the lifestyle changes, 12:45 it might be having a healthy mind. 12:46 Might be something simple as losing five or ten pounds. 12:49 So we want you to be off the medication. 12:52 Now the prescription that we do wanna write for you 12:55 is that prescription with the ultimate physician, 12:57 the ultimate healer, the one that can change your life, 13:00 the one that can save you, that can heal you, 13:03 that can make everything perfect in His time. 13:06 I want to invite you to bow your heads with us right now. 13:08 Father in heaven, we want to invite everyone 13:11 that hasn't accepted you as their personal Savior 13:14 to come into a saving, healing 13:16 relationship with you, Father. 13:18 And help us to be smart about the medications we use 13:21 and if there's any way possible, 13:22 you can help us to be off these medication 13:25 by changing our lifestyle 13:26 or changing the way we think or live. 13:28 Father, please come into our hearts 13:30 and help us this day is our humble prayer, right now. 13:35 Well, thank you for joining us today, 13:37 talking about medications, go into your medicine cabinet, 13:40 look at the medications you're on, 13:42 see which ones you really need. 13:45 Talk to your doctor about being off 13:47 some of these medication if at all possible. 13:50 We'll be praying for you. 13:51 if you have questions, go to our website, 13:53 that's |
Revised 2014-12-17