Ultimate Prescription

Deadly Doses

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: James Marcum & Charles Mills


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP00017A

00:01 The following program presents principles designed
00:03 to promote good health and is not intended to take
00:05 the place of personalized professional care.
00:08 The opinions and the ideas expressed
00:09 are those of the speaker.
00:11 Viewers are encouraged to draw
00:12 their own conclusions about the information presented.
00:16 You'd think they'd know better,
00:18 surprisingly many do, they just don't bother to warn us.
00:23 Think of today's show as that warning. Stay tuned.
00:28 I'm Dr. James Marcum.
00:29 are you interested in discovering the reason why?
00:33 You want solutions to your healthcare problems.
00:36 Are you tired of taking medications?
00:38 Well, you're about to be given the Ultimate Prescription.
00:43 We've come to depend on modern medicine
00:44 to cure our ills,
00:46 one problem modern medicine can't even cure the common cold
00:51 what it can do and do very well
00:53 is keep us alive long enough for nature to take its course
00:56 and bring about the needed healing,
00:58 but sometimes in its attempt to keep us alive
01:01 modern medicine does just the opposite.
01:04 Let's talk with cardiologist Dr. James Marcum,
01:06 about what's killing us and what we need to know to survive.
01:09 Dr. Marcum, I think today's show
01:11 may surprise some people. I think so too.
01:13 A lot of people, we're talking about
01:16 the leading causes of death.
01:18 We're also talking about ways
01:19 we can lower the risk of death.
01:21 We're also talking about all these interesting things,
01:24 but lot of people don't realize and its not in the literature
01:27 that one of the leading causes of death
01:29 in the world is medications.
01:32 Medications can kill, I've seen it every single month
01:38 in my practice someone has a bad medical reaction.
01:42 There is a place for modern medicine, but you know,
01:45 Heath Ledger never planned on dying,
01:48 Michael Jackson never planned on dying.
01:51 Recently it's been found that people are mixing narcotics
01:54 and they're mixing alcohol with these medication and guess what?
01:58 They quit breathing
01:59 in the middle of the night and dying.
02:01 We have patients that don't take their medications correctly.
02:05 We have mistakes at every aspect in the production
02:08 you know, a lot of our active ingredients now
02:10 are not made where we think they are,
02:12 they might be made in a foreign country
02:14 like China or India.
02:16 These people are great people but we heard about
02:18 the heparin scare not too long ago.
02:20 Well, the active ingredients are often made somewhere else
02:23 and sometimes the people that are putting
02:25 these medications together aren't the best educated,
02:28 then when they get over here sometimes things are mislabeled
02:31 I can remember not too long ago I had a patient
02:34 that had a dangerous heart rhythm
02:37 and she got in the mail
02:38 something from her drug manufacturer said
02:41 oh, your medication might have three times
02:43 the amount of drug unit that its suppose to.
02:46 Oh, my goodness.
02:47 Well, you know, how would that feel,
02:49 and then we have people
02:50 that make mistakes in reading doctor's handwriting.
02:52 Now didn't they tell you that too,
02:54 didn't someone say to you,
02:56 Dr. Marcum, Cardiologist Dr. Marcum,
02:58 when you prescribed this medicine,
02:59 by the way it may have three times
03:02 the amount of potency that you think it is? Right.
03:04 And that kills people.
03:06 Yes, but they send it after effect
03:08 oh, a mistake has been made.
03:10 Well, in human nature mistakes made at every level.
03:13 Mistakes were made in the nursing, in the hospital,
03:17 mistakes were made by doctors,
03:18 they might write the wrong milligrams
03:20 you know, mistakes were made,
03:22 some of these medication had words
03:23 that sound a lot alike not only that,
03:27 but sometimes the mistake
03:28 were made by the patients themselves.
03:30 So mistakes at every level
03:31 and sometimes I see people on 15 to 20 medication, Charles,
03:35 that's a lot of medications.
03:37 So we want to let people know today
03:41 that medications can kill you, and if there's any way
03:44 you can change your chemistry
03:46 other than taking a medication
03:48 you know, medication just change your chemistry,
03:50 if there is any other way you can change your chemistry
03:53 let's do it, so we don't have to have all the medications,
03:57 all the medications side effects,
03:58 the mistakes that can be made at every level
04:01 from manufacturing, to doctors, to pharmacies,
04:04 to hospitals, to patients themselves,
04:07 to drug interactions, to well meaning people--
04:11 Let me tell you a story not too long ago I heard.
04:13 A patient was in the nursing home
04:15 and she'd been taking a water pill
04:17 'cause her leg swell everyday,
04:18 that's called a diuretic and the water pills great
04:21 it takes fluid out of the bodies, Sodium,
04:23 but it also takes potassium out of the body.
04:26 Well, she got sick with an infection,
04:29 she wasn't eating or drinking,
04:30 but guess what was still being given to her?
04:32 Her water pill was still giving to her day after day
04:35 and sooner or later her potassium left her body,
04:38 her kidneys went into failure and she basically died
04:41 from dehydration and we see things like this all the time.
04:45 Another example I saw is someone that was taking
04:48 a blood sugar medicine, because they were diabetic
04:51 but they weren't eating or drinking,
04:52 their blood sugar went low,
04:54 they went into a coma and then we also--
04:58 have you heard this word called anaphylaxis?
04:59 Oh, yes, oh, yes. Yeah.
05:01 Anaphylaxis is when the body's immune system
05:03 attacks the medication most likely
05:06 you see it with antibiotics,
05:07 you know, occasionally, you hear an antibiotic causing this.
05:11 I can remember as a third year medical student
05:14 at the University of Texas where I went to school.
05:16 I can remember a child in the emergency room
05:20 having an anaphylactic reaction from an antibiotic,
05:23 and they could not bring that child back,
05:25 he was only eight-years-old.
05:27 So medications do kill us,
05:30 it's a problem we have in American.
05:32 Now, Dr. Marcum, you have a display
05:33 right over here of a lot of medications
05:36 and what's surprises me is that
05:39 I see some herbs thrown in here.
05:41 Are we talking about the, the combinations there of,
05:46 I mean, if you take this herb
05:48 with that medication, you gonna have a problem?
05:50 Well, that's a great observation, Charles,
05:52 and remember medications change your body's chemistry.
05:56 So when we take a medication we're assuming
05:59 that its given to us for the right reason.
06:02 We're assuming that the person that prescribes this knows
06:04 all the intricacies of our body. Okay--
06:08 How could, they can possibly know that?
06:09 Well, I know. There is no way.
06:11 And that's why there's always risk.
06:12 We're assuming that the body will not attack--
06:16 have an anaphylactic reaction no matter what we take
06:19 and I've yet to see a medication
06:20 that doesn't have a side effect. Really?
06:22 I've yet to see one and you seen them on the you know,
06:24 they put the commercial up and they say
06:26 oh, this medication can help this and then he says
06:29 oh, by the way it can cause this, this, this
06:31 and you might die from the medication.
06:33 Yes. I mean, it is scary.
06:36 Take sudden death as a symptom
06:38 or as a side effect of a medication,
06:39 you should think--Yeah, but getting back
06:41 to your herb question,
06:42 and I think that's a great question.
06:43 Well, anything that we put in your body can change
06:46 a chemistry reaction and that's why we talked
06:49 on this program about you know,
06:50 our food that can change our chemistry
06:52 both the bad and the good.
06:54 The good food can treat us make better chemistry,
06:56 the bad food can damage us can cause stress reactions.
06:59 We talked about our thoughts,
07:01 our thoughts can change our chemistry reaction
07:03 we talked about noise,
07:04 the things we smell all have chemical reactions.
07:07 Well, herbs are nothing more to me as medications
07:11 in fact most of my prescription medications that I do
07:14 and there is a place for modern medicine,
07:16 but you always have to balance
07:17 the risk of the medication
07:19 versus the benefits of the medication.
07:22 And unfortunately people aren't doing that,
07:24 we're going to the office nowadays and someone says
07:26 oh, I can't sleep well, here's a sleeping pill,
07:29 I have acidity in my stomach, here's an acid pill,
07:32 I have a joint pain well, here's a pain pill,
07:36 you know, I'm anxious well, here's an anxiety pill,
07:39 I'm depress, here's a depression pill,
07:41 my blood pressure too high, here's a blood pressure pill.
07:43 You know, and before long you're on the lot of medications
07:46 that interact and then you see something
07:48 on the internet about an herb.
07:50 Now the herbs are not in United States
07:53 they are not regulated, so we really don't know
07:55 whether it's a placebo or a real pill
07:57 we don't know the amounts
07:59 and of course these can interact with other things too.
08:02 Now some herbs are very useful
08:03 and I use a few herbs in the practice of cardiology,
08:07 that strengthen the heart, that help the circulation.
08:09 I use a few but I know them very well,
08:11 I know the dosage and I know the manufacturers
08:13 are actually putting those substances in that bottle.
08:17 I'm not too long ago we tested one of these super pills
08:21 to see what was in it
08:22 and it was nothing more than a sugar pill.
08:24 Well, why did that make people feel better, placebo.
08:28 You know, if the mind thinks You're feeling better
08:30 so you do feel better, but medications can kill
08:33 so even I consider an herbal medication
08:35 anything you put in the body
08:37 that changes chemistry can be a--
08:40 now what about these substances over the counters.
08:43 You know, we get this energy drinks.
08:45 Well, they have chemicals
08:46 likes inositol or ephedrine in them,
08:48 that make the heart race.
08:50 They have all sorts of things.
08:51 Now we also hear about chemicals
08:52 that people are putting in their bodies
08:55 that weren't made to put in their body
08:57 and it stimulates all sorts of things to go crazy.
08:59 So medications, herbs and all these things have their place
09:04 but they can also be very dangerous
09:05 and lot of people don't realize
09:07 that now its one of the leading causes of death in America.
09:11 And one of the problems we have is our society
09:13 is over medicated and for pain you know,
09:16 for while the doctors would say,
09:18 oh, you're ignoring chronic pain,
09:20 and so we went the other way
09:22 and now everyone gets a pain medication.
09:24 So they get lots of pain medications
09:27 they mix and match these,
09:28 the world is a stressful situation
09:31 and people want a quick fix.
09:33 We need to talk about a long term fix
09:36 and that's why at the Ultimate Prescription
09:38 we will let people know
09:40 there is a place for modern medicine
09:41 but its not what it is today
09:43 and medicines can kill you.
09:44 And--In other words the answer is not found here? No.
09:46 Don't think its here,
09:48 its not here. Where is the answer?
09:49 These are treating Symptoms, you know,
09:51 and we can treat symptoms other ways
09:53 and that's I wanna get hold of people and say,
09:55 listen, lets take example for sleeping pill.
09:58 Sleeping pills can kill people, the cognitive defects,
10:01 I had a gentleman in the hospital
10:02 couple of weeks ago,
10:04 he took a sleeping pill he was in his 80s
10:06 for the first time ever because he can't sleep,
10:08 its natural not to sleep in the hospital
10:10 but he took this common sleeping pill
10:12 and the next thing he knew
10:13 he was out butt naked in the middle of the street
10:15 he didn't even know he was out there.
10:17 It affects the way you think and he could get hit by a car,
10:20 he could have fell down the stairs
10:21 anything could have happened.
10:23 So that sleeping pill could have literally killed him.
10:26 For instance if you are on the sleeping pill
10:27 I would say, well, let's find out
10:29 why you don't sleep well.
10:30 Right. Let's be logical about this.
10:33 Is it because you take
10:35 too much stimulant early in the day
10:36 or is it because you're stimulating your mind
10:38 with television late at night.
10:40 Do you have medical condition called like sleep apnea
10:42 or prostate where you don't
10:45 empty your bladder well at night,
10:47 you have chronic pain,
10:49 you have other conditions that cause you not to sleep
10:51 and lets get at the cause rather than treat a symptom.
10:54 So if you treat a symptom
10:55 not only you still have the problem
10:57 but now you have the problem with the medicine
10:58 on top of that. Yes. But we see--
11:00 And then they medicines that take care
11:01 of a symptoms of the medicines?
11:03 Exactly. Okay.
11:04 So, I had a fellow that came to me he was in his 30s
11:06 not too long ago and it all started,
11:09 you know, he had some pain blood pressure went up
11:14 and they started giving him a blood pressure medicine,
11:16 Okay, well, what that caused him
11:18 you know, to be weak and tired
11:20 so when he was weak and tired
11:22 you know, they gave him some supplements
11:24 sort of boost him up and that.
11:25 Well, one thing led to another
11:27 he started having some pain, they gave him a pain medicine,
11:29 he couldn't walk well at night, gained extra pounds,
11:32 develop diabetes, the diabetes got him bumped out,
11:35 so they put him on a antidepressant,
11:38 he gained some more weight, so he couldn't sleep all night,
11:40 took a sleeping pill at night.
11:42 He gained some more weight and he got sleeping apnea,
11:44 so they put a sleep mask on him,
11:46 he woke up in the morning, didn't have any energy
11:48 so he took it one of these amphetamine type pills
11:51 to speed him up during the day
11:54 because of all these, he had a lot of acid
11:55 build up in his body
11:57 so they put him on antacid pill,
11:59 he had a heart rhythm problem his heart started to go faster
12:01 they put him on a beta blocker before you know what,
12:04 he was in his 30s and on eight or nine medicines
12:07 and then guess what?
12:08 He comes and he says listen, I'm impotent what do I do?
12:12 So he says my doctor wants
12:14 to put me on an impotent medicine.
12:17 I go, wait a second here.
12:18 I go, two years ago what problem did you have? None.
12:24 You know, and the medicines might not have
12:25 killed him right away
12:27 but you do this long enough
12:28 there is this process called slow kill.
12:30 And how many people in a car
12:32 you know, that aren't thinking right
12:34 'cause there are medicines get in a rack.
12:36 Where they do things crazy because they're not under--
12:38 because they're under the influence of medication.
12:41 So medicines can do- it can and do kill people
12:45 and I want our listeners to know this, it's a number one,
12:48 it's a large cause of death in America--
12:51 Its climbing toward. Right, right--
12:52 And you've made a prediction.
12:54 And in the world and we never can measure this, Charles,
12:56 we're gonna talk more about this later,
12:58 but we can't really put a measurement
12:59 because no one wants to admit they've made a mistake,
13:01 no one wants to admit that a medications
13:03 can kill people, they don't want to face up to it.
13:05 But medications is a leading cause of death
13:07 and if you're out there we want you to recognize this
13:10 and really question do I need this medicine,
13:12 or there's another way to change my chemistry.
13:15 I guess the message of today's program is
13:17 this is not the answer,
13:19 this is not a long term answer maybe a short term answer
13:21 it may get you through the event
13:23 that's happening in your life.
13:24 But the answer is not found here you go to the doctor
13:28 and you have something wrong and you ask for help
13:32 this will get you through the symptom,
13:33 but this is not the answer, very important.
13:37 When we come back we'll talk about the questions
13:38 that have been sent into Heartwise Ministries
13:40 and we'll answer those with Dr. James Marcum. So stay put.


Revised 2014-12-17