Ultimate Prescription

Dead In The Head

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: James Marcum & Charles Mills


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP00016B

00:01 Welcome back to the program.
00:02 I'm Charles Mills here with Dr. James Marcum
00:04 and we're talking about the causes of death
00:07 in this world and one of the major causes,
00:10 of course, is heart disease.
00:11 And we're talking about stroke here.
00:13 Make the connection for us, Dr. Marcum,
00:15 between heart disease and stroke.
00:19 How are they connected?
00:20 Well, you know, they're connected
00:21 'cause the heart pumps blood and oxygen
00:23 and nutrients to everything. Right.
00:25 So if the heart doesn't work good,
00:27 of course, the brain is not gonna work good
00:29 but the same process is having in the arteries
00:31 of the heart can also happen
00:33 and the arteries of brain requires cholesterol.
00:35 In addition, blood clots
00:37 which can originate in the heart.
00:38 It can be pumped to the brain
00:40 which causes these tubes to be clogged up.
00:44 And, really, I want to let our audience know
00:46 the stroke is a medical emergency
00:48 just like heart attack.
00:50 I mean, if you're not moving your arms,
00:51 if you're not thinking right,
00:53 if you're not speaking right,
00:54 severe headache, if you can't see,
00:56 this is a medical emergency
00:58 and you want to get help right away
01:00 'cause if we don't get help you could be devastated.
01:03 It could be something that damages your body.
01:06 You might not ever get it back.
01:07 So stroke is a medical emergency.
01:09 Get help right away and it's just so scary
01:13 that people are out there that have had stroke
01:15 and what they've had just live through and suffer through.
01:17 And unfortunately, our treatments for stroke
01:19 aren't as advanced as they are for the heart.
01:22 The blood vessels are smaller.
01:23 The brain's a little bit trickier to navigate.
01:26 So it's so important that if you have
01:28 a family history of stroke
01:29 or if you have risk factors of stroke
01:31 that you address it early
01:33 before you run into the problem with these symptoms.
01:36 All right, well, let's get to some questions
01:38 from the Heartwiseminstries.org website.
01:41 Here is the first one on this subject.
01:42 Can atrial fibrillation cause a stroke?
01:44 Yes, it can.
01:46 And we talked a little bit about
01:47 how the blood circulates the body.
01:49 Let's talk about that.
01:51 If the top part of the heart is not squeezing well
01:54 it could get a blood clot.
01:55 And we see that in atrial fibrillation.
01:57 That blood clot can be pumped
01:58 to other places including the head. Okay.
02:01 So it's been estimated that almost 15% of all strokes
02:05 come from atrial fibrillation.
02:07 Atrial fibrillation is a very common abnormality.
02:10 Some people don't even know they have it.
02:12 That's why we always talk about blood thinners
02:14 and people that have atrial fibrillation
02:16 to lower the risk of getting a blood clot.
02:18 Also people that have weak hearts, Charles.
02:21 If you're heart's weak sometimes
02:22 the bottom doesn't squeeze very good.
02:24 If the blood doesn't move sometimes you can get a clot
02:27 from a weak heart that can pump into the brain.
02:30 Now there's another condition.
02:32 Sometimes you have blood clots in your legs.
02:34 And if you have blood clots in your legs
02:36 usually those clots go to the lungs.
02:38 We called that a pulmonary embolism.
02:40 But in some instances there could be
02:42 a hole in the heart.
02:43 And a blood clot could cross to that hole
02:45 and then pump up to the brain, too.
02:47 So, you know, there is a condition called
02:49 an atrial septal defect where there is a hole
02:51 in one of the chambers of the heart
02:53 where actually clot from leg could pass to that.
02:55 So blood clots could pump into the brain.
02:58 That could cause a stroke
02:59 because once it gets to a small blood vessel, guess what?
03:02 No blood can get through that part of the brain
03:05 that that blood vessel nourishes dies.
03:07 If it's your talking part, all of a sudden you can't talk.
03:11 If it's your seeing part, all of a sudden you can't see.
03:13 If it's your moving part,
03:14 you might have the left or the right side go numb.
03:16 Then all of a sudden you have a medical emergency.
03:19 All right, this really underlines
03:21 the fact that we should be moving.
03:22 That we should have an exercise program
03:24 because you're saying that when we are lazy,
03:27 when we are sedentary and our heart
03:29 is just slowly pumping
03:31 and everything that this pulling of the blood,
03:33 this clotting could happen?
03:36 Well, mainly if the heart's damaged, Charles.
03:38 Now if the heart's damaged and weak
03:39 but, you know, if you're laying on a couch
03:41 and your heart's strong,
03:43 you're not that that big of a risk.
03:44 If you lay there for weeks and weeks
03:46 and months and months? Right, right.
03:47 But what we want to do, though, is if you lay around
03:48 and don't do anything what happens is
03:50 you might have high blood pressure
03:52 'cause you're gaining weight. You might get diabetes.
03:53 You might have high cholesterol.
03:55 Those are the things-- those risk factors
03:57 that can raise a chance of you having a stroke.
03:59 And since our treatment for stroke is not very good
04:02 and since it's a leading cause of death
04:04 we've got to do everything we can right now
04:06 wherever you're at everything you can
04:08 to lower the risk of stroke.
04:10 And if you're having a stroke get in right away.
04:12 I can't tell you how many people I've seen through the years.
04:15 Oh, it's nothing serious, you know? I can't move.
04:18 It's gonna go away or you know, it will go away.
04:21 I don't wanna wake up my wife
04:23 and then the next thing
04:24 they can't even move part of their body.
04:25 It's just devastating.
04:27 So atrial fibrillation is a cause of stroke.
04:29 All right. Question number two from Heartwiseministries.org.
04:33 What should be done for a family history of strokes?
04:36 Everyone in my family has had a stroke at some point. Wow.
04:39 Yeah, and it's just the things we've talked about.
04:41 You'd be concerned if someone said that.
04:43 I would be very concerned.
04:44 And I would tell them, you know, we got a--
04:45 just like heart disease, we've got to lower the stresses
04:47 as we've got to lower the stress of high blood pressure.
04:50 If they carry extra weight we got to loose weight.
04:52 Control the diabetes.
04:54 Some people need a cholesterol medication.
04:56 Get in an exercise program
04:59 and then lower all the other stressors
05:01 that might have--sleep apnea is a stressor on the body.
05:04 So anything that raises blood pressure
05:06 and put stress is gonna raise a chance of having a stroke.
05:08 Very similar to what we tell someone with heart disease.
05:11 And we want to lower that but if you've have
05:12 a family history things tend to run in families.
05:15 And if these arteries are getting blocked up in the brain
05:18 you're gonna be at a higher risk of having a stroke.
05:20 You know, if everyone in the family has had a stroke
05:24 that can talk about genetics.
05:26 We could also talk about lifestyle.
05:27 Yes. Maybe whole family had bad lifestyle, you know?
05:30 Maybe, everyone smokes cigarettes
05:31 and had high blood pressure and weighed a lot
05:34 but these are things that,
05:35 you know, family history can be changed, you know?
05:38 We talked about bad genetics.
05:39 You can change your genetics
05:40 by the way you live sometimes.
05:42 Absolutely. Okay, next question from heartwiseministries.org.
05:46 Is it possible to regain function
05:50 and I'm sure that this person would like to know
05:52 if we can regain full function after a stroke?
05:54 After the clot has gotten there
05:56 and something has been damaged can you get it back?
05:59 Yeah, and that's why it's so important
06:02 to get treatment right away
06:03 if you think you've had a stroke.
06:05 If you can get into the hospital
06:07 and they can give a blood thinner within the,
06:09 you know, four or four and a half hours
06:10 or if they can go in and pull out the clot,
06:12 you're brain can be totally, completely better.
06:15 Now sometimes we have a stroke and the strokes there at home
06:18 and we can grow collateral blood vessels, okay?
06:21 What we can--you know, retrain the brain that's been damaged.
06:24 Sometimes that occurs and that's why its very important
06:27 especially the six months after they've had a stroke
06:31 to go through stroke rehab where they try to retrain
06:34 the brain to do things
06:35 depending on what part of brain has been damaged.
06:38 You might see a speech therapist.
06:40 You might see an occupational therapist,
06:42 other people to help retrain the brain.
06:44 Sometimes you have to start over.
06:46 And we've seen the greatest benefits
06:48 in the first six months.
06:49 However, some people, you know, it's like after a heart attack
06:52 I want people to start exercising,
06:54 doing things even if they've never done it before
06:56 to help the heart regain its function.
06:59 Some people after stroke they don't go
07:01 and get anything done.
07:02 They just say, oh, you've had a stroke.
07:04 Go home, live with it.
07:05 The doctor fixed it. You can go.
07:06 Yes, or they haven't done anything for it.
07:08 They've just had the stroke.
07:10 The part of the brain hasn't been tried to retrain.
07:12 So it's very important to get stroke rehab.
07:14 And they've shown that up to six months
07:16 you can retrain parts of the brain.
07:17 So even if you don't get it on time sometimes,
07:20 if you have the appropriate therapy
07:21 after the stroke it could be retrained.
07:23 Now unfortunately, if the brain is damaged
07:26 you have to learn things over again.
07:28 Like, what if you can't swallow well and,
07:30 you know, the food's getting into your lungs?
07:32 What if you can't move
07:33 and you're getting bedsores on you?
07:35 What if you're having seizures?
07:37 What if you can't do a lot of the things you knew?
07:39 What if you're eyes can't close
07:41 and you need drops in your eyes
07:42 just to keep them moist and help your vision?
07:44 So there is a lot of things that go along with the stroke
07:46 even if you can't get to retrain the brain
07:49 that must be done to care for a person with the stroke.
07:52 So it's very important that the caregivers
07:54 as well as the person themselves learn everything they can
07:56 not only to retrain the brain but the brain
07:59 can't retrain the brain doing the things
08:00 you do to function well.
08:02 One of the scariest things after stroke, Charles,
08:05 that I see is people can't swallow. Oh, dear.
08:07 And they have a condition called aspiration
08:09 because the muscles in the neck don't do well.
08:12 So they eat some food, instead of going to stomach
08:14 it goes around to the lungs.
08:16 And they get pneumonia and they have,
08:17 what we call, aspiration 'cause they can't swallow.
08:20 Some of those patients actually need feeding tubes
08:22 early on rather than going home and trying to swallow
08:25 and not being able to swallow
08:27 and all the food ends up in the lungs.
08:28 That's called aspiration.
08:30 So there's lots of things in stroke that can help.
08:33 So not only that you care something is very important
08:36 but after a stroke you also need a lot of care,
08:38 a lot of rehab, a lot of education,
08:40 both for the person as well as the family.
08:43 I had one person that I helped care for.
08:45 Everything is fine but she can't talk.
08:47 She can't talk.
08:49 You know, how hard it is to communicate
08:50 when you can't talk? Yes.
08:51 I mean, that's a major issue, you know?
08:53 So she's had to learn how to communicate
08:55 without being able to talk
08:57 and because one of her arms doesn't move well
08:59 she can't write as well.
09:01 So there's all sorts of issues
09:02 when parts of your brain doesn't work well.
09:05 We got another question, Dr. Marcum, here
09:07 from the Heartwiseministries.org website.
09:10 What is a thrombolytic and how is it used
09:14 in the acute treatment of stroke? Yeah.
09:16 Thrombolytic if we think that the cause of a stroke was
09:20 due to blood clot not a bleed
09:23 we give strong medications called thrombolytic,
09:26 thrombo meaning thrombos, lytic means break it apart
09:29 so they give this medicine in the body
09:32 and it goes and breaks up that clot
09:34 so all the sudden that brain gets enough blood to it
09:37 and this is the main extreme treatment
09:40 if it can be done very quickly.
09:42 There are some risk of thrombolytics
09:44 and the main risk of a thrombolytics guess what?
09:47 Its bleeding 'cause it causes you to bleed
09:49 so if you're bleeding already
09:50 I mean, you give a thrombolytic
09:52 you're gonna bleed more so that's why
09:53 they have to make sure what the cat scan
09:55 that there is no blood in the brain,
09:56 its not bleeding type of stroke before they give it
09:59 but thrombolytics before we have thrombolytics
10:01 it was very hard to treat a stroke at all
10:03 'cause we really didn't have anything to off it
10:04 but now we have that
10:06 for an acute stroke, we also have some devices
10:08 modern medicines as devices
10:10 that we can go up in the brain
10:11 and certain type of individuals we can treat that
10:13 but bottomline is people have to get to a stroke thinner
10:17 rather quick if they're having symptoms
10:19 to get this type of therapy. Oh, boy.
10:21 I'm just amaze at modern medicine
10:22 and I hope that listeners,
10:24 you are understanding that modern medicine has a place
10:28 and very important place but you know what,
10:30 Dr. Marcum, I wanna do everything I can--
10:32 Do not needed. But not needed ever.
10:34 That's what I'm looking for. Okay.
10:36 Absolutely, Charles.
10:37 Our last question here we have time for this is a T.I.A.
10:40 the same thing as a stroke. What is that T.I.A.?
10:43 You know, T.I.A. they are different than the stroke
10:45 'cause the T.I.A. is called T transient ischemic attack
10:49 so it doesn't last as long, so its usually lesson 24 hours.
10:54 You might have a neurologic symptoms
10:55 then all the sudden the cause of it
10:57 gets better on its own spontaneously.
10:59 But you still had that symptom
11:01 we'll thank goodness it got better
11:02 but this could be a precursor for a stroke.
11:05 So people that have T.I.A. we wanna make sure
11:07 their risk factors are maintained
11:10 we gonna make sure there is no plots places
11:12 in the body that they could have a clot,
11:13 make sure they don't have
11:15 Atrial Fibrillation or weak heart,
11:16 make sure they don't have a whole in the heart,
11:18 we also wanna make sure that there is no blockages
11:20 in the arteries very important if you have T.I.A.
11:23 to get a major evaluation to make sure
11:25 there is nothing that can be done
11:27 'cause if you have a little stroke
11:28 the big one could be right around the corner.
11:30 Oh, Boy, okay. we'll take a short break now
11:33 and when we come back let's spent sometime
11:35 with the master physician. Stay tuned.
11:41 I've taken care of many patients over the last 20 years.
11:45 And I think the ones that are the hardest
11:48 to care for is people that have had strokes
11:51 and haven't got any treatment in time.
11:54 And they were stuck with some devastating consequences,
11:57 both in their lives and the lives of their families.
12:00 And I hope you've listened to this today and realize,
12:02 "I want to do everything
12:04 I can to lower my risk of having a stroke."
12:07 And this might be changing some lifestyles.
12:10 And if you're having a symptom I hope
12:12 you've learned right away you want to get to the hospital,
12:14 get to a stroke center that can treat you,
12:17 and if you've had a stroke
12:19 that's one of the most devastating things.
12:22 Hopefully you've gone through stroke rehab.
12:24 And if you had a stroke I want to also remind you
12:27 that there is hope.
12:28 There is hope in that relationship
12:30 that you have with God
12:31 that He can make everything right in His own time.
12:34 And remember there is a place for modern medicine.
12:36 It doesn't fix everything.
12:38 There is a place for lifestyle,
12:39 but that doesn't fix everything.
12:41 But in that relationship with the Heavenly Father
12:44 you can have healing.
12:46 And that healing might not be here on earth
12:48 that might be in heaven but we could have healing
12:50 and what a hope that is if you've been
12:52 one that's had a stroke.
12:54 I want to spend sometime there might be someone out there
12:56 that needs a prayer today to enter this relationship.
12:59 So let's all bow our heads together.
13:03 Dear Heavenly Father, we want to thank you
13:05 for giving us life
13:06 and ability to have a relationship with you.
13:10 If there might be someone out there in the audience today
13:12 that needs to enter into this relationship
13:15 as a part of their healing process,
13:17 Father, please enable this to happen.
13:20 And we want to thank you for being a God
13:21 that loves us, that takes care of us
13:23 and wants us to be our ultimate physician.
13:26 This is our humble prayer, Amen.
13:30 I want you to remember that
13:31 at the top of every treatment plan
13:34 is not modern medicine, it's not lifestyle changes
13:38 though those are important at the head of every ultimate plan
13:41 is that relationship with the great creator,
13:44 your ultimate physician.


Revised 2014-12-17