Ultimate Prescription

The Heart Of Health

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: James Marcum & Charles Mills


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP00013A

00:01 The following program presents
00:02 principles designed to promote good health
00:04 and is not intended to take the place
00:05 of personalized professional care.
00:07 The opinion and ideas expressed are those of the speaker.
00:10 VIewers are encouraged to daw their own conclusions
00:13 about the information presented.
00:17 A few years back there was a popular song
00:19 that asked the musical question,
00:21 what's love got to do with it?
00:23 When it comes to health the answer is, everything.
00:26 Stay tuned.
00:28 I'm Dr James Marcum.
00:30 Are you interested in discovering the reason why?
00:33 You want solutions to your healthcare problem.
00:36 Are you tired of taking medications?
00:39 Well, you're about to be given the Ultimate Prescription.
00:46 Our show today might not sit too well
00:48 with some of our viewers.
00:50 We're going to reveal the incredible power of love
00:53 when it comes to health and healing.
00:55 But some out there may not feel
00:56 much like loving anything
00:58 or they insist that no one loves them.
01:01 Dr. Marcum, which is supposed to come first, love or health?
01:07 Well, Charles, I'm gonna come up here
01:09 and give you a hug.
01:11 Thank you, thank you, thank you.
01:12 And I'm gonna say love needs to come first.
01:14 Oh, very good.
01:15 I'm gonna say love needs to come first.
01:17 And as we talk about this most important prescription
01:21 for our bodies today, lot of people don't think
01:23 as love as a prescription or love as a treatment
01:26 but indeed it is.
01:27 Let's define, what do you think love is, Charles?
01:31 Well, it can be all kinds of things.
01:32 To me love is acceptance more than anything else.
01:35 You accept that person.
01:37 You see the faults but you say,
01:39 okay, I love them anyway. Okay.
01:41 So love is like overcoming the faults.
01:44 Am I on the right track? I think so.
01:46 There's so many people out there,
01:47 they're defining love, you know?
01:49 Love is based on relationships or,
01:51 you know, I love you so I'm giving you a gift.
01:53 Is it receiving gifts?
01:54 But a simple definition I like to use
01:58 is love is putting someone else's interest
02:01 above your own. Very good.
02:03 Or the opposite of selfishness. Yes.
02:06 Love is good for your chemistry,
02:07 good for your bodies, a treatment.
02:09 Then the opposite of that, selfishness is bad for the body.
02:12 It causes stress. It causes damages.
02:14 It causes disease. So we don't wanna be selfish.
02:17 We wanna have love based on the ultimate source of love
02:21 and that's in the Bible. God is love.
02:24 So I think to really understand love
02:26 you have to understand God
02:28 and have that relationship with Him.
02:29 And I think love is a process.
02:31 It goes on for a long period of time.
02:33 I don't think we ever have
02:34 a full understanding of what it is.
02:36 This is a principle that runs the whole universe.
02:39 We're based on love.
02:41 I mean we don't have that principle, right?
02:44 Our chemistry goes back,
02:45 way back at creation we talked about. Yes.
02:47 You know that love, when that love was destroyed
02:50 or that distrust entered, when there was doubts
02:52 about this love
02:53 then that's when the chemistry started going bad.
02:55 Stress occurred. We started seeing diseases.
02:58 We actually started to see death.
03:00 So, you know, we've talked about,
03:01 before about, these two paths, you know?
03:03 The path that God wants us on and the path that,
03:06 you know, other people choose.
03:08 And really love is essential theme to that.
03:11 Are you telling me that if we don't love,
03:17 if we have anger in our heart,
03:19 if we have resentment in our heart
03:22 that somehow we are going to be physically affected by that?
03:26 Absolutely, Charles,
03:27 and this is can damage our entire chemistry.
03:30 Let's give some examples, you know.
03:32 We've talked before about people
03:33 that have a sudden loss of a loved one,
03:35 that sudden loss of love, an acute problem.
03:38 But can you imagine,
03:39 we were designed to have love in our life.
03:41 We were design to feel it.
03:42 Everyone knows how good they feel when they have love,
03:45 when they have a dog to pet or someone to love
03:47 or kids or grandchildren.
03:50 That feeling that makes you feel
03:51 so warm inside was something that God gave to us.
03:55 But more than that God programmed us
03:57 to have--want to have that love relationship with Him.
04:00 Just so when we don't have this love for each other,
04:02 when we don't have this love for Him,
04:04 our chemistry is not like it should be
04:06 and then a stress cascade gets turned on
04:09 even though we don't know it.
04:10 And unfortunately in the world we live in
04:12 there's a lot of selfishness
04:14 which is the opposite of love. So we see the selfishness.
04:16 Well, you know, it's all about me,
04:18 it's what I can get, what I can have, you know?
04:20 I want to eat more, I want to make more money,
04:22 I want to have a bigger house,
04:23 I want to have it all, I want to work right,
04:24 I want to have a nice vacation, I don't want to serve others,
04:27 I want to serve myself.
04:29 And as we do this over a long period of time,
04:32 guess what happens. Our chemistry is damaged.
04:35 Our thoughts are damaged.
04:36 Love affects the way our brain works, Charles.
04:39 So if a person is sitting at home and is sick
04:43 and that person might have a headache
04:46 or might have an ache some place.
04:47 Or there's something going on inside that body
04:50 that is affecting them
04:51 and they're not feeling very good at all,
04:54 the answer maybe they don't have enough love in their life?
04:58 That's a part of the treatment. Wow.
05:00 Now my wife complaints to me whenever she get sick,
05:03 you know, I don't pay enough attention to her you know?
05:06 Not that I can do anything, you know?
05:08 It's usually a cold or something like that but she wants to be--
05:10 But you're a doctor. She wants to be--
05:12 Oh, I am sorry, you are sick, honey.
05:14 And I hope you feel better.
05:16 Let me bring you some soup and all those little things.
05:18 That be--of course, that's her love language.
05:20 And everyone has their love language.
05:22 But when I do that to her she gets better quicker.
05:26 I didn't prescribe an antibiotic or anything else.
05:28 And likewise when I don't do that
05:30 she stays sick longer. Wow, wow.
05:33 So this love treatment is very, very important.
05:36 And science is proving it over and over again.
05:39 And it just--it needs to be a part of every treatment plan
05:41 but what I want to focus on is all the,
05:44 just for a minute here, is all the ways
05:45 that we don't have love in our lives, you know?
05:48 We're supposed to find-- where do we--you know,
05:50 of course, we've identified that God is love
05:52 and that relationship leads to Him
05:53 and that changes us. Yes.
05:55 So, you know, we have to breathe everyday,
05:57 don't we, Charles? Absolutely.
05:58 Breathing is an automatic thing we do.
06:00 If we don't breathe, we die, okay.
06:02 Well, if love is the universal principle that guides the world,
06:06 if we don't love-- We're fighting a principle.
06:10 We're fighting a law. We die.
06:11 And we die. If we don't love we die. Yes.
06:13 It might not be right now but if we don't love, we die.
06:17 If we don't breath, we die.
06:18 If we don't drink water, we die, you know?
06:21 You see, where I'm going with this? I do.
06:23 Yes, if we don't love, we die.
06:25 It's just a matter of win.
06:26 Now if I was trying to destroy the world
06:28 I would take love out of the world.
06:30 I would make us love ourselves.
06:32 I would make us love ourselves so much
06:34 that we thought we were God.
06:37 We are God, we can do anything.
06:39 We can fix anything. We have modern medicine.
06:41 We have doctors who can make people well.
06:43 We might be able to cryopreserve people.
06:45 We can do it all ourselves.
06:47 This is sounding familiar
06:48 because that's exactly what the devil said to Eve
06:50 in the Garden of Eden.
06:52 You're not gonna die. Right.
06:54 You gonna live forever. You can be God.
06:55 History repeats itself, Charles.
06:58 And the same thing goes over and over.
07:00 It just changes a little bit. So we become selfish.
07:04 And all along it's been about who do we worship?
07:06 Do we worship and love the true God
07:08 or do we worship the false gods?
07:11 If we think back in the Garden of Eden,
07:12 there the serpent wanted us to worship us.
07:16 And throughout time you, know,
07:17 in Daniel did they worship the idol
07:19 or did they worship the true God?
07:22 In Christ's time, did they worship the true Christ
07:25 or the system that created Christ? There you go.
07:28 In our time what are we worshipping now? Technology.
07:32 Are we worshipping that? How about in our churches?
07:33 Are we worshipping the true God or we're worshipping the systems
07:37 that are set up there?
07:38 Are we worshipping man's invention of God
07:41 or are we worshipping God's revelation of Himself
07:44 in the scripture? Exactly. Wow.
07:47 And how do we sort through all this confusion
07:49 about this most valuable treatment for our body, love?
07:52 How do we sort through this when we recognize,
07:55 you know, we become like that we worship.
07:57 So whatever we worship enough, we're gonna become like that.
08:01 If we worship the God of love,
08:02 we're gonna be more like the God of love.
08:04 Not that we can ever reach that standing.
08:07 If we don't worship God, if we worship ourselves,
08:09 if we worship man, if we worship institutions,
08:12 guess what, we're gonna go down that road.
08:15 And if we don't have love in our life,
08:16 it eventually leads to this universal law, death.
08:19 Just like we quit breathing, we die.
08:24 Its sounds like you are telling me, Dr. James Marcum,
08:28 that we need to have a correct understanding
08:33 of who God is. Absolutely--
08:35 Before we can actually love Him
08:37 because if we're loving what we think is God,
08:39 if we're loving someone else interpretation of God,
08:42 if we're loving God of a television program
08:45 or the God of a radio program or the God of a book
08:48 other than this one or the God of human invention,
08:52 we may feel love but we're not loving correctly.
08:56 And that false love is not gonna help us physically.
08:59 98% truth is still a lie.
09:02 Some people have a perception of God
09:04 that if I don't do everything right,
09:06 if I don't ask for forgiveness of every sin,
09:09 if I don't eat this way, if I don't act this way,
09:11 God's gonna destroy me and kill me, boom.
09:16 They're scared of God. This was never God's plan.
09:20 God wanted us to love Him, have a relationship with Him.
09:23 He didn't want us to fear.
09:24 Now when we're scared-- if I scare you again, Charles,
09:28 your chemistry is gonna change.
09:30 You're gonna make adrenaline and cortisol.
09:32 Your blood's gonna want to clot.
09:33 You're gonna start changing chemistry
09:35 that goes to fight--this, this-- you're gonna get ready to fight
09:37 'cause you are scared.
09:39 You have fear in your life
09:40 'cause you think I'm gonna zap you
09:41 and I'm bigger than you. Yes, you are.
09:43 But you look like you might be faster, okay?
09:46 But anyway, that fear that's out there
09:48 is damaging to the chemistry, okay?
09:51 Remember we talked about selfishness,
09:53 the opposite of love. Fear is not good to have.
09:56 Fear turns us stress-- because it's fight or flight,
09:59 'cause you're afraid that something bad is gonna happen
10:00 so your body turns on this fear chemistry.
10:03 This fear chemistry not only hurts our bodies
10:06 but if it's everyday, if we fear God,
10:09 if we fear work, if we fear anything,
10:11 if we fear-- if we're scared of anything,
10:13 it damages our brains.
10:15 Now that's sort of the most important organ in our body.
10:18 If our brains are damage by our concept of love,
10:21 our concept of God, because we fear
10:25 that's a hard thing to overcome.
10:26 The fear of chemistry turns on.
10:28 The limbic system, the amygdala,
10:30 the alarm systems are constantly going off.
10:33 The prefrontal lobe where we communicate with God,
10:35 where we think, becomes smaller.
10:38 It doesn't work as well.
10:39 We live in a constant state of fear.
10:40 We can't think right.
10:42 If we can't think right, we can't come to God right.
10:44 If I was the evil one I would want this to occur.
10:47 I would want us to be scared all the time.
10:49 I would want us to be selfish.
10:50 I would want to make it impossible find love.
10:52 I would want us think that we could fix
10:54 everything ourselves and deceive everyone.
10:57 That's why in medicine this is so important,
10:59 this concept of love.
11:01 And keep us away from selfishness.
11:03 Keep--remember this scripture in the Bible,
11:05 "Love casts out all-- Fear.
11:08 That's right, so only way we can get with this fear,
11:10 this damage to our brain, this damage to our chemistry
11:13 is to find out what love is.
11:15 So love is a treatment 'cause it casts out fear.
11:18 Fear damages our body.
11:19 So this cascade of events occurs
11:21 because we might be scared.
11:23 We might even be scared of the God that loves us
11:25 that we're trying to serve. We don't want that.
11:28 How many of us, how many of us think of God
11:32 as someone who says to us, "I created you, I love you,
11:40 I died for you, but if you don't love me in return
11:45 I will destroy you." Think about that.
11:49 How many of us have that line of thought?
11:52 That line of thought brings that fear
11:55 which you just talked about, Dr. Marcum.
11:57 That line of thought brings that fear.
11:59 We are loving God because we're afraid of Him.
12:02 We can't have a relationship.
12:03 We're loving God because we are afraid
12:05 of what he's gonna do to us.
12:06 We're loving God because we feel guilty all the time.
12:09 And we think that guilt is God's punishment to us.
12:12 We're loving God because we don't want to burn in hell.
12:16 We want to live in heaven.
12:17 We're loving God for the wrong reasons which means,
12:19 one of two things are happening.
12:22 Either we're loving wrong
12:25 or we have the wrong image of God. Correct.
12:29 My, my, so many things to think about,
12:31 here, on this program.
12:32 We want to make sure that our image of God is correct.
12:37 We don't want to believe the lie
12:39 that Satan told in the Garden of Eden.
12:41 We don't want to believe
12:42 what other people have said about God,
12:44 what even religions have said about God,
12:46 what governments have said about God.
12:48 We want to believe what God says about God.
12:52 And you know where you find that, right here.
12:54 You open this book and here's where you find out
12:56 what God said about Himself.
12:58 Here's where you find out about God,
12:59 what He said about forgiveness, and about the world to come.
13:02 It's right here.
13:04 You search for truth here
13:07 and here is where you'll find God.
13:10 Stay tuned.


Revised 2014-12-17