Ultimate Prescription

The Path Of Truth

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: James Marcum & Charles Mills


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP00012B

00:01 Welcome back to 'Ultimate Prescription'.
00:03 I'm Charles Mills.
00:04 We're here with Dr. James Marcum.
00:06 And Dr. Marcum, we've been talking about finding truth.
00:09 Do you have some resources available to us
00:11 that can help us do that?
00:12 Yeah, I do, and I want to invite
00:13 those that might be viewing today
00:14 to go at our website that's heartwiseministries.org.
00:19 And on that site you can leave your question.
00:21 We have a bevy of professionals that will try to answer you.
00:24 You might not be specific.
00:25 And that's actually how we create
00:27 our television program, that's right.
00:28 We see a lot of questions.
00:29 We know that these are issues we need to address.
00:32 And we bring those up
00:33 and yet we take a Biblical perspective.
00:35 Also I want to let people know about
00:37 our new evangelistic book that's called,
00:40 named after this program, "The Ultimate Prescription."
00:42 That's available by Tyndale Press.
00:45 We're hoping that this message
00:46 will go to the world and people will understand
00:48 that it's important to have that relationship
00:50 with the Heavenly Father.
00:52 And in that relationship there's real power.
00:54 It's a new way of moving evangelism forward
00:57 and let the Holy Spirit take that person where they want.
01:00 But we want to plant the seeds.
01:01 But we've got some questions that have come in.
01:03 Absolutely, let's get right to our questions
01:05 from heartwiseministries.org.
01:07 My mother-in-law says, Joe Ann in Arizona.
01:10 My mother-in-law is going to cryopreserve
01:14 her body when she passes.
01:16 Is there science behind this type of procedure?
01:18 Well, there's not Biblical science behind it.
01:21 And nowhere in the Bible though I see people
01:24 mentioning of preserving bodies.
01:26 Cryopreservation is where they sort of
01:28 put things in a deep freeze.
01:30 You know, they freeze these bodies
01:31 and believe that they can sort of bring them back.
01:33 You've seen science fiction. Yes, oh absolutely.
01:35 You know, when they go and travel in space
01:37 and things like that they can do this deep freezes.
01:39 But right now, there's no science behind it.
01:42 And that's what I mean.
01:43 There's a lot of people throwing theories out there
01:45 in this world today.
01:46 And how do you know what's true?
01:48 And some of these scientists
01:49 can make it sound very, very good and very convincing.
01:52 And I go to some lectures and I say,
01:54 "Man, that sounds like the best thing ever."
01:56 But you know, 98% truth can still be a lie.
02:00 And they throw just enough
02:01 at the end that doesn't make sense.
02:02 And so what I try to do myself is I look at the data,
02:06 I go back to the Biblical prescriptions
02:08 and I say, "Listen, there's really
02:10 nothing that talks about us being able
02:12 to save our own lives."
02:13 We learn that our lives are only saved
02:15 through for--the relationship with our Heavenly Father.
02:18 That's a real source of healing.
02:19 So I would not say that I would recommend
02:22 cryopreservation even though
02:24 a lot of people are considering it.
02:25 That's not I would want eternal life through that relationship.
02:29 I think that's a much better way--is the only way to go.
02:32 Absolutely, I would much rather wake up
02:34 seeing Christ come and looking up
02:36 for the bunch of doctors as I fall out, okay.
02:40 This is sort of related a little bit here.
02:42 This is from Lu in South Carolina.
02:45 An acquaintance at work had cardiac illness.
02:50 When she got to the hospital they put her body
02:52 in a deep freeze.
02:54 Is this recommended?
02:57 Well, yes, it actually isn't.
02:58 People that had sudden cardiac arrest,
03:01 all their organ start doing crazy things
03:03 'cause they're lack of blood pressure.
03:05 They have chemicals called free radicals
03:07 that actually hurt the body, yeah.
03:09 We know that if we can cool down the body enough
03:13 the body has changes in this physiology
03:15 actually can help it to heal
03:16 and this if free radicals aren't released.
03:18 A numerous studies have been done that shows people
03:22 that are in skiing accidents,
03:24 you know, they can go for a long time without breathing
03:27 and without having their heartbeat--
03:29 Even under water I guess-- Even under water.
03:31 Yeah, so they say you are not dead
03:33 until you're too warm and death.
03:35 Warm and death.
03:36 So this cool seems to protect the organs
03:39 from some of these radical changes that happen to us.
03:41 So even though in the last question
03:43 I didn't recommend being,
03:45 you know, deep freezing once you're dead.
03:47 Before you've been pronounced dead,
03:48 it's something we do and it's been showing
03:50 to be very, very useful.
03:53 In his book, "Cheating Death"
03:54 Sanjay Gupta writes about this
03:56 as a sort of new place for medical technology.
03:59 And I've seen a few people, you know, that their hearts
04:02 not beat for long time, no blood to the brain
04:05 just because they got cool really, really quickly
04:08 they didn't have permanent neurologic damage.
04:10 And I think that's one of the things that scares me
04:12 the most in cardiac arrest when the heart
04:14 doesn't get blood to the brain.
04:16 In two or three minutes, all of a sudden
04:18 you can have brain damage.
04:19 But when we cool the brain down, its metabolism changes.
04:22 It seems to limit some of the damages
04:24 done from that, from that low blood pressure
04:26 until we can restore blood pressure,
04:28 and give the body a chance to heal itself.
04:30 How do you do that?
04:31 How do you cool the body and how far down do you go?
04:33 Yeah, what we have is, there are several ways to cool it.
04:35 They have IV bags that they can put around the patient.
04:39 Sometimes we could actually saline, you know,
04:42 we put cool saline into the veins as well.
04:44 Cool as in not freezing--
04:45 No, not freezing but cool.
04:46 And then we take the temperature down to steady,
04:49 you know, and usually it's a certain temperature
04:50 we measure to and then we keep
04:52 it at that for a period of time, okay.
04:54 So this is something that it's done not--we never wanna do--
04:58 So deep freeze may not be the right words
05:00 you're talking about, now yes, yeah.
05:01 But we cool people down
05:03 and to help their metabolism slow down.
05:05 So this is really different than the cryopreservation.
05:07 So this is actually a treatment
05:09 that's fairly common in cardiac arrest now.
05:11 All right, very good.
05:13 We're continuing answering questions here
05:15 from the heartwiseministries.org website.
05:17 Here's another one.
05:18 This is from a pastor in Missouri.
05:21 I am a pastor of a large church
05:22 and we're thinking about getting an A.I.C.D.
05:26 Are these devices difficult to handle?
05:28 What's he talking about and answer his question there?
05:31 Well, an A.I.C.D., is a device that really
05:34 can defibrillate the heart.
05:36 When the heart has major problems,
05:38 heart attacks sometimes the rhythm
05:40 becomes chaotic and unstable.
05:42 When the rhythm becomes unstable,
05:44 you don't get blood to your head and then you pass away.
05:47 And after three or four minutes without blood
05:49 to your head bad things start to happen.
05:51 All the organs need blood and oxygen.
05:53 So bad things happen everywhere, Charles.
05:55 But A.I.C.D., are devices that can quickly
05:58 bring this heart back into rhythm.
06:00 And they're not hard to operate.
06:02 You put a pad on the front and the back.
06:04 Usually some of these devices even tell you exactly
06:07 what to do, you know, insert pads,
06:09 you know, look at rhythm.
06:11 You know, I'm analyzing rhythm
06:12 and the device will do everything itself.
06:14 It makes the decision.
06:15 Yes, the device will analyze the rhythm.
06:17 All you got to do is put the pads
06:18 on and hit the go button pretty much.
06:20 All right, okay.
06:21 This is very useful, because I remember
06:23 when I practiced in Cincinnati, Ohio,
06:25 when the device first came out.
06:26 A gentleman had a heart attack in the airport.
06:29 And he passed away in the air--you know,
06:31 he literally fell over dead.
06:32 His heart wasn't beating. He wasn't breathing.
06:34 It had this dangerous heart rhythm
06:35 that the heart attack caused.
06:37 Well, they had a defibrillator on the wall.
06:38 They ran and got the defibrillator.
06:39 Within one or two minutes, they shocked the heart,
06:41 got him back into a stable rhythm
06:43 which generated a blood pressure,
06:45 gave him enough time to get to the hospital
06:47 where we put a stent in and got the acute care
06:50 situation taken care of, yeah.
06:52 So in large congregations, okay.
06:54 And you know, like in school buildings, or in stadiums,
06:57 or airport, these devices are very common,
07:00 because of all the things that saved life
07:03 early defibrillation is very important.
07:05 And we want to save lives.
07:07 Why do we wanna save lives?
07:08 So people can find out what truth is. Absolutely.
07:10 We save lives as they listen.
07:12 Now we wanna find out what caused this to happen.
07:14 Why did you have your heart attack?
07:15 And it can bring us into a discussion
07:18 about the causes of disease, the stress,
07:20 goes back to this, you know, these truths
07:23 that we've been talking about.
07:24 You know, how we can plug people
07:25 into a saving relationship with the God of love
07:27 who wants to make everything well in His time.
07:30 And now when people ought to get a second chance,
07:32 they really start even more so looking for answers.
07:35 Second chances, I like that.
07:36 Okay, here's another question
07:38 from the heartwiseministries.org website.
07:42 Confusion exists, says Sarah of North Carolina.
07:45 I get so much conflicting information regarding health,
07:48 so many different opinions.
07:49 The internet has made matters worse.
07:52 I really want to be healthy.
07:53 Should I start with my doctor,
07:55 with my chiropractor or a nutritionist?
07:58 Should I be reading government reports or blogs?
08:01 Where do you find the truth?
08:02 Yeah, and I see that everyday.
08:04 Patients will come into me and said,
08:06 "I read this on the internet.
08:07 I saw this on T.V. Or I think I need this.
08:09 Or I have made myself, I've diagnosed myself."
08:12 That's very difficult because sometimes a patient
08:15 comes to you with all this preconceived notions
08:18 and, you know, they said, "This medicine I saw on T.V.
08:19 and some doctor said fine.
08:21 Here's the medicine.
08:22 Here it is, take it go home."
08:23 You know, you know, if you were--we wanna try and go ahead.
08:26 Yeah. I take a little bit different approach.
08:28 And I say, "Listen, you know."
08:30 And I go back and I tell that story about,
08:32 you know, truth and where do you find
08:34 absolute truth in this world.
08:36 And I said, "The only place
08:37 I think you can find truth is in the Bible."
08:40 In the adventure of truth
08:42 the person that can set us free
08:43 this, you know, this relationship with God.
08:46 And I said, "Listen, why don't you start asking God
08:48 where the truth is and going back to the Bible
08:50 and seeing if what you wanna do has Biblical merit."
08:53 And then, read randomized double blinded studies.
08:56 Those are the most reliable studies we have.
08:58 Talk to your doctor or someone you trust.
09:00 Talk to people that have gone through
09:02 these situations before and get their wisdom.
09:05 Then after you get good wisdom,
09:07 read randomized double blinded studies
09:09 and after you prayed about it and look at the Bible.
09:11 Then step back and make a really good decision.
09:14 And some of these decisions are very hard.
09:17 Most people now just accept things randomly.
09:20 You know, my doctor said I needed to take it
09:22 so I'm gonna take it.
09:23 Well, is that really the best thing to do?
09:25 My doctor said, "I need surgery.
09:27 Should I have surgery?"
09:28 Well, is that the best thing to do?
09:29 And that's what my patient was going through.
09:31 He wanted to know, I mean, it wasn't that he was just,
09:34 you know, he wanted to know really
09:35 what the consequences were.
09:36 So we have to ask questions.
09:38 We have to ask the reason why.
09:39 We have to get to the source of truth, yeah.
09:41 And that's what I see.
09:42 Sometimes in medicine we don't point
09:44 to the real source of truth.
09:45 Doctors are great at treating symptoms, Charles.
09:48 But all of us out there are healers
09:50 'cause we change people's chemistry
09:52 and the things we do.
09:53 And when we point someone the truth
09:55 a better relationship with God,
09:57 a love relationship, we'd help heal that person
10:00 through the power of God and the Holy Spirit.
10:03 So all of us are healers.
10:05 You know, as I listen to you, Dr. Marcum.
10:07 You talk about this.
10:08 I can understand why some people might say,
10:10 "Well, you know, I have a sore throat.
10:13 I don't see anything here about sore throat,
10:15 or I have diabetes.
10:18 I don't see anything about diabetes.
10:20 I am overweight.
10:21 Where is the overweight chapter?" Right.
10:24 The point is that the Bible says way back there in Genesis
10:29 when you find the creation story.
10:32 The laws of health that God laid out
10:35 the fresh air, the sunshine, the exercise,
10:37 the loving relationship with Him and with others,
10:39 the caring for the animals, the good food we--
10:43 these are in place to heal you of the problems
10:45 you have no matter what that problem
10:47 might be, chronic problem.
10:50 And also to keep you from ever getting it.
10:52 So don't look for the weight loss chapter.
10:54 Look for the how should I live chapter.
10:57 That's in Genesis.
10:58 Don't look for the, how do I get out of my diabetes?
11:00 Look for the how to live chapter.
11:02 That's in Genesis.
11:04 Don't look for the, how do I extend my life?
11:06 And how do I improve my skin?
11:09 Look for the, how to live better chapter?
11:11 That one in Genesis.
11:12 The first chapter were God goes over and over how to live.
11:18 And when we learn how to live
11:21 and when we learn the principles for living life healthily
11:24 then these issues, these problems
11:27 are no longer something we have to face.
11:29 And if we're facing them,
11:30 these same rules will bring us out of those.
11:33 And you know, Charles,
11:34 there is a place for modern medicine.
11:36 And the place that I see is in acute problems.
11:38 And modern medicine helps give us
11:40 that ability to see to look at truth--
11:42 It gives us that second chance that we're talking about.
11:44 Second chance we've talked about.
11:45 So there's a place for modern medicine as a bridge.
11:47 All right. Well, you know what
11:48 there is also a place for prayer.
11:51 And we're gonna have Dr. Marcum spend some moment
11:54 with the great physician with you at our return.
11:56 So stay right where you are.
12:03 You shall know the truth,
12:04 and the truth shall set you free.
12:06 We've been talking about truth in this program.
12:09 Where do you find truth?
12:10 And this is a very complex problem
12:12 that I look for truth all the time
12:13 and I'm continuing to find truth.
12:16 But in finding truth that sets you free it all starts
12:19 with that relationship that we've talked about.
12:21 That relationship is in the Bible
12:23 where God is a source of truth and will reveal truth to us
12:27 as this relationship with Him develops.
12:30 This is a key component of good medical care.
12:33 Especially for taking us to the ultimate healing
12:35 that we all want.
12:37 Many of you have called in and written
12:38 to our website for prayer and healing.
12:41 We want to take a time right now to go to the great physician
12:44 to make an appointment with Him,
12:46 for He is gonna listen to us and help us
12:48 find these treatments that we so need in our lives.
12:51 So let's bow our heads together.
12:55 Heavenly Father, we want to thank you so much
12:57 for being a part of our care today.
12:58 And as we come to You
13:00 as we make an appointment in your office, Father.
13:02 Please reveal to us truths that's gonna set us free.
13:06 Set us free in our minds, so we have a clear understanding
13:09 of Your love for us as well as understanding of our health
13:12 how we can change it.
13:13 We pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to change us.
13:16 Father, there're some out there that haven't made or entered
13:19 in this relationship with You Father.
13:20 We want to pray that they start this
13:22 right now through your power.
13:24 Thank you for being with us today and loving us
13:26 so much and taking care of us.
13:27 And please put us-- help us on the right path
13:30 that we always stay with You is our humble prayer, amen.
13:35 You've a lot to think about today regarding truth.
13:38 And it doesn't happen all at once.
13:39 Sometimes it happens a little bit at a time.
13:42 I know some people want to have all the truth at once,
13:44 but I'm afraid it doesn't quite work that way for everyone,
13:46 at least it hasn't worked that way with me.
13:49 We want to invite you to come to our website
13:51 that's heartwiseministries.org and leave a question with us.
13:55 And also we want to invite you next time to join us.


Revised 2014-12-17