Ultimate Prescription

The Lie

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: James Marcum & Charles Mills


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP00011B

00:01 You know if you'd like more information
00:02 about what we're talking about here
00:03 and if you'd like more guidance in this area.
00:06 There's some place you can go.
00:07 And Dr Marcum, let's have you share
00:09 with them where that might be.
00:11 Yeah. If you're interested, if you might have a question
00:13 or might want prayer for healing or learn
00:15 more about this ministry go to our website
00:18 that's heartwiseministries.org.
00:21 We have people that write in with their questions
00:23 and we have bevy of professionals that answer.
00:26 No charge, of course, we can't be too specific
00:28 what we give the answer.
00:29 There's also information about the book.
00:31 And then my new book that's coming out.
00:33 Tyndale's publishing it called
00:34 the 'Ultimate Prescription'.
00:36 We're hoping that this will be an evangelistic book
00:38 to get people to think about
00:40 some of the things we've been talking about.
00:42 The real cause of disease,
00:43 getting them plug back into that relationship
00:45 and the power that comes to change their health.
00:48 So I wanna encourage that.
00:49 That's available at our website heartwiseministries.org.
00:53 How about some questions? Absolutely.
00:55 We have some questions from that website.
00:56 And we invite you to send your questions
01:00 into the website as well, heartwiseministries.org.
01:03 There's a link there that you can click on,
01:04 and you can ask your question.
01:07 And we just may use it right here on the program.
01:08 All right, here we go.
01:10 Question number one, I need to lose weight
01:14 and went to a diet doctor who wrote me
01:17 a medication for weight loss.
01:19 How long before I start losing weight? Well, okay.
01:22 That's a great question-- Going on this thing.
01:24 You know, and that's a very important question,
01:27 because we've talked previously
01:28 about the epidemic we have. Yes.
01:30 And I'd like to think of why is people
01:31 gaining extra weight, you know,
01:33 well a lot of it comes from the brain
01:35 like we've talked about, because
01:36 we don't have that power to do the right thing.
01:38 We're eating the wrong food.
01:40 We're being programmed in ways we don't want to.
01:42 We're not moving anymore.
01:44 Some of us have genetic problems with weights.
01:46 Some of us have metabolic problems.
01:49 I just dug up this scientific article.
01:51 This was published in circulation in 2006.
01:55 And it talks about obesity in the cardiovascular effects
01:57 and it talks about all the things
01:59 that you know obese increases the risk of cancer,
02:02 heart disease, stroke, almost every condition
02:05 this is a player in. And yet it goes
02:07 on and on and telling us about the problem
02:09 But it doesn't really give us the answer.
02:12 A lot of people out there giving answers
02:14 including metabolic stimulants.
02:17 And this person wanted to take a medication
02:19 to speed up their metabolism.
02:22 To me in weight management this makes no sense.
02:26 Okay, because really this doesn't address the problem.
02:29 This just adds another problem
02:31 to the problem we already have.
02:33 It might help us lose weight,
02:34 but all these studies had shown that
02:36 when people on these medicines. And a few years ago
02:38 we had a medicine called fen-phen.
02:40 And that medicine actually damaged heart valves
02:43 and they took it off the market.
02:45 Most of the medicines for weight loss
02:47 speeds up the metabolism, either they have caffeine
02:50 or chemicals like ephedra or all these chemicals
02:53 that speed up your metabolism.
02:55 That is not the way we were supposed to lose weight.
02:57 We do want the metabolism to be sped up,
03:00 but not at the side-effect
03:01 of all these other things had happened.
03:03 Many of these stimulants can raise a chance
03:05 of having heart disease, funny heart rhythms,
03:08 heart attacks, and it's not a long term solution.
03:12 You know, most people that are on these,
03:13 they lose the weight, they gain the weight,
03:15 they lose the weight, they gain the weight.
03:17 They want a quick fix.
03:18 And there's danger even in that yo-yo effect.
03:20 Yes, there's danger in that.
03:21 And a lot of the diet plans are the same way.
03:23 They lose the weight, then they go back to the way
03:25 they were and they gain the weight.
03:26 And that's very damaging to our chemistry.
03:29 So and this person that asks us this question
03:31 the first thing I would say,
03:32 I would really not recommend them
03:34 being on any diet supplements. I would not,
03:37 I would not recommend that.
03:38 But I would recommend getting back to
03:41 what I call a Biblical approach to weight loss.
03:43 The pre-lie approach.
03:44 Yes, the pre-lie approach.
03:46 And that comes with-- it starts with relationship.
03:49 That relationship with God that we've talked about.
03:51 A good relationship a correct link,
03:53 realizing that no matter how much you weigh,
03:55 you have value to God. He loves you.
03:58 He wants to turn you into something beautiful,
04:00 but it doesn't always happen right away.
04:02 So I would definitely recommend
04:04 stopping that medication, talk to your doctor
04:07 to make sure your thyroid's okay,
04:08 make sure you don't have metabolic problems.
04:10 Then after that was done enter into this relationship
04:13 and make that relationship strong.
04:15 It takes about a month to change your habit.
04:17 You know, do this for about a month
04:18 the relationship and the next thing we'll start
04:21 on principles that were given back at creation.
04:23 Why don't you start for water?
04:24 Do that for a month,
04:26 and see and the power the relationship with water
04:28 and see how you feel at the end of the month.
04:29 Drink more water. When you see
04:30 that God has changed you,
04:31 why don't you do the next step
04:33 which is maybe not eating big at night
04:35 and resting better. Yes.
04:36 Learn how to rest.
04:37 Take a weekly rest then move around more be outside.
04:41 All of these principles so we can start doing--
04:43 given at creation helps us out.
04:46 In fact we've developed at Heartwise Ministries
04:48 a weight management plan called weight management
04:50 by the book. By the book.
04:51 Which is available and it goes through this,
04:53 but most people can do this on their own
04:55 if they get back in that relationship.
04:57 God will take them one step at a time to good health.
04:59 And we want people when they lose weight
05:01 to make lifestyle changes that will last forever.
05:04 And it's a slow journey, you know, you do this.
05:06 In one month you feel the power of the Holy Spirit.
05:07 You make another change, another change.
05:09 Pretty soon the weight might or might not come out,
05:12 but even if it doesn't come out you're safe.
05:14 And it's a habit that you have not so much
05:17 the weight just comes off.
05:19 I've some people who will do everything right
05:20 and they still don't lose a lot of weight,
05:22 but if they get on this right path,
05:24 God will bless them with this.
05:25 So I would stay away
05:27 from any fat diets in weight loss.
05:29 I would stay away from medication
05:31 that speed up your metabolism.
05:33 Most of them have thyroid containing medications in them,
05:35 that kind of stuff.
05:36 I would just stay away from that
05:37 and I would get back to what makes sense
05:39 what was given to us at creation.
05:41 And I wouldn't necessarily believe everything
05:43 that we hear out there 'cause you have to say,
05:45 "Where is this coming from? Where is the power
05:47 behind this recommendation coming from?
05:48 Is the power coming from the great physician
05:51 who loves us the most?
05:52 Or is it might be coming from someone
05:53 that wants to make a little money
05:55 and doesn't really care about you at all?
05:56 That's right. So that's what I'd do.
05:58 You make an interesting point here, Dr Marcum.
05:59 You're saying that even if you're carrying
06:02 a little extra weight you can be healthy.
06:05 And even if you're just a skinny bones,
06:07 even if you're just a beanpole,
06:10 on the outside you can look pretty good,
06:12 but on the inside can be some real problems,
06:14 the thickening of the arteries. Yes.
06:16 The internal fat that people can't even see on the outside.
06:21 There's a certain kind of fat that wraps around your body
06:24 that is inside that is just as damaging
06:26 as the fat you can see.
06:28 So appearance is secondary really
06:31 to being very healthy inside and out.
06:35 That's what you should be after that,
06:36 that wonderful health,
06:38 because usually 99% of the time,
06:41 if you make yourself healthy on the inside,
06:44 it will show on the outside too.
06:46 You know, Charles, we did a study.
06:47 I studied a bunch of people
06:49 that wanted to lose weight and we studied them.
06:51 We gave them all these suggestions, all these diets.
06:55 And what really the people that's kept
06:56 the weight off long term,
06:58 they were the ones that focus on relationships.
07:01 Relationship with God that gave them the power
07:03 to stick with these changes and be happy with it,
07:05 in relationship with each other,
07:07 serving each other, nurturing each other.
07:09 So the key I think to weight management
07:10 is those two relationships. Relationship with God
07:13 who gives you the power to make these changes.
07:15 Most of us know what we need to do. Yes.
07:16 I know what we need to do.
07:18 But how do we stick with it and feel good about it
07:20 and feel happy about it,
07:21 and not fall back into this traps.
07:23 Is through that relationship with God,
07:25 and the relationship with each other,
07:26 encouraging and nurturing us.
07:28 Loving people not judging them.
07:30 Wrapping truth and love.
07:31 Taking them one step at a time.
07:33 That's--I love that because, you know,
07:35 you might get a small group together at church. Yeah.
07:37 Weight loss group at church, or even your family group,
07:40 or your neighbor, or your friends,
07:41 your coworkers, so to form a little group
07:43 and then start working on this together,
07:46 and you'll have the encouragement,
07:47 the motivation built right in there,
07:49 and you can share the victories,
07:50 and you can sort of motivate through the defeats,
07:52 and will help you in whatever you want to do
07:54 as far as your health is concerned.
07:55 You know, you know what so exciting about this,
07:57 Charles, is when people start doing this,
07:59 even though there's little changes they can feel
08:01 God working in their life and leading them.
08:04 Then they know that God is real.
08:05 God was there-- we've to make sure
08:07 we understood--God is there. God was there all the time.
08:09 You just didn't feel Him.
08:10 You were crumpled. You were all stepped on.
08:12 You didn't feel Him.
08:13 But as soon as you start looking for God
08:15 and allowing God in little by little
08:17 you feel Him and you feel the value.
08:18 And then you see the results.
08:19 Yes, you see the results.
08:21 And that gives you the power to make the next step.
08:22 I love it, I love it. Okay.
08:24 Question number two here for our program.
08:27 This comes from a viewer.
08:29 Will I have to take my diabetic medication
08:32 the rest of my life? Good question.
08:34 Yeah, we have a lot of questions
08:36 that come into our website regarding medications.
08:39 The answer to that question is it depends.
08:42 If you're a type 1 diabetic
08:44 maybe you'll have to take medication the rest of your life
08:46 which is usually insulin injections.
08:48 If you are a type 2 diabetic the answer it depends.
08:52 It depends on if you can change your chemistry
08:54 the way we've talked about. Yes.
08:55 If you can make these changes,
08:57 and change your chemistry,
08:58 and increase your ability to mobilize glucose
09:02 maybe you don't have to be.
09:04 And that's why it's important to get with a doctor
09:05 that's willing to teach you how to lower your blood sugar
09:08 and get rid of diabetes without the medicines.
09:11 As I've said previously
09:12 a medication never cures diabetes,
09:14 it just treats a symptom.
09:16 A medication doesn't cure blood pressure,
09:17 it just treats a symptom.
09:19 So you'll have a chance
09:20 maybe by exercise, getting the weight down,
09:23 eating a healthy plant based diet,
09:24 you have a chance to get rid of diabetes.
09:26 So the answer it depends,
09:27 if you do that maybe you can be off the medication.
09:30 All right. That is something certainly to shoot for.
09:32 I love that. Okay.
09:34 Our last question for today.
09:35 I have suffered from migraines,
09:37 says this viewer. My entire adult life--
09:41 Imitrex-- Imitrex, yeah.
09:43 Imitrex helps very little.
09:45 Do I need more caffeine?
09:47 This is Windy in Washington.
09:48 Yeah, Windiy. Imitrex is a medicine that works
09:52 well for acute episode of migraine headaches.
09:55 But we want to prevent
09:57 the migraine headaches to begin with.
09:59 There's a lot of things that will help greatly.
10:01 Sometimes there might be stimulants that trigger this,
10:04 you know, certain food that might trigger this.
10:06 Lack of sleep can trigger this.
10:08 Dehydration can trigger this.
10:10 And as I've worked with people with migraines
10:12 as they get back to God's health plan,
10:15 they have less migraines than before.
10:17 So they have less need of taking these medications.
10:20 So what I see help more than anything is hydration,
10:23 adequate rest, and try to avoid
10:25 a lot of extra chemicals in the diet.
10:28 Okay. You know, it just reminds me over and over
10:31 again listening to you
10:32 give this wonderful guidance to the viewers,
10:36 that the devil has told such a lie to us.
10:40 The devil has done such a number
10:42 on our hearts and in our minds.
10:44 He did it to Eve. He's doing it to us.
10:46 There are answers
10:48 and the answers are found pre-lie.
10:52 Think about that viewer.
10:53 You have the lie and what happened after that,
10:56 and we're living in that. And then you have the lie
10:59 and what was going on before that.
11:00 And we wanna move ourselves back
11:02 to that pre-lie existence
11:05 and we can do that even in this world.
11:07 Okay, we'll take a break and when we come back
11:09 a very powerful medicine just for you
11:11 with Dr James Marcum. Stay tuned.
11:18 I hope some of the discussions we've had today
11:20 has struck a chord in your heart.
11:23 People all over the world are searching for answers.
11:27 Answers to their health.
11:29 Answers to their relationship with God.
11:31 And unfortunately, there are lies out there
11:33 that have damaged our chemistry.
11:36 You don't see too many
11:37 health programs that start with a great physician.
11:40 But that's where we must start in understanding
11:43 how to improve our chemistry.
11:45 We must get back to what went wrong
11:47 at the very beginning to understand
11:49 what we need to do to get things straight.
11:52 And just like that dollar bill was crumpled up,
11:54 you still have that value
11:56 no matter what happens in your life.
11:58 God's there to get you on that right path.
12:01 And we wanna pray for you right now
12:03 that you will get on that right path to health,
12:05 that you will plug into the power,
12:07 that you will go and visit the great physician
12:09 and be at his office at any time.
12:12 You know, the great physician doesn't charge you
12:14 when you go to his office you can come any time
12:16 and receive his treatment for free.
12:19 No lines, no problems.
12:20 So let's just bow our heads together
12:22 as we come to the great physician in prayer.
12:25 Father God, we've learned about You
12:27 and we want to be on that right path with You.
12:29 We want to understand
12:32 how You really want to work in our lives
12:34 and how our perception of You really needs to be.
12:37 Through the power of the Holy Spirit
12:38 open our eyes to truth
12:40 that we might combat these lies
12:42 which are damaging our mind and our chemistry.
12:45 There might be someone right now
12:46 that wants to enter into relationship with You.
12:49 Please step into the Holy Spirit and give this person
12:52 the power to start this relationship
12:54 with You today as our humble prayer, amen.
12:59 You might have a question. You might have a concern.
13:02 You might need a prayer for healing.
13:04 We invite you to go to our website
13:06 that's heartwiseministries.org
13:10 and continue to walk with the great physician
13:13 who is the ultimate prescription.


Revised 2014-12-17