Ultimate Prescription

The Lie

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: James Marcum & Charles Mills


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP00011A

00:01 The following program presents principles
00:02 designed to promote good health
00:04 and is not intended to take the place
00:05 of personalized professional care.
00:07 The opinions and ideas expressed are those of the speaker.
00:10 Viewers are encouraged to draw their own conclusions
00:13 about the information presented.
00:17 We all know the lie
00:18 that Satan told Eve in the Garden of Eden.
00:20 Shame on Eve for believing it.
00:23 Shame on many of us
00:25 for believing it still. Stay tuned.
00:29 I'm Dr James Marcum.
00:31 Are you interested in discovering the reason why?
00:35 You want solutions to your healthcare problem.
00:38 Are you tired of taking medications?
00:40 Well, you're about to be given the Ultimate Prescription.
00:45 So here is Eve wandering through the Garden of Eden
00:49 enjoying the beauty of the plants,
00:50 frolicking with the animals
00:52 and eating the various fruit of the trees.
00:54 Then she comes to one particular tree
00:56 that contains more than fruit.
00:59 There among the branches is a talking serpent.
01:02 And that serpent says something to Eve
01:04 that many of us believe to this day.
01:07 Dr Marcum, continue the story for us.
01:09 Well, Charles, if I remember the story correctly.
01:12 That serpent tells Eve, "You shall not die.
01:17 It doesn't matter what you eat.
01:18 It doesn't matter what you think.
01:21 You can be God."
01:23 Those are some powerful words. And if you think what--you know,
01:27 let's bring this back to our health.
01:28 You know, we're talking about our health.
01:30 We set up this perfect plan
01:32 that was given to us at creation.
01:35 A perfect plan that was given to us.
01:37 And all of a sudden, this plan is disrupted,
01:41 disrupted terribly. Yes.
01:43 Throws in this doubt,
01:44 throws in this whole conundrum here.
01:46 We have a major problem.
01:47 And this is so important for us today,
01:50 because if we don't understand this conflict
01:52 and what happened here,
01:53 this can cause stress to our lives,
01:55 because we're gonna see that very shortly in the story
01:58 this caused a lot of stress to Eve.
02:02 All of a sudden everything she thought
02:03 about this loving God changed.
02:06 Her body was in perfect harmony with the world.
02:09 And all of a sudden, her brain first began to change.
02:12 That's where the physiologic change happens.
02:14 It starts in the brain and the brain triggers
02:17 this cascade of reactions throughout the body.
02:20 So all of a sudden her perfect brain
02:22 now has something wrong with it. Yeah.
02:23 There're stress involved.
02:25 So Eve--Eve all of a sudden has this
02:27 and she doesn't know what to do with it.
02:29 She's not used to this thought, Charles.
02:30 And if Satan tells Eve, "You will not surely die."
02:35 What else has God said to them that can't be trusted?
02:38 What else has God done?
02:40 Is it really not necessary that I have the fresh air,
02:42 the sunshine, the good food, the relationship, the love?
02:45 Are all of these things in doubt now because
02:48 the devil just said that God lies on this one thing,
02:51 He probably is not telling the truth and everything else?
02:54 Exactly, and this whole perfect health plan
02:57 that was given to us at creation,
02:58 there is now doubts about it. Yeah.
03:00 And the evil one has been plugging doubts in
03:04 ever since that time.
03:06 And this doubt and this damage to her brain
03:08 that's happened is part of the problem,
03:10 but all the result and stress on our bodies
03:12 and our habits that's the second part.
03:14 So if we look at our modern healthcare system,
03:17 we don't really talk about the ultimate cause of it,
03:19 we deal with the downhill effects.
03:22 We deal with the effects of stress,
03:23 with the effects of not living well,
03:25 with the effects of bad genetics.
03:27 With all of the chemistry that comes from stress,
03:29 the heart attack, the strokes, the bad lifestyle,
03:32 not sleeping well at night, the high blood pressure.
03:34 So we deal with that level,
03:36 but the real level we should be dealing with
03:38 in solving this and dealing with
03:40 the ultimate prescription is way up here.
03:42 What happened at the beginning
03:43 and how can I keep that from happening to me?
03:47 How do I know that that won't happen to me? Yes.
03:50 So what I'm hearing you say
03:52 and what I am finding in here,
03:53 and this is--this is the kind of disturbing
03:55 is that many of us are continuing to believe that.
04:00 When we think that what we eat doesn't matter.
04:03 When we think that what we put into our brains doesn't matter.
04:06 When we think of what we put into our mouth and our ears.
04:10 When we allow this world
04:11 and the sin of this world to infiltrate our lives,
04:14 for some reason we don't think it matters.
04:17 We think we can get away with it.
04:19 We will not surely die.
04:21 That lie just continues, and continues, and continues.
04:25 Dr Marcum, when Adam and Eve realized this
04:29 and they were had to be removed from the garden.
04:31 I've always looked upon that as a splitting of paths.
04:37 Where we had one path that God says,
04:39 "Okay, here is my path.
04:41 If you're gonna go on my path
04:43 you're gonna enjoy certain benefits of this path,
04:45 and this path leads to eternal life.
04:48 If you go on this path, I can't walk with you anymore."
04:53 You know that after that, that Sabbath
04:55 when they walked with God and then sin entered.
05:00 God couldn't walk with them anymore.
05:01 He just-- it was a different path.
05:04 God didn't wanna go with it. Absolutely.
05:06 And so I am saying help us here,
05:09 we are--we are off the path.
05:11 We are not where we should be.
05:13 Is there any chance of us
05:15 getting back on the right path and how do we do that?
05:18 Absolutely, there's a great chance
05:20 of getting back on the path.
05:21 And our loving God wants us to be on the right path.
05:24 And one of the first parts we start is, of course,
05:27 we've talked about that relationship. Yes.
05:29 Also many of us here don't feel that we have value in our lives.
05:33 You know, earth, you know, the earth
05:35 and everything in it tosses us around,
05:38 and we think that we don't have little value to God.
05:40 And send us through the spirit. Yeah.
05:41 I'm--I got a $10 bill here, Charles.
05:44 And I could give it to you if I wanted to. Thank you.
05:46 It's $10. I'm gonna go over this a little bit.
05:49 This has Alexander Hamilton on this $10 bill.
05:52 Many of us are like this $10 bill in our lives,
05:55 you know, you know, this is how much we're worth.
05:58 You know, let's say $10, but to God, you know,
06:00 we're worth the same amount no matter what. Yes.
06:02 Let's say that life, and what happens in our brains
06:05 and all the stress that's put on us in our value
06:08 that we see ourselves as not very valuable, okay.
06:11 And all of a sudden, you know,
06:13 we get all crunched up like this, okay.
06:16 And life gives us some curve balls.
06:17 We don't think the right things about God.
06:19 And we look like this.
06:21 Well, how much are we still worth?
06:23 It's still $10. It's still $10.
06:25 Yes. And let's say that the devil--Oh I like that.
06:28 The devil, you know, works on our brain and says,
06:30 "We can be God and we don't trust God."
06:32 And we have all the stress chemicals
06:34 and we get on the wrong path. Yes.
06:36 Let's say we get on that wrong path.
06:38 And we're down on that path
06:39 and all sorts of bad things happen.
06:41 We're down on the ground and the world stomps on us
06:44 and crushes us, and makes us all ugly.
06:47 And we look at that and we say,
06:49 "Wow! That is-- that's really been damaged.
06:52 It's not worth a thing."
06:54 But to the Creator how much is that so worth?
06:57 That is still $10. I love this.
06:59 That is still $10 no matter what happens in life,
07:02 you still have value. Yeah.
07:04 Even if you're on the wrong path you have value.
07:09 Even if you do have misconceptions about God,
07:11 you still have values.
07:13 And no matter what you're still worth $10 to Him. Yeah.
07:16 You're still worth-- you're still precious
07:18 and He still loves you even if you're not walking
07:20 in a relationship with Him. Yes, yes.
07:22 And even though you've been smashed,
07:24 and crumpled, and damaged, and you might not think
07:27 you're worth anything
07:28 He still thinks you're worth something.
07:30 Even if your health is damaged,
07:31 you have cancer, you have heart attacks,
07:34 you have diabetes, you are overweight.
07:35 You feel like you can't do anything.
07:37 Healthwise, you are falling apart.
07:39 The doctors can't fix you.
07:41 You're on ten medications. Life is terrible.
07:44 Your mind is polluted by these thoughts
07:47 that started at creation. Yes.
07:49 That we can't be God which we cannot be God.
07:53 Despite all of this we are still worth the same amount to God,
07:56 and He's gonna keep loving us and reaching us
07:59 even when we're on the wrong health path. Yes, yes.
08:01 And all we have to do is get back on that path
08:06 'cause we're still worth the same amount to Him.
08:08 Now we might be damaged, okay.
08:11 All of these thoughts that Eve had damaged her,
08:13 it damaged her chemistry, it damaged her brain,
08:15 it damaged her physiology.
08:17 When we are on--now we've talked about this before.
08:20 When we're not with our Creator. We were made to be with Him.
08:23 We were made to be on this path of health.
08:25 When we're not on that path, bad things happen.
08:29 That doesn't mean that God doesn't love us.
08:30 That doesn't mean God's doing them to us.
08:33 But bad things happen in our health
08:35 and when we get back on this path,
08:36 we can start making good decisions
08:38 'cause we're always worth the same amount.
08:40 So no matter where you're at right now,
08:42 what we can do is we can get on that path.
08:45 And that's why that relationship
08:46 is the ultimate prescription 'cause that's gonna bring
08:49 our mind back where it needs to go.
08:51 And that's the main problem that started at the beginning.
08:53 If we can understand the cause, we can fix the problem.
08:58 We just don't wanna treat symptoms,
09:00 we have to get to the cause,
09:01 and the real cause happened long, longtime ago
09:04 when our minds we started talking we can be God.
09:07 There's a theory out there called pantheism. Yes.
09:09 We can be God.
09:11 We can be whatever, you know, we are God.
09:13 All of us together are God.
09:14 We can worship ourselves. Yes, yes.
09:16 But that's not the way we were designed to be.
09:18 And when we follow this light of misconception
09:21 we're still worth $10. Yeah.
09:23 But we become crumpled and torn up,
09:25 and inside we don't feel like we have worth.
09:29 Do you mean to tell me that a lot of the bad things
09:32 that happened to us
09:34 are the result of the path we're on,
09:36 it's not God punishing us, it's not God zapping us,
09:39 it's not God saying, "Look how awful you are.
09:42 Look what you've done to yourself.
09:43 I don't love you anymore.
09:45 You deserve everything you could." No.
09:46 That's not what's going on? It's just the path.
09:48 Exactly, our worth is still there.
09:51 It's just the path, the choices we make.
09:54 Our ancestors made these choices.
09:56 We make these choices everyday.
09:58 We've talked about all this as we make these bad choices
10:00 and more stresses on our body.
10:03 And bad thing start to happen, Charles.
10:05 And God doesn't want bad things to happen to us.
10:07 He wants us to be alive and healthy.
10:09 We're still valuable to Him, always valuable.
10:11 He's always reaching out to us.
10:13 He wants us to be in this relationship
10:15 which changes our chemistry.
10:16 A relationship that we were designed
10:18 to have for optimal health.
10:20 And I'm challenging people
10:21 if we don't have this relationship in our lives,
10:24 we cannot have health and healing.
10:26 Oh sure we might have things sticks for a while,
10:28 but we can't have ultimate healing.
10:30 So to have optimal health the way we were designed
10:33 not only do we have to have
10:35 do all these things we've talked about,
10:36 but we have to have that relationship
10:38 which includes a correct understanding
10:41 about who God really is.
10:42 Now I'm gonna reach down here.
10:44 I'm gonna do something that God does, okay?
10:47 God reaches down from heaven
10:50 and He picks up this crumpled, dirty,
10:54 stepped on, nobody loves it,
10:57 nobody can stand it, us. Right.
11:01 And He takes it and He very slowly
11:05 and lovingly begins to open it up.
11:13 And there we are. The value is seen.
11:17 We're crumpled. We're dirty.
11:20 But God's loving hands can restore the beauty.
11:24 Not the value that's already there.
11:26 Right, the value is there.
11:27 But that's what so cool about health.
11:29 Health can help us restore
11:30 some of the beauty of our thoughts,
11:32 some of the beauty of our--
11:34 when you look at a deceased body,
11:36 it looks very different from health body--
11:37 healthy body, right? Exactly. Yeah.
11:39 So God through His love and through His health plan
11:42 that He made available to us in Eden can help us restore
11:46 some--some of the glory that we had in Eden.
11:50 And that's a very loving God that does that.
11:51 But the value is always there. A value is always there.
11:54 `And He's always wanting to but it's our decision
11:56 to enter into this relationship which changes our chemistry
12:00 which is a part of our healing process. Yeah.
12:02 We're not talking about that
12:04 like we should in today's society.
12:06 This is what we should be focusing on
12:08 at the foremost of all healing encounters.
12:11 We shouldn't start with,
12:12 "Oh you should exercise more. You should eat better.
12:15 We should take this medicine or have this procedure."
12:18 We should start with that relationship
12:21 with the ultimate physician who can--
12:25 and let us see our value, so we can make these changes.
12:27 So we can see the power in our lives.
12:29 So as we learn to love God
12:32 and God leads us into His path.
12:35 And in His path is healing.
12:37 And in His path are the ways of healing
12:40 and the tools for healing,
12:42 we can slowly but surely regain
12:44 some of that former glory.
12:45 You know, I love this illustration.
12:48 I've never heard you say this before.
12:49 This is a wonderful illustration
12:50 and I thank you for the $10. Charles, that's good.
12:53 You know, I think one of the biggest lies
12:55 that the devil has perpetrated on us
12:58 and continues to do so.
13:02 We're not worth 10 bucks. Yeah.
13:03 We're not worth anything.
13:05 We are that crumpled bill on the ground
13:08 and we will always be there.
13:09 That's the way we're gonna always be. Right.
13:11 But through the process--
13:14 through the process of loving God
13:16 and allowing God to love us,
13:18 through the process of getting back on the right path,
13:21 we can prove that devil dead wrong.
13:25 And that is the beauty of health,
13:28 because every time we feel good,
13:30 every time we fight a disease,
13:32 every time we overcome something,
13:34 overtime--every time we lose weight,
13:36 every time we get off medication,
13:38 every time we make positive changes in our lives,
13:41 we're saying to the devil, "You're a liar! You're a liar!
13:44 You were wrong in Eden and you're wrong now."
13:47 And you know what being on that path
13:49 is what gives us the power. Yes.
13:51 You know, and plugging into the ultimate physician
13:54 everyday that's where we get our power to do all this.
13:57 And if we do the things for the right reason,
13:59 because we're in this relationship
14:01 we're on the right path,
14:02 we're heading in the right direction.
14:04 We are worth something.
14:05 We will feel that we are worth something.
14:07 And all of these damaging things
14:09 that's happened to our brain that's out there in the world,
14:11 we can start dealing with that from a position of love
14:15 and position from being in the right place
14:17 the right time with the right great physician.
14:19 Oh, my, beautiful thoughts. Okay.
14:21 We're gonna take a short break
14:22 and when we come back questions that have been sent in
14:24 to the heartwiseministries.org website.
14:26 So stay right where you are.


Revised 2014-12-17