Participants: James Marcum & Charles Mills
Series Code: UP
Program Code: UP00009A
00:01 The following program presents principles designed
00:03 to promote good health and is not intended to take 00:05 the place of personalized professional care. 00:07 The opinions and ideas expressed 00:09 are those of the speaker. 00:10 Viewers are encouraged to draw their own conclusions 00:13 about the information presented. 00:17 You're sick. 00:18 You don't know what's wrong with you. 00:20 Do you pray for healing? Take an herb. 00:24 Or do you make an appointment 00:25 with your doctor? Stay tuned. 00:29 I'm Dr James Marcum. 00:32 Are you interested in discovering the reason why? 00:35 You want solutions to your healthcare problem. 00:38 Are you tired of taking medications? 00:41 Well, you're about to be given Ultimate Prescription. 00:47 You know I've identified a common challenge 00:49 especially among Bible reading Christians. 00:52 We want to believe in the healing power of prayer. 00:55 We want to enjoy the healing energies 00:57 that God has placed in plants. 00:59 But we also know that physicians as well trained 01:01 as they might be, don't have all the answers either. 01:05 When do we put our faith in modern technology 01:08 and when do we turn to Biblical technology? 01:10 Dr Marcum, our lives are on the line here. 01:14 Yeah. That's a great question. 01:17 Where is the balance in medicine? 01:19 You know, where-- when do we use technology. 01:21 When do we use lifestyle changes? 01:23 When do we leave herbs? 01:24 When do you use massage? 01:26 You know, when do you use all these things? 01:28 Well, Charles, if you're having a heart attack 01:31 and if I don't get a stent in you, 01:32 you're gonna die. Yes. 01:34 That's a great place for modern medicine. 01:35 That's a wonderful place for modern medicine. 01:37 If you're in a car accident and you're bleeding to death, 01:39 you severed a major artery. The EMS comes. 01:43 You know, we're able to sew that back together 01:45 and save your life. 01:46 That's a great place for modern medicine. 01:49 If your heart's going 20 times a beat, 01:51 won't go any faster. 01:53 You need a pacemaker to keep you alive. 01:55 That's a great place for modern medicine. 01:58 When I look about all this technology 02:00 that we have out there, we have a lot of technology. 02:02 It's allover the place. 02:04 I wish throughout time that we develop 02:07 Biblical technology and those concepts 02:10 as much as we develop scientific technology 02:13 and what I called the gadgets. Yes. 02:15 But the place for modern medicine 02:17 usually is in an acute care situation. 02:20 When something is going wrong right now, 02:23 or if you don't need something happen-- 02:24 something doesn't happen to you 02:25 will have something serious. Yeah. 02:27 You know, you pull a kid out that's drowning. 02:29 His lungs are filled with water. 02:31 You know, you do some CPR, 02:33 you know, help him breathe better. 02:34 A ventilator if we don't do something someone's gonna die. 02:38 If your heart's out of rhythm, 02:40 if we don't shock 'em right now, they're gonna die. 02:43 So I use--I like to tell my patients, 02:45 "That's the place that's best for acute care medicine." 02:48 That's where we really want to use the technology. 02:51 Then we wanna step back and say, 02:54 "Why did we need technology? 02:57 What did we do that caused 02:58 the need for technology and there's-- 03:00 is there anything we can change?" 03:02 I have a patient who came to me not too long ago, 03:05 55 years old, done everything right, exercised everyday. 03:10 Ate all the right foods. 03:11 Blood pressure perfect, cholesterol exemplary. 03:15 He had his heart attack at age 55. 03:17 All three arteries were blocked. 03:19 He came and says, "You know, where can I do? 03:21 I have a good relationship with God. 03:22 I'm having a daily rest. All the stuff is going on." 03:25 Makes me very frustrated. 03:26 "What did I do wrong? 03:27 Where do--Where can I go from here?" Yeah. 03:29 I said, well--you know, 03:30 we put a stent in his right coronary artery 03:32 and that helped him--his symptoms quite a bit. Yeah. 03:35 And I said, "You know what, the genetic stress 03:37 that's come throughout time. 03:39 You know, if you wouldn't have done all those things-- 03:41 tell me about your dad?" 03:43 And his dad had his heart attack at age 40. 03:46 So 15 years earlier. 03:47 I said, "Well, if you hadn't done this, 03:48 maybe you would've had it that much earlier." 03:51 And even though the world is not perfect, okay? 03:54 We have to understand that there is a balance. 03:56 And that's what I like about this relationship 03:58 that people can, you know, with their Heavenly Father. 04:00 That you know what, 04:01 if we die of some catastrophic illness, 04:04 if we die and were in that relationship, 04:06 what do we have to fear. 04:08 But if we're healed with technology for years 04:11 and years and years and die, 04:12 and don't have that relationship, 04:14 what do we have to look forward to? 04:17 So the place for--there is a place for modern technology 04:20 and there is overlap, you know. 04:22 And what I also use modern-- I use pills for people. 04:25 But I use pills to take away the acute problem 04:28 and so hopefully they can change their chemistry. 04:32 And I look like these changes 04:33 that we've been talking about over the preceding programs 04:36 as a way to change your chemistry 04:37 from Biblical technology 04:39 And I use modern technology, 04:42 technology as a bridge sometimes to get them 04:44 that especially with medications. 04:46 You know, I don't like the medications. 04:48 I prescribe people to wear sleep apnea mask 04:51 where they blow oxygen so they don't suffocate 04:53 in the middle of the night. Yes. 04:54 But that's only a bridge to help them lose the weight 04:57 so maybe they don't have sleep apnea. 04:59 But at the same time, if they had genetic problems, 05:02 they might need modern medicine 05:04 and they might need it continually. 05:06 The gentleman who had the stents 05:07 is probably gonna need blood thinners 05:09 the rest of his life to help protect the stents. 05:12 Some people have genetically high cholesterol 05:14 and they need medicines the rest of their life. 05:17 Some people have type 1 diabetes. 05:19 Before modern medicine, 05:20 these people would die a premature death. 05:23 Some babies are born that need congenital heart surgery. 05:26 They need modern medicine. 05:28 Some people need the thing-- 05:30 some people have acute strokes. 05:31 And nowadays we can put catheters up into the brain 05:35 and open up the arteries 05:36 and help save those peoples lives. 05:38 Some people are breathing-- bleeding in the brain 05:40 from a ruptured aneurysm. 05:42 We can do surgery if we get them 05:43 quick enough and fix that aneurysm. 05:45 Some people have aneurysms in other blood vessels, 05:47 we can help them. 05:48 Some people kidneys fail 05:50 and they would die without dialysis. 05:52 That's a place for modern medicine. 05:54 There're some cancers that can be treated 05:56 successfully with modern medicine. 05:59 If I had a malignant melanoma here in my arm 06:01 and didn't have it removed 06:02 at a young stage that could be fatal. 06:05 That's a place for modern medicine. 06:07 If I detect colon cancer early and treat that, 06:11 that's a place for modern medicine. 06:13 So there is a place for modern medicine 06:15 the acute care technology and knowing how it fits 06:18 into this continuum is very important. 06:20 And there's many programs out there 06:24 that people can watch it deal with technology 06:27 that deal with lifestyle. 06:28 But what we're trying to bring to the table 06:30 is we want you to think about the ultimate physician 06:34 and his plan for you, and how to integrate lifestyle 06:38 as well as modern technology and also knowing the power 06:42 that can come from that relationship 06:44 and how He gives His power to understand 06:46 when we should use technology, 06:48 when we should use lifestyle and bring it altogether. 06:51 Now that brings a question to mind 06:53 because as I drive around my town 06:56 and I stop by doctors' offices 07:00 and I look at the parking lot, 07:02 the doctor's offices are filled with cars out there. 07:06 And if you walk into the doctor's office, 07:08 you see rows and rows of people, 07:11 they're not having a heart attack. 07:13 They're not a victim of an accident. 07:16 They're not bleeding on the floor. 07:17 All these people have been there sitting quietly 07:20 waiting to see a doctor wanting modern technology 07:25 to deal with the problem they're facing. 07:28 Is there an issue there? Is there a problem there? 07:30 Yes. There's a major problem. 07:32 And we have a big healthcare crisis in our country. 07:35 You know, one in every $5 is spent on healthcare. 07:38 And we're not necessarily solving any problems, 07:41 but we're treating many symptoms. 07:43 Unfortunately, our system-- 07:45 I don't know about the other physicians, 07:46 but I have 10 minutes to see a follow-up patient 07:49 and 20 minutes to see a new patient. 07:51 We cannot cover all the things 07:53 that need to be accomplished in that short period of time. 07:56 That's why I like to get information on programs 07:58 like this where people can have more information 08:00 to know all these things. 08:01 But, yes, we have a big problem. 08:03 It's more than any one person can correct. 08:07 But we have to have each individual 08:09 look at their health and work individually. 08:12 We're not gonna solve it with a government mandate. 08:14 We're not gonna solve it with insurance companies. 08:16 The American Medical Association's 08:18 not gonna solve this problem. 08:20 But we do have a problem and I think people recognize it. 08:23 But, unfortunately, in the world we live in, 08:25 unless we can change everything, 08:27 I don't think the real problem's gonna be solved 08:29 until Christ comes home and heals us. 08:31 But those people sitting in that doctor's office 08:34 have come there to be fixed. 08:37 They have a problem and you're calling it a symptom. Yes. 08:40 They're coming and they say, 08:41 "Doctor, fix me." Can you even do that? 08:44 And that's why I like to be very honest. 08:46 And some people do not like the honest approach. 08:49 When I look someone in the eye and say, 08:50 "Listen, um, I can't fix this problem. 08:53 I can help the symptoms but I can't fix this problem." 08:56 The high blood pressure. Yes. 08:57 High blood sugar, the arterial sclerosis, 09:01 these little things are happening inside of us. 09:03 You can't fix it? 09:04 No, we can't fix it but we can lower the risk some. 09:07 And when I tell them that it's gonna take 09:09 getting back to God's plan to sort of lower your risk, 09:12 it's gonna take His healing power. 09:14 Friends and Charles, you know, 09:16 when you have a broken arm, 09:17 the doctor sets the arm but who really does the healing? 09:21 God really does the healing. 09:22 When someone has a heart attack, 09:23 sure we put in a stent to help limit the damage. 09:26 But who really does the healing? 09:28 Where does the healing really come from? 09:30 And as we start thinking along these lines 09:33 and move our focus on the great physician 09:35 and not to focus on technology or even lifestyle, 09:39 I think as we do that, 09:40 we will be blessed. We'll be blessed as people. 09:43 We'll be blessed in this message. 09:45 And when people hear that, they're gonna say, "Yes. 09:47 This is--this makes sense to me. 09:49 I wanna enter into this relationship 09:50 'cause I wanna be healthy. Teach me more. 09:53 This makes sense to me. 09:54 There is someone that loves me 09:55 and wants me to feel better." 09:57 And that will help us know when to use technology. 09:59 I use technology every day. 10:01 Every single day I use it, 10:03 but I try to use it appropriately. 10:05 And some people out there with technology 10:08 they make money of technology. Yes. 10:09 So they--some people that's all they know. 10:12 And that's why we want to educate them on these things. 10:14 We need more studies 10:15 and things that we've talked about today 10:18 about Biblical techniques of how chemistry proves it. 10:21 We have a few studies here and there, 10:22 but we need lots of studies done 10:24 to prove the scientific principles 10:26 behind the Bible. Okay. 10:27 Let's say that there's a patient 10:31 standing outside of a doctor's office, 10:35 what symptoms would you say require 10:40 that that person open the door 10:42 and go and see the doctor? 10:44 And what symptoms are you saying that, 10:46 "Well, let's go home and let's learn 10:48 some Biblical technology and let's deal with 10:50 those symptoms with lifestyle changes." 10:53 And that's why it takes a relationship 10:56 with your physician who knows you the best 10:58 that can look at the myriad of details that make up you. 11:02 But the physicians don't get it. 11:04 You're rare, Dr Marcum. 11:06 You're not the rule you're the exception to the rule. 11:09 If a person goes to a doctor 11:11 that doctor is gonna give them a procedure or a pill 11:14 and then send them a bill. 11:15 That's going to happen. Yes. 11:17 How do we as patients make the choice 11:22 of where to go to get the help we need. 11:24 Because, you know, if you stop and think about it, 11:26 some of the symptoms that we may be 11:28 suffering from are scary. Yeah. 11:30 We think, "I'm gonna die here. 11:32 I need to do something very quick." 11:34 How do we know when to go see you 11:36 and when to turn the Bible. 11:37 Well, you know, you need to go to find someone you trust. 11:40 And that's why I wanna start people 11:42 with the great physician. 11:44 Usually, if someone thinks we're having an emergency, 11:46 the place to go is an emergency room. Yeah. 11:48 And I tell people, that chest pain that won't go away-- 11:50 Okay, chest pain. All right. 11:51 Chest pain that won't go away. 11:52 A headache that might be an aneurysm. 11:54 Low blood pressure, low blood sugar. 11:56 Many different things that we can't explain that needs 11:58 acute care medicine they need to get to the hospital. 12:01 They need to get acute care help right away. 12:03 Then usually wants-- 12:04 Now are these sudden things that come up? Or I mean-- 12:06 Sometimes, sometimes not. 12:08 There is not--everyone wants a quick answer 12:11 that won't go with everybody. Yeah. 12:12 But we're all individuals 12:14 and each individual has a different answer. Yeah. 12:17 So your answer might not be the same 12:18 as a person whose blood sugar 12:19 has been going higher and higher over a period of time. 12:22 And now they're dehydrated. 12:24 Someone that's had an infection 12:25 for three or four weeks might not need to see 12:27 an emergency right away, 12:28 but as this infection develops, it might be more problems. 12:31 Someone that has cancer that's untreated 12:33 what's according where we get 12:34 the stage of the illness. All right. 12:36 You know, a full-blown heart attack needs help. Yeah. 12:38 But a patient that has stable symptoms 12:40 might be able to be managed in the office for a while. 12:43 So I wish there was an answer that that fit everybody. 12:46 And that's why they call it the practice of medicine. 12:49 It's not this algorithm that works for everyone. 12:52 But there's general principles 12:53 that we want to bring people back to. 12:55 So our viewers right now who are living their lives 12:58 and going through their days to day, 13:01 if they were to start applying some of the principles 13:05 and laws of health that we've been 13:06 talking about on this program. 13:08 Now is the time to do it not later 13:10 when you have a chronic condition, 13:12 let's start changing lifestyle things. 13:14 If you're not dying right now, 13:16 you're not gonna die tomorrow. 13:17 Now is the time to begin dealing with this thing 13:20 from a natural or lifestyle way. 13:24 But if you are short of breath, 13:25 if you have pain in the chest, if you are bleeding out-- 13:27 You're having a symptom. 13:29 If you're having a symptom that is life threatening-- 13:32 you identified just that, 13:34 was the doctor, the thing to do. Okay. 13:36 We have some questions to answer from our viewers 13:39 on our return at 13:43 We'll answer those questions on our return. 13:45 So don't go away. |
Revised 2014-12-17