Participants: James Marcum & Charles Mills
Series Code: UP
Program Code: UP00008A
00:01 The following program presents principles designed
00:02 to promote good health and is not intended to take 00:05 the place of personalized professional care. 00:07 The opinions and ideas expressed 00:09 are those of the speaker. 00:10 Viewers are encouraged to draw 00:12 their own conclusions 00:13 about the information presented. 00:17 Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. 00:20 Have you ever wondered what those words 00:21 really mean? Stay tuned. 00:25 I'm Dr. James Marcum. 00:27 Are you interested 00:28 in discovering the reason why? 00:31 You want solutions to your healthcare problem. 00:34 Are you tired of taking medications? 00:36 Well, you're about to be given 00:38 the "Ultimate Prescription." 00:41 God built a rest cycle 00:43 into everything you can get it. 00:45 Even our hearts enjoy a minute 00:46 rest period between beats. 00:49 The problem is that so many of us think 00:51 that rest really isn't necessary. 00:53 You know who you are. 00:55 When was the last time you took a vacation? 00:58 Trouble is our beating hearts can take a real beating 01:00 when we ignore this law of health. 01:03 Right, Dr. Marcum? 01:04 Absolutely, Charles. 01:05 And I love the way you said how our hearts take-- 01:09 even the heart itself takes rest. 01:12 And we call that rest period. 01:14 We call that diastole, 01:15 that's the time when the heart rests. 01:17 It's not for really long period of time. 01:19 But as we discovered in looking 01:21 at all these treatments and all these laws 01:24 that God's given us because He loves us so much, 01:26 there is a law of rest that must be kept. 01:30 And, you know, let us give some examples here. 01:33 You know in the old days 01:34 before we had all this modern technology 01:36 in cardiovascular disease, if someone had a heart attack 01:38 or heart failure, we used to bed rest him. Yeah. 01:41 We used to say listen, you rest, don't do anything. 01:43 Let the body rest, let it heal. 01:46 If you had a race horse, Charles, okay? 01:49 And you race that horse, race after race after race, 01:51 you would sooner or later let that horse 01:53 rest or you'll wear it out. You have to. 01:55 Exactly. If you broke your arm throwing fastballs, 01:58 you would let your arm rest. 02:00 You would keep throwing fastballs. 02:02 If you talked all the time, Charles, 02:03 you would run out of words sooner or later 02:05 and you would have to rest. Yes. 02:07 When we don't rest, when we violate this law, 02:10 even the Lord of the universe 02:11 who didn't have any health problems, 02:13 He knew that He designed us to rest. Yeah. 02:15 Work six days, have a rest cycle. 02:18 The research is just now understanding 02:20 a little bit more about this six day, 02:22 you know, work cycle then rest one day. 02:25 But God knows a lot about it. 02:26 I can't wait to talk to Him about how this cycle 02:29 was meant to be because we know it's true. 02:32 We have to believe that if God did it, 02:35 there was a reason why he did it. Right. 02:37 Six days on, one day off. 02:39 We may not understand it now 02:41 but it's got to be a reason for being that way. 02:44 Absolutely and if I had the money to fund a study, 02:47 what I would do is I would take 02:49 may be 10,000 or 15,000 people 02:51 and I would match them up, perfect matches. 02:54 And I would have one that worked seven days a week 02:57 that worked hard all the time, busy 24x7, 03:00 that watched TV, that stayed up late at night, 03:03 that never rested, that kept go, go, go. Yeah. 03:05 Got to work hard. Got to achieve 03:07 the almighty dollar. Got to stay busy. Yeah. 03:09 And then I take another group 03:11 that specifically rested one day a week. 03:14 Within that group, I would like to have a group 03:17 that would not only rest one day, 03:19 but would rest and have another group 03:20 within that group rest and worship. 03:22 Oh, my, okay. And I'll teach them 03:24 different ways of worship. And then I would like 03:25 to study a lot of different parameters. 03:28 Blood, pressure, heart rate, 03:29 inflammation and disease rates, 03:31 all these inflammatory stress 03:33 related problems that we have. 03:35 And I would like to study those different groups 03:37 and see who had the best chemistry 03:39 at the end of the period. 03:41 I think, based on everything I know, 03:44 I know what the results would be. 03:45 Yes, you would. It's inherently logical. 03:47 And I think that study will be done someday 03:50 and we'll be able to prescribe a weekly rest 03:52 for people as well as some of these other things 03:54 that we prescribe. Just like we give the people 03:56 who have a heart-attack a beta blocker, 03:58 I would like to give them a prescription 04:00 for a day of rest and add worship to that. 04:03 So there is something remarkable 04:04 about resting does. 04:06 It gives our body a chance to catch up a chance to heal. 04:09 But not only our bodies, Charles, 04:11 our control centers have a chance to rest. 04:14 Our brains need rest time to rejuvenate the neurons, 04:18 the neural pathways, we need downtime. 04:21 You know, you can't think all the time. 04:23 You know, and we have some literature behind this. 04:25 We know that people that are studying for test, 04:27 the people that learn slowly 04:29 and have rest times assimilate 04:31 that better than people that just study all the time. 04:34 They cram for tests that-- so we also know 04:36 that this rest is important for our brain 04:38 and that brain is our control center 04:40 of the whole body. Yeah. 04:41 So that rest is also important 04:43 for our brain function, which controls everything. 04:46 So we are not only talking about resting our muscles, 04:49 we are also talking 04:50 about resting our brain up here. 04:53 You said something significant 04:54 there that there is a rest, 04:57 a Sabbath rest and the Bible makes it very clear 05:00 that God created a rest day. Absolutely. 05:02 Bible says that God rested on that day. 05:06 But then we have to say, "Well, how did He do that?" 05:08 What did Adam and Eve do on that rest day? 05:11 Yes, they rested but there was something else 05:15 significant that happened on that day 05:16 that I think that we can replicate 05:18 in our own lives and we should replicate 05:20 if we want to make sure 05:21 we have that full benefit of the rest. 05:24 And as they rested, but they also spent 05:28 some time with God-- Yes. 05:30 Is that really important part of this? 05:31 Well, you know, it must be because God 05:34 set it up at the beginning. Yes. 05:36 And who are we to question that? 05:37 We have got to start believing in our own hearts 05:39 and when God does something, 05:41 there is a reason for it 05:42 and that reason is good for us. 05:43 Even though we can't always explain it scientifically. 05:46 Yeah. Now let's think about the other thing, 05:48 He said not to work. 05:49 You know, that's a good thing 05:50 but during that day, they spent a special time 05:54 where they had together, 05:55 where they worshiped and praised. 05:56 They developed this friendship even more. 05:59 They had special time to share with each other 06:01 and to learn each other. 06:02 And during this time, I'm sure Adam and Eve 06:04 learned about these principles 06:06 that God set up the universe. 06:07 They learned about love. 06:08 They developed love between the two. 06:10 And as that love developed, the chemistry got better. 06:13 They helped understand this. 06:15 But at the same time, they always had that choice 06:17 to love or not to love. 06:19 And I think that was important part 06:21 about this rest. And this was set up 06:23 at the beginning of time on earth. Yes. 06:25 And God knew this was important, 06:27 very important. Not only for our brains, 06:29 for our spiritual life, for our relationship 06:32 with the ultimate physician as well as the ways 06:34 to keep us healthy. 06:35 Now likewise now here we go again. 06:38 You've heard this before on previous shows, 06:40 when we do what God says, 06:41 our chemistry gets better. Yes. 06:43 It improves because that was God's way. 06:45 But if we don't do what God says, 06:48 if we don't rest, if we don't take that time 06:50 to be with Him, if we don't take 06:51 that special love relationship time inherently, 06:54 our chemistry gets worse. Yeah. 06:56 And if I was the evil one, 06:58 I would want to take us away from rest. 07:00 I would want us to worship everything else. 07:02 I would want us to worship football games, 07:05 and fancy houses, and jobs, and internet. 07:07 Worship everything else but the true God 07:09 and as I got away from truth, 07:12 I would damage their chemistry 07:13 so their brains wouldn't work right. 07:15 So they won't even be able to think correctly. 07:17 That reminds me of a study on--there is a doctor 07:21 at the University of Pennsylvania 07:22 that's doing studies on brains. 07:24 And what he does, Charles, 07:26 is he takes MRIs and looks at brains, 07:28 the metabolic activity that's what MRIs do. 07:31 And he has took some people 07:32 and he had them worship 07:34 for a short period of time everyday 07:36 and then he scanned their brains 07:38 with this MRIs both before and after worship 07:41 at the University of Pennsylvania. 07:42 This is scientific study. Yeah. 07:44 After a short period of worship time, 07:46 he demonstrated that the front part of the brain, 07:48 the part that communicates with God, 07:50 the thinking part started to grow. 07:53 So that part-- Physically grow? 07:55 Yes, it started to grow. Wow. 07:56 Become more developed. 07:57 So he is proving that worship, 08:01 just like God said, 08:02 is developing the front part of our brain, 08:04 the good part of our brain 08:05 where we communicate with God. 08:07 So worship is a treatment 08:08 for the development of our brain. 08:10 Conversely, when we don't worship, 08:12 when we don't rest, 08:14 it stresses our bodies including our brain, 08:17 the stress part of our brain, 08:18 the limbic system and all those fancy parts 08:20 become overly developed. 08:22 We can't make rational decisions. 08:24 We think on that part of our brain 08:26 and the front part of our brain 08:27 become smaller and less useful. 08:29 We know--we see this in literature. 08:31 We see people that take drugs 08:32 and a lot of other stressors, 08:34 the part of the brain that does the thinking gets-- 08:36 looks like cheddar cheese sometimes. Yes. 08:39 So this is some strong data that what God said 08:42 at the very beginning when we take a day of rest, 08:45 when we develop this worship with Him on that day of rest, 08:48 we have some important chemical implications 08:50 as well as love implications. 08:52 So, Dr. Marcum, could we safely say 08:55 that if we are struggling 08:58 with our relationship with God, 09:00 if we are saying, "I can't seem 09:03 to connect with Him, I can't seem to get through 09:06 and I can't seem to find Him in my life." 09:10 Is it possible that the reason 09:13 is that we are not developing that part of our brain 09:17 where God communicates with us? 09:18 And that the answer for that is to develop 09:21 that part of our brain. 09:22 Don't wait for God just to simply come 09:24 busting in and make changes. 09:26 We need to create a change in our brain patterns 09:30 where God can actually be part 09:32 of our lives and communicate with us. 09:34 Charles, I'm proud of you, you know? 09:36 You're getting this good. 09:37 Sometimes you don't get my name right, 09:40 but you're definitely getting this right, Charles. 09:42 You've got this and I'm so proud 09:44 and I'm hoping our listeners 09:47 and viewers get this as well. Yes. 09:49 Because as we communicate with God, 09:51 there's a text in the Bible, 09:52 "Create in me a new heart. 09:55 Create in me a new brain." 09:57 How does this happen? 09:59 It's from that relationship with the Holy Spirit 10:01 that trains our brains. 10:02 So maybe the things we used to like 10:03 we don't like. Yes. 10:05 Maybe the things that we used to do no longer 10:07 is fun for us to do. 10:08 And we can only do that power through the Holy Spirit. 10:10 And that's why we want to talk 10:12 about this as treatment in this healing plan. 10:15 And sometimes I feel like we don't talk about, 10:17 we talk about all the fancy stuff, 10:19 the treatments for cancer, 10:20 we talk about the blood pressure medicines, 10:22 the blood thinners. 10:23 We talk about how important it is to exercise 10:26 and eat all the right foods. 10:27 Sometimes we do that at the expense 10:29 of everything else. Yes. 10:30 But when we talk about this relationship, 10:32 the way that we get the power 10:33 to do things for the right reasons, 10:35 to change our brain, to grow our brain, 10:38 to be a part our brain, to change us, 10:41 to be in us. That is the key. 10:44 That is the key to changing our chemistry. 10:46 We do it for the right reasons. 10:48 So that's why this day of rest, 10:49 this worship is so important. 10:51 And now we're proving it scientifically. 10:53 This isn't a bunch of theories 10:54 that are just thrown out. 10:55 This is something you can take to the bank, 10:57 it's true, you can believe it. Yeah. 10:59 And that's why I'm trying to corporate 11:01 into a treatment plan this idea of rest 11:04 and this idea of worship. 11:06 And people worship in many different ways. 11:08 You know some people worship in church. 11:09 Some people worship in prayer. 11:11 Some people worship out in nature. 11:14 You know the original church was a garden. Yes. 11:17 And I think I do my best communing with God 11:19 when I'm out in nature. 11:21 I had one fellow, he says he worships 11:23 in a fishing boat, you know? In a fishing boat? 11:25 He worships in a fishing boat. Okay, all right. 11:27 But, you know, the point is we connect with God, 11:29 IHe connects with us in that relationship. 11:32 And that's the important thing 11:33 and that's what we're trying to get through. 11:34 And I think God was telling us 11:36 it's important for our physical, 11:38 mental and spiritual health to follow this law 11:40 that He created the universe to be run on. 11:43 You know Dr. Marcum, one of the most amazing things 11:46 in my mind is a scene that I like to go to often. 11:50 And that is that scene 11:52 on the seventh day of creation, 11:54 when Adam and Eve 11:55 were walking through the garden 11:57 and the Lord joined them. 11:58 And they were enjoying the beauty, 12:00 and they were seeing the birds, 12:02 and they were hearing the tinkle of the water, 12:04 and the stream, and the fish and everything was there. 12:08 On that seventh day of creation, 12:09 at that moment, everything they 12:11 needed to be healthy existed. It was right there. 12:14 Nothing was missing. 12:16 God's health plan was in place 12:19 and complete at that moment. 12:22 The further we get away from that moment, 12:25 from that health plan, the sick we become. 12:29 The closer we get back to that moment, 12:32 into that health plan, health returns to us. Absolutely. 12:36 We have a say on how healthy 12:37 we are by following what God has said and done for us. 12:41 We'll be back in just a minute so stay tuned. |
Revised 2014-12-17