Ultimate Prescription

Someone To Love

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: James Marcum & Charles Mills


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP00007A

00:01 The following program presents principles designed
00:03 to promote good health and is not intended to take
00:05 the place of personalized professional care.
00:07 The opinions and ideas expressed
00:09 are those of the speaker.
00:10 Viewers are encouraged to draw their own conclusions
00:13 about the information presented.
00:17 I'm Dr. James Marcum. Are you interested
00:20 in discovering the reason why?
00:22 You want solutions to your healthcare problem.
00:25 Are you tired of taking medications?
00:28 Well, you're about to be given
00:30 the "Ultimate Prescription."
00:31 I've always found it interesting that on day sixth
00:33 of creation week, God didn't create man first.
00:37 Man wasn't there to welcome the animals into existence.
00:39 As a matter of fact, it was the other way around.
00:42 The animals were there
00:43 to welcome man into existence.
00:45 I believe there's a reason for that.
00:47 Would you agree, Dr. Marcum?
00:49 I think there's a reason for everything
00:51 that God did. Amen.
00:54 The exact reason we can speculate on for sure,
00:57 but as we look back at the creation week,
00:59 we've seen that each one of these things
01:01 have health implications. Yes.
01:02 Changing our chemistry. Yeah.
01:04 So what hasn't been done so far?
01:06 We've talked some of the things
01:07 in previous programs about rest
01:09 and water and all those great things.
01:11 And we are calling these laws
01:12 but not calling them ideas or good ideas.
01:14 We're calling them laws.
01:16 So what law was in place on this day?
01:19 And, you know, God never changes.
01:20 So what he sets up is gonna continue forward. Exactly.
01:23 So one thought that I had
01:25 was that maybe these animals
01:27 were placed here for us for a reason.
01:30 So when we got here thereafter,
01:32 we could have a relationship.
01:34 So may be part of our chemistry
01:36 is dependent on relationships.
01:39 You know in retrospect, it's easy
01:40 because we can see, you know,
01:42 what's happening with relationships. Yeah.
01:44 And what I'm trying to introduce in this program
01:46 "The Ultimate Prescription" is that part of medical care
01:49 depends on a relationship with the great physician.
01:52 And all of those are healers.
01:54 And there's a place for modern medicine.
01:56 There's a place for lifestyle,
01:57 but it's that relationship
01:58 with the great physician that makes it all happen.
02:02 Well, maybe the animals were here
02:03 so when we came thereafter
02:05 we could have a relationship. Yes.
02:07 And a relationship based on love and care.
02:11 And may be this would be something
02:12 very important for our chemistry
02:14 and for us to understand this universal concept
02:18 which governs the universe and that's concept of love.
02:21 The very first thing that God
02:23 did for Adam and Eve was say,
02:27 "Okay, here you are, welcome to the world
02:30 and by the way, love them.
02:32 Take care of them, the animals.
02:34 Love each other. But care for the animals."
02:36 So I think we're seeing a law here
02:38 that says if you want to be healthy,
02:41 God's way, if you want to take part
02:43 in God's health law,
02:45 you need to be loving something.
02:46 Yes, and I think there is good medicine
02:49 and good scientific studies behind this. Yes.
02:52 We've had several studies done that show
02:54 that people that love each other
02:56 have less infections, have less depression. Yes.
02:59 They do better. In fact, there's a syndrome
03:01 in cardiology called the "Broken heart syndrome."
03:04 That's when a loved one dies,
03:06 all the sudden this extra stress,
03:08 this extra adrenaline causes heart attacks
03:10 in previously normal hearts. Wow.
03:13 These arteries, spasm down, they have a heart attack.
03:15 And it wasn't anything that happened
03:16 till this new stress that comes
03:19 from that broken relationship.
03:20 That loss of love.
03:22 So loss of love can damage the body.
03:24 Just--similarly we talked about all these things
03:27 that we don't have hurt us,
03:28 all the things that we do have
03:30 based on God's laws help us. Yes.
03:32 So if no love hurts us,
03:34 having love in our life helps us.
03:36 And if you follow these,
03:37 if this is what the universe is based on,
03:40 this is perhaps the greatest
03:42 health treatment we have. Yes.
03:44 Ever. This treatment of love. God is love.
03:47 To know God is to, you know, to love God.
03:50 So if we have love in our life,
03:51 maybe that's the true pathway to healing.
03:53 That's part of the "Ultimate Prescription."
03:55 This is what we should be talking about
03:57 more than stents, which is important,
03:59 more than bypasses, more than pacemakers,
04:01 more than lifestyle, more than exercise,
04:04 and all these things are important.
04:06 But without love in a treatment plan,
04:08 without love guiding the way,
04:10 changing our chemistry what do we really have? Yes.
04:13 Emptiness. So when we think about
04:16 what we've been talking about love is a treatment,
04:18 the ultimate treatment,
04:19 but similarly lack of love damages us.
04:24 Lack of water damages us.
04:26 Lack of sleep damages us.
04:28 Lack of eating the right food damages us.
04:30 We break these universal laws
04:32 that God based everything on, damage stress occurs.
04:35 This stress damages our genetics,
04:37 damages our chemistry,
04:39 sooner or later this damage leads to symptoms,
04:42 symptoms leads to modern medicine. Yes, yes.
04:44 But that's not the way necessarily it should be.
04:47 And yet that's what we're hearing all the time.
04:50 And there're some great people out there,
04:52 they're talking about the acute care medicine.
04:54 There're some great people out there talking about
04:56 how to improve our lifestyle, how to eat better.
04:58 But what I want to bring to the table is the key,
05:01 this love relationship with each other, with God.
05:05 This is a thing we must have.
05:07 And we can't withdraw from love,
05:08 we must move to love.
05:10 Without this nothing else is worthwhile.
05:13 Now let me give you another example, Charles.
05:16 We talked about the broken heart syndrome. Yes.
05:17 I've two dogs at home. Yes.
05:20 Max and Daffy. Yes.
05:21 I love those dogs with all my heart.
05:24 When I come home, no matter
05:26 what's happened to my day, you know,
05:28 it's been the worst day ever or the best day ever,
05:30 they always run out there to greet me.
05:32 They run right to the door.
05:33 They follow me around the house wherever I go.
05:36 They lick me to death.
05:38 They really do love me. Yes.
05:39 And I love them back.
05:41 And when I see them,
05:43 it just does something special in my heart.
05:46 It makes my chemistry better.
05:47 My heart slows down.
05:48 No matter how bad the day was things start to improve.
05:52 I start feeling better in that relationship because,
05:54 you know, I know they're gonna be there.
05:56 They're there for me.
05:57 Now similarly we had another relationship
06:00 that's more important than the Max and Daffy relationship.
06:03 That can serve that same chemical benefit
06:06 and accomplish much more.
06:08 And that's in our relationship
06:09 with our Heavenly Father.
06:10 Now I'm not saying the relationships
06:12 with dogs and cats and wives and spouses
06:15 and friends aren't important.
06:17 'Cause I think they all add to it.
06:18 But that relationship, which we were made
06:20 to have at creation, God was setting it up
06:23 with the animals to teach us
06:24 that we have to love each other.
06:26 But as He set that love concept out there,
06:29 then we start to realize it.
06:31 This is the real path.
06:32 This is what the universe is governed on.
06:34 So if the universe is governed on it,
06:35 our health certainly has to be tied into this.
06:38 Yes, absolutely. That is so important
06:40 to keep in mind that love is part of the prescription.
06:44 Love is part of that "Ultimate Prescription."
06:47 I know a film crew that was doing a project
06:51 for a Christian television program.
06:54 And they were doing a show about suicide.
06:58 And they were traveling up to San Francisco.
07:00 Now I don't want to say that San Francisco
07:03 is a place where people go to die
07:05 but there is a bridge there
07:06 that a lot of people use for that purpose.
07:08 The Golden Gate Bridge seems to be suicide central
07:11 for that part of the world.
07:13 And a lot of people go and they jump off the bridge.
07:15 Well, while this film crew was up there
07:17 doing some filming, they were actually interviewing
07:20 some people in the gate house of the Golden Gate Bridge.
07:24 And while the cameras were rolling,
07:26 the sound was being picked up.
07:28 A call came in on the radio
07:30 that says we have a jumper mid span.
07:32 We have a jumper mid span.
07:34 While they were filming a show about suicide,
07:37 apparently a small car drove halfway across the bridge,
07:41 stopped, a gentleman got out,
07:43 walked across the lanes,
07:44 they say he went up to the railing there,
07:47 stood there for just a moment
07:49 and then jumped and died.
07:51 And what was significant about this was
07:53 what they found in the car,
07:56 this young man, bless his heart.
07:59 This young man left a note in the car.
08:02 And here's what the note said,
08:04 "Love is someone to love, something to do
08:09 and something to look forward to."
08:12 and apparently he didn't have those three things,
08:15 someone to love, something to do
08:18 and something to look forward to.
08:20 Did you know that on that day of creation
08:23 when God brought animals into the lives of Adam and Eve,
08:29 He was fulfilling all three.
08:30 Something to do, take care of the animals. Right.
08:33 Something to look forward to, new births,
08:36 new babies coming along with the animals,
08:38 new flocks to enjoy,
08:40 new animals to bring into your life.
08:42 And someone to love,
08:44 there was this whole world full of animals to love.
08:49 And of course one of those animals was Eve
08:51 who came along very shortly after that.
08:53 So Adam and Eve had the fulfillment
08:56 of the three basic needs of that man
08:59 that jumped off the bridge. And I would have to say that
09:01 that's the need for all of us.
09:02 Someone to love, something to do
09:05 and something to look forward to.
09:06 And if we don't have those in our lives,
09:08 there are consequences.
09:10 Tell us about some of those consequences.
09:11 Yeah. Well, we've already heard
09:12 about the broken heart syndrome. Yes.
09:14 We're love removed, all the sudden damage.
09:17 We of course, it's obvious that people
09:19 that don't have love in their life
09:20 they have higher incidences of depression.
09:23 They have higher incidence of, as you spoke, of suicide.
09:26 They have higher incidences of hurting themselves
09:28 and having harmful behavior to substitute for the love.
09:31 They look for love that substitutes,
09:33 in sometimes all the wrong places.
09:35 Some people turn to alcohol,
09:37 some people turn to drugs.
09:39 Some people even take prescription medications
09:41 like the narcotics to find that missing,
09:44 that missing element that's missing in their life,
09:46 that one thing that they were designed to have,
09:48 they don't have so they try to substitute for us.
09:51 It's like the evil one has a substitute
09:54 for everything good that God created.
09:55 Now every day of creation, we find a substitute for it.
09:58 Now how would you feel if you came to the office
10:01 and you came with a bunch of symptoms?
10:04 And I came up to you, Charles,
10:06 and you said I've seen three or four other doctors
10:08 and this doctor recommends this
10:09 and this doctor recommends that.
10:11 And I came up, talked to you
10:12 and examined you, and, Charles,
10:13 I wrote this prescription,
10:15 I think you need this
10:16 and I wrote love three times a day
10:18 and handed it to you.
10:20 How would you take that? Well--
10:23 And this is important because
10:24 I'm asking how you would take it because
10:26 we want to know how the world will take this?
10:28 How will they feel when we talk about,
10:30 you know, writing a prescription for love?
10:32 How would you feel?
10:33 Would you feel like this guy is bonkers?
10:35 This is not what I usually get
10:36 when I come to see a doctor.
10:37 I mean, how can I take love,
10:40 how do I--what kind of dosage of love can I find? Right.
10:43 What does this mean, love?
10:46 There is a problem right there.
10:48 If we don't know what Dr. Marcum says
10:51 when he says you need love three times a day.
10:53 We're not sure what that means. Okay.
10:55 We're having a problem with our health I would say.
10:58 What if the next thing I said is I prove the data to you.
11:01 I showed you these studies
11:02 where people that have love in their life do better.
11:04 And I explained to you, Charles,
11:05 love is putting someone else's interest
11:08 above your own. Okay.
11:10 And then I said but to really understand love,
11:12 you have to know the source of love
11:14 and enter into a relationship with the inventor of love,
11:17 the one that uses love to run the universe.
11:19 What if I then told you that, how would you respond?
11:21 That makes a little bit more sense,
11:23 you're giving me something to do,
11:25 some way of responding to a prescription for love.
11:28 And then what if I did next,
11:30 what if I said, Charles, as part of this prescription
11:33 just like taking care of the animals on earth,
11:35 I want you to serve, serve other people.
11:38 I want you to learn about the creator of love
11:41 by praying and maybe reading scriptures
11:43 and doing other things.
11:44 And I want this-- you to use this in your life
11:47 to have power to learn more
11:48 and to come into these other truths.
11:50 What if I said that at this point
11:52 and wrote you a prescription for that?
11:53 Would you feel cheated?
11:54 I don't think at that point I would feel cheated
11:56 because I am trusting you to know this
11:59 because you are coming from a biblical standpoint.
12:02 You are coming from a power that is beyond you. Right.
12:06 You're saying, look, we're tapping into something here
12:09 that helps me that helps you.
12:11 We're tapping into something here
12:12 that is beyond modern science.
12:14 We're tapping into something here that created me.
12:17 It would begin to make sense if you put it that way.
12:19 And then if I said, you know,
12:20 modern medicine is a place to put out the fire,
12:23 but we wanna get at what caused the fire.
12:25 And I started moving this approach,
12:27 would it make sense to you?
12:28 And the next question is will it
12:30 make sense to the world?
12:31 As we spread this type of concept
12:33 from person to person.
12:34 There's other ways to change our chemistry
12:36 other than lots of pills even though that is needed.
12:38 But the devil is gonna step in.
12:40 The devil is gonna say, you know,
12:42 "Huh, love, why no one loves you.
12:46 Look at the way the world is treating you.
12:47 No one is being kind to you,
12:49 no one is giving you any kind of respect.
12:53 How can love help?" Because we--
12:55 I have to say in this world,
12:57 we are not used to receiving too much love.
13:01 Are you saying that even under those circumstances,
13:04 I should follow your prescription?
13:05 Are you saying I should step out
13:07 from a world that does not love me and love it back?
13:11 Exactly. Unless we see the big picture. Yes.
13:14 The picture that we're designed to live
13:16 and understand where the source of love is,
13:18 the Heavenly Father. This is a gigantic prescription,
13:22 a gigantic way to heal us.
13:24 Well, we'll take a short break
13:26 and when we come back, more about love
13:27 and answering your questions.
13:29 So stay right where you are.


Revised 2014-12-17