Participants: James Marcum & Charles Mills
Series Code: UP
Program Code: UP00006B
00:01 Welcome back to "Ultimate Prescription,
00:03 " I am Charles Mills here with Doctor James Marcum 00:05 and we're talking about you. 00:07 We're talking about the problems 00:08 that you may be facing in your life 00:10 because you know we want you to have 00:12 a wonderful relationship with God. 00:14 So we want you to be healthy. There is a connection there. 00:17 A lot of people don't understand that, 00:19 there's a connection between 00:20 health and a relationship with God. 00:22 I want just to say real quickly here 00:24 something I think is very important. 00:27 Health is not about God loving us. 00:30 God loves us no matter what our health is like, 00:33 God loves us no matter 00:35 what awful things we do to ourselves, 00:37 God loves us and wants to save us. 00:39 That is not the issue but there is an issue here 00:42 about our ability to love God. 00:46 Our ability to understand God's voice in our lives, 00:50 our ability to discern what God has in mind for us 00:54 and the only way we can do that optimally 00:59 where God can easily talk to us and get through to us 01:01 is to be in health, just as simple as that. 01:04 So God in the Bible said okay, here's what you need. 01:07 I am gonna put it out there in Genesis, 01:08 I'm gonna put it all out there, 01:09 gonna lay it all out there for you 01:11 so that you just follow the principles 01:12 I put in Genesis and if you do that 01:15 then our lines of communications, 01:17 yours and mine, your mind where you need 01:20 to have that communication will be clear. 01:23 That's what it's all about and that's why we talk about 01:25 the biblical model of health here. 01:28 Not just the scientific, 01:29 there's a place for that, not just the scientific 01:31 but also the biblical model for health. 01:33 And one of those biblical models we talked about 01:35 is letting light into our life, the truth into our life, 01:39 getting enough water, getting enough fresh air, 01:42 eating the right foods that God made 01:44 available to us in Eden and also-- 01:47 now that will be a whole food plan based at-- 01:49 and also we're talking about right now is that rest, 01:52 that circadian rhythm that takes place, 01:55 the day and night rhythm. 01:56 Well said, Charles, and you know 01:58 I want to add a little bit to that. 01:59 Well said and that's what we want to try to do 02:02 in this program, you know there's 02:03 a lot of people out there 02:04 that are talking about modern medicine, 02:06 there's a lot of people that are talking about lifestyle, 02:08 but what we want to add 02:09 is the ultimate prescription, the great physician 02:12 is the one that brings it all together. 02:14 This is a part of medical treatment, 02:16 this is a part of healing, it cannot be left out. 02:19 And yet so many patients I see, 02:21 we leave that out and I don't know why we do that. 02:23 I don't know if it's at work. 02:25 We're not comfortable talking about it 02:27 but the great physician has these biblical treatments, 02:30 these technologies that have been 02:32 passed down from us that changes our chemistry. 02:34 Science is proving it and it's almost like 02:37 we want to ignore that. Right. 02:38 It's almost like we're been kept in dark about 02:40 all these wonderful treatments and we're talking about 02:43 rest as a treatment and prevention from disease 02:46 and you would feel shortchanged 02:47 if you came to me and I wrote, Charles, rest. 02:50 Rest at night, here's how to do it, take a day off. 02:53 Now I take care of a lot of ministers 02:55 and there might be a lot of ministers out there. 02:57 Ministers have the hardest time 02:59 I think about taking a weekly rest. 03:02 During their day of rest they are serving. 03:04 So it's a lot more challenging for them to have 03:07 a down day where they can both rest 03:09 physically and spiritually. 03:12 Now we have a bunch of questions 03:13 that have come into our website about rest. 03:15 Yes, we do, let's get to them right now. 03:16 This is the www.heart website. 03:20 Okay, here we go. 03:22 Here is the first question for rest and sleep. 03:26 This is Rosetta in New Mexico, 03:28 "I am in the habit of taking sleeping pills 03:31 at night and still do not rest well. 03:33 Can sleeping pills make matters worse?" 03:36 Is the question. Yeah. 03:37 Rosetta, absolutely, sleeping pills 03:40 can make the matters worse. 03:42 And what approach that I would want to take 03:44 first with you is why don't you sleep well? 03:46 Let's look at the things that cause 03:48 people not to sleep well. 03:50 Is it that you have a lot of stress in your life? 03:52 Could you have a medical condition like 03:54 sleep apnea or over-active thyroid? 03:57 Could you be eating a big meal at night? 03:59 Could you be taking stimulants like caffeine, nicotine? 04:02 Is there alcohol that you might be taking? 04:04 Are you are watching a lot of television? 04:06 Are you not getting enough exercise? 04:08 So I would approach it from that approach first, 04:10 is why you're not sleeping and try to make 04:12 those changes and change you chemically. 04:14 Now, Charles, sleeping pills, a lot of people take those. 04:17 They are addictive and yet there's never been a study 04:20 that shows that people that take them rest better 04:23 and there's been some studies that shows 04:24 that cognitive function of people 04:26 that take sleeping pills is worse. 04:29 So it does--it knocks you out but it doesn't help you 04:32 necessarily do better and I see unfortunately, 04:34 a lot of older people that are on these medications, 04:37 they don't think as well, they get up at night, 04:40 they fall down, they break their hip, 04:41 now they got another problem. 04:43 Every medicine comes with a risk and yet sleeping pills, 04:47 this is a billion dollar industry now. 04:49 So back to Rosetta's question, 04:51 can sleeping pills make matter worse? 04:53 Absolutely. What's the solution? 04:55 Well, let's find out, Rosetta, 04:56 if possible why you're not resting well. 04:59 In the book I just written called 05:01 "The Ultimate Prescription," we talk a little bit 05:03 about all the different ways people can rest better 05:06 and this might help her a little bit 05:08 getting that or come to our website, 05:10 we can explore your rest problems a little bit more. 05:12 We've had specialists in sleep apnea 05:14 that have given us advice, specialists in sleep 05:16 but this is a very big problem that's facing America 05:19 because if we're not sleeping well, 05:21 we're violating one of God's natural laws, 05:23 it changes our chemistry, 05:24 we can't communicate with our great physician 05:27 as well as we'd like to and it can actually cause 05:29 a lot of other health downstream problem. 05:31 Now there you go back to that word "law." 05:33 When we break these laws, there are consequences. 05:39 Who would have ever thought that sleeping is a law 05:42 but if God put it in place during that creation week, 05:45 He was not only creating an environment for us, 05:47 He was creating laws for us to obey. 05:49 Exactly, and if you stay up all the time, 05:51 you don't get rest, both the nightly rest 05:53 and the weekly rest, there's dark chemical consequence 05:56 and you know what, what's great is we're 05:58 now having science that proves this. 06:01 You know, and everything that God 06:03 said in the Bible is proven by science. 06:05 Never disproven, always proven. 06:07 Now why don't we see a lot of these randomized, 06:09 double-blinded studies on this, 06:12 just not a money maker. 06:13 You know, it's just not a money maker, 06:15 if I say you need to rest better 06:17 or follow God's principles but it's truly 06:19 biblical technology and it's true. 06:21 Now one of the biggest questions I get 06:22 when people ask is how do I know the Bible is true? 06:26 You know, how is that true? 06:27 Now if you don't believe the Bible, 06:28 you know how do you answer these questions? 06:31 How do you believe in biblical technology? 06:32 Well, the fact that science is proving this medically 06:35 tells me that's one reason the Bible is true, 06:38 for me prophesy, archeology, 06:41 all these things are proving it. 06:42 If you look at the Bible but what really convinced me 06:44 that the Bible was true many years ago was I asked God, 06:47 God, prove it to me that your word is true 06:50 and as I studied his word, he became involved in my life 06:53 and he proved to me that the Bible is true 06:55 but this is another great way to prove the Bible is true 06:57 by proving that science proves that the Bible is true 07:00 once again, never wrong. 07:02 All right, our second question here 07:04 from, "How do I know if I am 07:08 suffering from a sleep disorder?" 07:10 Now a sleep disorder, not just 07:11 "I am not sleeping" but a sleep disorder. 07:13 Right, this is--a sleep disorder means something 07:15 is wrong chemically or structurally in the body 07:18 which causes a person not to sleep. 07:21 And it could be like we talked about, 07:22 it could be metabolic, you know, 07:24 we have overactive thyroid, there could be some 07:26 medications that we are taking, 07:28 there's conditions in the brain called central sleep apnea 07:31 where the brain doesn't make the chemicals 07:33 that allow a person to sleep. 07:34 The most common reason people 07:36 don't sleep now is sleep apnea 07:38 and the way we test for people to see 07:40 if they have sleep disorder is first we watch them sleep. 07:44 We watch them sleep, and we put a monitor on them, 07:46 it's called a sleep test, we put monitors 07:48 that look at their oxygen, measure their heart rate, 07:50 see how they do and see why they're not sleeping. 07:53 So the doctor can certainly do this 07:55 and we can see if they are suffering 07:56 from a sleep disorder, but more than that most people 07:59 that I see aren't really suffering 08:01 from a sleep disorder, they're suffering 08:03 from a stressed lifestyle disorder. 08:06 And if they could get that in order first, 08:08 they would not have a sleep problem. 08:10 And it wouldn't cost them anything 08:12 to do that probably, right? 08:13 No, and that's why we wanted to talk to them 08:14 about it today, to talk about all these things 08:16 that people might not be thinking about. 08:19 How many people truly think that sleep 08:21 is a treatment for disease, 08:22 rest is a treatment for disease? 08:24 They think it's an option. Right. 08:25 In addition it's a cause of disease. 08:27 So if we can get that rest cycle 08:29 better by just a few simple principles. 08:31 Like caffeine, if some people have 08:33 a sleep disorder I will tell them 08:34 to eliminate caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, 08:36 exercise, no big meals at night, 08:39 all these things add up and it could change 08:41 our chemistry much more than a pill can. 08:43 All right, here's our third question 08:45 from, "Does vitamin D," oh, yes, 08:49 "Vitamin D and sunlight 08:51 affect my health and sleep pattern?" 08:54 That's from Ronald in Alaska. Thank you, Ronald. 08:56 And that's very good, Ronald. 08:58 In Alaska, that's very high up in the equator. 09:01 You know, some days in Alaska 09:03 are very long but much of them 09:04 you don't have any light at all. 09:06 We know that vitamin D, okay, 09:08 which you get from activation from sunlight 09:11 is essential to many chemical reactions in the body 09:13 including serotonin, which affects depression. 09:16 We know that the higher above the equator you get, 09:20 in fact Eskimos have some of the highest suicide rates 09:23 that are out there because the serotonin 09:25 is important for the chemistry of the brain. 09:28 That's the happy chemical. Yes, the happy chemical. 09:30 So we talked about rest, day night cycles, 09:33 but if your body is not out enjoying the day, 09:36 let's say you're in all the time. 09:38 Even though you are awake, even though you rested, 09:40 you don't go out in that day night cycle, 09:43 you can't enjoy the benefits of the sunlight 09:46 which can turn on this vitamin D. 09:48 Now, I know you you've done some studies 09:50 into vitamin D and how it's turned on and off. 09:55 It's very important for all the chemical reactions. 09:58 You know, you've heard about-- 09:59 Everyone is so concerned about dermatological problems 10:02 if you are in the sunlight, you know, 10:04 getting skin cancer, not really an issue. 10:06 You know, but we've made a big deal about it 10:08 so people don't want to get out in the sunlight. 10:10 So we can sell sun screens. 10:11 So part of this in talking to Ronald in Alaska, 10:16 vitamin D, sunlight affects your health. 10:18 So part of this rhythm is actually getting out 10:20 and enjoying the sunlight 10:21 so all the chemical reactions might run well. 10:24 Don't stay indoors all the time 10:26 and if you're up, in high altitudes, 10:28 we don't get out, some people take lamps 10:30 that supply that and also people might benefit 10:33 from a supplement of vitamin D if you just cannot 10:36 get outside and enjoy this chemical reaction. 10:38 So if you live in a place where your night time lasts 10:41 about three months, vitamin D supplements 10:44 probably would be very beneficial to you. 10:45 You know, and it might prevent depression, 10:47 it might prevent some of these other chemical reactions 10:49 that vitamin D is important for. 10:51 Yeah, all right, very good. 10:53 Well, you know, when we talk about sleep and rest 10:56 is important for us so just keep in mind 10:58 that we're talking about a law here 10:59 that God created for us. 11:01 We're not talking about something as optional, 11:03 we're not talking about a good idea. 11:05 We're talking about an essential idea 11:07 that we make sure that we have that rest 11:10 and that weekly rest is so important to us, 11:12 and I assume, Dr. Marcum, that a yearly rest, 11:15 a vacation might be important. 11:17 Yeah, sabbatical. Sabbatical. 11:18 Sabbatical. I am all for that. 11:20 After this show I think we're gonna 11:21 take a little sabbatical, we can take a rest. 11:24 Absolutely, absolutely, okay. 11:26 But you know what, God wants to enter into our hearts, 11:29 God wants to be a part of the solution 11:32 he has provided for us in this book, 11:35 in that creation week all the essential 11:38 necessary information we need to have the happy, 11:41 healthy, vibrant life that we all want so much. 11:44 And the further we get away from that ideal, 11:46 the sicker we're gonna be. 11:48 Those laws are there for a reason 11:50 and we disobey them at our own consequences, 11:54 our own dire consequences. 11:56 We will be back with a very important part of health 11:58 in just a moment, so stay tuned. 12:06 Hope you've learned a little bit more 12:08 about rest and sleep. 12:10 Both the nightly rest cycles as well as the weekly 12:13 and realize that this is an important treatment 12:16 as well as the prevention of disease. 12:19 In my life, I've learned about rest 12:21 and this text that jumps into my mind from Mathew, 12:24 "Come unto me, all you that labor 12:27 and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." 12:32 Rest comes from the heavenly father, 12:35 not only teaching you about how to rest better 12:37 but teaching you how to have 12:38 the spiritual rest, giving you the power. 12:41 And I am hoping as you're watching this program 12:43 you're realizing that there's a place for modern medicine, 12:46 there's a place for lifestyle but it's that 12:48 spiritual connection that makes it all possible. 12:50 That's a connection we must have in medicine. 12:53 I want to pray with you now as we finish talking about rest. 12:57 Father God, please be with each one of us today 12:59 and help us to come into an understanding 13:02 that you want us to rest 13:04 and you give us the power to rest, Father, 13:07 and if there are some that haven't entered 13:08 into a relationship with you, we want to pray that, 13:11 that person might come into this relationship 13:14 so that we might have the power 13:15 that the great physician can give us. 13:17 This is our most humble prayer, Amen. 13:21 I hope everyone concentrates on ways 13:23 that they might rest better tonight. 13:26 It might be cutting back your caffeine 13:29 or not eating the big meal and for sure 13:31 I want you to start thinking about 13:33 the weekly rest, but more than that 13:35 ask the heavenly father to bring you 13:37 into a restful relationship with Him. 13:39 You can do that, it starts with prayer, 13:42 opening the Bible and realizing that God loves us, 13:45 he wants us to feel well and realizing 13:47 that the principles given to us in the Bible 13:50 will help us take the next great step in health 13:53 and bring us to the ultimate physician. 13:56 We want to ask you to join us 13:57 next time on The Ultimate Prescription. |
Revised 2014-12-17