Ultimate Prescription

You've Got Rhythm

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: James Marcum & Charles Mills


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP00006A

00:01 The following program presents principles
00:02 designed to promote good health
00:04 and is not intended to take the place
00:05 of personalized professional care.
00:07 The opinions and ideas expressed
00:09 are those of the speaker.
00:11 Viewers are encouraged to draw
00:12 their own conclusions
00:13 about the information presented.
00:17 Have you ever wondered why God created night?
00:21 So we can sleep, you say.
00:22 Then why aren't we? Stay tuned.
00:27 I'm Dr James Marcum. Are you interested
00:30 in discovering the reason why?
00:33 You want solutions to your health care problems.
00:36 Are you tired of taking medications?
00:39 Well, you're about to be given
00:40 the ultimate prescription.
00:44 The world is filled with rhythm.
00:46 The pounding of ocean waves in the shore,
00:48 the cadence of insect songs,
00:51 even the beating of our own hearts,
00:52 all seem to be gears in some great cosmic time piece.
00:56 On day four of creation week,
00:58 God put in motion a rhythm that if ignored
01:02 can bring dire consequences to our health.
01:05 Dr. Marcum, enlighten us.
01:07 Wow, Charles. When people think about rhythm,
01:11 you know, sometimes you think about music. Yes.
01:13 You think about all different things,
01:15 but there is a true cosmic rhythm that God designed,
01:18 given to us back in the book of Genesis.
01:21 The Bible being our Biblical prescription,
01:25 the Bible being our template for how we want to live,
01:29 talks about this importance of cadence,
01:32 of rhythm and how when we change
01:34 these natural walls and we don't live by them,
01:36 we again put stress on our system.
01:39 And just think about it.
01:40 We were designed to be at work all day long,
01:44 living in a garden.
01:45 We were designed to rest at night.
01:48 How many people are really resting at night?
01:50 Out there we have our biggest meal at night.
01:53 We sometimes, Charles,
01:54 we sometimes stay up late watching television.
01:57 We have ipods. And what about the computer,
01:59 an email? Yes.
02:01 Oh, no there is a phone call
02:02 that comes into my cell phone.
02:03 I've have to get it. But the original design
02:06 is we were in a garden taking care of it,
02:08 and we were supposed to rest at night,
02:10 be working in the day.
02:11 When we violate these laws,
02:13 these circadian rhythm become broken.
02:16 Stress is put on our system.
02:18 We do it long enough,
02:19 the stress cascade that we've talked
02:21 about before, gets turned on.
02:24 You know we look at people-- if you are prison of work,
02:26 Charles, and I wanted to torture you
02:29 I would make you sleep deprived.
02:30 I would keep lights on you all the time.
02:32 I would hurt your brain. I would try
02:33 to break you down.
02:35 Yes, yes. Well, guess what's happening
02:37 to us in the world today. Yeah.
02:38 We are being broken down.
02:41 We're not resting well at night.
02:43 Not only that, according to Genesis,
02:45 we are also designed to have a weekly rest.
02:49 The creator of the universe
02:50 do not have any health problems.
02:53 Perfectly well, and yet He knew in His wisdom
02:56 that we would need to rest a weekly rest well.
02:59 We came apart from everything that we done.
03:02 And how many of us now are violating
03:03 these laws at night as well as we're violating
03:06 this weekly laws and guess what happens.
03:08 There is dire chemical consequences.
03:11 So it's hard when I get someone in.
03:12 They want to not have heart disease,
03:14 or they don't want to have all
03:15 other health problems.
03:16 When you talked them about this
03:18 treatment called, Rest.
03:20 So rest is a treatment for disease.
03:22 It's also way to prevent disease, all in one.
03:26 Another Biblical technological principle
03:29 that we see today.
03:30 Now you're using even stronger language.
03:31 You're saying it's a law. Oh, yeah.
03:33 It's not just a principle. Oh, yeah.
03:34 Now this is something like gravity. Yeah.
03:37 If you jump off of a building you are going to--
03:40 on this world, anyway, you gonna drop down
03:42 and you gonna do some bodily harm to yourself
03:44 and perhaps lie down there.
03:46 That is a law that if broken has consequences.
03:49 Are you saying that the circadian rhythm,
03:52 the sleeping, that if we go to bed
03:54 and if we changed our systems so much
03:58 that that we're sleeping in the day time
04:01 and working at night that we're doing something
04:03 that is breaking a law of health?
04:05 That's exactly right.
04:06 You know the sun needs to circle,
04:08 you know, the earth needs a circle to sun.
04:10 If it didn't do that,
04:11 we would have dire consequences.
04:12 That's true, that's true. When the body doesn't
04:14 do what it was designed to do,
04:16 why it end up in dire consequences.
04:18 It only makes sense. But you know what,
04:19 we're proving this chemically now. Yes.
04:21 We know that people that don't rest well at night.
04:24 They don't sleep well.
04:25 There is a medical condition called, sleep apnea.
04:27 Have you heard of that, Charles? I have.
04:28 Okay. That's a condition that affects many people
04:31 where they don't sleep well at night.
04:33 Well, one of the causes
04:34 of sleep apnea is being heavy.
04:36 You know, you get a lot of tissue around your neck.
04:38 You go to bed at night.
04:39 You can't get that air way open,
04:41 so you spend basically most
04:43 of your night gasping for air.
04:44 I've seen videos of this.
04:45 I mean they actually stop breathing for--
04:48 for many seconds during this time.
04:50 And someone out there in the audience
04:52 might have sleep apnea.
04:53 So if you have a loved one
04:54 that at night they do like this.
04:58 And they had that startled response.
05:00 They might have sleep apnea. But can you imagine
05:02 what happens chemically to your body,
05:04 if you spend one-third of your life
05:07 not getting enough oxygen. Oh, my.
05:10 One-third of your life not getting enough rest,
05:12 the chemical consequence, so you don't get enough rest.
05:14 So the next morning you wake up tired.
05:16 Well, guess what, you drink,
05:17 smoke, and joke. Get drive up.
05:20 And then you run on with no energy all day long,
05:22 your body isn't allowed itself to heal at night,
05:25 symptoms of sleep apnea, you're being tired.
05:27 You might have headaches.
05:28 You might have high blood pressure and heart disease.
05:31 I see funny heart rhythms,
05:32 all these things just because people have sleep apnea.
05:35 Well, this is just one example
05:37 of not getting enough rest.
05:38 There is other examples of peoples--
05:40 let me tell you a story here, real quick. Yes.
05:43 I had a gentleman that had been to some
05:45 of the best heart doctors in the United States.
05:47 He was in his 50s and already
05:49 had a second bypass surgery with a bypass around.
05:52 And yet he was still having chest pain. He came to me.
05:54 He was on all the right medicines,
05:56 all the right dose.
05:57 He just wanted a second opinion.
05:59 And as I do, I started
06:00 talking about the stresses
06:01 and he worked at a Fortune500 company.
06:04 He stayed up till 01:00 a.m. every night.
06:06 Just teaching him how to rest nightly,
06:09 his chemistry started to better.
06:10 His cholesterol came down.
06:11 His blood pressure came down.
06:13 His sedimentation rate came down--
06:14 His cholesterol came down? Yes, yes. Wow.
06:16 You know, a lot of things happen great for him
06:18 and then the next thing we started him,
06:19 I said listen do you believe
06:20 this principle called nightly rest?
06:22 How about this weekly rest?
06:24 So he started taking a day off to rest.
06:26 All of a sudden his chemistry
06:28 started to improve dramatically.
06:30 So this rest is a treatment for disease
06:32 and how many times you go into a doctor's office
06:35 and they listen I need to write
06:36 a prescription for rest,
06:38 or they even ask you about it.
06:39 And yet this is not only a cause but it's a plangent.
06:42 If you're a baseball player, Charles,
06:44 and broke your arm, I wouldn't let you
06:46 keep throwing fast balls I would say
06:48 rest to arm and allow to heal.
06:50 Well, the ultimate physician okay,
06:54 in his knowledge knew that at night
06:56 we need to rest 'cause we need to take heal
06:58 from all the work we did.
06:59 We need to recover also.
07:01 We needed a weekly recover from the week.
07:04 And this is a cycle that exists
07:06 and if we break this cycle, bad things happen.
07:08 We need modern medicine to fix things.
07:11 So this rest is very important
07:13 as not only a treatment but a prevention of disease,
07:16 and if I wrote a prescription for you for rest every night,
07:20 rest one day a week, you would think I'm crazy.
07:22 But, you know what, if I was able
07:23 to do the chemical studies
07:25 and showed this is what's happening to your chemistry.
07:27 This is how your body is improving.
07:29 This is how you're avoiding infections.
07:30 You're avoiding heart disease, heart attacks.
07:32 You're sleeping better at night.
07:34 You have energy, no depression.
07:35 If I could show you that data,
07:37 boy, people would be in line for this.
07:38 Yes, absolutely. So the day-night cycle the--
07:43 the fact that God put a sun up there that moves around,
07:47 the earth moves around I understand,
07:49 and the moon and the stars--
07:51 they're not up there just for enjoyment.
07:53 They're not up there just to say,
07:54 oh, isn't that pretty? They're up there
07:55 for a reason to remind us that okay,
07:58 now it's time to sleep.
08:00 Now it's time to wake up.
08:02 Now it's time to work. Now it's time to rest.
08:04 And if we stay in the cycle
08:07 everything from our fatigue levels
08:09 to our cholesterol are effected, that's amazing.
08:12 that's amazing. Okay, let's say
08:15 that there is a viewer
08:16 out there right now saying, well, Dr. Marcum,
08:19 I'm eating good food
08:20 that you've talked about on the other show.
08:22 I'm deep breathing. I'm drinking water.
08:25 I'm doing fine here, but you know,
08:28 I just can't seem to get into the rhythm.
08:32 I can't seem to go to sleep at night.
08:34 I can't seem to get up in the morning.
08:36 I am just all messed up in my schedule.
08:40 What would you say to that person
08:41 to begin the journey back to being able
08:44 to be in sync with God's rhythm?
08:47 And that happens everyday
08:48 when people come to the office
08:50 and one of the most dangerous things
08:51 I see is people that works in nightshift. Yeah.
08:53 They have a hard time
08:54 straightening out their chemistry.
08:56 Well, the first step I try to really convince people,
08:59 Charles, is let them know
09:00 that this lack of sleep is lack of a pattern
09:03 has chemical consequences that's damaging the body.
09:06 And likewise when we can do it correctly
09:08 it's a treatment for the body.
09:10 So once they believe that,
09:11 I say listen now that you believe that--
09:13 It's a prescription you say? Yes, it's a prescription.
09:15 All right okay. And I say comes
09:16 from the ultimate physician, okay.
09:18 So let him help us.
09:20 We need all the help we do.
09:21 You know, I believe that we can't make
09:23 these changes in our self.
09:24 We need the extra power.
09:26 If we do it in our self we become selfish.
09:30 So we wanna do it for the reason.
09:31 So I ask people, ask the power of God,
09:34 the Holy Spirit, to teach me about this.
09:35 And I say, well, let's try some things first.
09:38 Let's look at your sleep patterns.
09:39 What time you go to bed?
09:40 What are you doing at night?
09:42 Are you having a big meal night?
09:44 Are you taking prescription medicines
09:46 that might disrupt you?
09:47 Might you have a medical condition like sleep apnea?
09:50 Might you be doing things
09:52 that stimulate your mind at night?
09:54 A prescription you said just before,
09:56 what kind of prescription, what we're talking about?
09:57 What kind of pills? Well, certain medications
09:58 can stimulate the body, okay.
10:01 We have people that take diet pills.
10:02 Sometimes that can stimulate the body at night.
10:05 You know, they eat their big meal at night.
10:06 They want to speed it up.
10:08 So there are certain pills
10:09 that can sometimes keep us up.
10:11 These are called stimulates. Stimulates okay.
10:13 And you know, you hear methamphetamines,
10:15 you hear lot of legal and illegal stimulates.
10:17 You take a night cup of coffee. Right, right, yes.
10:19 And you just drink that. caffeine is a stimulant.
10:22 And alcohol messes up sleep patterns.
10:24 There is a host of chemicals that we take that mess,
10:27 even a big meal at night
10:28 messes up your sleep pattern.
10:29 One of the biggest things that I think
10:31 messes up sleep pattern is television. Television.
10:35 Television goes into the brain.
10:37 It gets our mind reds up.
10:38 We start turning on parts of the brain,
10:40 the limbic system, the stress part of our brain turns on,
10:43 the prefrontal cortex is not as activated
10:46 and this messes up sleep patterns.
10:48 There is a host of other stresses in our life.
10:50 So I try to walk a patient
10:52 through that in each individual thing
10:54 and try to make one change at a time
10:56 and when they do that we see
10:57 if they can sleep a little bit better
10:59 and the first thing is I always try to get people
11:00 is to cut back on television at night,
11:03 the big meal at night,
11:04 do that first maybe even exercise
11:06 who are the more tired during the day.
11:08 And then I also ask them after that,
11:10 I say listen you know you do this for a while.
11:12 And why don't you have a down day,
11:14 one day a week, why don't you have the down day.
11:16 It's a Biblical perspiration given
11:17 by the ultimate cardiologist. Yes, yes.
11:20 And why don't you just do down day.
11:21 And better yet if you could even choose to worship
11:23 that day that's even better than rest
11:25 and for other reasons.
11:26 So I start walking them through this
11:28 and I move them through.
11:29 So I say do this one thing at a time,
11:31 but we have to convince them
11:32 that their chemistry really changes.
11:34 This makes perfect sense. It does.
11:36 But why don't we hear about this.
11:37 We don't hear about it anyway.
11:38 If I was trying to destroy the world again,
11:41 if I was trying to mess everything up
11:43 I will take away a weekly rest
11:46 and that would damage our bodies,
11:48 not to mention damage the ultimate relationship
11:50 with the power came from. That's right.
11:51 Then I would mess up the nightly rest
11:53 and cause all these bad chemical stress reactions
11:56 too much adrenaline, too much cortisol,
11:58 no sleep at night messing up the way we think,
12:01 causing us to develop other habits that hurt us,
12:03 that's what I would do to destroy the world.
12:05 And, you know what, that's what's happening today.
12:07 Exactly yes that's seem-- And that's what I wanna tell
12:09 to our viewers out there.
12:10 You can do something about it in part of it
12:12 just knowing that this problem exists.
12:14 Yeah. I like that so you're telling us
12:17 that when the evening time comes
12:19 turn off the television,
12:21 don't eat that big meal, you might want to make sure
12:24 you're hydrated little bit,
12:25 just maybe a glass will be fine
12:27 not too much as you said before. Okay.
12:30 Those of us who are the types
12:34 who are our brains are just going constantly,
12:36 what can we do to slow our brains down
12:38 as we get towards the evening hours?
12:39 Well, couple of things that will turned down
12:41 our stress chemistry is taking deep breathes,
12:44 hold it five seconds, breathe out, okay.
12:46 I ask people to turn to the word, the word of God.
12:50 He says, "Come into me and I will give you this rest."
12:53 Well, that's a spiritual, physical rest as well.
12:56 So as we open up the scriptures
12:58 and open up God's word
12:59 and pray to Him that will also relax
13:01 and some people like to have a quite music,
13:03 some people like to have baths it relax them,
13:06 some people like to go on walks,
13:08 some people like to read other things.
13:10 So there is many different ways
13:11 based on who you are to help relax the body.
13:14 All right, very important stuff.
13:16 We're gonna take a break now.
13:18 When we come back we're gonna start
13:19 answering some questions from heartwiseministries.org.
13:22 You are invited to leave your questions there as well.
13:25 That's www. heartwiseministries.org.
13:29 Dr. Marcum is the founder director of that organization
13:32 and will be very happy to answer your questions.
13:34 Also there are other resources
13:36 there as well to help you live a happy
13:38 vibrant life that you want so much.
13:39 So we'll get to your questions
13:41 on a return so don't go away.


Revised 2014-12-17