Ultimate Prescription

The Heart Of The Matter

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Charles Mills (Host), Dr. James Marcum


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP000065B

00:01 Is your heart, your mind failing you for fear?
00:05 I am Charles Mills, this is Dr. James Marcum here,
00:08 we're talking about disease and the fighting of that disease
00:11 and we have a Biblical prescription that I think is
00:15 the most powerful prescription you are ever going to find
00:17 anywhere. More powerful than any modern medicine can give you,
00:21 and here it is.
00:23 We'll put it up on the screen: Philippians 4:6,7,
00:25 Philippians 4:6,7, listen to this and be amazed.
00:53 Every time I read that I just feel my blood pressure
00:57 going down, I feel that everything is going to be okay,
01:00 cause I'm not alone, there's someone here that is going to
01:03 help me through whatever I'm facing and this promise
01:07 is a wonderful prescription for peace and healing.
01:10 Dr. Marcum, I'm sure you've read this before,
01:12 what does that mean to you as a doctor?
01:14 It's more than a promise Charles, and I can tell people
01:18 that this is a way that I can help your chemistry
01:22 and help your situation more than a pill.
01:25 Because God doesn't want us to be anxious, He's given us a
01:27 prescription that will change our chemistry by being with Him,
01:31 by worshiping Him...Now we have the science to start
01:33 backing this up. We can prove it, we don't have all the
01:36 studies that I would like, I would like more studies
01:39 because I think this would be very convincing to the world...
01:41 You know, people like science, they like evidence,
01:44 faith, faith you know that's harder for some people than
01:48 evidence, but you give them hard core evidence
01:50 that this is going to do this, this, and this,
01:52 you know this is going to lower the risk of heart attack
01:54 if you do this. Well that will get their attention.
01:56 Yes. So that's, that's, I'm hoping more people
01:59 will continue to do research on this, but be anxious about
02:02 nothing. When we have prayer depend on God,
02:05 look to the scriptures, and that's what I've tried to do.
02:07 You know there's lots of medical programs out there Charles
02:10 that will sell your product, you know, here's an herb,
02:13 here's a supplement. There's a lot of procedures out there,
02:16 a lot of people are doing that, but on this program,
02:18 there's no special gimmick, there's no herb,
02:21 there's no that. No one here is making any money
02:23 for what they are doing.
02:25 We're here just because we want to try to present something
02:28 for you to think about, and for you to look at the evidence
02:30 and see if the evidence makes sense to you,
02:33 and more than anything, try some of these things
02:35 that we've been talking about in your life.
02:37 Try to worship God and see how you feel after a period
02:40 of time, let Him take control and see how you do.
02:43 Eat healthier diets, do these things and see how you feel.
02:46 It's amazing Charles, we do talk the modern medicine
02:50 part of it and do you know what this fellow is here?
02:52 It looks interesting. This is what we call an otoscope, ok,
02:59 and oto meaning ears, and we look at people's ears
03:02 and we pull back their ears and we go deep inside
03:05 and we look and see if they might have an infection,
03:08 we look at the tympanic membranes,
03:10 it does all sorts of neat things.
03:11 It's designed to look inside of you to see what is going on.
03:15 This is another instrument that we use to look in the eyes,
03:19 I can look through the center part of your eyes and I can see
03:22 where the optic nerve is, I can see the blood vessels,
03:25 I can actually see physically part of your brain where the
03:28 optic nerve comes out with this. I can see inside of you.
03:32 You know unfortunately in the world we live in
03:35 so many people are busy now, they don't have the time to
03:40 look inside themselves to see who they really are.
03:43 Interesting. Because we get so busy and so worried about
03:46 just being alive and existing that we don't have a chance
03:49 to look and see who we really are.
03:51 We don't have the time to see, look inside and see,
03:55 well, what does God want me to be?
03:57 Where does He want me to go?
03:58 Because we are busy, sometimes doing good things,
04:01 raising families, going to churches, working our jobs,
04:04 doing things. But I think our world is so busy,
04:07 that all this business stresses us out and the antidote
04:10 to all the stress which triggers all these diseases
04:13 is figuring out to have relationships, have a rest,
04:16 you know a rest, slow down a little bit, how to break our
04:20 routines, how to communicate with the one that can fix this,
04:23 to look inside ourselves and be honest. What do we see?
04:27 Do we see someone that's healthy that's getting better,
04:30 that's working towards healing?
04:32 Or do we just see someone who doesn't pay attention
04:34 to how their life is because we are caught up in this big
04:37 wave, this wave of the culture, this is how I'm supposed to feel,
04:40 this is how I'm supposed to act, and we don't even know
04:43 who we are inside. We're getting sicker and sicker,
04:45 and sicker as we do that. Yeah, as I look at my patients
04:48 come in and I realize a lot of people live their whole lives
04:50 and never know who they are.
04:52 Never know what they want to do with their life,
04:54 what they want to accomplish, even if it's just little things,
04:57 we all can find some way to be used by God.
05:00 When did you do that Dr. James Marcum?
05:02 When did you look inside and say, I want to be someone
05:06 different than I am? And how did that journey bring you
05:10 to this moment where you are sitting in the beautiful studio
05:12 here at 3ABN talking to these people around the world,
05:16 what was that journey like?
05:18 Well, it's sort of been over time, it hasn't happened
05:21 all at once, it's been slow and I would like to think I'm
05:23 still on the journey, still learning, still sharing...
05:27 Um, like I say, you don't hear a lot of physicians
05:30 out there that combine modern medicine, that combine lifestyle
05:34 and that combine mind and relationship,
05:36 especially a relationship with God as part of a treatment
05:39 plan. But I think this moderate approach is the way...
05:42 we look at Christ like, and He loved them, He didn't judge them.
05:46 I'm starting to do the research, what happens when we
05:49 judge people, what's it do to us.
05:50 Well, God says not to do that, it damages us.
05:52 What's it do to them? Yeah.
05:53 What's it do when we are not selfish?
05:55 Well, I think what happened to me is, I was in a bone marrow
05:58 transplant unit at the Medical Center of Delaware,
06:01 where I was doing my Internal Medicine Training
06:04 and I took care of a young Fire Fighter and he had a disease,
06:07 it's a bone disease called multiple myeloma
06:10 and everything that modern medicine could do,
06:13 the bone marrow transplants, the chemo...
06:17 the chemo wiped out his immune system, he got so sick
06:21 we had to give him antibiotics, everything we did to try to...
06:25 The theory is you wipe out all the bad cells and then
06:28 you give them a bone marrow transplant so they start making
06:31 good cells...Well everything we did with modern medicine...
06:34 You know, his family would come in every day,
06:36 I could see him lose weight, get weaker and weaker
06:39 every day...And then everyone says this will work,
06:43 have another transfusion, this is going to work...
06:46 You are on three medicines to keep infections out of the
06:49 body and after a prolonged period of time, he passed away,
06:52 and I felt so empty. You know, his family, I didn't really...
06:57 as one of his doctors, one of his many doctors,
07:00 I was low on the totem pole... I didn't give him anything
07:03 that would bring him to healing and I said there has got to be
07:08 something more to medicine than this,
07:11 and just that realization began my search.
07:14 And I started, I just prayed, God show me where we should go
07:19 with this? What should I learn and I started looking in the
07:22 scriptures and slowly but surely I realized I was taught
07:25 medicine, but medicine wasn't healing and just because
07:29 I've taught these things doesn't mean it's right
07:31 and some day we will look back and see some of the stuff
07:34 we are doing, is not right.
07:35 I realize that some people do things, you know, they do things
07:39 for money. The system is broken.
07:41 Not maybe individuals, but the system is not doing what
07:44 it should be doing.
07:45 And this journey led me to the scriptures,
07:47 and finding things in the scriptures and the science
07:49 to back it up. Right.
07:51 The science to back it up, because I think when people
07:53 look at evidence based medicine...
07:54 See, I consider the things that God gave us as medicine healing.
07:58 Yes. The things that change our chemistry,
08:00 just like anything we put in our body, changes our chemistry.
08:03 And everyone says, oh the food is so important.
08:06 Yes, the food is important, don't get me wrong,
08:08 but the thoughts are important too. Yes.
08:10 And if you are going to be angry about your food choices
08:12 maybe that angry is not the right thing and maybe
08:14 you need to sort of re-evaluate.
08:16 Well, how can I not be angry?
08:17 Why am I feeling this way?
08:19 Find out the reason why and it might be a journey
08:22 that you and God go on and you take others with you.
08:24 But I started going on that journey and as I tried to make
08:27 changes one at a time, I saw the positive effects,
08:30 I started bringing these in to my patients lives
08:33 and I said why don't you try this for two weeks and
08:35 see how you do? Well all of a sudden,
08:36 they started coming off medicines, they became happier,
08:39 they started reversing disease.
08:41 One of the questions I ask when the short time...
08:43 I asked, are you eating pretty healthy?
08:46 They said yes, I said well, what do you eat?
08:47 So I could have that discussion, and I said well try to do this
08:51 first. I lead them one step at a time and if they are eating
08:54 terrible, we have to go slower.
08:55 And I said what are you doing, why are you happy?
08:58 And if you are out there and you can't answer that question,
09:01 what am I doing to be happy? You might have a problem.
09:04 Then if they can't say something, then I start working
09:06 on the mind. Well, what can we do?
09:08 What do you really enjoy doing?
09:09 And that leads me into resting you know, and resting in God.
09:13 Resting in that relationship. Maybe you are too busy...
09:15 and I can lead them to other Biblical ways of healing
09:19 and sometimes they don't even know it.
09:21 Um hum. You know, they might not be spiritual and I said,
09:23 well, you know, do you have a connection with God?
09:26 And some people are going to church and some people are not
09:28 going to church and if they are not I say, well you know,
09:30 you know God reaches you in many different ways if you
09:33 look out for Him. And here's some things you can do if
09:35 you are interested in this cause I believe there is proof,
09:38 scientific proof that there is a God, and there is healing.
09:41 And here's what he says. And I said why don't you just
09:44 try this for a week and see how you feel?
09:46 And I've never had anyone who tries these things and
09:49 don't feel a little bit better. Ahhh!
09:51 And as I've seen them change, that has empowered me
09:54 to continue to look for another thing that we can offer
09:56 and to go and take the time to spread this news via
09:59 the television, via the radio, the ministry answers questions.
10:03 But I realize the system doesn't necessarily want this to happen,
10:07 It's not a money maker. You know, it's not a money maker.
10:11 But I think that as God blesses, we are all going to be in this
10:15 together. We are going to see that understanding people,
10:17 meeting their needs, loving and not judging them,
10:19 helping them in the healing process.
10:21 This is the way we can bring people to the gospel,
10:24 to evangelism. To realizing that God came down here
10:27 and He says, if you believe in me...Believe,
10:30 worship the true God. These are the things
10:32 the Holy Spirit will come in and change people's lives.
10:35 And even if we can't have healing on earth
10:37 we can have healing in heaven.
10:39 So you are saying that health should be at the center of
10:41 evangelism. Well, I think that's the way we should be thinking.
10:44 We should be thinking to serve someone, to love someone
10:47 first. Develop that relationship and let the Holy Spirit
10:50 through that relationship take them the next step
10:52 and we can help them on those steps.
10:54 But I think this is very... everyone that is watching this
10:57 program can share with their friends and help them smile
11:00 and serve them. And when they are serving them through that
11:02 relationship, they can introduce even a greater relationship
11:05 that can add in healing and I think the evidence speaks
11:08 for itself Charles. If we are doing that,
11:10 if we are making our friends smile, if we are bringing hope
11:15 for them, we are bringing healing Dr. Marcum. Yes!
11:18 We are being like little medical missionaries to our neighbors,
11:22 to our family members, to our co-workers...
11:24 When we bring these principles that we talk about on this
11:27 program week after week, when we bring that to the world
11:29 we are taking part in a healing ministry.
11:33 You may not be a part of heartwisemininstries.org
11:36 but you can be a part of you.ministries.org
11:39 and your family's ministry .org. What a wonderful feeling
11:43 that is to know that you are part of healing people's lives.
11:46 Yeah. And when you serve some- one else, you are serving God.
11:49 You're serving God. And I went to a play not long ago with my
11:52 daughter and one of the lines was, you know, when you serve
11:55 someone else, you see that the face of God.
11:57 So when you serve someone else, you are really serving
11:59 your Creator.
12:01 Well, we are going to take a brake and when we come back
12:03 let's talk to that creator. What a privilege we have
12:06 to speak to the God who created us and knows what is best for us
12:10 and wants to share with us what we need to do
12:13 to have health and healing from now on until He comes
12:17 so stay right where you are.
12:24 If you are discouraged, do you feel like there is no hope?
12:27 Do you feel like there is no love in your life?
12:30 I want to tell you, that's not the way it needs to be.
12:33 There is hope, there is healing, there's real chemical changes
12:38 that comes in this relationship that we are promised.
12:40 We can start that this very moment. Let's pray together.
12:43 Father God, we want to enter into a relationship with you
12:48 and we want you to work in our lives.
12:51 Take over our thoughts and our actions
12:53 and bring us to healing, bring us to hope,
12:55 bring us to love. We trust that you will do this
12:58 in our lives Father, and we want to thank you ahead of
13:01 time for the results that we will see is our humble prayer.
13:04 Amen!
13:05 I want to thank you for spending time on
13:09 The Ultimate Prescription today, if you want to learn
13:11 more, go to our website if you have a question wheret we can
13:13 serve you. That website is heartwiseministries.org.
13:19 Wishing you the best of health.


Revised 2017-06-14