Ultimate Prescription

The Heart Of The Matter

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Charles Mills (Host), Dr. James Marcum


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP000065A

00:16 The word heart appears in the King James Bible 884 times.
00:22 Yes, I know that the Biblical heart represents the human mind,
00:26 but there are parallels. Stay tuned.
00:30 I'm Dr. James Marcum.
00:32 Are you interested in discovering the reason why?
00:35 Do you want solutions to your healthcare problems?
00:39 Are you tired of taking medications?
00:41 Well, you are about to be given the Ultimate Prescription.
00:45 The Bible describes the human heart as stony, hardened,
00:52 evil, un-repentant, failing, cold, wise, foolish, willing,
00:59 and even in need of a complete transplant.
01:01 Dr. Marcum, you've been answering questions about
01:05 the heart from the heartwiseministries.org website.
01:08 And I was just wondering, do you see some similarities
01:11 between the human heart and the human mind?
01:14 Yeah, there are a lot of conditions, if you remember
01:17 that text at that time, in the world, they thought the heart
01:21 was the center of reasoning.
01:23 Only years later, even the Greeks that, but years later
01:26 some of the doctors, especially in the Egyptian schools
01:30 they realize that the center of reasoning wasn't the heart,
01:33 it was the mind. So I think this that they are referring to,
01:36 create in me a new heart, was a new mind.
01:38 A new mind, a new way of thinking.
01:40 And that's why I think a lot, the disease that we have
01:43 originates in our mind many times.
01:46 And yes, there's a lot of similarities that have to do
01:49 with the heart and the mind, and there are some theories
01:52 out there that the heart and the mind are connected
01:54 neurologically. Well, we know that they are,
01:56 we know that adrenalin speeds up the heart.
01:58 We know that the brain has effects on the heart.
02:00 There's lots of people that thinks it goes vice versa too,
02:03 and we might not know all the complexities about the human
02:07 body, and that's what I am realizing, the more I learn,
02:10 the less I know, but I am always trying to learn
02:12 something more that we can apply to help our lives
02:15 do a little bit better.
02:17 To maybe help the world we live in, to help the stress
02:20 cause I see what's happening.
02:21 The systems all around us in the world...
02:23 you know, the systems are failing us.
02:25 One of the big things that has bothered me recently is
02:28 how the relationships... It used to be we had more
02:31 relationships than we used to.
02:33 We used to talk to each other, now we text each other.
02:37 We used to be creative and make things,
02:40 and now we watch things.
02:42 You know, so our whole world has changed and with that
02:45 we sort of go against the way we are designed to be.
02:49 The left and right brains don't interact as well as they
02:51 used to, and there has been some stress chemistry
02:54 so as I've learned more about how to study the scriptures,
02:58 looking for science that I can apply, I found some wonderful
03:01 things that no one else is talking about.
03:04 Let's hear it, that's wonderful. Yeah.
03:05 There is wonderful things that no one else is talking about
03:08 and it has to do with the way our mind works.
03:11 And the fact that God wants to be a part of our mind
03:14 and to heal our mind.
03:15 We already saw some of the research about how
03:18 spiritual things...you know worship helps our mind,
03:22 helps turn off the stress chemistry.
03:23 The altruistic' s that helps us in service, all these things
03:27 are wonderful.
03:28 But now there are some thing's that we can do when we
03:29 understand that our very thoughts, our very words,
03:33 the way we act, all have chemical consequences.
03:37 That's why when words come out of our mouth,
03:39 we have to be so careful, cause the word to my mouth
03:41 might mean one thing, but it might scare you
03:44 and it might hurt you.
03:45 Yes. And that can cause damage to your very own brain Charles
03:48 and all these things that happen, all these complex
03:51 interactions...The same with food.
03:52 You know when we eat some- thing, it might have more effect
03:55 on you than it would have on me, even though it's a healthy food.
03:58 Yes. Because our bodies are genetics, the interactions that
04:01 go on throughout our body are so unique to us
04:04 and only our creator understands that.
04:06 And some people say well, where to I go, I feel like I am sick,
04:09 where do I go?
04:11 Well, I think that I have proven that the first place to go
04:13 is to the ultimate, the Bible, the ultimate physician,
04:17 have Him lead you maybe to humanly physicians
04:19 and then be our physician ourselves.
04:21 And as we add all of these modalities to ourselves
04:24 we can at least move towards having better health.
04:27 I just thought of something. The very first time that
04:30 that Bible text that we often hear about the end time,
04:34 where it says men's hearts failing them for fear.
04:37 Yes. I always thought they were so afraid they had a
04:40 heart attack, but if the heart is the mind,
04:44 it's almost like saying, people going crazy for fear,
04:48 their minds failing them for fear, they can't think straight.
04:52 They are so afraid of what' happening that their reasoning
04:56 powers are shot. Yes, yes.
04:57 And we know that brains under stress, that moves down to,
05:01 they just want to stay alive.
05:02 And that's what's happening today. Yes.
05:04 That's exactly what's happening. And we are not using the
05:06 higher parts of our brains, the parts that we can
05:08 figure things out, communicate with God, and there is a reason
05:11 for this, you know, I mean God wants us to have control
05:15 of our mind, He wants to have our minds.
05:17 But if we don't, if we can't you know.
05:19 In an argument they say that you can only...
05:21 When you are having an argument, when you are stressed out
05:23 you can only retain 15% of that information.
05:26 Wow. When in argument.
05:27 There's a recent study about financial, financial problems
05:31 and they found out that people having financial problems
05:34 their IQ's went down about ten points
05:36 just from the stress of that.
05:38 And then when they got their financials in order,
05:39 their IQ came up again.
05:41 But can you imagine all the stuff that is going on in our
05:43 lives. You know, our brains, are we thinking any more
05:47 or Charles, are we letting someone else think for us?
05:50 Yes, yes. Who's doing our thinking for us anymore?
05:52 And they look at the media, what a major stressor there.
05:56 People are spending up to eight hours on the media a day
05:58 and even if you think it is not affecting me, it is.
06:02 The words, the advertisements, you know we were never
06:05 made to see people kill each other.
06:06 We were never made to see... live other people's lives.
06:10 We were never be made to be entertained.
06:12 We were made to be creative and to have service
06:14 and as we've done these things, we've created an environment
06:17 that's not healthy chemically.
06:18 Now in modern medicine, we talk about pills, anxiety pills,
06:23 depression pills, and when things don't work well,
06:26 your blood pressure goes up and...but we never
06:28 answer the question, Why, why is this happening?
06:31 Why is this going on? How can I think outside of the box?
06:35 How can I come to true healing? Is it about money, or is it
06:39 about doing what is right?
06:41 And it's never been popular to do what is right Charles.
06:44 There's a question that came in recently to Heartwise Ministries
06:47 that really highlights this whole idea here.
06:51 This person says I have advanced cancer.
06:55 My Oncologist wants to place me on a medicine,
06:57 I do not want to take this medicine,
07:00 is this a poor decision?
07:01 There is fear in every word of this sentence here,
07:04 this question. Yes there is and that's the core
07:07 of a lot of questions, and to answer that question...
07:10 you know, there is nothing wrong with not taking
07:12 the medicine if you have advanced cancer.
07:14 You know, in the treatment of cancer, we want to try to
07:19 prevent it from happening.
07:20 We've talked about ways we can do that...
07:23 Look at our skin. Stay out of the sun too long.
07:26 We do need sun... Eat healthy diets, which help us
07:29 lower the risk of colon cancer.
07:31 Avoid gaining weight, which puts us at risk for
07:34 different cancers and of course you want to detect it
07:37 early, especially if we have genetic family histories.
07:39 You know, screening tests, we want to do all that,
07:42 but when cancer has spread... You know, if you think about it,
07:46 a single bullet might not be the answer.
07:49 And if it was the answer for metastatic cancer,
07:51 why does the rates go up. Single medical bullet...
07:54 Well why are the rates going up like crazy?
07:57 We haven't really lowered the risk, we have been spending
07:59 billions and billions of dollars on this.
08:01 But you look at some of the other ways of slowing down
08:04 cancers, giving healthy foods, diet, you think about
08:08 our faith and even if this person, even if this person
08:11 with cancer succumbs that body, that body, that doesn't mean
08:16 the person is without hope.
08:18 That doesn't mean they are not going to be healed.
08:20 It is just when, when is healing going to occur?
08:23 I want to say there is always hope, in God,
08:27 there's always hope.
08:28 You know, our savior came down and died to give us that hope
08:31 so don't be despaired, there's always some place
08:34 where you can find healing.
08:37 Sometimes we think death is a terminal event,
08:39 but God doesn't see death as a terminal event.
08:43 We are programmed to think that, so we are programmed
08:47 to do everything we can as fearful as it can to not do that
08:52 and if we can't do that we are scared to death
08:53 which adds to our own demise, it doesn't make any sense to me.
08:57 and we got a lot of ways to numb our fears that aren't
09:00 necessarily healthy for us.
09:01 The next question here that we have from
09:03 heartwiseministries.org is, why are heart attacks so high?
09:06 And I can say along with that, why is mental illness rising
09:12 at the same level, in the same rate as heart disease?
09:16 Why are those two running parallel?
09:18 That's a great question cause let's look at the evidence.
09:21 Mental health keeps deteriorating,
09:24 even our children have problems and...
09:26 Diabetes, sleep apnea, obesity, heart attacks, strokes,
09:31 chronic disease, the rates keep going up and yet,
09:36 and yet, we write four billion prescriptions every year,
09:39 we have the best technology in the world...
09:41 We spend 1 in 6 dollars on health care and that goes up
09:44 it's because we are not looking at the reason why and finding
09:47 solutions and it's the sinful world...
09:50 It's in those single bullets you were talking about.
09:52 The single bullets, that's why we got to get back to the
09:54 complete plan that was given to us by God
09:57 and try to follow that plan and find the appropriate places
10:01 for modern medicine, the appropriate places for
10:04 taking a pill, but like I said, we've turned it into something..
10:07 we've lost track, we've lost focus, we might see a tree,
10:11 but we don't see the forest, and it's becoming
10:14 a real problem. So why all of this,
10:16 because all of the stress has gone up,
10:17 we are not living the lives we are designed to live,
10:20 our diets are terrible now. We still fill our bodies
10:24 with fatty foods. Out there we still see advertising,
10:27 we still...and we don't even have ways to communicate
10:29 healthy diets to people, it's blocked at every avenue.
10:32 I don't see lots of commercials on TV celebrating a whole food
10:37 plant based diet. I just don't see that.
10:39 You know, even some of that information is belittled.
10:42 Yes, yes. You can't do this, this is not good for you
10:46 ok, you don't have this... It's belittled.
10:48 And those are the things that we have to change,
10:50 we are not going to change society, but maybe we can change
10:54 people one at a time. And that's what we try to do
10:56 at Heartwise. We try to give information, let people evaluate
11:01 the evidence, but more than anything, we want people to have
11:03 relationships. Relationships with God the most,
11:06 but relationships with each other. We were designed to
11:08 help each other, we were designed to teach each other,
11:11 we were designed to serve each other,
11:12 and as we start to do those things, we're going to find
11:15 a level of healing.
11:16 And Dr. Marcum, I know that, you know that,
11:21 the people who are watching this program,
11:23 if they are watching regularly, they know the truth,
11:25 they know where to find it, what is wrong with the
11:29 medical system? We've had several questions that come...
11:31 What is wrong with the medical system?
11:33 We, you guys are saying these things and it's true,
11:36 it's right before our eyes, it's right there in the Bible,
11:39 the studies have been done, the China study has been
11:42 written, Estelson has done his thing, and McDougall,
11:44 and Dr. Hans Diehl...These people have all proven
11:48 beyond a shadow of a doubt that a certain lifestyle
11:51 which includes diet and exercise, and faith, and worship
11:54 and all that, it is the most healing way to live.
11:57 Yet you don't go to your doctor and come out with a prescription
12:01 for worship, why is that?
12:03 Well, you know Charles, and I don't think it is the individual
12:05 doctors per se, it's the system. The system that has grown...
12:10 It's like it has grown a little bit bigger each year,
12:13 the pressures that are put on everybody,
12:16 the people that are making the advertising,
12:18 What's been said in the Media, um, even in the food industry
12:23 they have profits to be made, they have lobbyists that go
12:27 to the government, all these different pressures...
12:30 The time allotted to physicians and patients have gone down
12:34 every year... Talk about that, when you first
12:37 started, how long did you stay with a patient?
12:40 At least 75% of the time with a patient, 25% with paper work.
12:44 But as time went on, 10 years ago, it was about 50/50
12:48 three or four months ago, it was about 75% of my time
12:51 with paper and computers and only 25% of my time
12:55 with patients. Which that works out to be about 10 minutes
12:58 with the patient. Yeah and the relationships have gone
13:01 down. You can't have a relationship when you don't
13:03 have the time. And that is one of the reasons I like
13:06 answering peoples questions, because they long for the
13:09 relationship too, otherwise they wouldn't have the question,
13:11 it would have already been answered.
13:12 Yes. So I long to have that relationship with my patients
13:16 and with each other and I think that our technology,
13:19 even though it's important and helpful in some instances,
13:22 in some instance it can actually hurt things.
13:24 It's good to be together, it's good to have families,
13:27 it's good to have people over, it's good to care for each other,
13:30 it's good to talk to each other. So those things I want to
13:33 promote because there's healing effects in relationships,
13:36 healthy relationships with each other because it
13:38 leads us to love, it leads us to service,
13:41 and of course our relationship with God leads us to His plan
13:44 for our lives and we don't know what that is,
13:46 we just have faith that He is going to move us
13:48 one step at a time.
13:49 We're going to take a short break and when we come back,
13:51 boy, do I have a biblical prescription for you.
13:54 Stay tuned.


Revised 2017-06-14