Ultimate Prescription

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP000064B

00:01 Welcome back to the program, I'm Charles Mills.
00:02 We're here with cardiologist, Dr. James Marcum,
00:04 and today, we're looking in God's Prescription Book,
00:08 the Bible where some wonderful gems that we can relate
00:12 to our lives that we can bring in when we are fearful
00:15 when we don't now what is going on,
00:16 and we wonder what the day will bring.
00:19 Here is a marvelous one, Dr. Marcum,
00:21 I'm going to share that, put it up on the screen here.
00:22 There it is...
00:31 That's Psalm 41:3
00:33 What wonderful words there!
00:34 Not only is He going to restore us,
00:37 but while we're there, while we're on the sickbed,
00:40 God wants to sustain us there with His love,
00:43 and with the peace that knowing that God, the Master Physician,
00:46 is involved in our illness. That's good news!
00:49 Yeah, it is good news, Charles, and sometimes our physical body
00:54 will be full of disease and all sorts of problems. Yes
00:57 That doesn't mean our innards, our soul, our brain
01:00 where God communicates with us
01:02 has to be that way as well and that's exciting.
01:04 You know what? I brought something
01:06 and I wanted to show you.
01:07 All right, let's see what this is...
01:08 That is from my Honda Civic, that's the car I drive. Okay
01:13 And that is the owner's manual and I've been trying to take
01:17 care of that car since 2007, and when I drive my car,
01:21 you know, it says I have to do these things and do these things
01:24 and if I don't do those things,
01:26 there are going to be consequences. Yes
01:28 And it goes from everything from the steering
01:31 to the exhaust system, to how to turn on the lights,
01:35 to the electrical system and if I do not keep my car
01:39 according to the owner's manual, things happen. Yes
01:41 You know, like one time I didn't keep the air in my tire
01:45 filled up - bad things happened with that.
01:48 It started to wear abnormal and all sorts of things - bad.
01:51 Now, luckily, I've been very good about keeping
01:53 gas in the car, but you know, you have to change the oil...
01:56 There are certain things you have to do.
01:58 And if you don't do that, there are consequences
02:01 to your car - it just doesn't run as well.
02:04 And so I try to stay by the owner's manual
02:07 and stick by the book to give my car the optimal
02:10 chance of functioning as well as possible.
02:12 Well now there you go... you said something important.
02:14 This is for optimal functioning. Yes!
02:16 We can get by - by not doing this, by letting the air go out,
02:22 by letting the oil go... we can get by for a while.
02:25 But there's going to come a time
02:26 when it's going to catch up with us...
02:28 And that's what we do in our lives...
02:30 It seems that we have the Bible, God's Owner's Manual,
02:33 and we read it and say, "Oh yeah, that's
02:34 what I should be doing, but you know, I feel sort of
02:36 okay - it's okay how I do these things."
02:38 But like mistreating your car, or mistreating your body,
02:42 it turns around and bites you pretty substantially. Yeah
02:45 And I think the person that wrote in talking about the
02:47 stress that she's noticing in other people,
02:50 I think if we look around in the world now,
02:53 we see more stressful situations than ever.
02:56 You know, we think about the mental stress that people
02:58 are under the media stress, the food stress;
03:03 we're workaholics, we think we have to work all the time;
03:07 the smells we're having...
03:09 There are stressors all around us,
03:11 and yet, we've developed stressors in this world,
03:15 but are we keeping up with the anti-stress measures?
03:19 And, that's why I say, Well, where are the solutions to that?
03:22 And, I don't think that modern medical world has found that.
03:24 If it was the case, one in 3 people wouldn't
03:26 have anxieties - we wouldn't have all the phobias;
03:29 we wouldn't have post-traumatic stress.
03:31 We wouldn't have all these things.
03:32 So we have to learn and practice and help each other
03:36 to have less stress in life.
03:38 And each one of us can do that as a service to one another.
03:41 We talked a little bit about things that you can do
03:43 to relax and that, but another thing that we
03:45 can do that's very valuable, is what I've tried to do
03:48 in medical practice is - "What is the real owner's manual?"
03:52 "How are we supposed to live?"
03:53 "How are we supposed to keep the maintenance
03:55 so things don't break down?" Right
03:57 I think modern medicine is great for when things break down.
04:00 You know, maybe we can get things going again. Yeah
04:02 But how do we keep that maintained at optimal health?
04:05 And that's why I love going to the Bible and finding
04:08 Scriptures and reading them and trying to apply them
04:11 to our lives because all of these Bible verses as read
04:14 have chemical consequences even though we can't explain it.
04:18 And the text that comes to my mind when it comes to stress is
04:22 a text in Philippians 4:6, and it says,
04:27 "Be anxious about nothing."
04:30 You know, God doesn't want us to have fear about anything...
04:34 About how we worship Him... He doesn't want us to have fear.
04:36 About what's going to happen tomorrow...
04:38 He doesn't want us to have to fear.
04:40 Where the money is going to come...
04:41 He doesn't want us to have fear.
04:43 About our health, about our treatments...
04:45 He doesn't want us to have these things.
04:47 And you say, "Well, God doesn't want us to have these
04:51 things but, how does it look?
04:53 How do I move towards that goal?
04:55 And I think the basic start is in that next book,
04:58 it says, "pray." Pray.
05:01 And then we have to turn it to God and learn how to pray,
05:04 and what I have been trying to do in my life is...
05:06 I invite God - I don't try to do things myself anymore...
05:10 I can't - and then when I do things for myself,
05:12 and I don't do it, guess what... I get stressed out.
05:15 And then also it stresses me out because it moves me down
05:18 to the lower part of the brain, the selfish part of the brain.
05:21 So if I want to do things out of love, God has to do it for me,
05:25 so I invite Him to come in and change me as He chooses to do.
05:29 I submit myself to You, God, to change me...
05:33 I pray that prayer and you know, take away the stress.
05:36 I think that's the first step in my prayer for someone
05:38 that has stress, is let God do it for you.
05:40 Let God teach you how to move.
05:42 Now, that doesn't happen all at once.
05:44 You know, you might take one little step and God might move
05:47 some person from A to B real quickly.
05:49 We saw that in the Bible like Paul...
05:51 But sometimes, He moves slowly over a course of a lifetime
05:54 over small events to help you come to that.
05:56 But when people are under stress, realize our God doesn't
05:59 want that - He knows it's damaging to us;
06:02 it's damaging to our chemistry; He wants us to pray;
06:05 He wants us to look for answers from Him...
06:07 That's where the answers are!
06:09 And it might look different for different people. Yeah
06:11 For you, it might be doing this;
06:13 for someone else, it might be serving,
06:14 but it's all going to lead us to loving people and a better
06:17 outcome that we're going to have if we live this way.
06:20 You know, one of the things that I've learned in my life is
06:22 when I ask God for something...
06:24 He usually doesn't say yes or no, He says, "Here's how."
06:30 God is a God of action... He wants us to get involved
06:34 with what He's going to do for us. Right!
06:36 And if we say, "Lord, I need such and such,
06:38 I'm troubled here - I don't know what to do."
06:41 He says, "Here's how," and He says it in the Bible.
06:45 He says, Live by these principles,
06:47 follow My guidelines, live by My laws, My commandments
06:51 and you will figure it out!
06:53 It will happen for you because I have outlined for you
06:56 and in the Bible, I've outlined
06:58 for you how to do what you want to have happen.
07:01 How do I find my husband or wife?
07:03 How do I get the money for such and such?
07:05 How do I choose this job or that job - what do I do?
07:08 God says, "Well, wait a minute, let's work together
07:11 on this thing - I don't want to just lead you around
07:13 by the nose, I want you to be a part of the answer
07:17 to your own prayer and I love that fact about God
07:20 because I like to be involved with things...
07:22 And when He says "Here's how," I say, "All right, let's
07:25 figure this out - let me do it, let me at it, and you know what?
07:28 More times than not, the answer comes eventually.
07:30 And then I can sit back... that was cool.
07:33 I had a part of this - God and me together,
07:36 we worked this out and that makes me feel pretty good.
07:38 Yeah, you know, this was such an important question
07:42 because so many people have that as part of their questions.
07:45 You know, I look in at all the questions we answered
07:48 about heart disease... well, they're concerned.
07:51 Maybe some people are even fearful...
07:53 What's going to happen to me? What am I going to do?
07:56 What's the first step in the healing process?
07:59 And, it's not necessarily running to your doctor.
08:03 First, if you're fearful, talk to God first.
08:06 There's how to do it, it's in the Bible.
08:08 Here is the place to start. Yeah
08:10 There's real chemical changes that happen when we do that,
08:13 and now we're studying the research of people
08:16 that have worship; the people that have
08:18 relationships with God; the people that
08:20 learn how to rest and relax in God.
08:23 There are chemical benefits, it's now we're finding
08:26 its effects are genetics.
08:27 So there's real science behind it...
08:29 even though we can't explain everything.
08:32 Not everything is explainable.
08:35 Charles, I get a lot of people that write in that are fearful
08:38 about things that have this situation and say,
08:42 "I went to every doctor in the world,
08:43 no one knows what's wrong with me."
08:45 And we have questions about cancer, advanced cancer.
08:47 No one knows what's wrong with us,
08:48 and you know, sometimes a doctor doesn't know
08:51 what's wrong with you doesn't mean that there's not
08:53 something physically wrong.
08:54 But sometimes, we have to be our own best doctor.
08:57 And that doesn't mean that there's not an answer.
08:59 No and it means we have to look to God for the answers,
09:02 and say, "Listen, I want You to help me,
09:05 and let me start with prayer,
09:06 and let me start on the steps to find healing."
09:09 Maybe it won't happen right away,
09:10 but it will happen in time, and if modern medicine is a
09:13 part of that, great!
09:14 If lifestyle is a part of that, great!
09:17 If the way we worship and think is a part of that, great!
09:20 But sometimes, healing is a journey,
09:23 it doesn't happen all at once. Yes, yes
09:25 And sometimes, there is pain along the way, Charles.
09:27 Don't like that - we don't have to like it.
09:30 We don't have to say, "Oh this life is just wonderful,
09:32 God is here and we're here and everything is happy."
09:34 No, we don't have to like it!
09:35 But God says, "As long as you're here,
09:37 as long as you have to suffer through this thing,
09:39 I want to be part of your solution,
09:42 and we can work together on these things." I like that.
09:44 All right, here we go... "I had recent testing
09:48 and all my arteries in my heart are significantly blocked.
09:50 I want to go the natural route; some say, "bypass,"
09:53 some say, "chelation," others say, "diet and exercise."
09:56 "What is your opinion on this thing?"
09:58 Yeah, and my opinion on this...
09:59 So many voices coming in at you!
10:01 It's hard to know who or what to believe. Yeah
10:03 And I would advise this person just like the last person,
10:05 start with asking God where they think they should go,
10:09 get some good advice from good healers - someone that
10:12 as been there before and use all the elements that you need.
10:15 You know, I advise people to move towards eating healthy.
10:19 There's strong science behind that now.
10:21 It changes your chemistry.
10:22 Control the stress in your life.
10:25 If you're having symptoms that are active,
10:27 that's a great place for modern medicine.
10:29 Use all of the modalities out there,
10:31 and learn how to do it in moderation
10:33 letting God sort of guide you is what's best
10:36 in your belief system, what's best for you.
10:39 But, you know, look at all the different things
10:41 and find out how weave them together.
10:43 So for some people, their belief system says,
10:46 "No, I can't do this."
10:48 Well then maybe shouldn't do that then.
10:50 For me, it would be chelation therapy.
10:53 You know, chelation therapy hasn't been shown
10:54 scientifically benefit to help, so I wouldn't want that.
10:57 But for other people just the belief in it,
10:59 might be beneficial. Yes
11:01 There the placebo effect, we call that "healing beliefs."
11:05 So I would look in all of these modalities.
11:07 I'd find the best, you know, "Dr. Esselstyn" has done some
11:10 great work about reversing blockages,
11:12 and he does that with the whole food plant-based diet.
11:15 He's got strong words, so does "Dean Ornish"
11:17 in reversing disease, so I definitely put that at the list.
11:19 But if you're having active symptoms,
11:21 maybe you need to have something done right now,
11:23 and that would be what we have
11:25 to offer in modern medicine to relax the heart.
11:27 We just want to make sure that we begin by putting our
11:30 lives and our life style in line with what God had in mind.
11:35 Owner's manual - the Bible, read Genesis 1,
11:38 and what did God have in mind for us?
11:41 How were we supposed to live?
11:42 What was our life supposed to look like,
11:45 to sound like, to feel like?
11:46 How were we supposed to relate to people?
11:49 How were we supposed to relate to the animals around us,
11:52 and to the environment, to the planet?
11:53 All of these are essential to begin that journey
11:56 of a partnership with you and God as you make these
12:00 choices and you make these decisions to fight
12:02 whatever comes into your life.
12:04 We'll take a short break and when we come back,
12:06 let's do the most wonderful thing we can for our healing,
12:09 and that is talk to the Master Physician.
12:12 His office is always opened, there's no line...
12:15 You're up next. Stay tuned...
12:24 "Be fearful about nothing."
12:26 Unfortunately in our world that we live in,
12:29 there are lots of fears, lots of phobias,
12:31 but God doesn't want this to happen to us.
12:34 And, He wants us to turn to Him in prayer,
12:36 and unfortunately fear and anxiety, it's part of
12:38 every illness, but I want to encourage you to try
12:42 to move forward and turn it to God.
12:45 This will help our chemistry.
12:46 This will turn down the stress that we all have in us.
12:49 It is very important that we do these things.
12:51 It's not easy - all of us, we have fears,
12:54 we have anxieties, we have things,
12:56 but once we realize that this is not good for our body,
12:59 this is not good for our health, that's the first step,
13:02 and the next step, as we saw today, is let's turn it to God,
13:05 and let Him teach us.
13:07 Let's turn our lives over to Him
13:08 and let Him change us one-step-at-a-time.
13:10 Let's pray together...
13:11 Dear Father God, We want to turn our fears
13:15 and anxieties over to you.
13:17 Teach us - teach us how to be fearful about nothing,
13:21 and improve our health is our prayer... Amen
13:24 We want to thank you for joining us today.
13:27 If you have anymore questions, please feel free to go to our
13:30 website... heartwiseministries.org


Revised 2016-03-23