Ultimate Prescription

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP000063B

00:01 Welcome back to the program, I'm Charles Mills
00:02 here with Dr. James Marcum, a cardiologist,
00:04 and we're talking about heart health today.
00:06 and we want to have a strong heart,
00:09 we don't want to have a weak heart and there are things
00:10 we can do - Dr. Marcum is making
00:12 it very clear that there are things we can do
00:13 to help weak hearts become strong.
00:15 One of the things we can do apparently, according to
00:18 God's Prescription Pad which is the Bible,
00:20 is this and this is found in Psalm 34:19,
00:25 Psalm 34:19, up on the screen there - it says...
00:35 Isn't that good news for anyone with a weak heart
00:38 or any kind of weakness anywhere in their body?
00:40 Well that would definitely fit the definition of trouble
00:43 that would count as a trouble,
00:45 He delivers them all, but you know what?
00:47 He doesn't say how He delivers them,
00:48 and He doesn't say when
00:50 He's going to deliver. Interesting - interesting...
00:52 You know, so those are things that He's going to deliver us,
00:54 and we can have faith and hope in that, but when and how
00:57 sometimes we have to work through those things.
01:00 The fact that He is going to deliver us is a given.
01:02 When and how, we need to have faith,
01:04 and God will do it in His time and in His way.
01:06 Yeah, that's exactly right, Charles, but these are such
01:09 encouraging in biblical Scriptures that give us
01:12 technology that changes us and I've been doing some
01:16 exciting research into how the mind...
01:18 and how trust in God and belief in God,
01:21 and belief in His healing power.
01:22 That in itself has chemical benefits
01:25 that we're not able to quantitate for now,
01:27 but it actually helps in the healing process,
01:29 and you gotta believe and we know that
01:31 the belief system helps so much and we know that people
01:34 that go to church - they live longer than other people.
01:38 It's multifactorial - their belief in God,
01:41 their relationship with God, the community.
01:43 There's so many things that we don't understand
01:45 about modern medicine, but what does make sense
01:48 to me is we go to the Scriptures like we've been doing.
01:51 As we add this to the treatment regimen as well as the
01:55 prevention regimen, we're really getting at some very
01:58 secrets that the Creator knows even though we don't understand.
02:01 We have to still try to apply them.
02:03 So while we're waiting for God to do whatever it is
02:06 that God is going to do, whenever God is going to do it,
02:09 while we're waiting for that, we have a job to do...
02:11 And that is to do everything we can in our power
02:14 and those are the practical things we're talking about
02:16 here on this program week after week...
02:18 is how can we live, how can we make choices
02:21 that can bring about God's healing and help Him
02:24 do His work in us.
02:26 Yeah and I guess we can call those "natural remedies."
02:28 Natural remedies - absolutely! Natural remedies!
02:30 Okay, we're dealing with questions here about
02:33 weak hearts from the heartwiseministries.org website,
02:36 and here's one: "Does a defibrillator
02:39 make a heart stronger?"
02:41 Or is it like a Band-Aid? Is it a cover-up?
02:44 Does it actually make it stronger?
02:45 Now we have not defibrillators for long periods of time. Right
02:49 And, we found out in cardiology that when an ejection fraction
02:53 that we've talked about was below 35%,
02:56 a person was more prone to dangerous heart rhythms.
03:00 And the dangerous heart rhythms can really kill you right away
03:04 because you can't generate blood pressure,
03:06 it's the ones you shock and it's a big issue.
03:10 So, I'm going to give you this to hold, Charles. All right
03:13 Medical science came up with these defibrillators
03:15 that we put in people's hearts and the defibrillators...
03:19 Actually the wires and the leads go in the heart,
03:21 and these defibrillators can sense every
03:24 dangerous heart rhythm you have.
03:26 And if you have one of these dangerous heart rhythms
03:29 that come from a weak heart, it can not only sense it,
03:32 but shock the heart back into a normal rhythm.
03:34 Is it battery operated, I'm assuming?
03:36 Yeah, there's a battery in there,
03:38 and also has a pacemaker as well in that. Okay
03:41 And, it can handle the dangerous rhythms and we check them
03:44 periodically to make sure the battery is good,
03:46 make sure the leads are working there.
03:48 Now sometimes, if a person has abnormal wires in the heart,
03:53 there are some things that we can do with this called,
03:57 "resynchronization."
03:58 That's a big word that means we just try to get
04:01 the heart to squeeze a little bit better.
04:03 And that can actually help the heart do a little bit
04:05 better as far as strength goes.
04:07 So, if a person has what we call a "bundle branch block,"
04:10 where the signals take longer to get through,
04:12 there are some that we can do to tweak this
04:15 to help the heart work more efficiently...
04:17 so in some cases, it can help make the heart beat stronger.
04:20 But in most cases, this is used as an insurance policy.
04:24 And you do that from outside,
04:25 you don't go digging in there and bring it back out.
04:27 No, it's all programmed from outside...
04:29 A little wireless thing happening.
04:30 Yeah, a wireless thing happening is right.
04:31 But these have helped save many lives because people
04:35 with a weak heart usually die from the rhythm problem.
04:38 They don't die from the heart being weak necessarily.
04:41 But it's like having insurance, I tell them it's like
04:44 having an ambulance with your 24/7. Yes, yes
04:47 If any of these dangerous rhythms happen,
04:48 boom - you have your ambulance with you.
04:50 It can shock the heart, it can pace the heart.
04:53 So defibrillators in some instances can make it
04:55 a little bit stronger, but in most instances,
04:57 it's there just to prevent disaster from happening.
05:00 Just like insurance, you know, you don't plan on your house
05:03 burning down, but if you have that insurance,
05:06 you have some protection.
05:08 When you have this installed in your body,
05:11 and it goes off, what does it feel like?
05:14 I've never had it go off in me,
05:16 but patients say, "It feels like mule kicking you in the chest."
05:19 BOOM! A big jump! A big hit! Wow!
05:22 But before we had that big mule kicking you in the chest,
05:25 getting your heart back to rhythm,
05:27 those patients would die young, so it's really a great
05:30 technology. I'd rather have the mule.
05:31 It really is a great technology for people with weak hearts,
05:34 so defibrillators, in some instances, they make the heart
05:38 stronger, but they're always a great idea
05:40 if you have a dangerous rhythm.
05:42 All right, very good.
05:44 Another question here from heartwiseministries.org
05:47 "I was told I have diastolic dysfunction,
05:51 and this is the reason I have fluid buildup in my lungs,
05:55 does this mean I have a weak heart?"
05:56 Well no, it does not, Charles, and there are different types
06:00 of heart failure, you know, one is called,
06:02 "a weak pump," that's "asystole" that's a pumping problem.
06:05 "Diastole" is when the heart relaxes...
06:08 So if you have heart failure, if the heart doesn't relax well,
06:11 you can also have problems through it...,
06:14 and we call that "diastolic dysfunction."
06:16 The heart doesn't know how to relax,
06:18 and there are certain conditions that can cause that.
06:21 The most common one that I see is probably high blood pressure.
06:24 Sometimes aging can cause the heart not to relax.
06:27 Of course, abnormal rhythms, the heart can't relax well.
06:31 Lots of things can cause diastolic.
06:33 The heart is perfectly strong, it pumps good,
06:36 but it doesn't relax and it takes relaxing
06:39 to fill up the blood, and then it takes pumping.
06:41 So as there are 2 parts of getting the blood everywhere,
06:44 the actual strength of the heart that pumps it during systole,
06:47 that's the squeezing part, and it relaxes
06:50 so it can fill up with blood. Okay
06:51 Now if it can't relax and fill up with blood,
06:53 "we have a problem Houston."
06:55 So it doesn't mean you have a weak heart,
06:58 and unfortunately advances in diastolic dysfunction
07:02 to relaxing hasn't been as strong has it has in systole
07:06 in modern medicine.
07:07 What are some thing naturally
07:09 we can do that will help that?
07:10 Well, anything that we can do to eat better,
07:13 that's going to help the arteries better.
07:15 An exercise program helps the heart relax more.
07:18 Getting adequate rest - some people have sleep apnea,
07:21 and they don't get adequate rest,
07:23 their heart doesn't relax well.
07:24 Controlling heart rhythms - that will help the heart.
07:27 Sometimes just slowing down the heart, if you have
07:29 the heart going too fast will help it have
07:31 more time to fill up.
07:34 So these are all little things, but a lot of people say,
07:36 "I have heart failure," and the first thing when they
07:38 have heart failure, I say, "Is it due to the strength
07:40 or the filling?"
07:42 And of it's due to the strength of the heart,
07:43 we go down this route; if it can't fill well,
07:46 we go down this other route...
07:47 But treatment is very different from each one of those.
07:50 All right, very good. Here's a question here...
07:52 You've covered a little bit about this.
07:54 Let's cover it a little bit more
07:55 because I think this is important.
07:57 "What prescription medication
07:59 start the heart becoming stronger?"
08:02 Now, these medicines that we're given,
08:04 they keep us alive - do they actually make the heart
08:08 stronger or is it an artificial strong?
08:10 No, they have done the studies and there are certain
08:14 classes of medicines that make the ejection increase. Right
08:16 And let me explain the physiology behind it...
08:19 We do have medicines that can block
08:22 discrete chemical pathways.
08:24 That's called "reductionalism," we focus on one pathway,
08:28 but, of course, it's better to affect all the chemistry.
08:30 And that's why these natural remedies change chemistries
08:33 all over the place that we can't even understand
08:36 that helps the heart, but we have some
08:38 principles that will help us block.
08:39 For instance, when a heart is weak,
08:41 the body responds by making the stress hormone "adrenalin,"
08:44 also other chemical hormones are made.
08:47 But we have certain medicines that can block those
08:49 because if they're made under high amounts,
08:51 it actually makes the heart weaker.
08:53 Adrenalin is one of them; we have Angiotensin;
08:55 we have different ones that block different chemicals.
08:58 And we actually can give those and the benefits to the patient
09:02 in making the heart stronger outweigh the
09:04 risk of the medicines.
09:05 Now of course, we have to monitor them very closely
09:08 to make sure they're not having side effects.
09:09 Is this the only way to make a heart stronger? No
09:12 But it has been scientifically proven in double-blind studies
09:15 that patients with weak hearts
09:17 benefit from being on these medicines.
09:19 In fact, everyone that audits charts now,
09:22 if you have a weak heart, they want to make sure you're on
09:24 a beta blocker and an ACE inhibitor,
09:26 the ones that have been studied...
09:28 And there's other medicines like Aldactone,
09:31 other things that can help the heart too.
09:33 Now, someday we're going to have studies on
09:35 the natural remedies that changes the entire chemistry
09:37 to help the heart, but until then some medicines
09:40 do help the heart, but I prefer using everything
09:44 including finding out the cause to help my person
09:47 strengthen their heart as long as they're not having
09:51 side effects or if they don't believe in it.
09:54 Some people have very strong beliefs, Charles,
09:56 that they don't believe medicines help them.
09:57 They believe it's hurting them.
09:59 That belief, in itself, negates sometimes
10:02 the benefit of the medicine.
10:04 So I have to spend some time explaining this...
10:06 it has been scientifically proven,
10:08 as long as you don't have a side effect,
10:09 I think this medicine would be beneficial to you,
10:11 but if a person has a belief system and they're going to be
10:14 stressed out about that, that's going to counteract
10:16 mentally with the medicines I'm giving them.
10:19 The people that worry about this and I can understand why,
10:25 should we come at this as modern medicine is the answer,
10:31 should we come at it as modern medicine is an answer
10:34 or should we come at it as modern medicine is a failure
10:38 of everything else, so we might as well use it?
10:40 No, it's a supplement to helping a disease system.
10:44 Modern medicine is a supplement.
10:46 It's a supplement to what we should be doing all along,
10:48 and then sometimes modern medicine is lifesaving
10:51 because we haven't done things right.
10:53 For instance, when the heart gets weaker, Charles,
10:56 we can actually transplant and put a new heart in.
11:00 We actually have artificial hearts that can be done,
11:02 and some people they were exposed to a bad virus,
11:06 and it makes their heart weak.
11:08 We had one called, "Chagas disease,"
11:09 their heart gets weak.
11:10 Well there's nothing sometimes we can do with the medicines
11:12 the heart gets weaker and weaker.
11:13 If we don't get a new heart in, they die.
11:16 So this has been a great place for modern medicine,
11:18 and no matter what they would do with lifestyle,
11:21 they couldn't... you know, they picked up the virus.
11:23 You know, it's a tough situation.
11:24 Some people are exposed to other things that make the heart weak,
11:27 so there is a place for modern medicine to supplement
11:30 if we need it with everything that we can do on our own.
11:32 Are we talking about a minority of people that have this
11:35 can't do anything else to help thyself - so I've got to use
11:38 modern medicine... is that a minority or majority of people?
11:40 No, most people can find things that they can do to help
11:43 themselves if they learn about it,
11:44 and are willing to make these steps.
11:46 All right, very good. It's very important that we
11:49 put modern medicine in the right place,
11:51 and that we put lifestyle issues in the right place,
11:54 and we don't depend on one to do the work of the other
11:57 because they don't work so well.
11:59 Modern medicine is wonderful under acute situations
12:02 as Dr. Marcum made it clear many times,
12:03 but for chronic situations, you gotta go with natural...
12:07 And that seems to be what works best.
12:09 We'll take a short break and when we come back,
12:11 we're going to talk to the Master Physician
12:13 about what works best for us and that's communication
12:15 with that Master Physician, so stay right where you are...
12:25 I hope you've learned something today about having a weak heart,
12:28 and I hope no one out there has a weak heart,
12:30 but if you do, there is help.
12:32 And, I want to review a couple of things...
12:34 First, find out why your heart is weak,
12:36 do everything you can to help yourself get better.
12:38 We talked about some of these natural remedies,
12:40 and use modern medicine when appropriate.
12:43 Let's say a prayer for each other...
12:45 Father God, We want to pray that our
12:47 hearts be right with Your heart, and Father, help us to
12:51 improve our health every day as we love each other
12:54 and serve each other, and get ready for You to
12:56 come home and take us home to be with You, Father
12:59 when all of our hearts are going to be made perfect.
13:01 Thank You for being a God that loves us so much
13:04 is our prayer... Amen
13:06 If you might have a question, you can go to our website:
13:10 heartwiseministries.org
13:12 We also have a prayer where we can pray for each other
13:16 and we can take care of each other as we are
13:17 in a great community of believers.
13:19 I want to thank you for joining us today,
13:21 and I want to wish you the best of health!


Revised 2016-03-14