Ultimate Prescription

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP000063A

00:16 You've heard of the 98 pound weakling on the beach
00:19 with all the big guys kicking sand in his face.
00:22 Being not strong isn't necessarily bad unless you're
00:26 talking about your heart. Stay tuned...
00:30 I'm Dr. James Marcum...
00:32 Are you interested in discovering the reason why?
00:35 Do you want solutions to your healthcare problem?
00:38 Are you tired of taking medications?
00:41 Well, you're about to be given "The Ultimate Prescription"
00:46 It all comes down to this...
00:48 How strong is your heart?
00:52 Well, how strong does it need to be?
00:54 Apparently very strong, after all, it sits there pumping
00:57 24/7/365- it doesn't even get Christmas off.
01:02 So heart-strength should be of utmost importance to us all.
01:06 Right, Dr. Marcum? Absolutely, Charles!
01:09 And you know, everyone comes in wanting to know,
01:12 "Well, what's the strength of my heart?" Yes
01:15 And what that means is... How well does the heart
01:17 pump blood to the entire body?
01:19 And there are many ways we can measure the
01:22 strength of the heart.
01:23 The simplest way is just to listen to it to see
01:26 if it's enlarged; feel the pulses everywhere
01:29 to make sure the blood is getting everywhere,
01:31 and make sure all the organs are being nourished.
01:33 Does a weak pulse mean you have a weak...?
01:35 Not necessarily - other things can cause a weak heart too,
01:39 especially if there are problems with the arteries. Okay
01:42 So there are lots of ways we can measure
01:45 if the heart is strong or not.
01:46 We can listen to it; we can feel it;
01:48 x- rays if the heart is enlarged,
01:50 that might be a sign of a weak heart.
01:51 EKGs can give us hints of a weak heart.
01:55 But the most common way we do it nowadays
01:58 is with ultrasound where we look at the heart,
02:00 and we can measure the strength of the heart.
02:02 Ultrasound is also very useful for us because we
02:05 could also tell if the heart is weak, why it's weak.
02:08 And then we're going to talk about that as we go today
02:11 because many things can make a heart weak.
02:13 Of course, the one we've talked about the most common
02:16 is coronary artery disease which
02:17 is the reason people have heart attacks.
02:19 So, lots of things can make a heart weak.
02:22 So once we decide it's weak,
02:24 we want to know why it's weak. Yes
02:26 And then we start looking because the treatment for
02:28 a weak heart is answering the question "Why?"
02:31 If we can fix the reason "why,"
02:33 sometimes the heart can get better.
02:34 Sometimes the heart is not permanently damaged.
02:37 We have lots of ways to make hearts stronger.
02:40 For instance, if it's coronary disease,
02:41 make the coronaries better.
02:43 If it's valvular disease, make the valves better.
02:46 If it's high blood pressure, treat the high blood pressure.
02:49 Sometimes other things can make a heart weak like chemotherapy.
02:53 Certain infections can affect it,
02:54 viral infections can make the heart weak.
02:56 Some people are born with a weak heart.
02:58 So there are lots of different causes for a weak heart.
03:01 There are lots of things we can do.
03:03 No one wants to have a weak heart.
03:04 Now a symptom might be according to the cause.
03:07 If a weak heart is due to coronary disease,
03:09 people might have chest pain, they might have valve disease.
03:12 The people might feel tired;
03:14 they might have problems with breathing;
03:15 they might swell up; they might have no energy.
03:18 These are all symptoms I hear when people have weak hearts.
03:22 And this makes sense because the heart is what is pumping
03:26 energy throughout the entire body - the blood. Right
03:29 Without that blood, without the nutrients, the oxygen,
03:31 and the water and all that throughout the body,
03:34 you're going to have weakness elsewhere.
03:36 So it is like the central requirement of the whole
03:40 body to be strong - is to have a strong heart.
03:42 Yeah and that's a good point, Charles, because when our
03:45 heart is working maximally, and when our blood vessels
03:48 are healthy as well - that's what we call
03:49 "cardiovascular system," every organ in our body
03:54 depends on oxygen, the nutrients
03:56 that the heart and the blood vessels supply.
03:58 So really, when we talk about any disease,
04:00 the heart and the blood vessels
04:01 are key components to everything.
04:03 For instance, sometimes the kidneys are damaged
04:05 just because they don't get enough blood to them. Right
04:07 So the real solution is fixing the heart
04:09 and the kidneys will get better.
04:11 And, you know, in our brain, I can't tell you how
04:13 often our brain improves when we have good circulation.
04:16 People that have dementia, exercise helps
04:19 improve the way they think.
04:21 All sorts of good things when we can improve our
04:23 heart and blood vessels that helps other organs.
04:25 You know, I even heard it will help grow hair on your head.
04:29 A strong heart will grow hair on your head.
04:31 Yep via circulation!
04:33 You know, the heart gets the circulation up there,
04:35 you stimulate the circulation, more nutrients for the
04:38 roots of the hair - BOOM, I'm going to work on that!
04:41 You see, I have some genetic problems.
04:42 Did you know my grandfather, he was in his 30s,
04:45 and he was bald - so there's a genetic component to that.
04:49 Now does this getting the blood there override the genetics?
04:53 I don't think so. Okay
04:55 But I wish it could, but maybe can delay it a few years.
04:58 We can try. All right, okay.
05:00 Questions! Questions from heartwiseministries.org
05:04 on the subject of weak and strong hearts.
05:06 This person said, "I have been told that I have a weak heart,
05:10 but I feel fine."
05:12 How can you have a weak heart and feel fine?
05:15 Well, because the heart is still supplying that
05:17 person's needs right now. Enough needs... okay
05:20 And the heart has the ability to compensate,
05:22 and it compensates by getting larger.
05:25 And the body compensates by putting chemicals
05:28 out that stimulates the heart...
05:30 Adrenalin goes up, angiotensin goes up.
05:32 These chemicals that help the heart compensate
05:34 so the body is still happy.
05:36 So God has built in mechanisms that even though we don't
05:38 feel a weak heart, we still compensate.
05:40 But sooner or later, sometimes we cannot compensate.
05:43 Well this compensation is putting you
05:44 in to an altered state certainly. Yes it is.
05:46 To keep the body going, you make more adrenalin,
05:49 the heart gets bigger so it can fill up with more blood,
05:51 other chemical hormone changes and we call this
05:55 the neurohormonal axis changes when a heart is weak.
05:58 Now, what could be causing the weak heart?
06:01 And that's lots of different things and when a person
06:04 comes in and I find out they have a weak heart,
06:06 what I do is, I look for the things that are most common,
06:09 and it's reversible.
06:11 And the most common is coronary artery disease,
06:13 so we do tests to look at the arteries.
06:15 Another common is thyroid, so we look for thyroid.
06:18 I ask them questions about whether they do toxins.
06:20 Did you know that alcohol in some people
06:22 can make the heart weak?
06:24 Yeah, toxins, chemotherapy, some people have gotten
06:27 radiation and sometimes that damage
06:30 unfortunately is permanent.
06:31 We ask about nutrients;
06:32 we make sure they don't have valve disease.
06:35 Some kinds of rhythms that are ongoing all the time,
06:38 for instance, let's say you have atrial fibrillation...
06:41 we talked about that and your heart runs fast all the time.
06:44 Just being fast all the time can sort of wear the heart out.
06:46 It's like running a race 24/7 and never having rest.
06:51 Things like sleep apnea where you don't get enough
06:53 oxygen, that can make a heart weak...
06:55 So there are many different things that make a heart weak,
06:57 and I started the most common things that we can treat,
07:00 and then I work down the list until I can find out the cause
07:03 because then I can tailor treatment.
07:05 All right, so the fact that you have a weak heart
07:07 is not a death sentence per se.
07:09 No, lots of people have weak hearts and they do wonderful.
07:12 We find out the cause of it.
07:14 We have medicines that can actually help strengthen
07:16 the heart by blocking some of these dangerous chemicals.
07:19 People with weak hearts usually have problems with rhythms,
07:22 so we have some things that we can do with rhythms,
07:24 as far as defibrillators, we can do things with that.
07:27 We also have special diets we try to put people on to help
07:31 strengthen their heart, lots of things we can do.
07:35 This is an interesting point and I want to just spend a
07:37 moment here with this...
07:38 There are a lot of conditions that we have in our bodies
07:43 that really - you know, good food, diet and exercise,
07:47 and faith in God and all those things...
07:49 sometimes they can only go so far. Right
07:52 We are living 6,000 years from the hand of the Creator,
07:55 and we are not having perfect bodies at all.
07:58 We are damaged, we are aging.
08:00 There are some things that just go beyond our abilities
08:03 in lifestyle to address.
08:05 That is where modern medicine shines!
08:08 It comes right in there and it does amazing things
08:11 to help us live a good quality life longer...
08:14 And so we need to open our minds to the fact
08:16 that it may be necessary for us to enjoy the benefits
08:20 of the modern medicine that God has created for us.
08:23 God put all of this stuff out here for us to benefit from,
08:26 and we should not shy away from modern medicine
08:28 because it's modern medicine.
08:30 But you know what, I would like to take
08:31 it one step further and say these lifestyle changes...
08:33 that is modern medicine.
08:34 That is, actually it is, it is. Yes
08:36 Prevents and treats and that should be the start
08:39 of treatment and prevention,
08:41 and then we should only use this sort of as last resorts.
08:44 All right, instead we're using as first resort.
08:46 Oh I have an ache, I have a pain, go see the doctor,
08:48 get a pill, get a bill and everything is fine...
08:50 and that's not the way it should be.
08:51 No, if we can find ways to treat it naturally.
08:54 You know, and "natural" doesn't always mean take a supplement.
08:57 Naturally means living healthy, eating better food,
09:01 having better thoughts, exercising, drinking water...
09:04 Those are things that I consider natural.
09:06 All right, very good, I like that.
09:08 Okay, another question from heartwiseministries.org
09:11 "How can I make my heart stronger;
09:14 my ejection fraction was 38%."
09:18 And that's pretty high, isn't it?
09:19 No it's not. Oh, it's not high?
09:20 A normal ejection fraction is usually above 55%,
09:23 that means how much blood
09:25 the heart is pumping out with each beat... Oh, I see.
09:28 So the higher the number, the better. Yeah
09:30 The heart is not efficient enough to pump out
09:32 everything with every beat.
09:34 So how much it puts out of in it,
09:35 we call that the "ejection fraction."
09:37 So what is normal then above...?
09:38 No, 55- 60 is above normal.
09:40 Some people go down as far as 50%, and that means
09:43 half of all the blood goes out.
09:45 So when a person wants a stronger heart,
09:48 we have to understand why, and if it's due to
09:50 blockages in the arteries of the heart, improve the arteries.
09:53 So, on this person, only 38% of the blood is getting out.
09:55 Yes, 38% that's the ejection fraction...
09:59 Well, we can find out what's causing it.
10:01 If it's due to arterial disease, sometimes people benefit
10:04 from having a bypass surgery.
10:06 Sometimes they benefit from having a stent to make
10:08 their heart stronger.
10:10 Of course, everyone benefits by lifestyle changes.
10:12 The nitric oxide that comes from eating a
10:15 whole food plant-based diet can make the arteries bigger.
10:17 An exercise program can make the heart more efficient
10:20 and stronger as well.
10:21 Getting adequate rest... you know the heart has to have
10:24 some down time. Yes
10:25 All of those are little things that can help breathing well.
10:28 Keeping the stress down is very important for a weak heart.
10:31 When a heart is weak, it makes extra adrenalin
10:34 to keep the heart going, but if you are under stress
10:36 you're making more and adrenalin long-time actually
10:39 kills heart cells, it kills the myocytes.
10:42 So one of the medicines we put people on,
10:44 that have weak hearts, blocks that damage
10:46 from adrenalin and those are called "beta blockers."
10:49 So people with a weak heart are usually on beta blockers.
10:52 Another type of medicine they are on is ACE inhibitors that
10:55 blocks another dangerous chemical.
10:57 So to make their heart stronger, I would go to find out
11:00 the reason why - see if it's a valve, fix the valve.
11:02 If it's the thyroid, treat the thyroid.
11:04 Find out the reason why and then also work on a beta blocker
11:09 and ACE inhibitor, but before that, I would get to a whole
11:12 food-based diet; a modified exercise program depending
11:16 how much you can do; stress reduction techniques...
11:19 I would work on that and I would also work on making
11:22 sure your heart gets enough rest.
11:24 Those are some of the basics.
11:25 Now you've mentioned a lot of medicines here and they're very
11:29 powerful and much needed in some circumstances,
11:32 but a lot of people out there are saying,
11:34 "I want to go natural, I want to do this."
11:36 You mentioned that lifestyle is a natural way of going. Yes
11:39 Are there some natural remedies to help the heart.
11:43 Yeah, well there are some that's been proven out there,
11:45 but remember the natural remedies I don't view
11:47 that much different than a medication.
11:50 Anything that we put in our body has a chemical reaction.
11:54 Whether that be our thoughts, the food, the herbs,
11:57 but there are some herbs... hawthorn is one of them
12:00 that's been shown to help make the heart stronger...
12:02 And they use that very frequently in Europe.
12:05 And hawthorn has side effects so you're saying.
12:07 Everything has side effects. Yes
12:09 Some of them have been studied more than others.
12:10 That's one natural thing that has been used to make
12:13 the heart stronger.
12:14 But when I think of natural remedies,
12:16 I think of looking at the whole
12:18 body that will make the heart stronger.
12:20 What are things that I could do for the whole body
12:22 that will change my chemistry?
12:23 And my goal is to make the adrenalin and those type of
12:27 damaging chemicals less and find out the reason why.
12:29 So if I can get people to eat healthier,
12:32 that's a natural remedy.
12:33 If I can get them to walk and move every day,
12:36 even getting up out of a chair, that's a natural remedy
12:38 that changes the chemistry of the entire body.
12:40 If we can treat their brains
12:42 and get their brains less stressful,
12:44 that helps the whole body.
12:46 If we can teach someone to rest, those are all natural remedies
12:47 those are all natural remedies that help too.
12:50 And then if we need to, we can add on more things to that.
12:53 And I wish, Charles I wish I had the scientific studies
12:56 that said, "I'm going to compare a day of rest for someone with a
13:00 weak heart with a beta blocker and see who would win.
13:03 I would love to have the studies to compare
13:04 with someone that will eat a whole food plant-based diet
13:07 to strengthen their heart with an ACE inhibitor.
13:09 Those would be wonderful studies to have.
13:11 Well I mean, the studies sort of have been done
13:13 where in those countries where heart disease
13:15 is almost unheard of... like the China Study, Campbell,
13:18 that the people who don't have heart disease
13:21 tend to be the vegetarians and live the lifestyle
13:25 that doesn't have all that stress,
13:26 so you have, sort of, that study going on.
13:28 Yeah because the #1 cause is blockages in the arteries
13:30 and that's the #1 cause of weak hearts today. Okay, all right
13:33 Well it looks like we're coming up on the break,
13:35 and so I don't want to ask this next question
13:37 until we come on the other side of the break.
13:38 When we do, we like to go to God's Prescription Pad,
13:42 the Bible, and find a text that is encouraging to us
13:45 and brings hope to the sickest heart or the sickest mind,
13:48 or the sickest body and I think we have found one
13:51 here that you will find will really help you
13:54 and give you encouragement and hope,
13:55 so stay right where you are, we'll be right back.


Revised 2016-03-14