Ultimate Prescription

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP000061B

00:01 Welcome back to the program,
00:03 I'm your host Charles Mills, this is Dr. James Marcum here,
00:05 and Dr. Marcum, all doctors have to have a prescription pad
00:09 and I happen to have one that Dr. Marcum uses a lot.
00:12 It's called "The Bible," and for some people,
00:14 how can that be a prescription pad, but it certainly is
00:17 because we have discovered, by looking through here
00:19 and finding texts that there our prescriptions for
00:21 all kinds of illnesses in here, all kinds of diseases,
00:24 both mental, physical and spiritual.
00:26 And here's one of my favorites, and I want to bring this up
00:29 on the screen here so everybody can see it.
00:30 So we will put it up on the screen, here's what it says...
00:32 This is James 1:5
00:44 That's interesting that it says "without finding fault,"
00:47 because I hear you say something like that all the time
00:49 when you're talking about how we should reach people
00:51 with the message of health.
00:53 Yeah and Charles, that's a beautiful text.
00:55 I like the part - "who doesn't lack wisdom." Exactly!
00:58 I claim that and if we don't have wisdom,
01:01 we don't know what to do with our healthcare;
01:03 we have a tough decision to make, let's ask God... Amen!
01:07 He has promised to give us the answers if we ask Him
01:10 and we can't ask Him unless we have a relationship
01:12 with Him, so to get the real solution to these healthcare
01:15 problems is having God as our "Ultimate Physician"
01:19 and Him guiding us to the people He needs to find health
01:22 as well as giving us reassurance.
01:24 He's going to give it to us, He gives it to us freely. Yes
01:27 You know and that's such a promise,
01:29 but we have to accept that promise,
01:31 and that's what we want to do.
01:33 You know, we're talking about rhythms today,
01:34 but the principles that we talk about apply to many
01:37 things and it's a great way that when someone is
01:40 feeling well, to introduce a relationship with God
01:43 that they can grow and God is going to take you
01:45 where you need to go in that relationship.
01:47 I have some things I want to show you here
01:48 and talk about rhythm. Good
01:50 This is old technology here... I'm going to let you hold that.
01:53 This is old technology... Old technology and that's
01:56 what I call a "sensory hammer."
01:58 You know, we all have senses and that's how you feel your
02:01 heart rhythm is through your senses - you feel your senses,
02:04 and we can actually test our different senses
02:07 with this sensory hammer. Okay
02:08 So I'm going to take that hammer for you and I'm going to
02:11 test your senses, Charles.
02:13 One of the ways we can do it is hit different
02:15 parts of the body and see you move and twitch. Okay
02:18 Like reflexes? Yeah, like reflexes, I can do
02:20 that with this hammer. All right
02:21 More than that, there are different types of nerves
02:23 in the body, and just lay your hand like that, Charles.
02:26 This is a sterile needle and... This is a needle?
02:31 Yeah and what I do is... Why are you going to
02:34 punch me with a needle? Close your eyes Charles, okay.
02:36 Do you feel me touching your finger? No
02:39 Okay, that's good.
02:41 If you would have said, "yes," that would have been bad!
02:42 You feel that touch, you feel that? Yes, I feel that.
02:44 So that means you have a normal nerve.
02:46 Did you feel that right there? No
02:48 Okay, how many times have I touched you?
02:51 Three... Right, so this checks
02:54 different senses. All right, okay
02:56 Some people have neuropathies
02:58 and they don't feel well. They would not feel that.
03:00 The new technology is one called "EMG."
03:02 Just like the old technology in rhythm
03:05 is to feel the pulse and count. Right
03:06 The new technology is EKGs, monitors...
03:10 We even have monitors that we can put under the skin
03:12 so we lose that old... so that checks pain,
03:15 proprioception.
03:17 Another thing that this fancy device can do...
03:21 There's another thing that we can unscrew here...
03:23 On here is a little brush; this is very good for
03:33 testing the nerves - the cranial nerves.
03:35 Can you feel that? I feel that, yes, yeah.
03:38 Can you feel that? No
03:40 Now can you feel it? I can feel that.
03:42 Does it feel about the same on both sides?
03:44 Yes, I felt both.
03:45 This is very common things that we do to test people
03:48 that might have strokes, that might have abnormalities
03:52 in sensation and these are things that tell us
03:54 the neurological system has gone awry.
03:57 Well the neurological system is very important
04:00 in controlling rhythms of the heart.
04:03 The neurological system, of course, sends the signals
04:05 that makes the heart speed up and slow down...
04:07 We call that the sympathetic nervous system
04:10 that makes adrenalin and that, the ones that slow it down
04:13 is called the parasympathetic system and a lot of our
04:16 heart speed is determined by our brain.
04:18 For instance, when you're sick, God has made us so remarkable,
04:22 our body says, "I'm sick, I need more resources
04:25 throughout the body," so the brain controls that
04:28 through the sympathetic nervous system,
04:30 it makes the heart speed up so you get more
04:32 fighters and more nourishment to the place
04:34 it needs to go.
04:35 The heart and the brain has sympathy for us. Yes
04:37 Yes it does and also when you need to slow down and
04:39 rest, the brain can take care of that too...
04:42 But sometimes we don't listen to
04:44 our natural rhythms that you talk about.
04:46 Or we overpower our natural rhythm. Yes!
04:48 Sometimes we take rhythms into our own hand,
04:51 and we put our bodies under unneeded stress.
04:54 We stay up too late at night.
04:56 We don't get enough rest.
04:57 We don't keep a weekly rest.
04:58 We don't drink enough water.
05:00 We don't eat the right food.
05:01 We don't have the right thoughts.
05:03 All of these inputs - the body has to process them
05:06 and do something with them, and if it's a stress-simple
05:09 the body turns on the sympathetic nervous system,
05:11 the senses go and the body gets revved up.
05:14 If it gets revved up and getting in a fighting mode
05:16 and doesn't need to, long-term that's damaging
05:19 to the system. Yes, yes
05:21 So we want to turn down that stress.
05:22 We want to sort of slow down the rhythms of life sometimes.
05:25 And, the only way we can do that,
05:27 we can't do that on our own, we have to ask God
05:30 for the wisdom and He will give us the wisdom...
05:33 Give us generously...
05:34 ... generously and we gotta depend on God to do it
05:37 because we can't do it of ourselves,
05:39 it's too overwhelming all these influences,
05:41 and we have to have God's help.
05:42 Oh that's a wonderful text, James 1:5
05:44 if you want to check that out on your own,
05:45 James 1:5- it's a wonderful text, print it out,
05:48 put it up on your wall.
05:49 You'll enjoy knowing that God gives generously
05:51 without finding fault.
05:54 I love that - God does not judge us that way,
05:56 He wants to help us instead.
05:58 Okay, questions from heartwiseministries.org website
06:01 I invite you, listener, to do that,
06:03 and leave your questions there, that would be great!
06:06 This person said, "I pass out (Oh my),
06:09 about every 2 to 3 years, no one has figured out why.
06:12 Could this be due to an abnormal heart rhythm?"
06:15 Passing out - that's a red flag for you isn't it?
06:17 Yes it could be, you know, passing out could be from an
06:19 abnormal heart rhythm because the brain is not getting
06:22 enough blood - the blood pressure goes down.
06:25 The most common rhythms that cause this is slow heart rates
06:28 where the heart pauses and doesn't even beat.
06:31 The treatment for that would be a pacemaker, okay.
06:35 I'll let you hold that up there.
06:36 That's how small they are. And this is something that is
06:38 implanted in your body.
06:39 Right, in the body we have leads that go inside the heart
06:42 that's a pacemaker.
06:44 It's a pretty safe procedure to put in.
06:45 It's a lot safer than the alternative. Yes
06:48 Cheaper than dying. Right
06:50 And then other things that can make a person pass out
06:53 is rhythms from the bottom part of the heart.
06:54 That is usually lethal.
06:56 Other things that we look for is the brain malfunctioning,
06:59 either blockages in the arteries, strokes,
07:01 low blood sugar.
07:03 Sometimes the body is under
07:04 such extreme stress that there's nothing wrong,
07:07 but the body just turns itself off.
07:09 Sometimes there's a reaction called a "vagal reaction"
07:11 when a person sees a needle, and the body slows down
07:15 too much and drops the blood pressure, then they pass out.
07:18 So there's lots of things... That's a great question
07:20 so if a person is passing out, it could be due to the rhythm.
07:23 The way we would find out is put some type of
07:25 monitoring device in case they happen again that we could
07:29 detect what rhythm is going on.
07:30 Well someone asked about this pacemaker...
07:32 They say, "Is a pacemaker a risky procedure?"
07:34 I guess they are figuring out
07:36 putting it in, is it risky to put it in?
07:38 Now, there are some small, minor risks for that,
07:40 but everything that we do in medicine
07:42 is about the risk versus the benefits.
07:45 The benefits is keeping you alive. Yes
07:47 The risks are an infection, you might hurt the lungs,
07:50 you might have some bleeding, but the risks are very low
07:54 compared to the benefits.
07:55 I've heard you mention, several times, Dr. Marcum,
07:58 talking about the heart... potassium and magnesium,
08:01 and here's a question about that.
08:03 "Could a low potassium or magnesium affect the
08:07 rhythm of a heart?"
08:09 Yeah, and that's something that's often overlooked
08:11 because that is something that we don't do.
08:14 We don't eat enough fresh fruits and vegetables nowadays,
08:17 and we can have low magnesiums, low potassiums,
08:20 and all of these, as well as calciums, are important
08:22 in generating the electrical current.
08:25 So just a low potassium can cause
08:26 atrial fibrillation, it can cause skips.
08:28 The same with magnesium.
08:30 If you get these electrolytes out of whack,
08:32 if you don't either bring those nutrients in,
08:34 you can have funny things happen to the body.
08:36 Remember, God has made us to bring in certain things
08:39 in our body and when we don't bring those things in,
08:42 there's malfunctioning.
08:43 And when I say, "Bring those things in,"
08:45 it's just water, the appropriate nutrients,
08:48 the appropriate thoughts, the appropriate rest,
08:51 the appropriate movement, all of these things are
08:53 key to keeping our rhythms optimalized
08:56 over a course of a life.
08:57 So, yes, magnesium, potassium,
08:59 they can affect the rhythm. And we want to say,
09:01 bringing those things in on a regular basis.
09:02 Oh yeah! It's got to be, you've got to do something every day.
09:06 If you just do it once a week,
09:07 it's not really going to help you, Charles.
09:08 Okay, here's a question... "I am on a medicine
09:10 called "amiodarone," "amiodarone."
09:14 "I understand that this medicine has side effects,
09:17 might there be a safer medicine than amiodarone?"
09:21 Well amiodarone or Cordarone, that's a medicine
09:24 that we use for atrial fibrillation.
09:26 It's fairly effective, but there are lots of side effects.
09:29 Many medicines have lots of side effects.
09:31 Are there safer medicines?
09:32 Yes there are safer medicines.
09:35 They came out with a new one not too long ago
09:37 called "Multaq" that appears to be safer,
09:39 but amiodarone has been around for many years...
09:42 And what I like about that medicine
09:44 is we know that medicine.
09:45 We know what it does, we know how it acts,
09:47 we know what to watch out for.
09:49 If a person is getting in trouble,
09:50 we advise them what to do and we take them off the medicines.
09:53 So again, it's all about risks and benefits.
09:56 If going out of rhythm puts you at high risk,
09:58 or you can't take blood thinner, then it might be worth
10:01 the amiodarone to keep you in rhythm so you don't have
10:03 to take as many other medicines.
10:05 So everything that we do in medicine is
10:07 about risk and benefits, but more than that,
10:09 we want to ask the person about causes.
10:11 If we can figure out causes,
10:13 maybe we don't have to take
10:14 risks of medication. All right, very good.
10:16 Another question - I guess this is about medicine...
10:18 "My doctor is recommending a cardioversion...
10:21 "cardioversion," are there other options?"
10:23 "This is for atrial fibrillation."
10:24 Right, atrial fibrillation is when the heart goes
10:27 fast and we can actually shock a heart.
10:30 You know and we've seen that quite a bit.
10:32 We have things that shock a heart.
10:33 We have the old machines that do that.
10:35 We have defibrillators - they're in a person all the time.
10:38 And what a shock does is it stops the heart.
10:41 Okay, so it stops the heart. Resets it, reboots it.
10:44 Stops the heart and then the strongest rhythm will take over,
10:48 and hopefully, that will be a normal rhythm
10:49 and not the abnormal rhythm.
10:51 So if someone is passing out or having pain,
10:53 and I need to do something quickly with the rhythm,
10:55 I will cardiovert them and hopefully the heart
10:58 with start from a normal rhythm.
10:59 So that's a very frequently used way of generating
11:03 pretty serious situations.
11:04 When a person gets cardioversion,
11:06 it's pretty serious stuff, Charles. All right, all right.
11:08 Do you want me to show you how to do that? No
11:10 Okay, maybe later or never, never.
11:12 Maybe never, yes. There you go.
11:14 "What are some other common ailments which can affect
11:16 the rhythms of the heart?" You've mentioned several.
11:18 Yeah, I'm going to go through these very quickly.
11:21 We think of thyroid; we think of underlying
11:25 heart disease; heart attacks; valvular disease;
11:27 we think of lung disease; blood clots in the lungs;
11:31 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
11:33 any other diseases of the lung, sleep apnea is very common;
11:37 electrolytes like magnesium, potassium, being dehydrated;
11:42 having infections; different substances
11:44 that stimulate our bodies; too much caffeine;
11:47 cocaine - those things; and there's really
11:49 an exhaustive list, but when people have funny
11:52 rhythms of the heart, ask yourself the reason why,
11:55 and what might be stressing the system because
11:57 almost anything out there can do it, Charles. All right
12:00 So I'm glad we talked about rhythms.
12:01 There's much more to learn,
12:03 but this is a good place to start. Fantastic!
12:04 We'll take a short break now and when we come back,
12:07 let's talk to the God who invented all rhythms everywhere
12:11 in prayer, so everybody stay right where you are.
12:24 Well, we've learned a lot about the rhythms of the heart,
12:27 but I want you also to think about the rhythms of life.
12:30 You know, the rhythms that keep our bodies going
12:33 that keep us in sync, especially the rhythms that
12:35 call us back to a Creator and I think Charles had a
12:37 wonderful text that we can all ask God for...
12:42 "If any of you lack wisdom, ask of God."
12:45 I certainly lack wisdom, I need His help constantly
12:49 as a physician, I need his help daily,
12:52 and I think all of us needed help.
12:54 So I hope we've learned a little bit about that.
12:56 If you have problems that we haven't addressed,
12:59 I want to encourage you to go to our website, that's...
13:02 heartwiseministries.org
13:05 That's a site where we answer people's questions
13:07 no matter what they are, we try to answer them.
13:10 We try to point to the balance in medicine.
13:13 We point to the balance in nutrition and we also
13:15 encourage that relationship with our Creator who
13:18 could heal all things.
13:20 So we're just glad you joined us and rhythms are very
13:23 important in the heart, but as we close today,
13:26 I want to have a prayer for all of those that might need a
13:29 special prayer for healing, that might need special,
13:32 encouragement and comfort no matter
13:34 what their health problem is, shall we bow our heads...
13:37 Dear Heavenly Father, As we come to You,
13:41 we've been talking about rhythms and You're the Creator
13:44 of rhythms and hopefully we can learn from You.
13:47 We want always to remember, as part of our health,
13:49 to ask You who giveth to us freely and You just love to
13:53 give us information no matter what it is.
13:55 Father, we want You to guide our lives and our chemistry.
13:58 For some out there, they are sick,
14:00 they are ailing and they are hurting.
14:02 We pray that You comfort them and we know You are
14:05 going to heal in Your time, Father.
14:07 And please be with everyone that is searching for You today
14:10 is our prayer... Amen
14:12 Well, we want to thank you for joining us,
14:14 and remember, that website is: heartwiseministries.org
14:17 And until next time, I'm Dr. James Marcum
14:20 wishing you the best of health.


Revised 2016-02-15