Ultimate Prescription

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP000061A

00:16 The ticking of a clock, waves on a shore,
00:20 the cycle of night and day,
00:22 even the seasons create a rhythm.
00:25 I call it the rhythm of life.
00:27 Your heart needs rhythm too. Stay tuned...
00:31 I'm Dr. James Marcum, are you interested in
00:34 discovering the reason why?
00:36 Do you want solutions to your health care problem?
00:39 Are you tired of taking medications?
00:42 Well, you're about to be given the "Ultimate Prescription"
00:47 One of the first medical skills I learned as a child was
00:50 to find my heart rhythm.
00:52 I checked my neck or my wrist and, of course,
00:55 I had to check everyone else's neck and wrist
00:57 even the dog's.
00:58 Each time I did, I'd offer my diagnosis, "You're alive!"
01:02 I'd say with genuine joy.
01:04 There's something reassuring abut that steady thump,
01:07 thump, thump of our heart, but steady isn't guaranteed.
01:11 You can damage the rhythm, and when we do,
01:15 watch out!
01:16 Dr. Marcum, I've got some questions from the
01:18 heartwiseministries.org website for you today.
01:21 Are you ready to make some diagnoses?
01:22 Well yeah, Charles, I am, but first of all,
01:25 I think that what you said earlier is a great skill,
01:28 so let's teach everyone in our listening audience how to
01:31 sort of check their rhythm
01:32 of the heart. Well let's do it, yes!
01:33 Some people might not know how to do it. Yes
01:35 Well, one of the easiest ways to do it is to put
01:38 your fingers below your thumb and feel that steady beat.
01:43 After a while, that's your radial artery beating, okay,
01:47 and what happens is the heart pumps and then
01:51 blood moves throughout the body.
01:52 You can check it other places too. Yes
01:54 Anyplace you feel a pulse and rhythm.
01:55 And what you want to do is hold your finger over that
01:58 and, first of all, see if it's regular, if it's a regular
02:01 pattern or jumping all around.
02:04 It's regular, regular. Good, it's regular. Yeah
02:05 And the next thing I do is I count for 15 seconds,
02:09 and then multiple it by 4. Okay
02:12 And, you know, an average heartbeat,
02:14 if you're a great athlete, your heart might
02:16 be running in the 40s.
02:18 If you're sick and you need it to go faster,
02:21 it might run as much as 120, but the first thing is
02:24 you want to make sure it's regular, a regular rhythm,
02:27 and then you'll want to see how fast it's running... 60
02:30 That's a normal heartbeat and it's regular,
02:33 so I would say your rhythm is stable. Good
02:35 Now sometimes the rhythm might feel like it's doing like this,
02:39 jumping around... that's an abnormal rhythm usually
02:42 from the top of the heart because you can feel it.
02:45 That means when you can feel it, that means blood pressure
02:47 is still going out throughout your body. Right
02:50 And if it feels irregular, there are several
02:52 different types of rhythms it can be.
02:55 Sometimes it's irregularly irregular,
02:58 we call that one atrial fibrillation. Yes
03:00 Sometimes it's just fast and just a straight fast one
03:03 can be a normal fast rhythm;
03:05 it could be one called "atrial flutter;"
03:07 it could be one called "supraventricular tachycardia."
03:11 Sometimes you have a normal beat and then you feel
03:13 sort of a skipped beat. Yes
03:15 We call that a "premature atrial atrial or premature ventricular
03:19 contraction."
03:20 Those are rhythms usually that you feel in your wrist
03:23 come from the top part of your heart.
03:25 The bottom part of your heart is not supposed to
03:27 generate rhythms - it's bad when that happens.
03:30 When that happens, there's something serious wrong,
03:32 and usually you lose blood pressure and pass out.
03:35 So usually those type of rhythms, you just hit the floor.
03:38 And hopefully, you have someone that can come
03:39 with a defibrillator and shock you very, very quickly.
03:42 So these are some simple things you can do...
03:45 if you have rhythm problems just measure your heart rate
03:47 and see how fast it's going.
03:48 Of course when it goes real fast and regular 120-130,
03:53 the first things I think about.. is there some stress
03:55 on the body? You know, did they just
03:57 finish running?
03:58 Do they have an infection? Are they having pain?
04:01 Are they losing blood?
04:02 A very fast heartbeat is a symptom to me
04:05 that the body is under some type of stress,
04:08 and I have to find out what that is and that stress
04:10 might be from yelling and having an argument.
04:12 See, I'm not letting... no, I'm not letting you
04:14 scare me this time... I've been waiting for that!
04:16 I knew you were going to try...
04:17 Or it might be from having pain, boom-boom-boom!
04:19 Or it might be something like a disease;
04:21 you might be losing blood, you might have a fever,
04:24 you might have some type of other problem going on.
04:26 You break your leg, your heart
04:28 is going to go fast, that's pain. Yes
04:29 The chemical that does that, we've talked about before,
04:32 that's adrenalin - epinephrine.
04:34 That not only makes your heart go faster, but it makes your
04:36 blood vessels constrict to help deal with disaster to get
04:40 blood where it needs to be if it worsens.
04:41 And pain can cause that reaction. Yes
04:43 Pain can cause that and anything that puts stress
04:46 on the body makes the stress chemicals to go up
04:49 which can actually speed up your heart.
04:51 And, hopefully, these wires do what they should
04:54 and there's symmetry behind it, but sometimes
04:56 there's not a symmetry; sometimes when we get older,
04:59 it goes too slow and it doesn't ever speed up.
05:01 Now that's sort of the battery, the wires sort of getting old,
05:04 you know, like a car battery. Yes
05:05 Every so often the car battery runs out of juice,
05:08 the car can't get going.
05:09 Well that can happen within the heart.
05:11 The problem is, with the electrical system of the heart,
05:14 is the electrical system causes the heart to squeeze and pump,
05:17 and it pumps life-giving blood with oxygen and nutrients
05:21 throughout the body.
05:22 So it's a very important thing that we're talking about today
05:25 and everyone out there should be interested in it
05:27 because everyone has a rhythm... I hope! Yes exactly!
05:30 If you're not having a rhythm, we have a problem.
05:31 Let's set a baseline here... If we are sitting in a chair,
05:36 and we're 20 years old, and we are just resting in a
05:40 chair - it's in the evening after a day's work,
05:42 and we're just relaxing... what should be our
05:45 heart rate at that time? 20 years old
05:48 If it's a regular one, 40 to 60 would be a good number.
05:51 If you're not in shape, carry a lot of weight,
05:53 a resting heart rate will be faster, it might be 70 to 80.
05:56 If a resting heart rate is above 100, that means something
05:59 probably is not wrong and the stress, it might be just from
06:01 not exercising or it might be for something like, you know,
06:05 have extra weight - that can cause it.
06:06 Certain stimulants can cause your heart to go faster.
06:09 The most common ones are caffeine is a stimulant,
06:11 and nowadays believe it or not, Charles,
06:14 a lot of people drink energy drinks. Yes
06:17 I went into the store the other day and there were some
06:19 teenagers at this 7-Eleven that I was at,
06:21 and they went right up, it was before school started,
06:23 and they got 3 or 4 of these little bottles and they drank
06:26 it down and that will speed up your heart too.
06:29 Over-the-counter cold medications have substances
06:31 that speed up your heart rate.
06:33 Now when you speed up your heart like that,
06:34 does your body respond by giving you more energy
06:36 or is it artificially... Artificial! Really?
06:38 There's nothing real about it.
06:40 You know, I can make your heart
06:42 go fast too if I bang you on the head all day. Yes
06:44 That's not a good thing to do.
06:46 So the heart goes fast for reasons. Yes
06:50 And you want it to be for the right reasons,
06:52 and other than that, you don't want your heart to go fast,
06:54 you want it to keep a nice slow rate to keep you at rest.
06:57 The heart has to rest too, it can't go fast all the time,
07:00 and that's why it's so important that when we're under stressful
07:03 situations, that we also have times of rest.
07:06 And we've talked about this before, this world is so
07:08 stressful, the rhythm needs to rest too,
07:11 the heart needs to rest, our body needs to have to rest.
07:14 So part of a good rest is having the heart slow down.
07:17 Now let's take that same 20-year-old and let's add
07:19 40 years to him and now we have a 60-year-old
07:21 or 70-year-old sitting in that chair after his day at work,
07:24 should there be a different rate or does it...
07:26 It's according to their overall physiology. Okay
07:29 If they're an exerciser, usually it starts staying the same.
07:31 Now as we get older, usually the rhythms of the heart,
07:35 if the conduction system slows down,
07:37 usually it goes a little bit slower. Okay
07:38 But for athletes and someone that's in great physical shape,
07:41 the heart is going to go slower
07:43 because it works more efficiently. Oh okay
07:45 A person that's in less physical shape,
07:47 the heart tends to run faster.
07:49 So if you want to check your physical fitness,
07:51 here's something I do quite a bit,
07:53 you know, people that want to start exercise programs,
07:55 and we check the rhythm of the heart,
07:56 I'd say, "Well listen, measure your resting heart rate
07:59 before your exercise program and after 4 weeks,
08:02 and you watch and it gradually slows down,
08:04 that means you're helping your cardiovascular system
08:06 out, you're lowering the stress chemistry of the body."
08:09 You see how this stress thing works...
08:11 You lower the stress chemistry, you turn on other nerves.
08:14 The parasympathetic which is the opposite of the
08:17 stress system in the body, that's the rest system
08:19 in the body because God sort of made us to work hard
08:22 and to rest, that gets activated more and your body
08:25 has a greater chance to heal and rest to feel better.
08:28 Now let's talk about the other end of this thing...
08:30 How fast should our heart go?
08:32 What is the range of exercise, running up the stairs
08:36 or being chased by a tiger, is there a top limit?
08:39 There is and sort of the generalized standard,
08:42 if you take 220 minus your age, okay
08:48 that's about the fastest a heart can go on a general rule.
08:53 So let's say you're 60 years old, so 220 minus 60
08:57 and that's about how fast your heart would go...
09:01 the fastest under a normal situation.
09:04 A normal stressful situation, it can go that fast
09:07 to meet the metabolic needs of your body
09:09 when it's under that amount of stress. All right, very good.
09:11 And hopefully it's not under
09:12 that amount of stress a whole lot.
09:14 For instance, you know, like a 20-year-old, so sometimes
09:16 they can go up to 200 on a 20-year-old. Yeah
09:18 So the rhythms are very important of the heart,
09:21 but usually rhythms mean different things.
09:24 But I think that thing is great.
09:25 You know, when I feel bad, we frequently, I check
09:29 my heart rhythm to just make sure it's a regular rhythm
09:31 because I can rule out a slow heart beat if I'm not
09:34 racing away against, oh probably not infection...
09:36 Because a slow beat or a fast beat can cause other types
09:39 of symptoms in you that may not be connected to something else.
09:42 It's just because of the heart working... Right
09:43 And any time, when you're really, really sick,
09:45 the heart is going to respond.
09:46 Your body is going to respond by usually a fast heart rate.
09:49 So if I feel bad and like I'm sick at my stomach
09:51 or I'm worried about something and I put this and my heart
09:53 still going at 60 beats per minute,
09:56 I can probably notice that there's not something
09:58 serious going on. Okay
09:59 But I feel bad and my heart is going 120,
10:02 I go "uh oh," my body is under stress, it's trying to
10:06 fix something that going on.
10:07 I might be sick, I might want to see somebody.
10:10 You know, I might want to do something.
10:11 I want to make sure I'm not dehydrated,
10:13 and my blood sugar is not too low,
10:15 something else is stressing my body, I don't have an infection,
10:17 I don't have pain or something else that's doing it. Okay
10:20 So this is a very useful biometric to check on the body.
10:24 Well we have a good baseline now for both
10:26 how fast and how slow it should be going
10:28 under normal circumstances and that's good.
10:31 All right, let's get some questions here from the
10:33 heartwiseministries.org website...
10:35 "What is normally prescribed for a person with
10:37 atrial fibrillation."
10:39 What are you prescribing?
10:41 Is there anything they can do naturally with this? Yeah
10:42 And atrial fibrillation is the most common abnormal rhythm
10:46 that I see in the office every day.
10:48 And that is the top part is irregular, an irregular rhythm
10:53 and it goes really fast in the bottom part because all these
10:55 signals come down irregularly goes fast too.
10:58 It's called "atrial" because it comes from the top.
11:00 "Fibrillation" because the top part is fibrillating.
11:03 Are they in sync with each other? No
11:04 Oh they are not in sync with each other.
11:06 No, so this one is going this fast and all these signals
11:07 coming through - there might be 300-400 signals coming
11:10 through - only a certain amount will get through like 180
11:13 will get through, so the bottom part goes faster too.
11:15 And it's a very discomforting rhythm...
11:17 A person might feel their heart pounding,
11:19 they might get dizzy, they might get short of breath.
11:22 It's estimated that 10% of older people have this.
11:25 One in 3 strokes come from it, so the real solution
11:29 is finding out what's causing that to happen.
11:31 If you can find out what is causing that, that's great.
11:33 Lots of things can cause that.
11:35 Anything from thyroid to genetics, to bad heart, to heart
11:38 attack, to stress, to stimulants, there's a big list.
11:41 The first thing we do is try to find out the cause;
11:43 we slow the heart rate down so they don't feel so bad,
11:46 and then we have to address the blood-thing issue.
11:49 And then after that, we use a bunch of medicines
11:51 to slow it down and we can also talk about
11:52 whether we want to put the heart back in rhythm with a shock.
11:55 There's some fancy procedures we can do, fancy medicines
11:58 to sort of maintain rhythm, but all those things have risk.
12:01 Sometimes we can even go up inside the heart
12:03 and destroy that rhythm if we need to...
12:06 But it's all really according to the cause.
12:08 I had a person that the cause was sleep apnea.
12:11 They wore the sleep mask at night,
12:12 and their heart rhythm became much easier to control.
12:15 So that's a very good question so prescribe for a person
12:18 with sleep apnea... medicines to slow it down,
12:20 keep it in rhythm and probably blood thinners
12:22 until we can find out what is causing it.
12:24 If we can figure out what's causing it,
12:26 then they might not need to take these medicines long-term.
12:28 And quickly, what are some of the causes that could be again?
12:30 Oh, thyroid, any type of stress, bad heart, dehydration,
12:36 genetics can cause it, high blood pressure, valvular heart
12:39 disease, lots of different things can cause it.
12:42 All right, well very good.
12:43 We're going to take a short break and when we come back,
12:44 more questions from heartwiseministries.org website.
12:47 It's so important that we know about our heart,
12:49 that we understand what is normal and what isn't because
12:52 we only have one heart and if that heart goes, so do we.
12:55 We'll take a short break and when we come back
12:57 more questions and a Bible text for today, so stay tuned.


Revised 2016-02-15