Ultimate Prescription

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP000060B

00:01 Welcome back to the program, I'm your host Charles Mills,
00:03 we're here with Dr. James Marcum,
00:04 cardiologist, and we're talking about hearts,
00:07 and the frequently asked questions that have come into
00:09 heartwiseministries.org
00:11 We are also giving you some biblical prescriptions,
00:13 and here's a beautiful one, I love this...
00:15 This is from Psalm 27:14...
00:18 We'll put it up on the screen, there it is...
00:25 Dr. Marcum, I don't know about you,
00:27 but I don't like to wait.
00:29 To bring healing, sometimes the Lord takes His own
00:33 sweet time and I want to go get a pill;
00:36 I want to go get a procedure;
00:38 I want to have something done to me that fixes it right now
00:40 so I can go back to work.
00:42 So, how are we supposed to learn to wait for the Lord
00:46 and wait for Him to do what He is going to do
00:49 when we want to be healed right now - this moment!
00:53 Well I think in listening to that question,
00:56 the key word is "listen." Hmmm
00:58 We have to listen and see what God is telling you to do.
01:01 Listen to Him and ask Him.
01:03 Say, "God, what do You want me to do?"
01:04 "What do You want me to wait on?"
01:06 "Where do You want me to go?"
01:07 "What would You have me to do in this case?"
01:10 Now read the second part of the verse...
01:12 Do you have the second part there?
01:13 I do... "Wait for the Lord and be strong,
01:14 take heart and wait for the Lord." is all I have.
01:16 I like that part, "take heart."
01:18 "Take heart," there we go, take heart.
01:20 What does that mean? "Take heart"
01:22 Be of good courage. Yeah Don't get discouraged.
01:25 Have hope. Yes! Take heart, don't worry.
01:29 He's going to come through for us.
01:31 Be patient, don't worry about it.
01:33 Have faith! Yes!
01:34 Have faith, don't worry. Just let Him have it.
01:38 We can't do it, let Him take control over this.
01:42 I know a lot of times when patients come in
01:44 with rhythm problems, I get impatient.
01:47 Sometimes these rhythms don't come back very often. Yes
01:49 The patient says, "I felt my heart go fast,
01:51 and it won't come back for months and months."
01:53 In fact, I might say, "Take heart, we're going to find out
01:58 what it is."
02:00 We have different monitors, but now we have a device
02:02 that we can implant under the skin called a, "loop recorder,"
02:06 and I can record every beat of a person's heart.
02:10 I can remember when I used to practice in the Cincinnati area,
02:12 I took care of a lot of people on the airlines,
02:15 and this one guy said, "I have my heart beating fast,"
02:17 and he happened to work on an airplane.
02:19 He didn't fly the airplane, but he worked on it.
02:21 And we put a 24-hour monitor, and didn't catch it;
02:24 wore it for 2 weeks and, didn't catch it.
02:26 Finally, he said, "It really bothers me,
02:28 but I didn't know what it was."
02:29 I didn't know which rhythm it was.
02:30 Was it supraventricular tachycardia,
02:32 atrial fibrillation... I didn't know which it was.
02:35 I knew it bothered him, so finally we put a
02:36 loop recorder in him and about 6 months later,
02:39 it caught that rhythm. Wow!
02:41 So, for him, he had to take heart.
02:44 I was going to eventually find it, I had to be patient
02:47 that sooner or later we would find out what that is,
02:50 and when we're in a relationship with God,
02:52 and when we're in relationships with each other,
02:54 we have to be patient with each other.
02:56 And I'm just so glad God is patient with me, Charles.
02:59 I want to show you something... Okay
03:01 That is called a caliper. A caliper
03:04 And this is how we measure these small electrical
03:07 pathways in the heart.
03:08 You know, we measure them on EKGs and see if they're
03:10 within normal timeframes.
03:12 Little printouts you mean? Yeah
03:13 To get from here to here, the signal should take
03:15 so many milliseconds to get to the top, the bottom,
03:18 you know, about 120 milliseconds,
03:21 that's how fast it goes, different parts.
03:23 We've actually measured that and could measure that.
03:26 And I guess we could use it as a weapon if we needed to
03:29 because it's very sharp.
03:30 But what we do is we measure the beats and we can learn
03:32 about the beats - we put it back and forth,
03:34 I can sort of measure how much it is and then I have a scale
03:38 that will tell me how fast that beat is going,
03:40 and we know how much the normal is.
03:42 We don't use these as much anymore because nowadays
03:45 the computer does all that for us. Yes, yes
03:48 We have computer printouts and it's amazing how
03:50 technology had made changes, and I'm wondering
03:52 how many more years are they going to need doctors.
03:55 Pretty soon, Charles, they'll go to the patient and say,
03:56 "What's wrong with you?"
03:58 And you'll talk into your computer,
03:59 and it will sort of print out this alga-rhythm of
04:01 what tests I should do and what treatments I should have.
04:04 I think that's wrong. I would not be surprised.
04:07 I think that a lot of healing comes from that relationship
04:10 and from that relationship with the patient and the healing
04:13 that comes from the belief systems that the
04:15 provider shares with the patient.
04:16 So I've been sad to see that we've gone more the technology
04:20 route and less from the relationship route,
04:23 but that doesn't surprise me because we were made
04:26 to have relationships.
04:27 I don't think we were made to have technology.
04:29 It's another one of these things that it's great sometimes,
04:32 but also can get in our way as well.
04:34 I guess the bottom line here is that healing sometimes
04:37 takes time and we need to be able to just say,
04:39 "I'm going to wait for it, it's going to happen,
04:41 I have faith in it and let it go.
04:43 And you know Charles, God sees healing different than we do.
04:45 We define healing as, "not having symptoms
04:48 or not having disease."
04:49 You know, I think a better definition of is,
04:53 "we're healed as long as we're in a relationship with God,
04:56 and if we're not in a relationship with God,
04:58 we're not healed."
04:59 Maybe that would be a better relationship as long
05:01 as we're in a relationship with God, we're healed.
05:04 It's just "when."
05:05 Okay, here's another question from
05:07 heartwiseministries.org
05:09 "I have atrial fibrillation..."
05:11 Again, what's atrial fibrillation?
05:13 That's where the top part goes faster than the bottom part.
05:15 Okay. It sort of squeezes fast.
05:17 "I have atrial fibrillation, I am reluctant to take the blood
05:19 thinner Coumadin, are there natural alternatives?"
05:22 I bet you get this question a lot.
05:23 I get that a lot, right now, there are no
05:26 natural alternatives that have been proven
05:29 in double placebo-controlled trials.
05:32 So right now, we recommend Coumadin or one of the
05:35 medicines that have been proven until more information.
05:39 Does that mean some people don't take it...
05:42 they think the risk is too risky?
05:44 Yes, I have a few patients that have not taken it.
05:46 And sometimes they do well,
05:47 and sometimes they do not do well.
05:50 And what I do is when a patient comes to me,
05:52 I'd talk to them about the risks and benefits,
05:54 and let them make the decision.
05:56 All right, very good.
05:57 This next question here, we've covered the pacemaker,
06:00 that little device that we
06:01 implant there that helps the heart.
06:03 Now there's another device that we implant,
06:04 it's called a "defibrillator."
06:06 This person says, "My doctor says, "I need one,
06:08 a defibrillator... I'm not sure what this means,
06:11 help me out here a little bit."
06:13 Yeah, when a person has a weak heart, and we measure it by
06:17 the strength - how much blood it ejects each beat.
06:20 We call it an "ejection fraction."
06:22 When it falls below a number 35%, that's sort of an
06:26 arbitrary number, but we've done studies and showed
06:28 when it falls below that from whatever reason,
06:31 blockages in the arteries are the most common ones.
06:33 But infections, chemotherapy, other things
06:36 can make a heart weak, longstanding blood pressure,
06:38 valve disease - when it gets below that number,
06:41 it raises the risk of it having a dangerous arrhythmia
06:46 called "ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation."
06:49 These are life-threatening arrhythmias.
06:52 If you don't get treatment right away from these, you die.
06:55 These are the ones that you see people shocking, shocking it.
06:57 Remember the slow ones, we don't shock
07:00 the slow ones, but these are the fast ones
07:02 that's from the bottom of the heart.
07:03 We shock those and give the
07:04 heart a chance to get back in rhythm.
07:06 So a defibrillator helps those people that have weak hearts
07:10 that are more prone to have these dangerous bottom ones,
07:13 it sees that rhythm and delivers treatment immediately.
07:17 It's like having an ambulance with you, Charles, 24/7.
07:21 If that heart does something dangerous, it shocks the heart,
07:23 it also has pacemaker in there as a backup too.
07:26 So, that's with a defibrillator, can this help you out?
07:30 Absolutely, if you have a weak heart.
07:32 Now I will tell a story here...
07:34 I had one gentleman that had a weak heart and he decided
07:37 not to have it and he had his reasons for it.
07:40 And, you know, one day he was feeling fine,
07:42 had one of these abnormal rhythms from the bottom of his
07:44 heart and he passed away very quickly, yeah.
07:47 But some people choose to have it that way,
07:50 and again, what I do is I talk to them about all the
07:52 risks and benefits especially when it
07:55 comes to modern medicine because everything out there
07:57 has risks as well as the benefits.
07:59 Now, what is the real risk of a defibrillator?
08:02 Well the real risk is, of course, putting it in,
08:04 there's a small risk of infection,
08:06 and sometimes, you know, we talked a little bit before break
08:09 about knowing - if sometimes people are too old to have it.
08:13 You know, do they have other medical problems?
08:15 And sometimes, you put in a pacemaker defibrillator
08:19 and it keeps people alive, but it doesn't improve their
08:21 quality of life.
08:23 So you also have to look at quality of life as well
08:26 when you put in these life-saving devices.
08:28 All right, very good.
08:30 Another question here from heartwiseministries.org
08:32 You may have to help me on this one...
08:33 It says here, "Blood tests toward ablation means."
08:37 Do you understand what that means right there?
08:40 You know, I don't know what the blood test means,
08:43 but I think this person asks about...
08:45 Maybe before ablation... Yeah, what does an ablation mean?
08:47 What is an ablation? This is a very common procedure
08:51 that is a subtype of cardiologists called
08:54 an electrophysiologist might do.
08:56 Let's say I find a rhythm in the heart, Charles,
08:59 that comes from a certain spot that is genetic,
09:02 there are no other medical problems.
09:04 These rhythms now, we have the technology to go
09:06 up and we can map those in the heart and through a
09:08 sophisticated electrical mapping,
09:11 we can find that and destroy it with radiofrequency energy.
09:14 We can actually destroy atrial fibrillation.
09:17 We can destroy supraventricular tachycardia.
09:20 We can destroy ventricular tachycardia.
09:23 So we have the ability to destroy some of these rhythms,
09:26 and that's what an ablation is.
09:28 It really destroys the abnormal rhythm.
09:30 The doctor that does that is called an "electrophysiologist."
09:34 Now, do we do that in everybody?
09:36 No, sometimes if we can change different things
09:38 in their lifestyle.
09:40 Some medicines would do this, but this is a very sophisticated
09:43 procedure that we haven't had forever.
09:45 When I first started medicine, 20+ years ago,
09:49 we didn't do this, we didn't have this around
09:51 as much, but now some people that have atrial fibrillation,
09:55 we destroy that rhythm.
09:56 Now it's a very long, drawn out procedure,
09:58 there are some risks to that, but some people
10:01 receive a lot of benefit from it.
10:04 That is pretty amazing and is there a blood test
10:07 that says you need to take that?
10:08 Is there any connection there between this blood test?
10:10 No, I don't know what they were meaning by the blood test,
10:13 and that one must have got through.
10:14 All right... "My daughter saw an
10:15 electrophysiologist and he mentioned this to her.
10:20 Is this a common procedure?" Yeah
10:21 Nowadays, destroying the rhythm with an ablation
10:25 is a fairly common procedure.
10:27 The electrophysiologist in my group do these every single day.
10:31 Is that like open heart surgery?
10:33 Well, they go up through the veins and arteries,
10:36 and they have a bunch of devices and they have
10:38 computers that monitor and they map where the rhythm
10:40 is coming from and they put an electrode right near it,
10:43 and they can destroy it with some sound wave energy.
10:45 But you know, one of the most common rhythms
10:48 we have is skipped beats. Yeah
10:49 And a lot of people have skips and when a person comes
10:51 and says, "My heart is skipping," I usually say,
10:54 "Well, what's the stressor that's causing it to skip?"
10:57 And usually if I can find the stressor, the skipped beats
10:59 get improved quite a bit.
11:01 So that's probably one of the more common ones I have
11:03 is skipped beats and we find out about that
11:05 by just putting a monitor on them.
11:07 How do we find someone like you, Dr. Marcum?
11:10 Give us 15 seconds - how do we find someone who
11:12 has that kind of caring attitude and wants to use
11:14 that biblical technology... how do we find out?
11:16 Well, I think the best way is word of mouth,
11:19 talk to a lot of different people,
11:21 see who matches up with the way you feel inside.
11:25 You know, I've admit that I try to use the balance approach.
11:28 I'm sort of moderate.
11:29 There's a place for medicines, diet, nutrition,
11:31 I'm always learning, but I think there are many
11:33 physicians out there like that.
11:35 Just look, but ask your friends,
11:36 that's probably the best way to go.
11:37 All right, very good. When we come back
11:39 we're going to ask our "Ultimate Friend"
11:41 the "Ultimate Physician" in heaven to be with us
11:43 as we heal - that's God Himself,
11:45 so stay right where you are.
11:52 We've been talking about the rhythms,
11:54 the rhythms of the heart, but there are also
11:56 rhythms of life.
11:58 And as you go through life, I think you'll understand
12:02 that there are times in our lives where things are
12:04 going fast and there are times when our lives are going slow,
12:07 but make sure we continue to listen to our Creator who
12:10 creates these rhythms for us, now let's pray together...
12:13 Father God, We want to thank You
12:15 for listening to us today and being part of our lives,
12:18 being part of our rhythms of our lives and we just
12:21 long for the day when we can be with You, Father.
12:24 We want to introduce as many people as we can
12:26 to You so they can see Your love and see all the
12:29 good things you have for them, Father.
12:31 We want to thank You for everything You're doing
12:33 for us and the healing power that You help each one of us
12:36 with each day... is our prayer. Amen
12:38 If you might be interested or have more questions,
12:42 we'd love to serve you more.
12:44 You can do that at our website heartwiseministries.org
12:47 And I want to encourage everyone to pray for each other,
12:50 to pray for healing, look to the Bible for the
12:53 answers to life's tough questions.


Revised 2016-02-09