Ultimate Prescription

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP000059A

00:16 "Do I need to take supplements if I eat a healthy diet?"
00:20 "I have atrial fibrillation,
00:23 are there any alternatives rather than Coumadin?"
00:26 Today, we answer frequently asked questions
00:29 from the "Heartwise Ministries" website. Stay tuned...
00:32 I'm Dr. James Marcum, are you interested in
00:35 discovering the reason why?
00:38 Do you want solutions to your health care problem?
00:40 Are you tired of taking medications?
00:43 Well, you're about to be given the "Ultimate Prescription."
00:49 We build these programs based on your questions,
00:51 and that's why it's very important to leave them there
00:54 for us on the website heartwiseministries.org
00:56 We want to know what you want to know,
00:58 and these questions give us a window, a door into your life
01:03 and to the needs you have as our viewers,
01:05 and we appreciate every question you leave for us there.
01:07 Okay Dr. Marcum, let's get right to this frequently asked
01:09 questions on the heartwiseministries.org website.
01:12 Here's the first one, we mentioned it earlier...
01:15 "Do I need to take supplements if I eat a healthy diet?"
01:19 Now, I assume a healthy diet means the fruits and vegetables,
01:22 the nuts and grains and the minimum of animal products,
01:25 and maybe even no animal products.
01:27 Do we still need to take supplements?
01:28 Yeah and the answer to that question - you have to really
01:31 know what type of eater you're dealing with. Yes
01:35 And also, what kind of medical conditions they might have.
01:38 You know, you heard about those sailors that didn't get
01:41 much fruit to eat - they needed to have some supplements
01:44 if they were available. Yes they did
01:46 There are certain diseases like pernicious anemia,
01:48 well, you know, they need some extra help.
01:51 People that don't get outside, they don't get vitamin D.
01:54 So if you live in a northern climate where you don't
01:57 get outside, they need vitamin D.
01:59 But most people, if they're healthy and eat a
02:02 well-balanced diet, you do not need a supplement.
02:07 Now, if you're a pure vegan and eat no animals at all,
02:11 some of the experts are maybe recommending a B vitamin
02:15 okay maybe once a month.
02:17 But the body doesn't need a lot of B vitamin,
02:19 a little bit goes a long way. Yes
02:21 But as far as all these extra supplements,
02:24 you really don't need those, and if you think about
02:27 a symphony orchestra, an orchestra has many
02:31 instruments; if I have 40 French horns... I love French horns,
02:35 they are a great instrument, but 40 of them are too many,
02:39 and they drown out the other things.
02:41 Well, our body's nutrition is very complex,
02:45 and if we eat what we should, fresh fruits, vegetables,
02:48 nuts and grains and they're fairly fresh.
02:51 The body chooses what it wants,
02:53 and pulls it out at the appropriate amount.
02:56 Some of the supplements that have been around,
02:58 I think of beta carotene, vitamin E;
03:01 we found that those supplements were actually dangerous,
03:04 and increase things because they saturated receptors
03:07 and they made other nutrients that they needed,
03:09 they interfered with them.
03:11 And if you think about the nutrients that God gives us,
03:14 Charles, these are all things that are usually enzymes
03:18 and have a lot of good things, and they actually,
03:20 if given in the appropriate amount,
03:22 you know, the correct composition of all this,
03:24 and as a body in its infinite wisdom regulates,
03:28 this gives the body a chance of healing itself.
03:31 Now if we think about it, over the last 200 years,
03:34 we don't eat like we should.
03:36 We eat a lot of processed foods;
03:38 people are eating more animals than ever, more canned foods,
03:42 we're missing out on a lot of the things that our body
03:44 needs to stimulate the enzyme systems,
03:47 the things that we can make so our body
03:49 can naturally heal itself. Yes
03:51 We're now seeing that people that eat more of a
03:53 whole food plant-based diet, they have less of these
03:57 chronic diseases, less inflammation;
03:59 eating that diet helps heart disease;
04:02 helps lower the risk of cancer;
04:04 almost every organ system in the body improves,
04:07 and it's because we're giving the body the substrate
04:09 that the body needs to help heal itself and prevent
04:12 these other things from happening.
04:13 You know, you mention the food that we eat,
04:15 and I have a theory... I don't know if there's a
04:17 study that proves this or not, but I really believe it
04:19 to be true and I sort of asked people about this as we go along
04:22 Our body seems to not only have the ability to take out
04:26 what it needs from the food we eat, it can also combine
04:29 nutrients from the various foods to make a brand
04:32 new nutrient that we need. Right.
04:34 You're right, that's why I say the interactions and
04:37 receptors and how things combine in our body
04:40 are so complex... If you're eating the right foods...
04:43 Yeah, well even if we're eating the wrong foods,
04:45 you can have a complex bad reaction. That's true
04:47 But these reactions are so complex, we can't understand it.
04:50 And it doesn't make sense to find one nutrient that
04:54 in the food is good, to isolate that nutrient,
04:58 and then make a lot of it...
04:59 Oh, but you can make money off of that, Dr. Marcum!
05:02 That's the whole thing and they call that "reductionism."
05:05 It's not holism and as we have reduced it down
05:08 to single mechanisms, we might be able to make money
05:10 and make everyone say, "Oh, if I have this supplement,
05:13 everything can happen," and sometimes supplements
05:15 help you if you think it's happening. That's true
05:18 That's called "a healing belief." Yeah
05:19 And most supplements aren't harmful,
05:22 but we don't know that for sure.
05:25 And so I tell people, if you eat a balanced diet,
05:28 you might need to take a B supplement once a month.
05:30 If you don't get outside, you might need to take vitamin D,
05:33 but if you're unsure, we can always
05:35 measure this in the blood as well.
05:37 And I was doing an interview with the Adventist Health Study
05:39 people and they said that they did a study on this...
05:41 "Are pure vegetarians getting enough in the little supplements
05:46 that they take," and the answer is "yes."
05:47 There doesn't seem to be a problem if you are a
05:51 whole food plant-based person;
05:52 if you take a few supplements every now and then
05:54 to sort of help it along, you are not deficient.
05:57 You do not have a problem.
05:58 That was good news from the Adventist Health Study recently.
06:00 Yeah and that's good news and, you know, I see...
06:02 This is funny, the other day a lady came
06:04 into my office, Charles, she had a whole suitcase
06:07 full of supplements. Oh dear!
06:08 She had 52 different supplements in there,
06:12 and she wanted me to go through them and tell which ones
06:15 she needed and which ones she didn't,
06:17 and these were all sorts...
06:18 And I told her, I said, "Listen,
06:20 everything that we put in our body has some type of
06:22 chemical repercussion," and, you know, now
06:25 it was in her belief system that they were helping.
06:28 So I had to be very careful how I phrased things,
06:31 but I tried to talk to her along the lines that we did today,
06:35 and I said, "If you eat a healthy diet of fruits, nuts
06:37 and grains, maybe you don't need to take
06:40 52 different extra things a day.
06:42 Now if you have a disease state, some of these things
06:45 might be useful; certain herbs and supplements
06:48 might be good for a disease state,
06:50 but if you don't have a disease state,
06:52 some of them could actually be harmful for you. All right
06:54 And, at the very least, kind of a monumental waste of money.
06:58 Okay, here's another question on Heartwise Ministries,
07:00 our frequently asked questions...
07:02 "I have atrial fibrillation, are there any alternatives
07:04 rather than Coumadin?" What is Coumadin?
07:06 Yeah, Coumadin is blood thinner. Okay
07:08 Atrial fibrillation is when the top part of the heart
07:11 goes faster than the bottom.
07:13 And unfortunately, about 10% of older Americans
07:16 have this and worse yet, 1 in 3 strokes come from this
07:21 rhythm because when the top part doesn't move well,
07:24 the blood doesn't circulate through and when it doesn't
07:26 move well and when the blood sits,
07:28 it has ability to clot. Yes
07:30 If it clots and the heart pumps that up
07:32 and it goes to the brain, it clogs up the small arteries,
07:35 and you don't think well.
07:36 So Coumadin is the one that we have along,
07:40 and another name for that is "warfarin."
07:42 There are other ones that are now approved;
07:44 there are different types of Coumadin called "Jantoven."
07:47 There's a new one out called "Xarelto."
07:50 There are different ones called "Pradaxa,"
07:52 that are now out that have been shown scientifically
07:54 to help lower the risk of stroke.
07:56 Unfortunately, the alternatives have never been studied.
08:00 There's one out there called, "Nattokinase."
08:02 There are all sorts of different herbs that people use
08:05 that thin out the blood;
08:06 unfortunately, they have not been studied.
08:09 We know things like "fish oil," that's out there.
08:13 We know omega-3-6-9 fatty acids thin the blood.
08:16 We know that water thins the blood.
08:18 We know that stress thickens the blood.
08:21 But there's nothing that's been studied in randomized
08:24 double-blinded trials yet that have shown to lower
08:27 the risk of stroke in atrial fibrillation other than
08:30 Coumadin and these other ones we mentioned,
08:32 and I get this every day, and I'll tell you, Charles,
08:35 it's so sad when you see someone that could be on
08:38 the blood thinner and they're scared to take it
08:40 for whatever reason and it does raise the chance of bleeding.
08:43 It's not a medicine without risk, but I would rather
08:46 deal with the side effect of the medicines
08:48 than have a stroke because a stroke is just
08:51 devastating, Charles...
08:55 Hey Charles, I want to show you something here,
08:56 do you know what this is?
08:58 That is for checking your reflexes.
09:00 That's for checking your reflexes.
09:01 I'm going to do some reflex checking on you right now,
09:03 before we answer some more questions. All right
09:07 What we do is... What's going to happen to me?
09:10 Well, I'm hitting this and seeing if you have reflexes.
09:14 You know, your reflexes are a little sluggish, Charles.
09:16 You know, I'll have to hit you a little harder. Bang, bang!
09:21 But what a reflex does is it puts pressure on a nerve.
09:23 Why don't I have reflexes? You did, you do.
09:25 You look for a muscle to tighten up. Okay, good.
09:28 You know, everyone has reflexes to fear.
09:31 Our body is made to have different reflexes,
09:34 and unfortunately, in modern medicine,
09:38 we reflexively do things. Yes
09:40 And a lot of people I see that are reflexively doing things
09:43 based on the media, or based on cultural things.
09:46 They reflexively act; if someone says,
09:49 some person, now he says, "I have to have this,"
09:53 they run out to the store and reflexively to get it.
09:55 Because they think it going to get them better. Yeah
09:57 And that's not always the case, so I advise people
10:01 when they have the questions that come in, "investigate it."
10:04 And I'm not saying that everything I have
10:05 works for everybody, but look at the evidence,
10:07 does this make sense, is it a balanced approach?
10:10 But don't reflexively buy supplements
10:13 or buy new treatments, think about it,
10:16 see if it makes sense. All right, very good.
10:18 Another question from heartwiseministries.org
10:21 Let's see what it says here... "What is the healthiest diet,
10:24 I've heard the "Mediterranean diet" is the best."
10:27 There's the "Paleo diet," there's the
10:28 "caveman diet", there's the "Mediterranean diet."
10:31 There's the "high carbohydrate", "no carbohydrate."
10:33 There's the "Adkins," there are diets all over the
10:36 place here - what is the healthiest?
10:37 Yeah, and that's a very interesting question
10:41 because, for instance, if a person lives in a geographic
10:44 part of the world, the healthiest diet to them might be
10:47 different than the healthiest diet for someone else. Yeah
10:49 But if a person has access to fresh fruits,
10:52 vegetables, nuts and grains in their whole form,
10:55 it's not in a package, that is the
10:57 healthiest thing for them.
10:59 And I think you told me, you have a new term
11:02 that you shared with Colin Campbell not too long ago.
11:05 Yes, because he was looking for an update
11:07 to the whole food plant-based diet
11:10 because that sort of sounds like you base it on these
11:12 foods, but it's open-door for anything else.
11:15 I say, why don't we just call it a whole food
11:18 plant exclusive diet, and that has been shown
11:21 time and time again to be the optimum diet,
11:23 the best there is out there.
11:25 Yeah, and I would agree with you, I think that is
11:27 the optimal place as long as the person that's getting there
11:31 doesn't have a lot of mental anguish from doing that.
11:34 Yeah, they have to believe in it, but I've had some
11:37 people that it's just something that they have to have,
11:40 and otherwise they're not happy and it's really about a balance.
11:44 You know, I'd rather have people eating good 80% of the time,
11:47 than eating bad 80% of the time.
11:49 And you have to move people in their diet one-step-at-a-time
11:52 looking at the evidence, but most people,
11:54 as they make these changes, they feel better,
11:56 and as they eat the bad food, they feel bad, Charles,
12:00 but the Mediterranean diet is better than the Adkins diet.
12:02 But I agree with you, if we can be happy in eating that
12:06 whole food plant-based exclusive diet,
12:09 that would solve probably 80 to 90% of our
12:13 disease problem in America and that's probably one of the
12:17 big solutions to the healthcare dilemma,
12:19 and yet we spend lots of money on developing
12:22 new techniques on genetics, all the research is going on
12:25 this technology or what the pill can we do,
12:28 and we don't spend the money in educating people
12:30 and teaching them techniques how to do this.
12:33 We reflexively do what we've done our entire lives because
12:37 our system says, "That's the way we do it."
12:39 But look at the evidence... Is our world getting better;
12:42 is our healthcare going down? No
12:44 And that's why I'm all for everyone having access
12:47 to healthcare, but if they have access
12:49 to systems that are broken and doesn't fix problems,
12:51 are we really going to not perpetuate a system that is
12:55 already not doing well?
12:56 So, I think that's a great question and I get that a lot.
12:59 We need to begin with a belief.
13:01 We have to say to ourselves, "Okay, I want to be healthy,
13:06 I want to do whatever it takes."
13:08 Instead, we reflexively, we say, "I want to do
13:12 all the things I'm doing and I want to be healthy
13:15 while doing them."
13:17 "What can I do to minimally remove from my life
13:21 the things that I'm doing that I really like and still
13:24 be healthy?"
13:26 And I think that's the wrong way for us to do that.
13:27 We should just say, "Let's start with a blank slate
13:30 here I am, I want to live a healthy, long life,
13:32 what do I need to do, and let me look in the
13:34 Bible and whatever it says, even though you may not like it,
13:38 even though it may not be your favorite, whatever it says,
13:41 we do it because we have made a decision,
13:43 and we believe that God knows what He is talking about
13:47 and that the biblical technology will take us
13:49 to where we want to go and we believe that
13:51 "As a man thinketh on his heart, so is he."
13:53 God wants us to think it and then do it,
13:56 and have faith that it is going to
13:57 work out and it usually does.
13:58 Stay tuned for more...


Revised 2016-01-27