Ultimate Prescription

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP000057A

00:16 Those who have experienced it, say that a heart attack
00:19 is like having an elephant sit down on your chest.
00:22 So today, we're going to do a little
00:24 elephant hunting. Stay tuned...
00:28 I'm Dr. James Marcum, are you interested
00:31 in discovering the reason why?
00:33 Do you want solutions to your healthcare problem?
00:36 Are you tired of taking medications?
00:39 Well, you're about to be given the "Ultimate Prescription."
00:45 They say that knowledge is power.
00:47 When it comes to coronary artery disease,
00:49 we need all the power we can get because the enemy is
00:52 strong, well-organized and sneaky.
00:56 Well today, we're going to learn how to be stronger,
00:58 more organized and a whole lot sneakier than heart disease.
01:02 Heart disease for most people, as Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn
01:05 of the Cleveland Clinic insists,
01:06 is a toothless tiger!
01:08 It's often an elephant filled with helium.
01:11 Dr. Marcum, on our last program, you shared with us how
01:14 you determine if someone is at risk for heart disease.
01:17 Now let's get down to the heart of the matter...
01:19 How do we fight back?
01:21 Charles, how do we fight back?
01:23 Well that's, I think part of how we fight back is watching
01:26 programs like this where we can learn more. Yes
01:29 We can figure out what a heart attack is,
01:32 and heart cardiovascular disease and do something
01:34 before it happens to us.
01:36 So that's one way we fight back and realize the system
01:39 is not always there to help us or protect us.
01:42 The "system" being what system?
01:43 Modern medical system. Okay, all right
01:46 You know the pills and all that.
01:47 That's inflammatory what you just said.
01:48 Yes, but at the same time, we have to realize there is
01:51 a place for it and in understanding health,
01:54 there's a place for modern medicine.
01:56 There's a place for good nutrition - we talked about
01:58 that and we talked also about our spiritual lives.
02:01 But today, we want to focus on ways as to what is the
02:04 appropriate use for modern medicine.
02:06 You know, what does it mean to have a stent or a bypass?
02:09 When is taking a pill correct?
02:12 You see that pill there, Charles? I see that pill, yeah.
02:13 That is a big pill... I would give that to an elephant.
02:17 That's an elephant's size pill.
02:19 You know, you said "the elephant in the room," YES
02:20 If he had a heart... he might need that
02:22 if he needed a pill. Yeah
02:23 But sometimes pills are not all that they might seem to be.
02:26 Uh oh, I have a sneaking suspicion that we have...
02:29 Oh my, there's something in there.
02:30 Sometimes there's things in pills that we like,
02:32 like that pen where we can write down
02:34 truths that we learn today. I like that.
02:36 But sometimes it has things that can cause us side effects,
02:39 so we want to minimize pills in that and yet if we need it,
02:44 we want to know the appropriate place to take it.
02:46 But if we're having a symptom, and we go see a doctor,
02:49 the doctor is going to give us the pill or a procedure
02:52 or they're going to cut us open and do something like that,
02:54 when do we know to go see the doctor and when do we know
02:58 to go look in the Bible and find out
03:00 how we should be living different.
03:01 Yeah, and that's what we're going to talk today,
03:03 and I think it's a very important question
03:06 that a lot of people don't know what's what. Yes
03:09 And unfortunately, many of the doctors out there
03:11 they're great people, but they work in their system
03:14 that doesn't sometimes promote balance. Okay
03:17 And that's why we're here to talk about that balance today,
03:20 but if you're having a symptom, modern medicine is great.
03:23 You know, if I'm having a heart attack, I want a stent!
03:26 If the elephant is sitting on the chest... Right
03:27 You want the elephant off the chest. Yeah
03:30 But there also things that we can do other than pills
03:34 that can help us not need those things.
03:36 And that's what we really try to focus on,
03:38 and even if you do need those things,
03:41 all the things we've talked about, you know the
03:43 preventive medicines, the mental - all that will
03:46 help treat and prevent these things from happening as well.
03:49 All right, so if you do not have an elephant sitting on your
03:51 chest right now, what you're about to hear
03:54 are the things that would be best for you
03:56 if you would just start doing
03:57 them right away if you don't have the elephant.
03:59 If the elephant is sitting there,
04:00 get to the doctor now, not later.
04:03 Do we have some questions that have come in? Yes we do.
04:05 heartwiseministries.org is where you send your
04:07 questions about these topics, and I'm so excited about
04:10 this because this is what people want to know.
04:12 First question-"How can I lower my risk of a heart attack?"
04:17 They haven't had the heart attack yet,
04:18 but they want to lower the risk of the heart attack
04:20 even though the family has a strong history of heart attacks.
04:25 Yeah, and I think that that is one of the best questions
04:28 a person can ask because they want to lower the risk
04:30 before something happens. Yes, yes
04:32 And remember, heart disease, heart attacks,
04:36 it's just not one thing, it involves all the vessels
04:39 of the body - it's just not one chemical reaction.
04:42 It involves everything and what is so neat about heart disease
04:45 is that you treat the heart, you treat every organ because
04:47 the heart carries blood and nutrients to every organ.
04:50 So the principles that we talk about in lowering the risk of
04:52 heart attack lowers the risk of having other
04:55 many conditions that we might have.
04:57 The first thing when a person comes to us...
04:59 "I have a strong family history..."
05:00 I start to talk to them... Are they eating foods
05:04 that will clog up their arteries?
05:05 So I really make sure that they have a good diet,
05:09 and what we try to move people to is - away from fats,
05:12 and more towards real food, plants.
05:15 I try to really work on them on their stress.
05:18 You know, some stress relationships,
05:20 their spiritual journey - how that's all going.
05:23 I make sure they drink enough water.
05:25 I also talk to them about... do they have blood pressure
05:28 that needs to be treated.
05:30 Is their cholesterol high right now?
05:32 And sometimes I use medicines as a bridge
05:34 until they can change their chemistry on their own.
05:37 We talk about things like diabetes;
05:40 the stress that comes from sleep apnea
05:42 when people don't breathe well at night.
05:44 Are they sedentary... just not moving
05:46 around puts stress on the body.
05:48 Are they spending too much time sitting down all day
05:51 which puts stress on the body.
05:53 Are they spending too much time with media or other things?
05:56 Are they doing things that help improve their stress
05:58 like serving people; are they resting well?
06:02 Are they doing all these things that they should be doing?
06:04 Are they being outside?
06:05 So a prescription for heart disease could be
06:07 volunteer at your local soup kitchen? Absolutely!
06:10 Absolutely Charles because when we serve other people,
06:13 that turns down our stress chemistry. Yes
06:15 So when we serve, that actually
06:17 lowers the risk of having a heart attack.
06:19 When we get back to the things that God gave us
06:21 at the very beginning and follow that template,
06:24 all of those things have beneficial chemical reactions.
06:27 So everything that's beneficial that lowers stress,
06:30 also is going to lower our risk of heart attack.
06:31 When you have love in your life,
06:33 it lowers your risk of heart attack.
06:35 When you have selfishness,
06:36 it raises the risk to give you a heart attack.
06:39 When God said to us, "Love one another as I have loved you,"
06:43 He was giving us a prescription for heart disease.
06:46 Exactly... Wow!
06:47 When He says, "rest." When He says, "worship."
06:50 Now we're learning the physiology that all
06:52 of these things are things that can lower your risk
06:54 of not only a heart attack, but many other diseases
06:58 because this treats the entire
07:00 body not just one chemical pathway.
07:02 This lowers the risk of us having cancer;
07:05 lowers the risk of having inflammation;
07:07 lowers the risk of having infection.
07:08 So not only do we lower the risk of heart attacks
07:11 when we do these things, but we do ALL of these things.
07:14 But sometimes genetics do catch up with us,
07:17 and if a person does all these things,
07:19 they can still have a heart attack, but if they do,
07:22 we want to know exactly have a plan in action.
07:24 If I start having pains, I'm going to do this...
07:27 If I start having this, I'm going to do that...
07:29 But I'm hoping I never have this.
07:30 We also know that being very positive and being upbeat
07:34 and being very happy, that's also
07:37 very healing for our own body.
07:39 "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine."
07:41 What I'm discovering here, Dr. Marcum,
07:43 in talking with you and doing these programs is...
07:44 The deeper we get into the science of health,
07:48 the deeper we get into the modern
07:51 medical abilities and science.
07:53 When we're standing there surrounded by all this
07:56 technology and all this information,
07:58 we look back at the Bible and it says - that's what He meant,
08:02 that's why He said that.
08:04 That's why "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine,"
08:05 why God gave us rest, why God gave us a diet to eat,
08:08 why God told us that we need to have
08:10 relationships that are based on love.
08:13 These are good for our health,
08:15 for our physical health and that's amazing.
08:17 So when we say, "biblical technology"
08:19 in this program, that's what we mean.
08:21 Modern science is saying, "Look, here's what makes you healthy,"
08:24 and guess what... God had a plan for us to live
08:27 that way from the very beginning, that's exciting!
08:30 What excites me so much is our God loves us so much
08:33 He would never give us recommendations
08:35 that would hurt us. My my...
08:37 But there are so many counterfeits
08:38 out there and there's so many people...
08:40 And what's so neat about this is I've done health
08:42 programming for quite a long period of time now.
08:44 The themes... the themes to treat this disease
08:47 and the other diseases, the themes are pretty much the same.
08:51 Try to change your chemistry based on biblical technology;
08:55 use modern medicine when you're having symptoms;
08:58 and don't get discouraged, even if you have things
09:00 that cannot be fixed, stay strong in that hope
09:03 you have in that relationship because that's what's
09:06 going to heal us eventually in His time.
09:08 And as we fall back on these things, just knowing this,
09:11 and knowing that we have hope, that's healing in itself.
09:15 One of the - I almost hate to say it...
09:19 One of the treatments for heart disease is a stent,
09:22 and I'm just curious Dr. Marcum, are you a stent person,
09:25 or are you a stent person under
09:27 certain circumstances, what's your take on that?
09:29 Yeah, well let me explain briefly what a stent is,
09:32 and a stent is a small stainless steel piece of metal that
09:36 goes into the arteries and we put it in over a balloon.
09:41 It's on top of a little balloon and the stent is on top of it,
09:44 and we blow up the balloon and then the stent sticks to
09:46 the vessel's wall and it squishes the plaque. Okay
09:49 So more blood can now move.
09:51 It doesn't get rid of the plaque. No it doesn't.
09:53 It doesn't take care of the underlying problem.
09:54 It squishes... It squishes it, okay.
09:56 So that heart that's not getting enough blood
09:57 can now see more blood, and now it maybe can
10:01 save a heart attack or it can prevent a dangerous rhythm.
10:04 So when would a stent be something that's beneficial?
10:07 If a person is having a heart attack... Absolutely!
10:11 Because if you don't put the stent in,
10:13 the heart doesn't get muscle.
10:14 If the elephant is sitting on your chest,
10:16 don't talk to be about broccoli. Right!
10:17 Talk to me about stents. Right, right now...
10:19 If you can't walk across the room because you have
10:22 severe chest pain and you can't breathe,
10:24 and you can't do the things you want to do,
10:27 then a stent would be worth the risk. Yes
10:29 Are there risk of stents? Absolutely
10:31 Any type of medical procedure,
10:34 there's a small risk of having death.
10:36 And when you put a stent in, all of a sudden you now have
10:39 coronary disease and stent disease.
10:42 See the stent is made of stainless steel,
10:44 and when the body sees this, the platelets want to clot on it
10:48 because it's a foreign object. Yes
10:49 So for a period of time, we have to put people on
10:51 powerful blood thinners
10:53 depending on what type of stent they have.
10:55 Also the stents, usually after time, the endothelium
11:00 grows over that stent and it's not as risky as time goes on.
11:04 But if I'm having a heart attack,
11:05 if I can't walk across the room, stents are very beneficial.
11:10 We can put stents in other organs besides the heart.
11:12 We can put stents in the aorta, we have stent grafts.
11:16 We can put them in the blood vessels that go to the legs.
11:18 A pretty thick stent here... Yeah, it's called an
11:21 endograft, we put a stent there.
11:22 We have stents in the arteries or leg.
11:24 They're even trying to do things in the brain now,
11:27 but the smaller the artery is, the harder it is to stent it,
11:30 and the more complications we have.
11:33 So, there is a place for stents.
11:35 Now, when is not a place for stent?
11:37 Some people, if they just have a blockage, it's 40 or 50,
11:40 and they're not having any symptoms,
11:41 then that person wouldn't benefit...
11:43 Forty or 50 percent you're saying. Yeah, blockage.
11:44 You might not benefit from that stent,
11:46 and unfortunately, there are cardiologists out there
11:49 that are putting in stents in vessels that don't need to,
11:52 and they're putting patients at risk that don't need to.
11:54 So if you're ever unsure whether you'd benefit from a stent,
11:58 if you're not having a heart attack,
11:59 you can always get a second opinion.
12:01 But if you're having symptoms, that's the place
12:04 when your stents are usually the most beneficial.
12:06 Let me get this question in here before our break...
12:08 What are the risks of bypass surgery?
12:10 Good idea? Benefits? Dangers?
12:14 Sometimes bypasses, when patients that can't have stents,
12:18 they're having lots of symptoms, they can't walk,
12:20 and we want everyone to walk to lower the risk...
12:22 Then the bypass just brings arteries south of the blockages.
12:26 It doesn't take away the blockages,
12:28 but it gives you another source of blood supply
12:30 so if that artery did become 100% blocked,
12:33 you wouldn't have as much damage done to your heart.
12:35 What are the risks of bypass surgeries?
12:38 Oh, there is lots of risk.
12:39 There's a risk of infection. There's a risk of dying.
12:42 There's a risk of stroke. They put you on special
12:45 machines that run your blood through machines
12:47 while they operate on you.
12:48 So there are lots of risks of that,
12:50 and it's very interesting, Charles, that people don't
12:52 think it's that big of a deal to have your
12:54 chest cut open and blood vessels pulled out of your legs
12:57 and sewed on to your heart, that's not a big deal.
13:00 You know, it's very much accepted in our society,
13:03 but if you ask someone about, well, maybe you should
13:05 cut back on the stress or maybe you should eat more plants.
13:08 OH! I can't do that, that's a big deal.
13:11 That's a big deal! But to filet someone open
13:13 and do this... so we have to have a new
13:15 way of thinking about the treatment of disease.
13:17 Treatment is for symptoms, but all these other things
13:20 we want to really focus on to lower our risk of
13:23 ever having to need this.
13:24 They do bypasses almost like on a factory basis. Yes
13:27 People lined up and their on a circuit and they just go
13:29 from place to place and person to person.
13:31 It's so common now, but every time they do it, it's dangerous.
13:34 Yeah and a lot of people think
13:35 it's a fix, "I can do whatever I want,
13:36 if I can just have a bypass, everything is going to be okay."
13:39 I was just reading now that, as long as you're taking
13:41 statins, people are taking risks now because the statins
13:44 are going to take care of the cholesterol problem.
13:46 Yeah and there's a lot of misinformation.
13:48 We're going to talk about statins on our return
13:50 because someone asked questions about that...
13:51 what are the medications and what are the benefits
13:53 and the risks involved there.
13:55 So we'll talk about that on our return.
13:56 Also a Bible text for today... Stay right where you are.


Revised 2016-01-14