Series Code: UP
Program Code: UP000056B
00:01 This is amazing...
00:02 You know, we're talking about heart disease, 00:04 and sometimes you have to look at the big picture, 00:05 like with the telescope; and sometimes you have 00:07 to look at the little picture, like the microscope. 00:10 And Dr. Marcum, we are looking at the big picture here 00:13 of someone who says that they had heart attack-like 00:17 symptoms last year. 00:19 How do they know if it was a heart attack? 00:21 And said, "I had pain that felt like a heart attack 00:24 last year - did I have one?" 00:25 Yeah, and people come to the office all the time wanting 00:28 to know whether they've had a heart attack. 00:30 They had a symptom maybe and we can do some tests to tell that. 00:33 One of the tests we can do is we can do a sound wave test 00:36 of the heart to see if all the heart is beating correctly. 00:39 Heart attack means that part of the heart has died. 00:41 It's not working, so we can look a sound wave 00:44 test and if all the heart is moving, I can tell them 00:46 they haven't had a heart attack. 00:47 When one part is just sitting there and not doing anything... 00:49 They've had a heart attack. All right, okay 00:50 And sometimes I can look at the EKG, 00:52 and tell them if they've had a heart attack. 00:54 We have nuclear material that will only go into living heart 00:58 and we've can tell if they've had a heart attack. 01:00 So there's lots of different ways with modern technology 01:02 I can tell whether that symptom they had last week or last year 01:05 if they've had a heart attack. 01:07 So there is lots of technology we can do to let us know. 01:12 Now, we have some biblical technology you would like 01:14 to share with us as well. Oh, I love biblical 01:15 technology - it is my favorite. 01:17 We're going to bring our text 01:18 up on the screen in just a moment here. 01:20 It is Matthew 11:28, and we've talked about this 01:24 on the program, one of the best treatments 01:27 and prevention of heart attack is something called "rest." 01:31 Let's put it up on the screen, here we go... 01:38 Why is rest so important that God said that 01:42 He wants to give it to us? 01:44 Well you know, we all know if you broke your arm 01:46 throwing fast balls, you wouldn't keep 01:49 throwing fast balls, you would rest it. 01:51 There is scientific evidence that there's healing 01:53 that comes from rest. 01:55 And let's think about this... In that first part of the text, 01:58 Charles, it talks a lot about what I would describe as stress! 02:02 ... All your worry, the mental stress especially. 02:05 And then at the end it gives 02:06 the solution to stress and that's rest. 02:09 So God gave us rest as a way of dealing with stress, 02:14 as the treatment for stress is rest. 02:16 We've talked about all these stressors, 02:17 well, one of the treatments is rest - to rest the body. 02:21 How many people really understand how to rest? 02:24 The God of the universe has a rest one day a week; 02:28 teaches us how to rest at night. 02:30 It's very important that we do that well. 02:32 We now know that people that know how to rest well, 02:35 that have a rest one day a week that rest well at night, 02:38 guess what happens to the stress chemistry? 02:40 It gets better, it improves, 02:43 the adrenalin level, the cortisol level, 02:45 the inflammation comes down. 02:47 So one of the treatments for stress is rest, 02:50 and God knew this in His infinite wisdom, He said, 02:53 "When you're stressed, come to Me and I will give you rest." 02:56 So worshipping, resting - worship is rest 02:59 when it's done in God, so we have the treatment 03:02 for stress might be a Sabbath rest. Yes 03:05 A treatment for stress might be a nightly rest. 03:09 So a treatment for that and it changes the chemistry, 03:11 even though we don't understand all the specific mechanisms.? 03:14 Whatever it takes to change the chemistry for the good, 03:17 that is what we call "rest." Right 03:19 But God says, "Come unto Me," so there's something about 03:21 coming to God that is in the process of resting. 03:25 When we come to God, He gives us that peace, 03:27 that understanding, turns down these chemistries. 03:31 He gives us that rest which negates some of all that 03:34 stress that's coming on our body all the time. 03:36 So when a person comes to me stressed out, 03:38 I say, "Listen, go to God, rest in Him, 03:40 learn how to rest one day day a week, 03:42 learn how to rest in the nights, there's some treatment in that 03:46 in worshipping and all this." 03:47 That's a great test, it's a great treatment. 03:50 it's a great biblical technology. 03:52 "Come to me all who are weary and burdened 03:54 and I will change your chemistry." 03:56 And I will help lower the risk of heart attacks, 03:58 I will help treat your heart attacks, 04:00 I will help all these things. 04:01 Okay, here's a question from 04:04 This is great stuff, this is life-saving stuff! 04:07 What is the difference between... 04:08 Well now, I've heard this said "an-gi-na" or "angina." 04:12 Yeah - "angina." Angina 04:13 Ah, between angina and chest pain. Okay 04:15 Well chest pain - many things can cause chest pain 04:18 including a heart attack. 04:20 You know, it might be that you pulled a muscle, 04:22 and if I press on it and you go "Owe, it hurts," 04:24 I'm going to say, "That was the muscles." 04:25 If you eat some food and some acid comes up, 04:28 "I'm going to say, "That's related to acid reflux." 04:30 It's in the area of the heart, 04:31 but may not necessarily be the heart. 04:33 So chest pain can be the heart, 04:34 but it could be many other things. 04:36 If you take a deep breath and it hurts, 04:37 that could be related to the lungs or pleuritis. 04:40 Now angina really means that 04:43 the pain is coming from the heart. 04:45 So, if you walk up a hill, it hurts; 04:47 you stop and it goes away, 04:48 that's a characteristic of angina. 04:50 So angina really means chest pain from the heart, 04:53 but chest pain, in general, can be sort of 04:55 lots of different things can cause it from, 04:58 you know, a lot of people have different types of... 05:01 You know, I saw a lady the other day that had shingles. 05:04 Shingles caused her chest pain and she thought it was 05:06 a heart attack and it ended up 05:08 turning into a rash from shingles. 05:09 Lots of time, it's from the stomach, 05:11 and if after you eat, you have the pain, 05:13 you know, that could be the heart, 05:15 but it could be the stomach as well. 05:16 If someone hits you in the chest, 05:18 that's chest pain that's coming from hitting you in the chest. 05:20 So chest pain, lots of different reasons including the heart, 05:23 but angina is more specific referring to the heart. 05:26 If someone hits you hard enough in the chest, 05:28 can you have a heart attack from that hit? 05:30 Yes you can, but it's very rare especially if they 05:32 hit you over the artery, but you can actually bruise 05:35 the heart and we call that a contusion. 05:37 We most frequently see contusions of the heart 05:40 in automobile accidents... And they hit the steering wheel. 05:42 Yeah, they hit it so hard that it actually bruises the heart. 05:45 We do a sound wave test and we see the heart 05:47 has been bruised, it's not moving well. 05:49 And you have said often on this program that 05:52 pain that feels like a heart attack is serious 05:56 and we need to have it looked at. 05:57 So, we should not try to dismiss 05:59 a pain we have in our chest; well, it must be a bruising, 06:01 it must be something else. Go see a doctor, you say. 06:04 Yeah, and I tell people, any symptom above the waist 06:08 you need to at least think that "could this be my heart," 06:10 and a symptom that gets worse when you do things 06:13 leads me to thinking it's heart, 06:15 but what is the definition of a symptom, Charles, 06:17 that's very important for our audience. 06:19 Anything that you feel that's not right, 06:22 we could classify as a symptom. 06:23 And if I'm having a symptom, 06:25 things in my body that I don't feel right, 06:27 I want to investigate that, find out what it is, 06:30 at least make sure it's nothing deadly like a heart attack, 06:33 at least have that looked at because we want that to be 06:36 evaluated right away because time is very important 06:39 if you're having chest pain. 06:40 All right, okay, very good. 06:42 Another question from 06:45 "I had a corporate physical and they did a calcium score, 06:50 what does that tell you?" 06:52 Yeah, a lot of people are having these corporate physicals 06:55 and to me, honestly, calcium is just another 06:58 measurement of risk. 06:59 The higher the calcium score, the more likely you have 07:03 coronary disease, the higher the chance and it raises 07:06 your risk of a heart attack. 07:07 But I can pretty much tell that just by talking to someone. 07:10 How do you do that? 07:11 Well, if a person says, "I don't eat well, 07:14 I'm under lots of stress," I can pretty much tell that they 07:18 have a high chance of having heart disease. 07:21 And, whether they have a high calcium score, 07:23 the treatment is pretty much the same. 07:25 I mean, high calcium, did they drink too much milk? 07:27 Where is this calcium coming from? 07:28 Well, calcium comes from calcifications 07:30 in the arteries of the heart. I got ya, I got ya. 07:32 You know calcifications and oxidation 07:34 is a process that creates calcium. 07:36 But I treat everyone the same unless they're having symptoms. 07:39 I want to put the person with the high calcium score 07:41 on a whole food plant-based diet, 07:43 I'm going to lower the stress. 07:45 I want to make sure their blood pressure; 07:46 they don't have diabetes, things of that nature. 07:48 I want to make sure their cholesterol is really good. 07:50 Those of the things I want to do 07:52 if they have a high calcium score, the exact same things 07:55 I would do if they said, "My dad had a heart attack, 07:58 I don't eat a good diet," those types of things. 08:00 So the calcium score is just another tool that we can tell 08:04 if a person is at high risk for coronary disease. 08:06 Is it possible to have a heart attack without pain? 08:09 Yes it is. Really? 08:11 Yeah, and we can have a heart attack without pain. 08:14 We mainly see that in people that have diabetes, 08:17 that their nerves might be damaged. 08:19 We also see that in people that are older, 08:21 and some women - they have atypical symptoms, 08:24 but usually when you ask them if they've had a heart attack, 08:28 even if they don't have pain, there's something else 08:30 that didn't feel right... extreme fatigue, 08:32 extreme shortness of breath, a feeling of ill-being. 08:36 They usually at least describe something that's "not right" 08:39 that we could describe as a symptom. 08:41 We did a show not too long ago, Dr. Marcum, 08:43 on screening - a very important topic, and you said that 08:46 we need to become self-screeners. 08:49 We need to start learning how to look at our lives 08:54 and find those things in our lives that are indicators 08:58 that we are at a high risk for heart disease. 09:00 And I thought maybe on this program where we're talking 09:02 about heart disease and some of the symptoms, whatnot, 09:04 what are some of the ways that we can self-screen ourselves, 09:08 and that will give us the indication that we might be 09:11 heading down a rocky road here? 09:13 Well the first thing I would ask people is... 09:15 Are they having feelings above the waist that are abnormal? 09:19 And if they're not sure, go for a walk real 09:21 fast and see how you feel. 09:23 Go for a fast walk and see how you feel. 09:26 If everything sort of feels pretty good, 09:28 then chances are you don't have active disease. Okay 09:31 Then the next thing I would look at is... Do you have risks? 09:34 You know, are you a person that has had a family history 09:37 that would put you at genetic risk? 09:39 Do you eat a poor diet, are you under lots of stress 09:43 that would raise your risk of having heart disease... 09:45 Poor diet! That's a problem, Dr. Marcum, 09:47 some people say I eat a wonderful diet, 09:49 but we know better! Yeah 09:51 When you say "poor diet" on this program to these people 09:54 listening right here, what do you mean by a "poor diet?" 09:58 Well, a diet that's sort of high in fat, high in protein, 10:03 Remember God made us to eat fruits, vegetables 10:05 nuts and grains and the more things we eat from animals 10:08 whether that be eggs, cheese, milk, all those products, 10:12 the dairy products, all of those things raise 10:15 our risk of having heart disease. 10:17 Not only that, but diet would include water, 10:20 the things we drink and a lot of people... 10:23 You know, processed foods are going to raise our risk, 10:26 and a lot of people don't even realize that because we're 10:28 taught that this is good or this is good. 10:31 So I tell them, "No, the literature 10:33 says this is not good." 10:34 And the advertisement says, "All natural, it's heart-healthy 10:37 and all that stuff." Yes, you know what, 10:38 they really spin at their web. 10:40 They say, "Oh, we want to go to a low-fat diet." 10:43 Well low-fat is in the right direction, 10:45 but it's not the direction to go. 10:47 So I try to move my patients to a whole food plant-based diet. 10:51 That doesn't mean they don't eat anything else, 10:53 but that means the predominant food that they eat is real food. 10:57 You know, whole foods... instead of the potato chip, 11:00 eat the potato; instead of the corn chip, eat the corn. 11:04 So, instead of the raisin, eat the grape. 11:06 So try to eat real foods as a cornerstone for good nutrition. 11:10 Now some people say, "Well, can I have this or that." 11:12 Well, sometimes it might e okay to have some of this 11:15 if it's going to affect your happiness because remember, 11:18 a grumpy person is a stressed person - that's not good either. 11:21 A grumpy vegan is not going to be as a happy semi-vegetarian. 11:25 But what I've told people is that as they move to eating 11:28 healthier, the food that used to taste good 11:31 doesn't taste as good and they start finding substitutes 11:34 and their whole brain chemistry changes. 11:37 I think we have time for one more question here from 11:40 11:42 An EKG, "If we go have an EKG and it shows that 11:48 we're okay, are we home free?" 11:50 An EKG can be normal and you could 11:53 still have a heart attack. 11:54 Even though it tends to be smaller, in the hospital 11:57 have normal EKGs and that puts them at a lower risk, 11:59 but you can still have a heart attack with a pretty normal EKG 12:02 especially if it's in one of the smaller arteries. 12:05 I guess the take-home message here is - this is complicated 12:09 and we need to look at a number of areas, 12:11 a number of possibilities here, and we educate ourselves, 12:15 and we follow the plan that requires 12:17 us to look at all these things, then we can feel 12:19 pretty confident that what we're doing is going to help us. 12:22 One of the things that will help us most, of course, 12:24 is to talk to the Master Physician, 12:26 and we're going to do that on our return, 12:28 so everybody stay right where you are - healing on the way. 12:38 There's so much to know about coronary artery disease, 12:41 and we talked a little bit about it today and I hope you can 12:43 share this with some of your friends. 12:45 If you're having a symptom though, I want you to 12:47 get help right now and we want everyone to work on 12:50 improving their diets and improving their stress. 12:53 There might be someone out there that's suffering from 12:55 coronary artery disease and we want to let you know 12:58 that there's hope today for you. 13:00 So let's all pray together... 13:01 Father God, I want to thank You for the opportunity to serve You 13:06 and to let other people know that there is truth 13:09 in Your word, and that You want us to be healthy. 13:11 And the text we read today about eating good food 13:14 and having healthy lives is what we want, 13:17 and that this is a blessing that You want to give to us, Father. 13:19 And those that are out there that are sick today, 13:21 we want to pray for the healing, however You want to heal, Father 13:24 we want to trust You to do what is best in our lives. 13:27 And thank You for the ability to be here today 13:30 and to love each other and we want to thank You for 13:32 being our God, is my prayer... Amen 13:35 Thank you for joining us. 13:37 We will be back next time with a new topic. 13:40 We want to wish you the best of health. |
Revised 2016-01-14