Ultimate Prescription

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP000055B

00:01 Welcome back to the program,
00:02 and I'm your host Charles Mills,
00:04 we're here with Dr. James Marcum.
00:05 We're talking about heart disease on today's program,
00:07 and the fact that we all have some blockage in our arteries.
00:11 I guess that's because we just don't live as healthy
00:13 as we should and even the environment.
00:15 I don't know if everyone has blockages,
00:17 but a large majority that are under stress,
00:20 a large majority that they could, have blocked,
00:23 but occasionally I study an artery that's completely normal.
00:26 One of the scariest things I've heard in interviews with
00:28 people is this... That when parents, moms,
00:32 are having a high fat diet and eating a lot of dairy
00:36 and meat and whatnot, they have found arterial
00:39 streaking in unborn children. Yeah...
00:44 Unborn children! The streaking happens inside
00:47 the baby before it's born.
00:49 And that brings up a whole-nother
00:51 program sometime, you know, women that carry children.
00:54 You know, all the things that they do
00:56 affects the growing mom...
00:58 They're setting them up for heart disease from day #1.
01:00 Yes and all sorts of other diseases, you know,
01:03 and we'll have to talk about that sometimes...
01:05 the food we eat, the stress that pregnant woman are under,
01:08 all that affects the developing brain too.
01:11 So we already know about the fatty diets,
01:13 and you pass that on to the ones that you're nurturing
01:15 and taking care inside of you. Okay
01:17 Let's go to the Bible, God's Prescription Book
01:20 and let's read a verse, I'll ask them to put the
01:23 verse up there on the screen, listen to this...
01:35 This is Exodus 23:25- this is God speaking
01:38 to the children of Israel.
01:40 "I will take it away.
01:41 God's blessing will be on your food and water."
01:43 I guess we need to eat food and water that God has blessed,
01:46 and is there an indication someplace what that food is?
01:49 Yeah and I love that text, Charles, because it says,
01:52 "I will take away sickness," and so it ties sickness
01:55 in to food and water and we know that's a large
01:58 component. And the source of food and water.
02:00 Yeah and years ago the Greek doctor, Dr. Hippocrates,
02:04 he talked about, "Let food be thy medicine,"
02:07 and that was a very wonderful thing and we know that God
02:10 gave us and we're now proving it with the studies
02:14 that are out there that are whole food, plant-based diets.
02:17 I think the studies that have been done by Dean Ornish,
02:20 by Dr. Esselstyn and others have really proven
02:24 that that's the healthiest diet for our arteries;
02:26 can reverse disease; make these arteries bigger;
02:29 that our standard fat-filled American diet
02:32 is not so good at all.
02:33 And yet, here we're giving a scripture years before,
02:37 and I was talking about, you know, as a food,
02:39 and that's very interesting about food for us
02:41 because we think back, "Well, God told us at creation,
02:45 eat fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains."
02:48 Daniel and his friends, another story about pulse and water.
02:52 As if, you know, we had to be reminded again.
02:54 And then the Israelites, remember, they wanted to eat
02:57 birds instead of manna and then they got all sick. Yes
03:00 So this is a very good text that God has know all along,
03:03 now that science is again proving that the Bible
03:06 has great prescriptions for us.
03:08 Water, water is another good prescription...
03:11 When we're dehydrated, that raises our risk
03:13 of cardiovascular disease.
03:14 The stress mechanisms - when you're dehydrated,
03:17 and more stress and more clotting.
03:19 When you're dehydrated, you're more likely to clot,
03:21 if you have a block in your clot - not so good, Charles.
03:24 So another excellent, excellent text.
03:26 We talk often of biblical technology,
03:28 when we say, "Look in the Bible for prescriptions,"
03:30 that was what we're talking about - it's there!
03:32 It's right there, the principles that God laid out in
03:35 Genesis and then repeated
03:37 throughout the Bible for our health - it's there!
03:39 That's where you go first to find the answers,
03:41 you look in the Bible.
03:43 You'll be surprised at how many diseases you will NOT get;
03:46 how many lifestyle diseases, especially, you will not get
03:49 if you simply follow what God
03:50 had in mind from the very beginning.
03:52 Okay! Questions that have come in to heartwiseministries.org
03:55 on heart... "Can a heart attack be predicted or is it like
03:59 hurricanes? Can you really know what's going on?
04:01 Yeah, Charles, I get that question a lot,
04:04 but when I talk to somebody in the office,
04:07 and they tell me that they smoke, that they have diabetes,
04:10 that they are under stress. RED FLAG, RED FLAG
04:12 I'll say that I can't predict it, but if we don't
04:14 make choices, you're going to be at a
04:16 high risk group. There you go...
04:17 You can do a stress test.
04:19 That's where you walk on a treadmill and not have a symptom
04:21 at all and still have a heart attack tomorrow
04:23 if one of these plaques...
04:25 Because you may be at this level right here.
04:26 It may be a 40% or 50%.
04:28 Right, those plaques get unstable and break.
04:30 So a stress test only really tells me that if I think
04:33 your symptoms right now are from your heart,
04:36 and whether I think you might benefit from one of
04:39 modern medicine's procedures like a stent or a bypass,
04:42 or even more medications.
04:44 So can a heart attack be predicted?
04:46 No, but we can tell people that are at great risk than others.
04:50 And, a person who eats a whole food plant-based diet
04:53 that keeps their stress under good control,
04:55 that they don't have a genetic tendency,
04:57 that has their blood pressure good,
04:59 they're under the lowest risk. Right
05:01 And so I don't worry as much about the...
05:03 There are no guarantees in this world.
05:04 No, there are no guarantees, but they're at a lower risk,
05:06 but unfortunately, they're going to claim,
05:08 "Well, a lot of these tests that we can get blood tests
05:10 that predict heart attack, none of it predicts heart attack,
05:13 but it might be able to help with who is at risk,
05:15 who is not at risk.
05:17 And, of course, Framingham is tying in cholesterol
05:19 with all of it and I think we should do a program on this.
05:21 So, we have high cholesterol... You know, and everyone is
05:24 focused on cholesterol, but remember that's just
05:26 one component of a disease.
05:28 It's much more complicated by the chemical
05:30 mechanisms as we found out.
05:31 And that's why modern medicine wants to focus so much on
05:34 cholesterol, they have a pill for it. Yes
05:36 They have a bullet for that but not that particular part.
05:38 As we found out, for a while they thought all heart attacks
05:40 were from cigarettes... Now it has gone to cholesterol,
05:43 now it's unstable plaques, so it's all one bullet thing,
05:46 but it's more complicated than that.
05:48 So the stress test tells you what exactly?
05:50 Well, if you had chest pain and I couldn't tell
05:53 what it was coming from, and I said,
05:55 "I'm not sure whether that's your heart or not.
05:56 I put you on the treadmill and make your heart work.
05:59 And if your heart works hard and you start having
06:02 that symptom again, or parts of the heart
06:05 don't get enough blood, I would say, "Yes, that
06:08 symptom is from your heart, and you're going to need
06:11 further investigation and evaluation.
06:13 But if you walk 10 or 12 minutes and never have symptoms,
06:16 the stress test is completely normal,
06:18 and we have ways to look at the heart;
06:20 we look at whether you have the symptoms;
06:22 we look at the EKG; sometimes we can image
06:24 the heart - that means look at it dynamically.
06:27 We can do that with sound waves; we call that a
06:30 "stress echocardiogram."
06:31 We can look at nuclear medicine to see how it flows.
06:34 We call that a "nuclear stress test."
06:37 So those are all things that can predict whether we think
06:40 your symptoms are for your heart.
06:41 And also, it can tell us if we think surgery or further
06:45 treatment would be of benefit to you.
06:46 But a lot of people think that
06:48 stress tests predict heart attacks - it does not, okay.
06:51 So you can have a completely normal stress test
06:54 and still have a heart attack.
06:55 All right, okay, very good.
06:57 This question here that came into the
06:59 heartwiseministries.org website
07:03 We seem to know so much, we have so much medicine,
07:07 we have so much information, we know what to do...
07:11 This question is, "Why are heart attack rates so high?"
07:13 If we know what to do and we have all this modern science,
07:17 why are we still having heart
07:19 attack rates? "Why are they still high?"
07:21 Yeah well, if you think about it, the heart attack rates
07:24 in America is running right around 600,000.
07:28 That is 600,000 too many!
07:30 Well not heart attacks, but that's total deaths from
07:32 heart disease and heart attacks are the most common.
07:34 One is too much... 600,000 and that number
07:37 stayed high through the years despite all of our technology...
07:40 And our technology to treat the heart immediately
07:43 with a stent or a bypass or with medicines
07:45 to stabilize... It still stays up there.
07:47 We've gotten better at that, and if a person comes in
07:50 fairly quick, we can help restore blood flow,
07:53 but we haven't reversed the cause of disease.
07:55 So, if you think about it, heart attack rates are
07:58 going to continue to be high until we can get at the cause
08:01 of heart attacks and I think we touched on this a little bit,
08:04 the cause of heart attacks.
08:05 You know, we can't change our mom and dad, okay,
08:08 but we talk about the food, the fatty foods we eat.
08:11 We're eating more fatty foods, processed foods
08:14 than ever before.
08:15 And we've seen in the studies now that if we can move
08:18 towards a whole food, plant-based diet,
08:20 we can lower that risk dramatically,
08:22 but we're not getting out there
08:23 and talking about that from the rooftops
08:25 even though that's very important.
08:26 I'm also understanding that the brain and stress
08:29 how that plays a role too, and yet our society
08:32 is more stressed out than ever at places that we don't even
08:35 think, you know... we're staying up later;
08:37 all the media; all the things we're doing;
08:40 we think we have to work 24/7, we're busy all the time
08:44 that causes all the stress chemistry that we talked
08:47 would be turned on; we eat some bad foods;
08:49 and we start getting it in utero and before you know it,
08:53 we're a society that's filled with coronary disease.
08:56 So the heart attack rates are so high because we're not
08:59 getting at the cause.
09:01 Once we start getting at the cause,
09:03 the heart attack rates will be coming down,
09:05 but we do a really good job if a person has a symptom.
09:08 And if anyone out there is having symptoms when you
09:10 do something, if you don't feel right above the waist,
09:13 if you're having pain that won't go away,
09:15 seek medical attention right away...
09:18 Because still, 1 in 3 people that have a heart attack,
09:21 still die within the first year.
09:23 So if you don't get help, the instability that happens
09:25 from the heart can be terrible.
09:28 Because what they did in the hospital did not fix the problem
09:30 Right, it did not fix the problem,
09:32 it treated the symptoms.
09:33 Even people who have had bypass surgery in stents,
09:36 that hasn't lowered the risk of heart attack.
09:38 The risk of heart attack is still there; in some cases,
09:41 it might be higher if we damage the blood vessel.
09:44 Does this make sense? It does...
09:45 You know, and the problem is that sometimes I think
09:47 we make it more complicated, and we're out there
09:50 and all this technology makes it so complicated,
09:53 the media spins it their way, and before you know it,
09:55 people are so confused about their heart,
09:58 that they don't know the simple things that they can do
10:00 to take care of their hearts.
10:01 People do not want to know the truth - many people.
10:05 I have a neighbor that had a massive heart attack,
10:08 and had to go and he had a triple bypass and everything,
10:11 and he was overweight, pouchy little gut sticking out there,
10:14 and he didn't exercise very much...
10:16 So when he came back, he said, "You know, I'm going to
10:17 take care of myself," but you know what, I've seen that
10:20 he hasn't, he is now overweight, pouchy and doesn't
10:22 exercise very much.
10:24 He thinks he's fixed, I gave him a copy of
10:27 "Forks Over Knives" to look at and He said, "Well that was
10:29 interesting, I wonder if he even looked at it.
10:30 They don't want to know the truth because the truth is
10:33 going to maybe make you make some changes.
10:35 You may have to change your diet,
10:36 your way of exercising, the way you think,
10:38 the way you believe, the structure
10:40 of your life and you have to make changes.
10:41 And people don't want to do that.
10:43 They would rather take the risk and use the life
10:46 that got them sick and say, "Well, now that I've had my
10:48 problem, I'm not going to gave it again,
10:50 the doctor has fixed it, I'm fine,
10:51 I have these bypasses in there, they're working fine,
10:54 and I pass this guy every day on the mailbox
10:57 and I wave at him and he waves at me and I realize
10:59 that he is setting himself up for the exact same problem
11:02 that he had before and this time he may not make it through.
11:05 Yeah, and all we can do is love people and not judge them,
11:09 and hopefully that God will work in their lives
11:11 to make these little changes, and when I see someone that
11:14 dies of a heart attack and it bothers me.
11:16 That's why when they come into the office, I tell them that
11:20 "I love you enough to tell you the truth."
11:23 And that's what we're doing here...
11:24 "I love you enough to look you right in the eye
11:26 and say," "Here's the truth."
11:27 What you do with it, that's your responsibility.
11:31 But the fact that we're here and Dr. Marcum
11:32 is here saying this, that's our responsibility,
11:36 and we want to make sure that we are here for you.
11:38 Isn't that right, Dr. Marcum?
11:39 That's exactly right, Charles.
11:41 Okay, all right... Well, one of the things that
11:43 we have to show you is not only the Bible text,
11:46 we also want to take you into the Throne of Grace.
11:48 We want to take you to the Master Physician
11:50 and sit you down and let Him talk to you in your inner self,
11:55 in your mind to lead you, to guide you,
11:57 and we do that through that wonderful thing that God
11:59 has made for us called "prayer" and we're going to pray for you
12:02 on our return, so stay tuned.
12:11 There is so much to know about coronary artery disease
12:14 and we talked a little bit about it today and I hope you can
12:16 share this with some of your friends.
12:18 If you are having a symptom, I want you to get help right now
12:21 and we want everyone to work on improving their diets
12:24 and improve their stress. There might be someone out there
12:27 that's suffering from coronary artery disease and we want
12:30 to let you know that there is hope today for you,
12:33 so let's all pray together.
12:34 Father God, I want to thank you for the opportunity to serve you
12:39 and to let other people know that there is truth in your word
12:42 and that you want us to be healthy and the text we read
12:45 today about eating good food and having healthy lives is
12:49 what we want if this is a blessing that you want to
12:51 give to us Father, and those that are out there that are
12:54 sick today, we want to pray for the healing, however you want
12:56 however you want to heal Father we want to trust you
12:59 to do what's best in our lives and thank you for the ability
13:02 to be here today and to love each other, and we want
13:05 to thank you for being our God.
13:06 This is my prayer, Amen.
13:08 Thank you for joining us, we will be back next time
13:11 with a new topic, and we want to wish you the best health.


Revised 2015-12-14