Ultimate Prescription

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP000053B

00:01 Welcome back to the program, I'm Charles Mills.
00:02 We're here with Dr. James Marcum.
00:04 We're talking about health today and more importantly,
00:06 the connection that God has for our health tied directly
00:10 into belief... many people don't understand that,
00:13 but it is a very solid connection and we need to
00:16 keep that in mind every time we talk about health and healing.
00:19 Dr. Marcum, it's very important that we look in Scripture
00:22 of course for our Ultimate Prescription and I have a text
00:25 here that goes right along with what we're saying here.
00:27 It's found in James 5:16, we'll put it up on the screen here,
00:31 for you to look at and here's what it says...
00:46 How powerful is that?
00:47 Prayer brings about healing!
00:50 We look for healing in a bottle, a prescription, a procedure,
00:54 a visit to the doctor's office; some kind of great knowledge
00:57 that the medical profession has, but healing, true healing
01:00 happens in a connection with God.
01:04 That's important for us to know.
01:05 Yeah, especially prayer, you know, prayer is
01:07 our communications, communication is how we
01:10 nurture a relationship.
01:12 The relationship is where we get our faith,
01:15 our bodies as we talked about.
01:17 The brain has an ability to heal itself.
01:20 This is all great even though we don't understand the physiology.
01:23 You know, we don't understand the studies,
01:25 but I think that if you look back over time,
01:28 there has been very interesting paradigm shifts
01:32 throughout all history as far as it comes to healing.
01:35 Now I want you to show us that globe here, Charles. Oh sure!
01:39 Yeah now, we see that globe there, you know at one time,
01:43 people thought that the earth was flat.. did you know that?
01:47 They thought that it was flat, and if you had
01:49 Galileo around, and he said, "No I think the earth is round."
01:54 You know, what did they do to him at that time? Yes
01:57 You know, they wanted to throw him out of his church.
02:00 All the scientific buddies said, "No way, you're weird,
02:05 I don't want to listen to you, this can't be true
02:07 because we live in something that we
02:10 think is flat - this is not true!"
02:12 And then, years later, guess what?
02:15 They find out that the earth is round.
02:18 And yet for years and years and years,
02:19 they lived under the truth, they thought that it was flat.
02:21 They were totally wrong... And they defended that to the death.
02:26 Yes they did - literally. He stuck with the truth
02:30 no matter what... it probably ruined him.
02:33 But, you know, he went through some lumps and bumps
02:35 because of that. Sometimes the truth
02:36 is not popular as we're discovering
02:38 when we talk about health to people too.
02:40 And, I studied zoology at the University of Texas,
02:44 and we had insects that we called flatlanders.
02:48 Okay, do you know what a flatlander is Charles?
02:50 I haven't heard of that. Okay - flatlanders are insects
02:52 that just see the world in 2-dimensions.
02:55 They just see length and width.
02:57 You know we live in 3- dimensions.
02:58 They just see it in 2- dimensions.
03:00 So you could be a bird flying up in the air,
03:03 and they would never know of your existence
03:05 because they just live in 2- dimensions, length and width.
03:08 So to those flatlanders, they don't even know
03:11 that the world is all around them, they live in this
03:13 paradigm of length and width.
03:14 They don't have that picture of able to see something more.
03:17 And look at the danger that's above them flying along
03:20 and they ignore it because they are flatlanders.
03:22 But to them, because of where they live,
03:24 that's the truth for them. Wow!
03:26 You know, years ago, George Washington,
03:28 everyone has heard of George Washington,
03:30 and George Washington, the doctors around him,
03:32 he had an infection, Charles, and they said,
03:34 "Well, leaches are the best thing for you, George."
03:36 So they put a bunch of leaches on him,
03:38 and the leaches literally pulled out
03:41 half of his blood volume from him.
03:43 And the doctors - can you imagine if you were a doctor
03:46 saying, "Listen guys, I just don't think
03:48 that's a very good idea.
03:50 We're taking all of George's blood away - NOT GOOD!"
03:53 Can you imagine what they would have...
03:54 They would have thrown you out too!
03:56 They would have thrown me out and said, "Listen you can't
03:57 be in the medical club anymore.
03:59 You're thinking outside of our little group here.
04:02 Your thinking is, you know, you're a flatlander,
04:04 you're not being a flatlander anymore."
04:07 You know, "so the world is different,
04:09 so we're going to throw you out of the club."
04:11 In 1935, in the "Journal of the American Medical Association,"
04:14 that's the journal that most physicians read,
04:17 they suggested that smoking was the treatment for asthma. Oh my!
04:22 Smoke - you know, and everyone, "yeah, yeah, yeah."
04:26 But now we look back and that's not a solution at all.
04:30 And now as we move forward in time,
04:33 you look back over history and there has been a large amount
04:36 of people that did not see the big picture.
04:39 You know, they didn't see the other dimensions out there.
04:42 There are things that we have to realize
04:44 that we don't understand.
04:46 There are paradigms that we live in now
04:48 that might be totally wrong.
04:50 We're starting to see this in the food industry.
04:52 We're realizing that the food we eat,
04:54 that's not necessarily the best thing for us.
04:56 Well we're realizing that in brain health.
04:57 The brain health, the thoughts we have,
04:59 there are different ways to see the world.
05:01 You know, it's just not about 2- dimensions.
05:03 The world might look different,
05:06 it might be a world like Galileo saw.
05:10 Some people see truth differently,
05:12 and I don't think you can find truth without going to
05:15 the Originator of truth and starting there for your
05:19 truth especially when it comes to medicine;
05:22 especially when it comes to healing.
05:24 And I know we've talked a lot about theory,
05:26 but I think that's a great place you rather talk about prayer.
05:29 You know, let's ask God to be a part, let's communicate
05:33 with Him and ask Him to be a part of our healing
05:35 and see what He can do for us.
05:36 We need to know that!
05:38 That needs to be part of how we look at the world.
05:41 We need to realize that the world
05:44 is not going to give us truth; that science as they interpret
05:48 God, is not going to necessarily give us truth.
05:51 We need to say, "God, what is truth?
05:54 What do You have for me?
05:56 What do I need to hear from you?"
05:57 And the only source we have for that is this Book.
06:00 This is where the truth lives.
06:03 This is where the truth resides.
06:05 And if we're trying to find answers and we're not
06:07 using this Book, we are not going to
06:10 find the truth, it's not going to be there.
06:12 It's not going to be under a microscope.
06:13 It's not going to be an electron scan.
06:15 It's not going to be in any kind of fancy nuclear
06:17 or proton accelerator.
06:20 It's not going to be there!
06:21 We're looking at evidence of God,
06:24 just like we're looking at symptoms of disease.
06:26 We need to look at God Himself, the entire picture...
06:29 then we can find truth.
06:31 Yes, and I think that's important because it's going get
06:33 more blurry as time goes on. Yeah
06:36 And just like the examples we talked about,
06:38 just like Galileo, just like the flatland insects.
06:41 You know, who's to say that there is not more
06:43 dimensions around us that we can't even interpret
06:46 because we're finite and, you know, I had a professor
06:50 back in college that was talking about time.
06:54 You know, God the Creator of time, can see anywhere
06:57 at any time, so God can be anywhere in time
06:59 He wants to be at all times.
07:01 So He can see this whole... you know it's time shift
07:03 and we don't even understand things like that.
07:06 And, you know, God is so much more and healing,
07:09 and treating the body is so much more...
07:12 And that's why I gotta realize, you know, we come up short
07:16 and that's why I want to really emphasize in understanding
07:20 this or even starting to come up with a game plan,
07:23 something that will fit into our lives that makes sense.
07:26 You know, the text, prayer, that's the way we
07:29 communicate with God reading what God has said.
07:32 That's the way we communicate with God.
07:34 Looking at the world and seeing some of the beautiful
07:37 things He has created, that's the way we communicate with God.
07:40 Serving other people, that's the way we communicate with God.
07:44 All of these ways are ways that He has shown us
07:47 that we can build that relationship that has real
07:50 merit, that has real truth, that's something we can
07:53 depend on even though we don't necessarily understand
07:56 all of the chemistry behind it.
07:58 All right, all right, and that is a perfect illustration
08:01 a perfect answer actually, for this next question
08:03 that came into Heartwise Ministries,
08:05 and my heart breaks for this.
08:06 "My son has leukemia and I cannot understand why God
08:11 does not heal him, I am looking for answers."
08:15 Where should this person start looking for answers?
08:18 I have a feeling it's here.
08:20 Yeah, that would be a wonderful place to work,
08:22 and there is so much suffering, and there's people that die,
08:26 there are people out there in our audience that have pains,
08:29 that are suffering from diseases that aren't going to get better,
08:32 there are people out there that have cancer, loved ones die
08:35 in accidents, of illnesses, and in this world it's not fair.
08:41 And not that we don't understand,
08:44 but the hope that I want to let you know is that
08:46 we know that God will heal. Yes
08:50 If we're in that relationship with Him, He will heal.
08:54 And, I look at, for instance, the Apostles,
08:57 a lot of them, they didn't last very long, Charles,
09:00 but they gave their lives in the service of God.
09:05 And, you know, we don't understand everything there is.
09:09 I think that our time on earth is just a finite time.
09:14 It's just a small area, but that doesn't mean that our life,
09:18 God takes it and moves to there.
09:19 God, I think, sees things much differently than we do.
09:22 We have this finite thing... well, if we have terminal cancer
09:26 and pass away, that's it.
09:27 Well, we know that there's something more to this
09:31 We know that there's a God that sees our illnesses...
09:34 then when we are in a relationship with Him,
09:35 He has promised us if we believe what are we going to get?
09:40 Eternal Life! Yes
09:41 That belief, that relationship with Him,
09:42 He is going to heal us... it's just when, where and how.
09:46 And that faith that comes, and our God does not lie.
09:50 Look at the universe we live in.
09:51 The sun, you know, keeps us alive, God provides for us.
09:54 So I think of the text that we have...
09:57 "For God so loved the world that He gave His Son"
10:00 and that we believe... we should be healed.
10:04 So I think that's the formula, God heals, it's just when,
10:10 and sometimes God uses the lives to glorify His cause.
10:15 You know, I think of all the Apostles that gave their lives.
10:18 God used them to glorify His name,
10:21 and God had a plan that we couldn't see.
10:23 Remember, God can see everywhere in time all at once. Right!
10:26 Maybe this person that has cancer,
10:29 that that's going to glorify God or help more people
10:32 come to see God through the struggle, we don't know.
10:35 And it's very important that we don't say,
10:37 "God brought the cancer on this person." That's right!
10:39 God is not doing this so God
10:41 will be glorified and He gives you cancer.
10:43 That's not what it is, but God is using the fact
10:46 that there is cancer in this sinful world.
10:48 He can use that. Yes, He can use that.
10:49 Yeah, He can use anything that He wants.
10:51 "Why I cannot understand why God does not heal him."
10:53 I guess the question is she cannot understand why God
10:56 does not heal him right now, but He could if He wanted to
10:59 if that would be the best way for him to bring glory to Him.
11:03 But what if a person had a serious disease and because of
11:06 that disease, they had a relationship with God.
11:09 And if they didn't have that disease,
11:10 they wouldn't have a relationship with God.
11:12 So what would you rather have?
11:15 Would you rather have that relationship and that loving
11:17 ability to be with your Creator forever?
11:20 Or would you rather live here for 60 years
11:23 and maybe never get plugged in to that.
11:25 So, maybe sometimes, God uses these illnesses
11:27 that we have to see something greater that we can't see
11:31 in and of our self, and I feel for this person.
11:36 Whenever we have a loved one hurt, it hurts us.
11:39 It bothers us... I have 2 kids, Charles,
11:42 and if anything happened to them, I would be hurt,
11:45 and I would ask questions. Sure
11:47 And I think, asking questions is good because
11:50 when you ask these tough questions,
11:52 hopefully, you can find the answers.
11:56 If you never ask the questions, there's never any answers.
11:58 But if you ask God, "Why God, why, teach me why,
12:01 show me why," then at least that helps us to understand.
12:05 And there are answers to these things,
12:06 not that these answers won't hurt and not that we
12:09 understand everything, but this is very important.
12:12 I'm glad this question came in to Heartwise because
12:14 they're looking for answers, continue to look for answers.
12:18 And I hope that they take it seriously
12:20 when they look for answers in the Bible because
12:25 there are ways of fighting back on cancer that are in the Bible.
12:27 There are ways of fighting back on heart disease,
12:29 and diabetes and all these things.
12:31 All of the issues that we face here, there are biblical
12:34 truths, biblical technologies as you called them,
12:36 that can help us deal with it here and now.
12:38 It may not completely cure it, but it helps mitigate it,
12:41 it helps us live with it, there are things that we can do.
12:44 We don't sit back and become victims of what is
12:47 happening to us here, there are things that we can do.
12:49 And that's good news for us.
12:50 Yeah, and just like we talked about, the world being circular,
12:54 and the flatlanders, there are things that we can't understand
12:58 that God uses for His great plan that we can't always figure out.
13:01 So it is our privilege, it is our pleasure to say to God,
13:05 "God, here is where my information,
13:08 here is where my knowledge goes, but, of course, You're way
13:11 up here, so I'm going to say to You, God,
13:13 use this part - even if I don't understand it, use this part.
13:18 Get me past this so that I can understand what You're doing
13:22 and open my eyes to the wonderful truths that You have
13:24 for me here in the Bible, in my life, in inspiration
13:28 that can bring about the healing I'm looking for."
13:31 Let God be God and depend on it
13:33 and believe in it, and healing will come. Stay tuned...
13:43 The question came in about the person that has a loved one
13:46 with cancer - understanding why.
13:48 I think we all struggle with those, at least, I do,
13:51 and in looking for answers, at least we can point to the
13:55 place where we can find answers,
13:57 not that we understand all the answers,
13:59 but there's a God that wants to be with us,
14:00 and nurture that relationship.
14:02 To go to our website - that's heartwiseministries.org
14:06 We have a specific prayer team that prays for each other,
14:09 that helps us understand these big issues,
14:12 and let's us know that God wants to be part of our healing plan.
14:15 I want to pray for you right now...
14:17 Father God, We've learned something today
14:20 and we ant to realize that You are the Ultimate Physician,
14:23 the One that is in charge of healing our bodies, our minds,
14:26 and taking control of our life.
14:28 There are some of those out there, Father, that are
14:30 sick today... We pray for their healing as we continue
14:33 to grow in that relationship with You, is our prayer... Amen


Revised 2015-12-08