Ultimate Prescription

Health on Solid Ground

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Charles Mills & James Marcum


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP00004B

00:01 Welcome back to Ultimate Prescription.
00:02 I'm Charles Mills, this is Dr. James Marcum.
00:05 You know, Dr. Marcum, as we talk about nutrition.
00:08 I don't think there is any subject that we can discuss
00:13 that is not going to get more attention
00:15 and more people may be a little upset with this
00:17 and the idea of what people should eat.
00:20 But you just got through saying
00:21 in the early part of the program,
00:22 I would get some questions here about this,
00:24 you got through saying
00:25 that nutrition is vital for our health.
00:27 So we have to talk about it.
00:29 Yes, we do and we try
00:30 to meet people were they're at, Charles.
00:33 We try to wrap truth and love
00:35 and the first step is just letting everyone know
00:38 that we need to eat well.
00:40 We need to think about the things we put in our body.
00:42 So that's step number one is taking truth
00:44 and wrapping it up and try not to judge people.
00:47 I've written a book called "Ultimate Prescription"
00:50 that goes in great detail about some of the foods
00:52 we should eat and how to do this.
00:53 And this is on our website heartwiseministries.org.
00:57 But what I tell people first is, you know,
00:59 we want to learn about the foods we eat.
01:01 So you brought some apples here.
01:03 Yes, I did. Tell me about that.
01:04 Let's talk about how we need to look at food
01:07 and how we need to look at health?
01:09 I went to a shopping for a hood
01:13 that goes above the stove,
01:15 my wife's kitchen there and the hood broke,
01:19 the fan and the light everything broke.
01:20 So I'd to go buying new one.
01:21 So I went to the store
01:23 and I found the hood section of the store
01:28 and there I found that I had three choices for hoods.
01:31 I could buy a good hood,
01:34 a better hood, and a best hood.
01:36 A good, better, and best.
01:37 And they had different features of what not
01:39 and I made the choice based on what I needed there.
01:41 But this concept of good, better, best,
01:43 stuck in my mind as I was driving home.
01:45 I thought, you know, that's very much like health
01:48 when we talk about health.
01:50 There is good health.
01:51 There is better health and there is best health.
01:54 Now our program is called Ultimate Prescription
01:57 which means we're trying to move
01:58 you to that best health section.
02:01 We want to make sure that you have the absolute best health.
02:05 But some people it will be a real task
02:08 for them to have good health.
02:09 And so let's move into that. Yeah.
02:10 So here is an example.
02:12 Right here in front of me of three ways
02:14 that you can eat apples
02:16 and we're gonna go good, better, best, here. Right.
02:20 The first way is, these are health bars.
02:23 There are apples in there, these are health bars.
02:26 And these are supposed to be very nutrition
02:29 and I suppose they are.
02:31 But the thing about these
02:32 is that there's a lot of sugar in here as well.
02:35 There are a few chemicals as preservatives
02:37 and that you can leave this out and probably
02:39 look just like this in about 30 years.
02:42 You can use this as a way of getting good health,
02:46 if you have bad health,
02:47 you can go to good health with this.
02:48 Okay, that's fine and good.
02:49 Now the next one here, let's go to little bit better.
02:53 Here are some dehydrated apples.
02:56 There's apples in here, here are some dehydrated apples.
02:59 This is simply a Fuji apples,
03:01 my favorite, that have been dehydrated.
03:03 The only ingredient for this, I suppose to the ingredient
03:05 for the other thing, is organic apples.
03:08 So we have some nice
03:09 dehydrated apples and they're delicious.
03:11 You can have better health
03:12 when you eat this. That's fantastic.
03:15 But you know we want to go one step further.
03:17 We want to go from good to better to best.
03:20 If you want to have the best health,
03:25 here you go, the whole apple. Yeah.
03:28 Just go to the store and buy an apple.
03:31 You know, there's no ingredient list on an apple,
03:34 doesn't have to be there for two reasons.
03:36 Number one it's just an apple.
03:39 And number two if we showed all the ingredients
03:43 and all the nutrition of this apple, it would be a book.
03:48 There would be page after page after page
03:51 of all the nutrients that are in this simple apple.
03:55 This is un-messed with. This is the way God intended.
03:57 You pick it off the tree and you eat it.
03:59 That's what God had in mind.
04:00 So we have good, better, and best.
04:04 So when we talk to you on this program about your health,
04:08 we want you to make the steps if necessary to that,
04:10 you may have to go through the good,
04:12 the better, eat a little bit better,
04:13 drink a little bit more water, breath a little bit better,
04:18 eat more plant based, then you move into the better,
04:22 you know, let's have more raw foods,
04:24 fruits as grown, and the best.
04:27 Let's just have foods
04:29 as God had it in the Garden of Eden for us.
04:32 Good, better, best, you can't lose.
04:34 You know, Charles, and I hear though
04:35 patients in the practical world,
04:37 they come into my office.
04:39 They've had their bypass surgery and they say listen,
04:42 I just can't eat this way. I just can't do it.
04:44 I know, I was raised on this type of food. I can't do it.
04:47 Dr. Marcum, I agree
04:49 that this type of diet is the best for me,
04:52 but I can't do it because it upsets me.
04:54 My wife can't cook that way.
04:55 They have a lot of different things.
04:57 So they what we do? You know, what we do?
04:59 And I've given this a lot of thought and prayer.
05:01 And the first thing I said, listen,
05:03 you know, first thing I want you to do
05:05 is to have this relationship with the great physician.
05:08 Let him teach you and ask for the power
05:10 and I've actually done this in my life, Charles.
05:12 And as I made changes,
05:13 I'll make changes one at a time.
05:16 And it might be as simple as drinking water.
05:18 We're not eating big at night or eating little bit of fresh
05:21 and then through that relationship
05:23 and the power that comes
05:24 with that after the getting about this,
05:25 you know, I do feel better.
05:27 And after a while some of the foods
05:29 that used to taste so good, doesn't taste as good.
05:31 And they realize that the power of God
05:34 through the Holy Spirit is changing the way they think,
05:36 the way they live and they're making changes one at a time.
05:39 They're moving up this line towards great health,
05:42 the good, better, best.
05:43 Not everyone moves at the same speed. That's right.
05:46 And like I said, these are things
05:48 that have to be done slowly in some people.
05:50 And we have to wrap truth and love
05:52 and we've to nurture them and encourage them.
05:55 I do a weight management program
05:57 and I had some really big fellows
05:59 that weigh about 400 pounds each.
06:01 And these fellows, you know,
06:03 they ate out this restaurant every single night
06:05 there had a big buffet, do you seen those?
06:07 Oh, my God, yes. And they ate late at night.
06:09 They ate three or four plates full each
06:11 and it wasn't the best food.
06:13 And they had--they both had some problems
06:15 and they were come into this program
06:16 and we gonna help them lose weight
06:17 to change their chemistry
06:18 because they don't want to take pills.
06:20 So the first place we started was in truth.
06:22 The next thing I taught them
06:24 about was relationship with God,
06:25 you know, so they can learn things
06:27 and God will give them the power to make changes.
06:29 And then the first thing I said,
06:30 well, why don't instead of eating five nights a week,
06:32 why don't we only go four nights a week?
06:34 Well, they started doing that and they said.
06:36 Well, we're so hungry
06:37 that we have to go to fast food breakfast place
06:39 and I go, wait a second.
06:41 So but they did that for a month and that,
06:43 God gave him the power not to go every night
06:45 and sooner or later, you know,
06:47 they felt better on the nights and they didn't go.
06:49 So we made that step the first month.
06:51 The next month I said, let's try--
06:52 since water is so important in nutrition
06:54 let's try drinking water. Yeah.
06:56 So they started drinking water and guess
06:58 what after two months they at least lost 10 or 15 pounds.
07:01 And they go, well, would it be possible
07:03 not to eat that big meal at night?
07:05 So they tried doing that and now after two years,
07:08 after two years they're starting
07:10 to like eat vegetables and it taste good
07:13 and when they go back to their old habits
07:14 there chemistry gets worse and they feel bad.
07:17 That's been the power and God's worked in their life
07:19 to make little changes one at a time.
07:21 They feel His power, they feel that relationship
07:24 and they're growing in Him.
07:25 Now they know that the God
07:26 saves them regardless of what they do.
07:28 He's gonna save them. Yes, he's gonna save them.
07:30 But they followed these laws
07:32 just like we've talked in previous programs.
07:34 The law of water, the law of drinking air,
07:36 the law of--even the food we were designed.
07:39 As we do that we feel better,
07:41 we have more energy, our bodies--
07:43 God really changes our minds and starts working with us,
07:46 and these changes are possible.
07:47 So we go good, better, and best.
07:50 Not everyone in this life might be the best,
07:52 but we wanna be on that line heading that direction.
07:55 And there is so much people can read about nutrition,
07:58 but we had to say,
07:59 how important nutrition is. Absolutely.
08:01 You know, you make an important point there
08:03 that in time when you move
08:06 from the good to the better to the best,
08:09 your taste buds adjust.
08:10 Anyone there's been on this journey--
08:12 they're shaking their heads right now.
08:14 They understand this. Your taste buds adjust.
08:16 It can take up to three weeks,
08:18 sometimes four weeks for the taste buds to say
08:20 okay I like the apple better than I like the energy bar.
08:24 Or I like the apple better than I like this version of apple.
08:28 So as you make this journey
08:31 your body goes along and then finally,
08:33 I know, for a fact that if I were to eat this energy bar
08:36 it would just be way too sweet for me.
08:38 It would be too much chemical taste in there.
08:39 I would taste it all because the taste buds
08:42 for all these years when you've been eating all the stuff
08:44 that wasn't good for you, kinda gets dent,
08:47 but when it becomes alive
08:50 and your taste buds suddenly realize good from bad
08:54 and your taste buds are really enjoying this.
08:57 Now let's get to a question
08:58 where we have Dr. Marcum from Heartwiseministries.org,
09:01 people send in questions that you need to answer.
09:03 And we have one hear from a mother
09:05 she says, she's now 93.
09:08 Her mother lives next door,
09:09 some sort, mother lives next door.
09:10 She is 93. And she is independent.
09:12 She often feels tired. Well, she is 93 years old--
09:15 Yeah, I would really get tired too.
09:16 Yeah, her skin is dry. Oh, she get dizzy a lot.
09:21 She's on medication and for blood pressure
09:24 and swollen legs and she was wondering
09:26 if there is anything you can do nutritionally
09:29 for that person, do you have some ideas for her?
09:31 So run this bar, Charles, once more time.
09:33 She is--how she is feeling again?
09:35 She is tired. Okay.
09:37 She has dry skin. Okay.
09:38 And she has blood pressure problem and swollen legs.
09:42 Anything nutritional going on there? Absolutely.
09:45 First of all, you know,
09:46 the dry skin might be just a hydration problem. Yes.
09:49 So drinking of water might help that tremendously.
09:52 Now we know that people that don't get good nutrition
09:55 they might be missing some vitamins, some phytochemicals.
09:58 So just try to eat two or three fresh fruits
10:00 and vegetables a day will definitely help.
10:02 Sometimes as people get older, you know,
10:05 it's harder to chew. They have dentures.
10:07 It's harder to get good nutrition.
10:09 Sometimes it's hard for people to get out
10:10 and choose their foods.
10:12 So, you know, in good, better, best,
10:14 we say, well, if you can't drink water every day
10:16 your thirst goes down the older you get.
10:18 Another thing we can if we can get fresh fruits
10:21 and vegetables that would be great
10:22 if we could eat that during the day.
10:24 We also--as our digestion slows down as we age,
10:27 we need more fiber to keep those bowels moving, you know--
10:31 Well, let me just ask you a quick question.
10:33 How much fiber is in animal products?
10:35 No, nil. That's not what we wanna do.
10:37 None? Yeah.
10:38 Let me give you a short example.
10:41 You know, if I eat a big heavy meal at night,
10:45 with lots of animal products
10:46 that stays in my body a long period of time.
10:49 Normally we keep animal products in the refrigerator
10:52 because if we don't keep it in refrigerator it spoils. Yeah.
10:55 Well, when you put that in a body at 98.6 late at night
10:59 that literally spoils in our bodies,
11:01 not only do we get all the chemicals
11:02 but it doesn't move through our system.
11:04 It sort of spoils, it absorbs bad stuff.
11:06 We get everything that the animal has in it.
11:09 It absorbs just the chemicals
11:10 that bring it to market the steroids and diseases.
11:13 But when we eat more plants, guess what?
11:15 It moves through our system quicker,
11:17 it keeps our bodies going quicker
11:19 and we don't absorb as much.
11:21 So I would tell her drink some more water,
11:23 first start with some fruits and vegetables,
11:25 try not to eat big at night,
11:27 see how you feel at the end of the month
11:28 and then we can move on to step two.
11:30 All right, very good.
11:31 Nutrition, so very, very important to us.
11:34 And again when we're talking about nutrition as the Bible,
11:38 as Genesis, as the creation story tells us.
11:41 We're talking about whole foods, plant-based diet.
11:45 You know, you can be a,
11:47 you can be a Vegan and eat potato chips.
11:50 You can be a Vegan and drink soda pop.
11:53 We're talking about eating fruits as growing,
11:55 whole foods, plant-based diet, so important to us all.
12:05 We've been talking about nutrition today
12:07 and we have a template that was given to us back at creation.
12:11 A diet in a garden that was filled with fruits,
12:13 vegetables, nuts, and grains,
12:15 that's the best diet for us to eat.
12:18 Now we also have talked about how the problems in the world,
12:21 doesn't necessarily give us that food anymore
12:23 and I admit it's hard for all of us to eat the right food.
12:27 And we can't do this without extra power
12:30 I think and that comes from the power
12:31 in that relationship with the Holy Spirit.
12:34 That relationship with God that gives us
12:36 the ability to make changes one at a time
12:39 to do it in a loving manner,
12:40 and not judge other peoples as well as ourselves.
12:43 But we also need the spiritual power
12:45 and how do we get the spiritual power?
12:48 Well, one of the ways we can come in to communion
12:50 with our Heavenly Father is prayer.
12:52 And I wanna offer a prayer with us right now--
12:55 the most important thing that we can do everyday
12:57 is to communicate with our Heavenly Father.
12:59 Let's bow our heads right now together.
13:02 Father God, we wanna thank you for loving us
13:04 and helping us to understand
13:06 that nutrition is vital to our health
13:08 and is also a treatment for disease.
13:10 We know we're not perfect
13:12 and we ask for your power to change our lives
13:14 to help us to eat better,
13:16 to move to this best nutrition plan
13:18 that you gave us back at the Garden of Eden, Father.
13:21 And if there is-- someone that needs,
13:22 you know, in this relationship with you today,
13:24 Father, please come into their lives.
13:26 It's our most humble prayer, amen.
13:29 We have covered a lot today
13:31 and you can go to many different resources
13:33 to learn more about nutrition.
13:34 But I think the big points are this.
13:36 We want to move towards fresh fruits,
13:39 vegetables, nuts and grains diet.
13:40 We want to do it based on the power of God.
13:43 We wanna do it slowly.
13:44 We all wanna have the Holy Spirit in our lives.
13:47 There's so much written about this,
13:49 but you can do this today, just ask God to help you.
13:53 thank you for joining us on Ultimate Prescription
13:55 and remember that Ultimate Prescription
13:57 is that relationship with our Heavenly Father.


Revised 2014-12-17